What I find odd about republican voters is the complete lack of nuance in their philosophy


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Everything is either awesome, or it’s shit. There are no shades of gray. There’s no critical thinking in the way republicans reason. Everything is based more on emotion rather than facts which creates beliefs that are absolute.

Here are some examples of absolutes republican voters believe that not only lack any nuance, but are completely wrong for that reason.

1) Welfare is terrible and it helps no one

2) Trump is an awesome president

3) Any taxation is theft

5) America is the best country in every way.

6) Gun rights are just as important and practical as free speech rights

7) Hillary, Obama, Bill, Schumer, Al Gore or any other democrats for that matter, are all equally terrible people in every way.

8) Any GOP polician who sides with a democrat on anything at all is automatically a RINO.

9) Mad made climate change is a complete myth! GOP officials said so on Fox News therefore it is true!

10) Obama had no positive effect on the country in any way!

11) Any negative story about Trump is fake

12) Any poll showing that Trump is unpopular is not accurate. Any poll showing anything at all positive about Trump is 100% accurate because it came from Rasmussen

13) Abortion is murder regardless of the duration of the pregnancy
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Everything is either awesome, or it’s shit. There are no shades of gray. There’s no critical thinking in the way republicans reason. Everything is based more on emotion rather than facts which creates beliefs that are absolute.

Here are some examples of absolutes republican voters believe that not only lack any nuance, but are completely wrong for that reason.

1) Welfare is terrible and it helps no one

2) Trump is an awesome president

3) Any taxation is theft

5) America is the best country in every way.

6) Gun rights are just as important and practical as free speech rights

7) Hillary, Obama, Bill, Schumer, Al Gore or any other democrats for that matter, are all equally terrible people in every way.

8) Any GOP polician who sides with a democrat on anything at all is automatically a RINO.

9) Mad made climate change is a complete myth! GOP officials said so on Fox News therefore it is true!

10) Obama had no positive effect on the country in any way!

11) Any negative story about Trump is fake

12) Any poll showing that Trump is unpopular is not accurate. Any poll showing anything at all positive about Trump is 100% accurate because it came from Rasmussen

13) Abortion is murder regardless of the duration of the pregnancy

Critical thinking and nuance take a base level of intelligence. Partisan zealots from both sides lack that level, it is the nature of being a zealot.
Everything is either awesome, or it’s shit. There are no shades of gray. There’s no critical thinking in the way republicans reason. Everything is based more on emotion rather than facts which creates beliefs that are absolute.

Here are some examples of absolutes republican voters believe that not only lack any nuance, but are completely wrong for that reason.

1) Welfare is terrible and it helps no one

2) Trump is an awesome president

3) Any taxation is theft

5) America is the best country in every way.

6) Gun rights are just as important and practical as free speech rights

7) Hillary, Obama, Bill, Schumer, Al Gore or any other democrats for that matter, are all equally terrible people in every way.

8) Any GOP polician who sides with a democrat on anything at all is automatically a RINO.

9) Mad made climate change is a complete myth! GOP officials said so on Fox News therefore it is true!

10) Obama had no positive effect on the country in any way!

11) Any negative story about Trump is fake

12) Any poll showing that Trump is unpopular is not accurate. Any poll showing anything at all positive about Trump is 100% accurate because it came from Rasmussen

13) Abortion is murder regardless of the duration of the pregnancy
Hello Billy Boy Boy Boy - YouTube
Everything is either awesome, or it’s shit. There are no shades of gray. There’s no critical thinking in the way republicans reason. Everything is based more on emotion rather than facts which creates beliefs that are absolute.

Here are some examples of absolutes republican voters believe that not only lack any nuance, but are completely wrong for that reason.

1) Welfare is terrible and it helps no one

2) Trump is an awesome president

3) Any taxation is theft

5) America is the best country in every way.

6) Gun rights are just as important and practical as free speech rights

7) Hillary, Obama, Bill, Schumer, Al Gore or any other democrats for that matter, are all equally terrible people in every way.

8) Any GOP polician who sides with a democrat on anything at all is automatically a RINO.

9) Mad made climate change is a complete myth! GOP officials said so on Fox News therefore it is true!

10) Obama had no positive effect on the country in any way!

