What I and Trump haters have in common...

Where is your proof to counter this FACT from the CBO! Come on .... prove your statement!

1. The FACT is that the Trump tax cut was supposed to grow the GDP 5%

2. Your CBO estimate is NOT current. The real numbers show that the tax cuts were a disaster. Go see all 13 slides QED
The common bond that Trump haters and I have in common is we both think Trump is a braggart ! A loud-mouth! A nouveau riche, Queens New Yorker. A political novice!
I agree with all that.
I'm also pragmatic enough to with over 80 years of living that Trump was not a politician. Was not a politically correct personality. What he was though was the kind of person I've grudgingly respected over the years when it comes to bosses. I'm shouting now... These bosses like Trump got things done!
As a practical American I genuinely respected Trump's results and a lot of that was due to the extremely NEGATIVE MSM's constant bashing of Trump.
Perfect example: Trump was one of only 3 presidents to donate his presidential salary. But here is how the extremely biased and negative MSM reported it, with
negative news!
As a consequence folks, those of you Trump haters are from my point of view not only ignorant as to how the BIASED MSM manipulated you BUT worse, you are not mature enough to see beyond the foibles of Trump and see the GOOD this non-political President again in recent history of my life time 1 of only 2 with no political experience (IKE being the other). You are like grade school kids..."( I don't like johnny because he makes fun of me!!!) you bawl because he is a loud mouth! You complain because he is a braggart. BUT you totally and with total lack of maturity, fail to recognize the tremendous accomplishments of this none-politically correct, executive who in 4 years did so much !
CASE in point: Illegal immigrants.
Trump built a wall..Cut in half by FY2020..
Biden: "I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, " A 76% INCREASE in 2022! 4 Times as many as Trump.

To summarize... Trump is an asshole, a braggart, etc. AND so is Biden. The distinction Trump is NOT a politician but an executive... Biden is a life-long politician!
And yet some of you immature, childish, 6th graders excuse Biden who has now increased YOUR personal cost of living by over 8% vs Trump average of: 1.875%

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Spot on! We see Trump for what he is, the good and the bad. This isn't about electing a boy scout or Mr Rogers. A President should truly represent America's interests before any other country and be tough, hard nosed and feared. We have the exact opposite in Biden and America is paying the price.
What do you mean where is my proof?

And OMG, Biden sounds very philanthropic. Money goes to UPenn? Isn't that better than Trump's pocket? That's where money donated to Trump's Foundation went. And it was SHUT DOWN!

And Trump's organization was just given the max penalty for tax evasion. What's wrong with you? I mean seriously. You swallow Alex Jones conspiracy theories but give Trump a pass on all his crimes and corruption.

Oh, and god knows how much Dark Money Trump's been given, thanks to you mother fuckers and Citizens United. Don't complain now bitch.
Talk about DARK MONEY???
You get all your information from the groups that donated 96% to Hillary, she lost, they spent 4 years and a minimum of $400 million free advertising in just 3 months and then donated 90% to Biden. And yet you believe every word they create.
You're just so wrong. He was not a Diplomat. He did not know how to run a country. Not even close. The only thing he did was pass a massive tax break which also contributed to inflation btw.
Because diplomats get things done! NOT!
1. The FACT is that the Trump tax cut was supposed to grow the GDP 5%

2. Your CBO estimate is NOT current. The real numbers show that the tax cuts were a disaster. Go see all 13 slides QED
View attachment 748123

Your above 13 slides came from : January 28, 2020​

The Budget Outlook for 2020 to 2030 in 13 Slides | Congressional Budget Office

Smith on Five-Year Anniversary of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Republican Tax Relief Delivered for American Families​

December 22, 2022
TCJA reduced the tax burden on families and businesses, while managing to bring in historic revenues to federal coffers.
Tax revenues reached an all-time high of $4.9 trillion for fiscal year 2022, $900 billion higher than the Congressional Budget Office projected for 2022 when TCJA was signed into law and $1.6 trillion higher than before TCJA passed. These results show that Washington does not have a revenue problem and the path to fiscal sanity is through drastically curbing wasteful spending, not the Democrat strategy of hiring 87,000 IRS agents to target more families, raising taxes on the middle-class, and spending trillions.

