What if Jews started to behave like the Arabs....

Israel kills dozens in response to the retaliation of one. Israel is far more brutal and savage than its enemies
Then they wouldn't be jews anymore....

Suppose Jews Start Behaving Like Their Enemies? - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

They say that being compassionate at all times begins in our Scriptures. Yes, justice, justice shall you pursue. That’s our Torah.

But what about the other parts of justice – you know Moses and what he did to Egypt in retaliation for Egypt’s abuse of his people, the Hebrews?

They say that David was a man of peace. He sure was. But when attacked, David was a man of war. Read up on this. Read his Psalms. Try Psalm 59, for example, and find: “Rescue me from my foes, Dear Lord…rescue me from bloodthirsty men who surround me…Destroy them!”

Get the picture? (Never mind how times have not changed across 3,000 years.)

They say that compassion is woven in our character…agreed…and that compassion has served us well over the centuries. Baloney.

They say that if we do the measure for measure thing, why then, oh dear, we become like them; we stoop to their level and risk losing our humanity.

Well, humanity – there has not been much of that going around these days. As for the risk of becoming like them – here is what I say.

I say it is worth a shot.

Maybe if we behave (savagely) like them, if only once in a while, finally they will take the hint and leave us alone.

Mario Puzo figured that out while writing “The Godfather.” Get the rival “families” before they get you…and make the rest of them “fear you.”

Settling scores, it’s called.

Suppose, therefore, that Bibi gets a message out with these words: “Murdering Arabs is a national duty.”

Does that make you squirm? Me, too.

That is not Bibi, of course. That’s Abbas: “Murdering Jews is a national duty.” Yes Abbas said that and nobody cringed, nobody in the entire world.

Nobody squirmed.

Suppose Bibi announces that he does not want “filthy Arab feet” stomping holy Jewish ground.

Bibi never says this. Abbas did about “filthy Jewish feet.” The world shrugs.

Suppose Israelis declare days of rage because Arabs stole Jewish land?

No days of rage from the Jews. Only from the Palestinian Arabs.

Suppose Israelis begin stabbing, stoning and shooting Arabs helter-skelter.

That is totally against Jewish practice.

But when the Palestinians practice it, CNN and the BBC and The New YorkTimes will find words and pictures to justify Palestinian murderous behavior.

If the shoe were on the other foot, would the Israelis get the samegenerosity? Or is murdering Jews a Palestinian Arab entitlement?

John Kerry justified Palestinian rage on the settlements, the Jewish settlements.

Arabs, Mr. Secretary, are in a rage everywhere, about everything.

Naturally none of my recommendations has a chance and truly it is against my nature to desire such brutishness on the part of my people.

Besides, what would the neighbors say?

But I must say to my Liberal friends, those who asked, “Jack Engelhard, where is your heart” – did you ask John Kerry the same question?

Did you ask him why he equated Arab killers with Israeli victims, and why was he not OUTRAGED when he heard Abbas saying what he did?

Saying, “Murdering Jews is a national duty.”

Nobody squirmed? That’s right. Nobody squirmed. Nobody cringed.

Did you ask Mrs. Sun at the EU and Mr. Moon at the UN – where was their condemnation for that remark and for the Arab bloodlust that followed?

Take it from someone who knows.

Worry less about Jewish humanity. It is still in place. Worry more about their humanity, whatever there is of it.


Pisses me off when Jews use Torah to justify being a douchebag. More to it than justified self-defense. Is all that stuff about being a good neighbor first as well. Think the Palestinian's complaint is we haven't been good neighbors so invoking Torah to justify retaliation and violence skips over much of it.
You don't get it do you show that you are a complete idiot by claiming the Talmud is a holy book, when in fact it is a collection of law books.
They have no idea what it is, what it entails, or anything about it except what other jackasses have told them, and it is somehow jewish, and therefore they hate it.
Delta is more ignorant than most. His ignorance is so vast it is like trying to explain the cosmos to someone ignorant of a speck of sand.
Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?
Consider converting out of islamism and into a real religion. Your self-hate makes you a danger to yourself and those around you.
The danger is to you, I am not a Muslim, I have no need to base my life on "laws" that were written 4,000 years ago, I have my own life to live
Then they wouldn't be jews anymore....

