Bud Lights New Ad: Buy Our Beer You Idiot White Trailer Trash Hicks

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Well, trailer trash hicks were the ones pitching a tantrum.
Pretty good commercial. It was well done I liked it. They are a good company they should make come back but it may take time.
InBev is a good company???????????????
They are pure evil.
They have bought up great brands like Rolling Rock and shut down their whole operation, firing every employee, some generational workers... and fake brew the beer in their corporate mass breweries.
They have done this all over the country.
Good company.... damn.
Always great marketing to portray your target demo as a bunch of hapless, bungling, schmendricks!
Seems MAGAs are proud of being hapless bungling schmendrics. They are opposed to education.
You see, when you’re trying to get back in your customers’ good graces, a charming way to do that is to make gentle fun of yourselves. Instead, Bud Light chose to make gentle fun of their customers.

That is only because at a fundamental level, AB has no respect for their customers and only market them for their money. That is why the whole Dunlavy thing happened in the first place. They only pulled that back because it didn't sell. Their new ad just shows how they really feel about the customer base they have lost and now want back.
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