What GW Bush didn't do as President...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
In spite of inheriting:
1) The Stock Market Crash of 2000-2002 caused the loss of
$5 trillion in the market value of companies from March 2000 to October 2002. Dot-com bubble - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2) In spite of Experiencing
the WORST attack in USA history, far worse the Pearl Harbor,
that killed 3,000 people and destroyed $1 trillion real hard assets, destroyed businesses JOB losses of 1.7 million 2002 -2003, and then required creation of a BRAND NEW Federal Agency Homeland Security
3)In spite of Experiencing
the Worst hurricane SEASONS.. (7 of the 10 worst hurricanes)

1. Katrina(LA/MS/AL/SE FL) 2005 3 $81,000,000,000
3. Wilma (FL) 2005 3 $20,600,000,000
4. Ike (TX/LA/MS) 2008 2 $18,000,000,000
5. Charley (FL) 2004 4 $14,000,000,000
6. Ivan (FL/AL) 2004 3 $13,000,000,000
7. Rita (LA/TX) 2005 3 $10,000,000,000
9. Frances (FL) 2004 2 $8,860,000,000
12. Jeanne (FL) 2004 3 $6,500,000,000

Bush did NOT
1) Blame it on the economy.
2) Blame it America as Obama said:
"...this is a great, great country that had gotten a little soft and we didn’t have that same competitive edge that we needed over the last couple of decades.” or "But we’ve been a little bit lazy, I think, over the last couple of decades"
3) Blame it on Americans as Obama did 'They cling to guns or religion'.
4) Apologize to the world for Americans giving
a) Total deaths fighting for other countries' freedoms from :
WWI to Iraq over 625,884 deaths
b) Cost the USA over $6.724 trillion in 2011 dollars (WWII $4.1 trillion)!
President BUSH NEVER apologized for an American ACTIONS like these:
10 most significant apologies by the President of the United States in his first four months of office as they relate to foreign policy and national security issues.

Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower
Apologies to
1. France and Europe ("America Has Shown Arrogance")
2. Muslim World ("We Have Not Been Perfect")
3. Summit of the Americas ("At Times We Sought to Dictate Our Terms")
4. G-20 Summit ("Some Restoration of America's Standing in the World")
5. War on Terror ("We Went off Course")
6. Guantanamo in France ("Sacrificing Your Values")
7. Turkish Parliament ("Our Own Darker Periods in Our History")
8. U.S. Policy toward the Americas ("The United States Has Not Pursued
and Sustained Engagement with Our Neighbors")
9. Mistakes of the CIA ("Potentially We've Made Some Mistakes")
10.Guantanamo in Washington ("A Rallying Cry for Our Enemies")

NEVER based ON the TRILLIONS GIVEN by Americans, the lives given by Americans and the Trillions spent in providing FREEDOM to billions of people should any President EVER HAVE TO apologize and again... AT LEAST BUSH DIDN"T!!!!
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OH right!!! Which I should have remembered as I have had several conversations with the man that holds patents on ATMs and is still alive!
In spite of inheriting:
1) The Stock Market Crash of 2000-2002 caused the loss of
$5 trillion in the market value of companies from March 2000 to October 2002. Dot-com bubble - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2) In spite of Experiencing
the WORST attack in USA history, far worse the Pearl Harbor,
that killed 3,000 people and destroyed $1 trillion real hard assets, destroyed businesses JOB losses of 1.7 million 2002 -2003, and then required creation of a BRAND NEW Federal Agency Homeland Security
3)In spite of Experiencing
the Worst hurricane SEASONS.. (7 of the 10 worst hurricanes)

1. Katrina(LA/MS/AL/SE FL) 2005 3 $81,000,000,000
3. Wilma (FL) 2005 3 $20,600,000,000
4. Ike (TX/LA/MS) 2008 2 $18,000,000,000
5. Charley (FL) 2004 4 $14,000,000,000
6. Ivan (FL/AL) 2004 3 $13,000,000,000
7. Rita (LA/TX) 2005 3 $10,000,000,000
9. Frances (FL) 2004 2 $8,860,000,000
12. Jeanne (FL) 2004 3 $6,500,000,000

Bush did NOT
1) Blame it on the economy.
2) Blame it America as Obama said:
"...this is a great, great country that had gotten a little soft and we didn’t have that same competitive edge that we needed over the last couple of decades.” or "But we’ve been a little bit lazy, I think, over the last couple of decades"
3) Blame it on Americans as Obama did 'They cling to guns or religion'.
4) Apologize to the world for Americans giving
a) Total deaths fighting for other countries' freedoms from :
WWI to Iraq over 625,884 deaths
b) Cost the USA over $6.724 trillion in 2011 dollars (WWII $4.1 trillion)!
President BUSH NEVER apologized for an American ACTIONS like these:
10 most significant apologies by the President of the United States in his first four months of office as they relate to foreign policy and national security issues.

Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower
Apologies to
1. France and Europe ("America Has Shown Arrogance")
2. Muslim World ("We Have Not Been Perfect")
3. Summit of the Americas ("At Times We Sought to Dictate Our Terms")
4. G-20 Summit ("Some Restoration of America's Standing in the World")
5. War on Terror ("We Went off Course")
6. Guantanamo in France ("Sacrificing Your Values")
7. Turkish Parliament ("Our Own Darker Periods in Our History")
8. U.S. Policy toward the Americas ("The United States Has Not Pursued
and Sustained Engagement with Our Neighbors")
9. Mistakes of the CIA ("Potentially We've Made Some Mistakes")
10.Guantanamo in Washington ("A Rallying Cry for Our Enemies")

NEVER based ON the TRILLIONS GIVEN by Americans, the lives given by Americans and the Trillions spent in providing FREEDOM to billions of people should any President EVER HAVE TO apologize and again... AT LEAST BUSH DIDN"T!!!!

In comparison.....

Here are some of the things Barak Obama has blamed for the financial mess he can't seem to do anything about:

The Tea Party
Political gridlock
ATM machines
Paul Ryan
Eric Cantor
John Boehner
The Tsunami in Japan
Too little government spending (no really, he did say this.)
Too few taxes
The debt debate
George W. Bush
Standard and Poor's
Wealthy people who want to keep what they earned
Oil companies
The War in Iraq
The War in Afghanistan
The heat wave in the midwest
Health care costs
A lack of government subsidized green energy
Math errors
Corporate jet owners
The Gulf oil spill
Millionaires and billionaires
Rich fat cats
Wall Street
Hedge fund managers
Some car that can't get out of the ditch
The debt limit
Congress and their resistance to spending more on stimulus programs
Vacationing in Las Vegas
The American form of representative democracy
People who don't eat their peas
Everything else in the world except Timothy Geithner and himself
Those People and Things Obama has Blamed for the Financial Mess

It's amazing anyone tries to defend this bullshit.

George W. Bush was such a bad president..it was criminal.

they complain about blaming Bush but they keep trying to rewrite history of Bush.

So I take it you don't believe there was $5 trillion in losses due to Dot.com bust?

You also don't think 9/11 occurred?

Or NONE of the worst hurricanes in history occurred?

Those events NEVER happened then?

NONE of which were the fault of Clinton except the Gorelick Memo which prevented CIA from sharing with FBI Chinese donations to Clinton in exchange for missile technology.. which would not allow CIA to share with FBI about 9/11 hijackers...

And NO ONE blames ANYONE for the worst hurricanes in history..
BUT what do you think happened to the Trillions of dollars of businesses, assets, stock, inventory, lost revenue that those events caused?

ARe you totally UNAWARE that the IRS allows tax payers to subtract those $ 8 trillion in losses over 30 years and this was about $200 billion a year that started in 2002 and continues??
AND you don't think that had any affect?
It's amazing anyone tries to defend this bullshit.

George W. Bush was such a bad president..it was criminal.

they complain about blaming Bush but they keep trying to rewrite history of Bush.

So I take it you don't believe there was $5 trillion in losses due to Dot.com bust?

You also don't think 9/11 occurred?

Or NONE of the worst hurricanes in history occurred?

Those events NEVER happened then?

NONE of which were the fault of Clinton except the Gorelick Memo which prevented CIA from sharing with FBI Chinese donations to Clinton in exchange for missile technology.. which would not allow CIA to share with FBI about 9/11 hijackers...

And NO ONE blames ANYONE for the worst hurricanes in history..
BUT what do you think happened to the Trillions of dollars of businesses, assets, stock, inventory, lost revenue that those events caused?

ARe you totally UNAWARE that the IRS allows tax payers to subtract those $ 8 trillion in losses over 30 years and this was about $200 billion a year that started in 2002 and continues??
AND you don't think that had any affect?