Suppose Jews Start Behaving Like Their Enemies? - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

They say that being compassionate at all times begins in our Scriptures. Yes, justice, justice shall you pursue. That’s our Torah.

But what about the other parts of justice – you know Moses and what he did to Egypt in retaliation for Egypt’s abuse of his people, the Hebrews?

They say that David was a man of peace. He sure was. But when attacked, David was a man of war. Read up on this. Read his Psalms. Try Psalm 59, for example, and find: “Rescue me from my foes, Dear Lord…rescue me from bloodthirsty men who surround me…Destroy them!”

Get the picture? (Never mind how times have not changed across 3,000 years.)

They say that compassion is woven in our character…agreed…and that compassion has served us well over the centuries. Baloney.

They say that if we do the measure for measure thing, why then, oh dear, we become like them; we stoop to their level and risk losing our humanity.

Well, humanity – there has not been much of that going around these days. As for the risk of becoming like them – here is what I say.

I say it is worth a shot.

Maybe if we behave (savagely) like them, if only once in a while, finally they will take the hint and leave us alone.

Mario Puzo figured that out while writing “The Godfather.” Get the rival “families” before they get you…and make the rest of them “fear you.”

Settling scores, it’s called.

Suppose, therefore, that Bibi gets a message out with these words: “Murdering Arabs is a national duty.”

Does that make you squirm? Me, too.

That is not Bibi, of course. That’s Abbas: “Murdering Jews is a national duty.” Yes Abbas said that and nobody cringed, nobody in the entire world.

Nobody squirmed.

Suppose Bibi announces that he does not want “filthy Arab feet” stomping holy Jewish ground.

Bibi never says this. Abbas did about “filthy Jewish feet.” The world shrugs.

Suppose Israelis declare days of rage because Arabs stole Jewish land?

No days of rage from the Jews. Only from the Palestinian Arabs.

Suppose Israelis begin stabbing, stoning and shooting Arabs helter-skelter.

That is totally against Jewish practice.

But when the Palestinians practice it, CNN and the BBC and The New YorkTimes will find words and pictures to justify Palestinian murderous behavior.

If the shoe were on the other foot, would the Israelis get the samegenerosity? Or is murdering Jews a Palestinian Arab entitlement?

John Kerry justified Palestinian rage on the settlements, the Jewish settlements.

Arabs, Mr. Secretary, are in a rage everywhere, about everything.

Naturally none of my recommendations has a chance and truly it is against my nature to desire such brutishness on the part of my people.

Besides, what would the neighbors say?

But I must say to my Liberal friends, those who asked, “Jack Engelhard, where is your heart” – did you ask John Kerry the same question?

Did you ask him why he equated Arab killers with Israeli victims, and why was he not OUTRAGED when he heard Abbas saying what he did?

Saying, “Murdering Jews is a national duty.”

Nobody squirmed? That’s right. Nobody squirmed. Nobody cringed.

Did you ask Mrs. Sun at the EU and Mr. Moon at the UN – where was their condemnation for that remark and for the Arab bloodlust that followed?

Take it from someone who knows.

Worry less about Jewish humanity. It is still in place. Worry more about their humanity, whatever there is of it.


Pisses me off when Jews use Torah to justify being a douchebag. More to it than justified self-defense. Is all that stuff about being a good neighbor first as well. Think the Palestinian's complaint is we haven't been good neighbors so invoking Torah to justify retaliation and violence skips over much of it.
You don't get it do you show that you are a complete idiot by claiming the Talmud is a holy book, when in fact it is a collection of law books.
They have no idea what it is, what it entails, or anything about it except what other jackasses have told them, and it is somehow jewish, and therefore they hate it.
Delta is more ignorant than most. His ignorance is so vast it is like trying to explain the cosmos to someone ignorant of a speck of sand.
Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?