11) Any negative story about Trump is fake

12) Any poll showing that Trump is unpopular is not accurate. Any poll showing anything at all positive about Trump is 100% accurate because it came from Rasmussen

13) Abortion is murder regardless of the duration of the pregnancy
Only in your limited view...

1. Wrong. Welfare does help people. That's the problem. It helps a great many of the useless eaters live a care free existence, and promotes their breeding with impunity, which worsens the situation for those who pay for it.

2. So far Trump has proven to be quite capable as president, and I personally do think he's doing an awesome job; in spite of the unprecedented obstructionism by the Dems, and outright sabotage by many Republicans.

3.Wrong... Just Wrong; not really much else needs be said on this point.

4. I don't know what happened to number 4 on your list. Maybe Leftists can't count...?

5. I don't think anyone actually thinks this. Everyone at this board, and whom I know in real life find certain aspects of our country in need of improvement. However on the whole... Yes. And it isn't just Republicans who think this; unless there's been some exodus of leftists leaving this country (as so many promised in the event of a Trump win) that isn't being reported by the media. Not to mention the foreigners crashing the gates to get in here...

6.Practicality has nothing to do with it, Because practicality is subjective. Our constitution was never intended to be subjective. Its the bedrock our nation was founded on, and is the wellspring from which all that America has become issues forth.

7.Wrong again. Most republicans realize that people are individually responsible for their own shortcomings, and have no problem holding them responsible on a case, by case basis, in the examples you've offered.

8. Wrong again. Now this GOPers, who consistently align with positions against the voting block of the party deserve the title. Positions, are why we have parties.

9.Global warming as presented by the left is a hoax. Nothing more than a bullshit money grab, acting as a Trojan horse for implementing socialism.

10. Obama is judged by his sum total of achievement, and lasting impact. There's a reason his "legacy" is being erased. His sum total achievements were negative for our nation.

11.Completely ambiguous...

12. Wrong. He's popular with those who like him. Not so much with those who don't. Shocker there. Polls... Oh Christ... Not this again...

13. It is. Age has no bearing on a person possesing a uniquely individual DNA sequence.

You've got a lot to learn about republicans. Read more, post less...
Everything is either awesome, or it’s shit. There are no shades of gray. There’s no critical thinking in the way republicans reason. Everything is based more on emotion rather than facts which creates beliefs that are absolute.

Here are some examples of absolutes republican voters believe that not only lack any nuance, but are completely wrong for that reason.

1) Welfare is terrible and it helps no one

2) Trump is an awesome president

3) Any taxation is theft

5) America is the best country in every way.

6) Gun rights are just as important and practical as free speech rights

7) Hillary, Obama, Bill, Schumer, Al Gore or any other democrats for that matter, are all equally terrible people in every way.

8) Any GOP polician who sides with a democrat on anything at all is automatically a RINO.

9) Mad made climate change is a complete myth! GOP officials said so on Fox News therefore it is true!

10) Obama had no positive effect on the country in any way!

11) Any negative story about Trump is fake

12) Any poll showing that Trump is unpopular is not accurate. Any poll showing anything at all positive about Trump is 100% accurate because it came from Rasmussen

13) Abortion is murder regardless of the duration of the pregnancy
You are ignorant of the viewpoints of republican voters.

I happen to be a republican voter. And like Trump and the vast majority of republican voters, I do not think that welfare is terrible and helps nobody as you ignorantly claim.

You just think they do because Democrats told you believe that, and you lack the critical thinking skills to figure out the truth.

And apparently you do not understand that many people find slavery to be an abhorrent violation of human rights and simply would never support the jackass Democrat party of slavery because they are not morally bankrupt.
Everything is either awesome, or it’s shit. There are no shades of gray. There’s no critical thinking in the way republicans reason. Everything is based more on emotion rather than facts which creates beliefs that are absolute.

Here are some examples of absolutes republican voters believe that not only lack any nuance, but are completely wrong for that reason.

1) Welfare is terrible and it helps no one

2) Trump is an awesome president

3) Any taxation is theft

5) America is the best country in every way.

6) Gun rights are just as important and practical as free speech rights

7) Hillary, Obama, Bill, Schumer, Al Gore or any other democrats for that matter, are all equally terrible people in every way.