Your above 13 slides came from : January 28, 2020​

The Budget Outlook for 2020 to 2030 in 13 Slides | Congressional Budget Office

Smith on Five-Year Anniversary of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Republican Tax Relief Delivered for American Families​

December 22, 2022
TCJA reduced the tax burden on families and businesses, while managing to bring in historic revenues to federal coffers.
Tax revenues reached an all-time high of $4.9 trillion for fiscal year 2022, $900 billion higher than the Congressional Budget Office projected for 2022 when TCJA was signed into law and $1.6 trillion higher than before TCJA passed. These results show that Washington does not have a revenue problem and the path to fiscal sanity is through drastically curbing wasteful spending, not the Democrat strategy of hiring 87,000 IRS agents to target more families, raising taxes on the middle-class, and spending trillions.

1. My slide was from the CBO, not a Republican congressman. After the dems throw $6T from helicopters.

2. Here's a readable article. Trump's tax cuts are a disaster.
The best early estimate for the fiscal effects of the tax law was a 2018 Congressional Budget Office (CBO) analysis that forecast the tax cuts would reduce federal revenue by $1.9 trillion over a decade. That included $2.3 trillion in foregone revenue, mostly from individual and corporate tax receipts that would be lower than otherwise under the new law, and $460 billion in new revenue from a slight boost to growth.
The common bond that Trump haters and I have in common is we both think Trump is a braggart ! A loud-mouth! A nouveau riche, Queens New Yorker. A political novice!
I agree with all that.
I'm also pragmatic enough to with over 80 years of living that Trump was not a politician. Was not a politically correct personality. What he was though was the kind of person I've grudgingly respected over the years when it comes to bosses. I'm shouting now... These bosses like Trump got things done!
As a practical American I genuinely respected Trump's results and a lot of that was due to the extremely NEGATIVE MSM's constant bashing of Trump.
Perfect example: Trump was one of only 3 presidents to donate his presidential salary. But here is how the extremely biased and negative MSM reported it, with
negative news!
As a consequence folks, those of you Trump haters are from my point of view not only ignorant as to how the BIASED MSM manipulated you BUT worse, you are not mature enough to see beyond the foibles of Trump and see the GOOD this non-political President again in recent history of my life time 1 of only 2 with no political experience (IKE being the other). You are like grade school kids..."( I don't like johnny because he makes fun of me!!!) you bawl because he is a loud mouth! You complain because he is a braggart. BUT you totally and with total lack of maturity, fail to recognize the tremendous accomplishments of this none-politically correct, executive who in 4 years did so much !
CASE in point: Illegal immigrants.
Trump built a wall..Cut in half by FY2020..
Biden: "I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, " A 76% INCREASE in 2022! 4 Times as many as Trump.

To summarize... Trump is an asshole, a braggart, etc. AND so is Biden. The distinction Trump is NOT a politician but an executive... Biden is a life-long politician!
And yet some of you immature, childish, 6th graders excuse Biden who has now increased YOUR personal cost of living by over 8% vs Trump average of: 1.875%

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View attachment 748044
View attachment 748042

Speaking of ignorance, where to begin with you? Illegal immigration! Son, if you are eighty, somebody must have kicked you out of every history class; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - TheHumanist.com Stop scapegoating illegals and admit our transgressions.

Trump stole millions from his own charity that was supposed to go to children with cancer, Trump University stole $40 million from unsuspecting victims, and Trump Org. was convicted of tax crimes. So, don't insult our intelligence with his salary. It's gross.

Also you ignoramus, Biden didn't increase the cost of living, covid did. Did you know that roughly 500 people die in the U.S. every day of Covid, while Trump called it a hoax?
You wrote:

Tell me what kind of fight this is then: "I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border,
or this fight with an entity that RAISES YOUR cost of living...unless you don't drive???
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

The "fossil fuels industry really took this to heart!
I dare you no, I double dare you to watch this commercial and tell me YOUR daily lives aren't exemplified by the actors!
YOU can't because they are the way almost ALL Americans are!