They happened but Bush was tragic in the way he handled them. Bush had one agenda and it was the same agenda they have always pushed Right Wing /Transnational Corporation agenda.
In spite of inheriting:
1) The Stock Market Crash of 2000-2002 caused the loss of
$5 trillion in the market value of companies from March 2000 to October 2002. Dot-com bubble - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2) In spite of Experiencing
the WORST attack in USA history, far worse the Pearl Harbor,
that killed 3,000 people and destroyed $1 trillion real hard assets, destroyed businesses JOB losses of 1.7 million 2002 -2003, and then required creation of a BRAND NEW Federal Agency Homeland Security
3)In spite of Experiencing
the Worst hurricane SEASONS.. (7 of the 10 worst hurricanes)

1. Katrina(LA/MS/AL/SE FL) 2005 3 $81,000,000,000
3. Wilma (FL) 2005 3 $20,600,000,000
4. Ike (TX/LA/MS) 2008 2 $18,000,000,000
5. Charley (FL) 2004 4 $14,000,000,000
6. Ivan (FL/AL) 2004 3 $13,000,000,000
7. Rita (LA/TX) 2005 3 $10,000,000,000
9. Frances (FL) 2004 2 $8,860,000,000
12. Jeanne (FL) 2004 3 $6,500,000,000

Bush did NOT
1) Blame it on the economy.
2) Blame it America as Obama said:
"...this is a great, great country that had gotten a little soft and we didn’t have that same competitive edge that we needed over the last couple of decades.” or "But we’ve been a little bit lazy, I think, over the last couple of decades"
3) Blame it on Americans as Obama did 'They cling to guns or religion'.
4) Apologize to the world for Americans giving
a) Total deaths fighting for other countries' freedoms from :
WWI to Iraq over 625,884 deaths
b) Cost the USA over $6.724 trillion in 2011 dollars (WWII $4.1 trillion)!
President BUSH NEVER apologized for an American ACTIONS like these:
10 most significant apologies by the President of the United States in his first four months of office as they relate to foreign policy and national security issues.

Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower
Apologies to
1. France and Europe ("America Has Shown Arrogance")
2. Muslim World ("We Have Not Been Perfect")
3. Summit of the Americas ("At Times We Sought to Dictate Our Terms")
4. G-20 Summit ("Some Restoration of America's Standing in the World")
5. War on Terror ("We Went off Course")
6. Guantanamo in France ("Sacrificing Your Values")
7. Turkish Parliament ("Our Own Darker Periods in Our History")
8. U.S. Policy toward the Americas ("The United States Has Not Pursued
and Sustained Engagement with Our Neighbors")
9. Mistakes of the CIA ("Potentially We've Made Some Mistakes")
10.Guantanamo in Washington ("A Rallying Cry for Our Enemies")

NEVER based ON the TRILLIONS GIVEN by Americans, the lives given by Americans and the Trillions spent in providing FREEDOM to billions of people should any President EVER HAVE TO apologize and again... AT LEAST BUSH DIDN"T!!!!

Are you from another planet or does LYING just come naturally to you?

On September 18th, 2002, CNN's John King announced, "That's why the president, in almost every speech, tries to remind voters he inherited a recession." Five days later, his colleague Suzanne Malveaux regurgitated the same line, reporting, "[Bush] took up that very issue earlier today, saying -- reminding voters that the administration inherited the recession."

Karl Rove claims Bush didn't blame Clinton for the '01 recession. Oh really? | Crooks and Liars

Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, in separate speeches Wednesday, both claimed the U.S. economy was already in recession when they were inaugurated in January 2001, implying the blame for the slowdown rested on President Clinton's shoulders.

Bush says he inherited recession - Aug. 7, 2002

We knew that our flu vaccine manufacturing marketplace had withered from neglect for much of the 90s, and we began taking aggressive steps to reverse that environment as well as prepare for challenges such as the one we face this year with a vaccine shortage.

2004.10.20: Flu Vaccines and Antivirals

Bush Blames Carter, Reagan, Clinton for 9/11

Bush Blames Carter, Reagan, Clinton for 9/11 | ThinkProgress

Bush Blames Clinton Again

Bush Blames Clinton Again - Truthdig

Bush Administration Blames Bill Clinton for Deficit

Bush Administration Blames Bill Clinton for Deficit*Pensito Review
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It's amazing anyone tries to defend this bullshit.