For the same reason you cant see the violence and terrorism in your brother muslims actions that Israel responds to in kind. Wave a knife around after threatening to kill Jews and the Jews will shoot before you get close enough to use it.
Israel kills dozens in response to the retaliation of one. Israel is far more brutal and savage than its enemies

If the Palestinians did not use brutality and savagery then Israel would not need to respond would they. While the terrorists are lumped together behind women and children for safety then the numbers of casualties will keep going up. Get your fellow muslim terrorist scum to stop and they wont keep getting killed.
Then they wouldn't be jews anymore....

Suppose Jews Start Behaving Like Their Enemies? - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

They say that being compassionate at all times begins in our Scriptures. Yes, justice, justice shall you pursue. That’s our Torah.

But what about the other parts of justice – you know Moses and what he did to Egypt in retaliation for Egypt’s abuse of his people, the Hebrews?

They say that David was a man of peace. He sure was. But when attacked, David was a man of war. Read up on this. Read his Psalms. Try Psalm 59, for example, and find: “Rescue me from my foes, Dear Lord…rescue me from bloodthirsty men who surround me…Destroy them!”

Get the picture? (Never mind how times have not changed across 3,000 years.)

They say that compassion is woven in our character…agreed…and that compassion has served us well over the centuries. Baloney.

They say that if we do the measure for measure thing, why then, oh dear, we become like them; we stoop to their level and risk losing our humanity.

Well, humanity – there has not been much of that going around these days. As for the risk of becoming like them – here is what I say.

I say it is worth a shot.

Maybe if we behave (savagely) like them, if only once in a while, finally they will take the hint and leave us alone.

Mario Puzo figured that out while writing “The Godfather.” Get the rival “families” before they get you…and make the rest of them “fear you.”

Settling scores, it’s called.

Suppose, therefore, that Bibi gets a message out with these words: “Murdering Arabs is a national duty.”

Does that make you squirm? Me, too.

That is not Bibi, of course. That’s Abbas: “Murdering Jews is a national duty.” Yes Abbas said that and nobody cringed, nobody in the entire world.

Nobody squirmed.

Suppose Bibi announces that he does not want “filthy Arab feet” stomping holy Jewish ground.

Bibi never says this. Abbas did about “filthy Jewish feet.” The world shrugs.

Suppose Israelis declare days of rage because Arabs stole Jewish land?

No days of rage from the Jews. Only from the Palestinian Arabs.

Suppose Israelis begin stabbing, stoning and shooting Arabs helter-skelter.

That is totally against Jewish practice.

But when the Palestinians practice it, CNN and the BBC and The New YorkTimes will find words and pictures to justify Palestinian murderous behavior.

If the shoe were on the other foot, would the Israelis get the samegenerosity? Or is murdering Jews a Palestinian Arab entitlement?

John Kerry justified Palestinian rage on the settlements, the Jewish settlements.

Arabs, Mr. Secretary, are in a rage everywhere, about everything.

Naturally none of my recommendations has a chance and truly it is against my nature to desire such brutishness on the part of my people.

Besides, what would the neighbors say?

But I must say to my Liberal friends, those who asked, “Jack Engelhard, where is your heart” – did you ask John Kerry the same question?

Did you ask him why he equated Arab killers with Israeli victims, and why was he not OUTRAGED when he heard Abbas saying what he did?

Saying, “Murdering Jews is a national duty.”

Nobody squirmed? That’s right. Nobody squirmed. Nobody cringed.

Did you ask Mrs. Sun at the EU and Mr. Moon at the UN – where was their condemnation for that remark and for the Arab bloodlust that followed?

Take it from someone who knows.

Worry less about Jewish humanity. It is still in place. Worry more about their humanity, whatever there is of it.