8) Any GOP polician who sides with a democrat on anything at all is automatically a RINO.

9) Mad made climate change is a complete myth! GOP officials said so on Fox News therefore it is true!

10) Obama had no positive effect on the country in any way!

11) Any negative story about Trump is fake

12) Any poll showing that Trump is unpopular is not accurate. Any poll showing anything at all positive about Trump is 100% accurate because it came from Rasmussen

13) Abortion is murder regardless of the duration of the pregnancy
While I agree with your OP, it is complete hypocrisy.

So the OP starts a thread about absolutes by using his bias and absolutes about the subject.

This is some funny crap, does the OP realize how stupid they sound with this type of logic?
the dems/left/BLM thinking is just one way: HATE
hate whites/America/police
Everything is either awesome, or it’s shit. There are no shades of gray. There’s no critical thinking in the way republicans reason. Everything is based more on emotion rather than facts which creates beliefs that are absolute.

Here are some examples of absolutes republican voters believe that not only lack any nuance, but are completely wrong for that reason.

1) Welfare is terrible and it helps no one

2) Trump is an awesome president

3) Any taxation is theft

5) America is the best country in every way.

6) Gun rights are just as important and practical as free speech rights

7) Hillary, Obama, Bill, Schumer, Al Gore or any other democrats for that matter, are all equally terrible people in every way.

8) Any GOP polician who sides with a democrat on anything at all is automatically a RINO.

9) Mad made climate change is a complete myth! GOP officials said so on Fox News therefore it is true!

10) Obama had no positive effect on the country in any way!

11) Any negative story about Trump is fake

12) Any poll showing that Trump is unpopular is not accurate. Any poll showing anything at all positive about Trump is 100% accurate because it came from Rasmussen

13) Abortion is murder regardless of the duration of the pregnancy

1. Welfare IS terribly and helps no one. Unless you consider helping not to provide for your self and your family is a good thing.

2. Typical libtard crying on their fucking pillow thread. Just like Trumpkins make normal people hate Trump, your type keep normal people supporting him.

3. Most Taxation is theft. You leftards in New York and Californium seem to agree now that the US won’t be subsidizing property tax’s anymore. Libtards are just as stupid about taxing folks. It’s good as long as it isn’t you.

4. You skipped 4..

5. America IS the best country in every way. I notice you don’t post from Mexico City so you must agree alittle.

6. Gun rights are just as important as free speeches rights. The two go hand in hand. It’s fine if you want to rely on others for your protection seeing how you like welfare so much it’s understandable .

7. Bill, Hillary, Gore, Obama, Schumer, name one thing any of them have done that’s so good? Republicans can take as much credit for bills awesome presidency as well as impeaching him. Hillary only has scandles, Gore fizzled out, and token negros legacy is being erased daily to the point that all he will be is a black guy on a ruler.

8. Only a rino if they keep insisting on amnesty.

9. Yup, going by your global science crowed we should already be living in a distopic road warrior reality by now where all the fish in the sea are dead and water is precious. Well, water is precious, but all your people’s predictions have fallen flat so far.

10. Well, he was half black. I guess that was positive.

11. Not all negative stories about Trump are fake, only the ones in the news like this Russia things this is why y’all are now delving into the sex life of a senior citizen. Gross.

12. All polls show Trump sucking, yet he keeps Winning. Looking like most of America thinks the polls are BS.

M13. Abortion IS murder. You kill a living thing it is murder by definition. It’s also settled hash. Law of the land and 100% legal. Y’all even succeeded I’m making sure Dr’s you canonize like Lewis Goznell and those ladies who sell cut up aborted fetuses can still do their work. Y’all need to learn how to be winners.
Thanks for the laugh... I was getting bored.
Yeah, the truth can be funny sometimes.
Lies like you spewed are even funnier.
So Trump isn’t an awesome? Welfare is a good idea?

No President should be awesome. Maybe terrific on ideas but not made extraordinary from all others.
Welfare run correctly as a hand up for a better life, not just given out and short of one week out of the 4weeks . Seven days of fending for yourself in any way or means possible to make it that last week.
It is far from black and white on all issues.

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