What Happened to States Rights?

Reparations for what?

When California had so many black slaves?

Tax payer money to buy votes. SCOTUS needs to block this clear corruption of democracy.
Since you know reparations are not just for slavery the consistent reference to slavery is purposeful ignorance.
Not fine by me. California was a free state from day one. Reparations for what?

It's naked embezzlement of taxpayer money to openly buy votes. Corruption in the most base way.
For racial abuses suffered by blacks in California.
Why do you keep repeating this stupidity?

There is a need to involve the people who benefitted from Apartheid which includes all living citizens now.
Please explain what is stupid about what I said?
Is it that Cali is free to do any dumbass thing they want?
Or is really that you're upset I'm not paying jack for slavery when I have never owned a slave & nobody alive has ever been a slave?
You'd have a better chance if you just asked us all for charity than "reparations".
At least that's an honest cause.
You want a handout. Own it.
Since you know reparations are not just for slavery the consistent reference to slavery is purposeful ignorance.
So now the basis of the topic has changed. If it’s not just for slavery what else is it? What does the government owe you for?

Piss poor family planning, lack of paying attention in school, dropping out of school, the highest crime rates based on race, the lowest two parent family rates, a culture that promotes failure in anything but sports or rap.

Is that what we owe you for?
Since votes aren't being bought...
That's all this is, a naked attempt by the democrat party to buy black votes using taxpayer money.

Even if the Nazi vermin in Sacramento pass this, even of Kim Jong Newsom is stupid enough to sign it, it will never survive federal courts.

With 58% Hispanic in California and only 5.3% black, I doubt Newsom would ever sign it, since it would be political suicide.

You think that because most of the whites have left you can get away with this shit, but the Mexicans won't be too fond of their kids going hungry so democrats can buy black votes.
Maybe so but theses are leaders the people of California elected so this on them you get the government you elect.


WE passed laws to save this state. The federal COURTS overruled and destroyed the golden state. Prop 187, Prop 209 - the corrupt federal government CRUSHED the will of the people on behalf of illegal aliens and the democrat party.
So now the basis of the topic has changed. If it’s not just for slavery what else is it? What does the government owe you for?

Piss poor family planning, lack of paying attention in school, dropping out of school, the highest crime rates based on race, the lowest two parent family rates, a culture that promotes failure in anything but sports or rap.

Is that what we owe you for?

Whitey owes him because we white. It's a skin tax.
True dat. It is more like extortion money being paid in hopes of stopping the Burning, Looting and Murdering.

The problem here is that the virtue-signaling dumb shits are only creating more of it by rewarding bad behavior. The lesson being learned if that if blacks want free shit, all they have to do is run amok.

WE passed laws to save this state. The federal COURTS overruled and destroyed the golden state. Prop 187, Prop 209 - the corrupt federal government CRUSHED the will of the people on behalf of illegal aliens and the democrat party.
Whatever gets you through the day you want to blame everyone but the voters of California for the current conditions in the state fine have it I won’t waste time trying to convince you otherwise.
What's the point? California's decision to confiscate taxpayer dollars to repay a certain segment of society for slavery that existed before California became a state is an example of states rights, isn't it?
California may be considering reparations and the complaining has begun.

What happened to states rights?

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Good. All you whiners can move to cali. The normal people are leaving in droves. You all can tax the shit out of each other.

Good luck!
California may be considering reparations and the complaining has begun.

What happened to states rights?
What are you on about? How does this violate states' rights?
Why do you keep repeating this stupidity?

There is a need to involve the people who benefitted from Apartheid which includes all living citizens now.

You stupid fucking assholes are pulling a Hatfield and McCoy, you're perpetuating racial hatred that disappeared a long time ago.

The truth is, this country has been bending over backwards for SIXTY years to help you fucktards, and all you can do is bitch about it. And you STILL can't get your shit together, you dimwits are off shooting each other every goddamn day and you want ME to pay for that?

Maybe you're dumber than a stump, who knows.

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