What has happened to this place?


The Natural
Apr 22, 2006
It used to be off the map, it was vibrant, it was essential, it was a must post, grab you by the balls kinda forum.It looks to be in palliative care now, what happened here?
It used to be off the map, it was vibrant, it was essential, it was a must post, grab you by the balls kinda forum.It looks to be in palliative care now, what happened here?

Hi Roomy. Still not finished that pint I see. Yeh. Have to agree. It started going down hill when Gunny went.
It used to be off the map, it was vibrant, it was essential, it was a must post, grab you by the balls kinda forum.It looks to be in palliative care now, what happened here?

Things change, it's the nature of the beast, it's still active here though. You can come here anytime of the day or night and find someone awake and posting.

Not the same people (maybe) but I still like it. Welcome back, hope your holidays are sweet this year. :D
It used to be off the map, it was vibrant, it was essential, it was a must post, grab you by the balls kinda forum.It looks to be in palliative care now, what happened here?

Hey dude!

Our presidential election was extremely devicive. It has remained so in the country and here on USMB.. Some of the members.. CG and others have chosen to leave..some on bets against who won the election ...some just because of the butt hurt in losing the illusion that American does not really support their views like they thought. Now it is like some armongeddon aftermath around here.... :lol:

Or not...it is alway what you make it..:lol:
Dunno what it was like before I got here, but there's too much hostility around here. No respect, no tolerance, no live and let live. Not as much fun or as interesting as it could be, and that's on all of us to make it better. One nice thing is the CDZ, things are at least a little less vitriolic there.
It used to be off the map, it was vibrant, it was essential, it was a must post, grab you by the balls kinda forum.It looks to be in palliative care now, what happened here?

it got overrun by loons from rightwingnuthackworld

hi, roomy.

thats more than balanced by the leftist twits that are here.


This Sandy Hook thing has driven some already serious sociopathes over a cliff. They lost an election they had conviced themselves they couldn't lose and now they are totally freaking out about their guns being taken away.

I've never seen so many threads and blowback about a clear random tragedy. Typical GOPers...not a second thought about the victims.. within minutes it became a tragedy for them.. The true victims are not even all in the ground yet..disgusting.
I think the rep system is out of control. On the good porn boards you get rep for good links and substantial posts. Ya lose rep when you go nuts claiming fake body parts are natural or make racist comments. This place is like rep welfare land!
This Sandy Hook thing has driven some already serious sociopathes over a cliff. They lost an election they had conviced themselves they couldn't lose and now they are totally freaking out about their guns being taken away.

I've never seen so many threads and blowback about a clear random tragedy. Typical GOPers...not a second thought about the victims.. within minutes it became a tragedy for them.. The true victims are not even all in the ground yet..disgusting.

Exhibit A, dumbfucktis at it's finest.
I participated in a very small board that felt like you were arguing with your immovable relative or neighbor.
It would start with a current event topic and soon digress into insults, talking points of either side, or personal (literally) attacks. (Hmm, happens here A LOT).
Lost a poster who could be a bit inflammatory but that usually happened only after he was attacked.
Who needs that?
Another board member suggested popping on here but I can see its the same just more players.
Doesn't induce me to want to participate much when I really would like to hear someone's opinion that doesn't conform with mine and perhaps see a topic in a different light.
It's very frustrating.
This Sandy Hook thing has driven some already serious sociopathes over a cliff. They lost an election they had conviced themselves they couldn't lose and now they are totally freaking out about their guns being taken away.

I've never seen so many threads and blowback about a clear random tragedy. Typical GOPers...not a second thought about the victims.. within minutes it became a tragedy for them.. The true victims are not even all in the ground yet..disgusting.

Exhibit A, dumbfucktis at it's finest.

What exactly do you find fault with my comment? At least you didn't call me a liberal.

Maybe you were not aware. There are way more whiney threads from the right wing supposed "victims" than there were about the election. There are way more threads about how this tragedy might possibly affect gun rights by far than any compassion for the survivors in Newtown.

Hey "Dumbfuckitis"..Go fuck yourself.
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I think the rep system is out of control. On the good porn boards you get rep for good links and substantial posts. Ya lose rep when you go nuts claiming fake body parts are natural or make racist comments. This place is like rep welfare land!

yeah, well the ones getting neged for just that..... whined enough to have it changed.
I think the rep system is out of control. On the good porn boards you get rep for good links and substantial posts. Ya lose rep when you go nuts claiming fake body parts are natural or make racist comments. This place is like rep welfare land!

"good porn boards"? Really? I can't believe there is any such thing you nasty little tramp.
It used to be off the map, it was vibrant, it was essential, it was a must post, grab you by the balls kinda forum.It looks to be in palliative care now, what happened here?

it got overrun by loons from rightwingnuthackworld

hi, roomy.
How about over run with left wing loony liars?

Exactly. It's the opposite. There are left wing trolls who do nothing but start duplicate threads like a machine gun. As out of control it is the admin must want it that way.
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I think the rep system is out of control. On the good porn boards you get rep for good links and substantial posts. Ya lose rep when you go nuts claiming fake body parts are natural or make racist comments. This place is like rep welfare land!

Have you always been a twat, or are you making an exception for today?
This Sandy Hook thing has driven some already serious sociopathes over a cliff. They lost an election they had conviced themselves they couldn't lose and now they are totally freaking out about their guns being taken away.

I've never seen so many threads and blowback about a clear random tragedy. Typical GOPers...not a second thought about the victims.. within minutes it became a tragedy for them.. The true victims are not even all in the ground yet..disgusting.
Project much? :muahaha:

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