Damn son, you're Eighty, and I'll bet you never set foot in a school house. You do understand don't you, that fossil fuel is a finite resource right?
I know,when our biggest trollboy can’t counter facts thst prove biden is a traiter and hates America,he runs off everytime like clockwork. :auiqs.jpg: Just as his boss at the dnc tells him.
How is he a traitor?

Your above 13 slides came from : January 28, 2020​

The Budget Outlook for 2020 to 2030 in 13 Slides | Congressional Budget Office

Smith on Five-Year Anniversary of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Republican Tax Relief Delivered for American Families​

December 22, 2022
TCJA reduced the tax burden on families and businesses, while managing to bring in historic revenues to federal coffers.
Tax revenues reached an all-time high of $4.9 trillion for fiscal year 2022, $900 billion higher than the Congressional Budget Office projected for 2022 when TCJA was signed into law and $1.6 trillion higher than before TCJA passed. These results show that Washington does not have a revenue problem and the path to fiscal sanity is through drastically curbing wasteful spending, not the Democrat strategy of hiring 87,000 IRS agents to target more families, raising taxes on the middle-class, and spending trillions.

Donald Trump

During his single term, Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017, which slashed corporate and personal income tax rates. Considered by many a boon for the wealthiest Americans and corporations, at the time of its passage, the Congressional Budget Office estimated the cuts would increase the federal deficit by $1.9 trillion.

While the Treasury Secretary estimated that the tax cuts would decrease the federal deficit, the deficit increased from $665 billion in 2017 to $3.13 trillion in 2020. The tax cuts drove some of this increase but multiple Covid relief packages were responsible for the majority of the increase.

The federal debt held by the public increased from $14.6 trillion in 2017 to over $21 trillion in 2020. Public debt and intragovernmental debt (the amount owed to federal retirement trust funds like the Social Security Trust Fund) make up the national debt. It’s the amount of money the U.S. owes to outside debtors such as U.S. banks and investors, businesses, individuals, state and local governments, Federal Reserve and foreign governments and international investors like Japan and China. The money is borrowed to raise the cash needed to keep the U.S. operating. It includes Treasury bills, notes, and bonds. Other holders of public debt include Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), U.S. savings bonds and state and local government series securities.
It's not "our" problem. It's the problem of idiots who borrowed money and don't want to pay it back.
Sorry but one minute when Trump's admitting this society is not working for middle class Americans, you agree. But then we point out how and where things are getting too unaffordable, and of course you blame the borrowers, or workers, or Democrats.

Never do you blame Republicans or the corporations or the Universities.

Sorry, but something has to be done about the out of control price of school. Same as inflation. Both are problems. We need an educated society. Just look at the uneducated that followed Trump. That's why we need to educate America. It's important. And college should not cost $100,000. Are you insane?

Next you'll tell those people to become plumbers.
Talk about DARK MONEY???
You get all your information from the groups that donated 96% to Hillary, she lost, they spent 4 years and a minimum of $400 million free advertising in just 3 months and then donated 90% to Biden. And yet you believe every word they create.
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Bullshit. It's dark money so you wouldn't know. The only reason we know is because some rich guy recently admitted that he donates mostly to Democrats but his dark money donations go to Republicans. Because he knows his customers won't like it if he's a Republican. So he publicly gives Democrats $100 and privately gives Republicans $1 million.

Then you think he's a Democrat. Wake up
Bullshit. It's dark money so you wouldn't know. The only reason we know is because some rich guy recently admitted that he donates mostly to Democrats but his dark money donations go to Republicans. Because he knows his customers won't like it if he's a Republican. So he publicly gives Democrats $100 and privately gives Republicans $1 million.

Then you think he's a Democrat. Wake up
You know NO ONE believes what you write because your comments are your personal, subjective, BIASED opinions! ZERO proof!
Here with these two articles follow the links to the proof!