Pisses me off when Jews use Torah to justify being a douchebag. More to it than justified self-defense. Is all that stuff about being a good neighbor first as well. Think the Palestinian's complaint is we haven't been good neighbors so invoking Torah to justify retaliation and violence skips over much of it.
You don't get it do you show that you are a complete idiot by claiming the Talmud is a holy book, when in fact it is a collection of law books.
They have no idea what it is, what it entails, or anything about it except what other jackasses have told them, and it is somehow jewish, and therefore they hate it.
Delta is more ignorant than most. His ignorance is so vast it is like trying to explain the cosmos to someone ignorant of a speck of sand.
Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?
Consider converting out of islamism and into a real religion. Your self-hate makes you a danger to yourself and those around you.
The danger is to you, I am not a Muslim, I have no need to base my life on "laws" that were written 4,000 years ago, I have my own life to live

So why do you invoke those laws and defend islamonazi terrorism and violence ?
Israel kills dozens in response to the retaliation of one. Israel is far more brutal and savage than its enemies

If the Palestinians did not use brutality and savagery then Israel would not need to respond would they. While the terrorists are lumped together behind women and children for safety then the numbers of casualties will keep going up. Get your fellow muslim terrorist scum to stop and they wont keep getting killed.
and if israel didn't use such savagery the palestinians wouldn't need to respond.
see how that circular logic works? neither side can claim clean hands, but only one side is bringing airstrikes and tanks to a fistfight.
Israel kills dozens in response to the retaliation of one. Israel is far more brutal and savage than its enemies

If the Palestinians did not use brutality and savagery then Israel would not need to respond would they. While the terrorists are lumped together behind women and children for safety then the numbers of casualties will keep going up. Get your fellow muslim terrorist scum to stop and they wont keep getting killed.
and if israel didn't use such savagery the palestinians wouldn't need to respond.
see how that circular logic works? neither side can claim clean hands, but only one side is bringing airstrikes and tanks to a fistfight.[/QUOTE

Yeah right. Those Zionists in Israel say they want peace & yet they still refuse to turn over all their nukes, fighter jets, tanks & all other sophisticated weaponry to the noble peace loving, life loving Palestinians to protect Israel.
Israel kills dozens in response to the retaliation of one. Israel is far more brutal and savage than its enemies

If the Palestinians did not use brutality and savagery then Israel would not need to respond would they. While the terrorists are lumped together behind women and children for safety then the numbers of casualties will keep going up. Get your fellow muslim terrorist scum to stop and they wont keep getting killed.
and if israel didn't use such savagery the palestinians wouldn't need to respond.
see how that circular logic works? neither side can claim clean hands, but only one side is bringing airstrikes and tanks to a fistfight.

Yeah right. Those Zionists in Israel say they want peace & yet they still refuse to turn over all their nukes, fighter jets, tanks & all other sophisticated weaponry to the noble peace loving, life loving Palestinians to protect Israel.
Israel kills dozens in response to the retaliation of one. Israel is far more brutal and savage than its enemies

If the Palestinians did not use brutality and savagery then Israel would not need to respond would they. While the terrorists are lumped together behind women and children for safety then the numbers of casualties will keep going up. Get your fellow muslim terrorist scum to stop and they wont keep getting killed.
and if israel didn't use such savagery the palestinians wouldn't need to respond.
see how that circular logic works? neither side can claim clean hands, but only one side is bringing airstrikes and tanks to a fistfight.

Do though as the problem started when the muslims attacked the Jews not the her way round. The Jews were forced into forming defence forces to rush to sites of arab atrocities and fight them back. This anathema to the arabs as they saw themselves as the owners of the Jews and they could do what they wanted
Israel kills dozens in response to the retaliation of one. Israel is far more brutal and savage than its enemies

If the Palestinians did not use brutality and savagery then Israel would not need to respond would they. While the terrorists are lumped together behind women and children for safety then the numbers of casualties will keep going up. Get your fellow muslim terrorist scum to stop and they wont keep getting killed.
and if israel didn't use such savagery the palestinians wouldn't need to respond.
see how that circular logic works? neither side can claim clean hands, but only one side is bringing airstrikes and tanks to a fistfight.

Do you though as the problem started when the muslims attacked the Jews not the her way round. The Jews were forced into forming defence forces to rush to sites of arab atrocities and fight them back. This anathema to the arabs as they saw themselves as the owners of the Jews and they could do what they wanted.
It doesnt matter what legal methods the Jews use to put down the violence and terrorism does itif the Palestinians had the same weapons do you think they would hold back for one second. You forget that the Palestinians are bringing ilal weapons to the same fist fight. Chemical, biological and indiscriminate rockets

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