What have Republicans, other than Lincoln and Eisenhower, ever done for America?

I suppose Red Jen has a point. Democrats brought America the KKK, Jim Crow laws, two World Wars, the welfare state, and the normalization of faggotry. Hard to compete with that.
They ….

Fear monger against Mexicans and Muslims
Breed hatred against gays
Support the mega wealthy
Support Putin
There’s good reason to hate and fear people who don’t accept our values and culture (yet want to come here and benefit from our Society

Why shouldn’t the wealthy be supported as much as those who aren’t? Hell supporting the wealthy majes far more sense than supporting the poor.

Supporting any foreign Nation, Government, Corporation or Citizen is inappropriate for ANY American Citizen.
Republicans dont actually do anything
That’s exactly what most of us who vote for them WANT them to do.

Well, lately nothing, other than trying to advance the nefarious interests of Communist Russia lover Donald Trump.

John Durham was an abject failure. What did he prove to help Republicans? They can't get anywhere with their BIG investigations of Hunter and President Biden. Jimbo Jordan is totally lost with his "committee." Marjorie and Lauren are at each other's throats like a couple of alley cats.

And, this is the party that wants to run the country; good luck with that! Bigly!!!

the rw nutters in congress aren't real repubs; but POD people.
Accomplishments alone are meaningless without valid points of comparison. Only narrow minded twits would fail to comprehend that.
Have you listed any accomplishments? Don’t you think you should start there?

No you don’t need to compare to answer the question

Well, lately nothing, other than trying to advance the nefarious interests of Communist Russia lover Donald Trump.

John Durham was an abject failure. What did he prove to help Republicans? They can't get anywhere with their BIG investigations of Hunter and President Biden. Jimbo Jordan is totally lost with his "committee." Marjorie and Lauren are at each other's throats like a couple of alley cats.

And, this is the party that wants to run the country; good luck with that! Bigly!!!

The problem with this question is that it subscribes to the same misconception that a lot of people use to criticize the Democrats. You can't compare parties across generations because our two-party system changes about once per generation, because the world changes around them. Issues important or even relevant to a certain group of voters often change or disappear completely as time goes on.

You might as well criticize a party for its stance on the silver standard, or ask what the Anti-Federalists have done for us lately.
It's up to both parties to safeguard the working middle and lower class workers....the REAL americans. Class divisions.
FDR had oratory skills that could make a menu sound profound. What the hell does "all we have to fear is fear itself" mean? The media loved it so Americans did too. JFK had a certain oratory skill that was enhanced by the mainstream media. He went to Berlin while the Russians were building the notorious wall and called himself a jelly donut (berliner)_and went home leaving the Germans to be shot in the back until the Reagan administration. The media loved the speech. JFK called for a man on the moon and the idiot media historians give him credit for it. Nixon was a doddering federal lawyer with little oratory skills and the media reviled and hated him. No wonder a generation of kids thought JFK put a man on the moon.

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