"Journalists at The New York Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, and Houston Chronicle are among dozens of reporters, editors, and other newspeople who've given tens of thousands of dollars to political candidates and causes," said the report headlined, "Meet 39 journalists who made political contributions. They're among dozens who've together given at least $110,000 mostly to 2020 Democrats, including Biden, Bernie, and AOC."

CPI identified about 430 individuals working in journalism who contributed to either candidate between January 2015 and August 2016. Of the $396,000 they contributed, 96 percent ($382,000) went to Clinton, and 4 percent (about $14,000) went to Trump.[4]
Speaking of ignorance, where to begin with you? Illegal immigration! Son, if you are eighty, somebody must have kicked you out of every history class; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - TheHumanist.com Stop scapegoating illegals and admit our transgressions.

Trump stole millions from his own charity that was supposed to go to children with cancer, Trump University stole $40 million from unsuspecting victims, and Trump Org. was convicted of tax crimes. So, don't insult our intelligence with his salary. It's gross.

Also you ignoramus, Biden didn't increase the cost of living, covid did. Did you know that roughly 500 people die in the U.S. every day of Covid, while Trump called it a hoax?
Talk about being DUMB!!! NOT one link! NOT one substantiation! Almost all the comments I make have proof and here is proof that people like you are not to be believed as you make up everything!...
YOU WROTE the following with not one single line of proof!
Trump stole millions from his own charity that was supposed to go to children with cancer, Trump University stole $40 million from unsuspecting victims, and Trump Org. was convicted of tax crimes. So, don't insult our intelligence with his salary. It's gross.

Also you ignoramus, Biden didn't increase the cost of living, covid did. Did you know that roughly 500 people die in the U.S. every day of Covid, while Trump called it a hoax?

Your statement "roughly 500 people die in U.S. every day"....
Is so made up! I can't believe it.
For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate.
For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death. For data on deaths involving COVID-19 by time-period, jurisdiction, and other health conditions,
So while according to my daily monitoring of this web site:
Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0-18 Years | Data | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
for the last 1,022 days since 3/31/20.. proof!!!
Total deaths in USA as of 1/17/23 1,125,558... with 5% ONLY COVID... or per day 55 deaths per day due strictly to COVID!
NOW dummies like you have NO IDEA what this word means ..."COMORBIDITY".
That is important because again from the below chart JUST 1,620 deaths of kids under 18 as of 1/17/2023 and of those 5% strictly from COVID OR
81 kids under age 18 died strictly from COVID! The other 1,539 deaths just like the rest of the 1,125,558 deaths DUE TO COMORBIDITY!
Again you don't know what that word means but some clues:
Most deaths over age 65 and guess what dummy... 75% of the largest number of COMORBIDITY deaths were from Flu/pneumonia were causes of the
50% of the 1,125,558 USA deaths! AGAIN dummy those over 65 have the most risks of deaths because of their conditions!
But like all dummies like you FACTS just confuse you! YOU need simplicity!
SO DUMMY! Look at the below tables and see what age group you are in and then which of the conditions could cause you COMORBIDITY death!
BUT not 500 deaths per day of the majority of over 65 Americans. FACTS not guesses!

Screen Shot 2023-01-17 at 11.01.36 AM.png
You know NO ONE believes what you write because your comments are your personal, subjective, BIASED opinions! ZERO proof!
Here with these two articles follow the links to the proof!

"Journalists at The New York Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, and Houston Chronicle are among dozens of reporters, editors, and other newspeople who've given tens of thousands of dollars to political candidates and causes," said the report headlined, "Meet 39 journalists who made political contributions. They're among dozens who've together given at least $110,000 mostly to 2020 Democrats, including Biden, Bernie, and AOC."

CPI identified about 430 individuals working in journalism who contributed to either candidate between January 2015 and August 2016. Of the $396,000 they contributed, 96 percent ($382,000) went to Clinton, and 4 percent (about $14,000) went to Trump.[4]
View attachment 748262
Generation X and younger people don't see it your way boomer.

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