George W. Bush was such a bad president..it was criminal.

they complain about blaming Bush but they keep trying to rewrite history of Bush.

So I take it you don't believe there was $5 trillion in losses due to Dot.com bust?

You also don't think 9/11 occurred?

Or NONE of the worst hurricanes in history occurred?

Those events NEVER happened then?

NONE of which were the fault of Clinton except the Gorelick Memo which prevented CIA from sharing with FBI Chinese donations to Clinton in exchange for missile technology.. which would not allow CIA to share with FBI about 9/11 hijackers...

And NO ONE blames ANYONE for the worst hurricanes in history..
BUT what do you think happened to the Trillions of dollars of businesses, assets, stock, inventory, lost revenue that those events caused?

ARe you totally UNAWARE that the IRS allows tax payers to subtract those $ 8 trillion in losses over 30 years and this was about $200 billion a year that started in 2002 and continues??
AND you don't think that had any affect?

Listen.....I know you idolize Bush II but to hold him blameless for 9/11 when he was CLEARLY warned by Clinton is a bit disingenious and an outright lie.

And Bush is also 100% responsible to his reaction to 9/11 with his invasion and occupation of Iraq that got thousands of our military men and women killed FOR NO GOOD REASON.
In spite of inheriting:
1) The Stock Market Crash of 2000-2002 caused the loss of
$5 trillion in the market value of companies from March 2000 to October 2002. Dot-com bubble - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2) In spite of Experiencing
the WORST attack in USA history, far worse the Pearl Harbor,
that killed 3,000 people and destroyed $1 trillion real hard assets, destroyed businesses JOB losses of 1.7 million 2002 -2003, and then required creation of a BRAND NEW Federal Agency Homeland Security
3)In spite of Experiencing
the Worst hurricane SEASONS.. (7 of the 10 worst hurricanes)

1. Katrina(LA/MS/AL/SE FL) 2005 3 $81,000,000,000
3. Wilma (FL) 2005 3 $20,600,000,000
4. Ike (TX/LA/MS) 2008 2 $18,000,000,000
5. Charley (FL) 2004 4 $14,000,000,000
6. Ivan (FL/AL) 2004 3 $13,000,000,000
7. Rita (LA/TX) 2005 3 $10,000,000,000
9. Frances (FL) 2004 2 $8,860,000,000
12. Jeanne (FL) 2004 3 $6,500,000,000

Bush did NOT
1) Blame it on the economy.
2) Blame it America as Obama said:
"...this is a great, great country that had gotten a little soft and we didn’t have that same competitive edge that we needed over the last couple of decades.” or "But we’ve been a little bit lazy, I think, over the last couple of decades"
3) Blame it on Americans as Obama did 'They cling to guns or religion'.
4) Apologize to the world for Americans giving
a) Total deaths fighting for other countries' freedoms from :
WWI to Iraq over 625,884 deaths
b) Cost the USA over $6.724 trillion in 2011 dollars (WWII $4.1 trillion)!
President BUSH NEVER apologized for an American ACTIONS like these:
10 most significant apologies by the President of the United States in his first four months of office as they relate to foreign policy and national security issues.

Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower
Apologies to
1. France and Europe ("America Has Shown Arrogance")
2. Muslim World ("We Have Not Been Perfect")
3. Summit of the Americas ("At Times We Sought to Dictate Our Terms")
4. G-20 Summit ("Some Restoration of America's Standing in the World")
5. War on Terror ("We Went off Course")
6. Guantanamo in France ("Sacrificing Your Values")
7. Turkish Parliament ("Our Own Darker Periods in Our History")
8. U.S. Policy toward the Americas ("The United States Has Not Pursued
and Sustained Engagement with Our Neighbors")
9. Mistakes of the CIA ("Potentially We've Made Some Mistakes")
10.Guantanamo in Washington ("A Rallying Cry for Our Enemies")

NEVER based ON the TRILLIONS GIVEN by Americans, the lives given by Americans and the Trillions spent in providing FREEDOM to billions of people should any President EVER HAVE TO apologize and again... AT LEAST BUSH DIDN"T!!!!

Republicans are so much better at re-writing history than making history.

Funny you list all Bush's fuck-ups. Even more funny there's a thousand or more posts blaming them all on Obama.

If you guys are going to lie, you need to be more consistent and stay on message.
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