What GOP Rick Wilson thinks of Trumpsters

Who the fuck is Rick Wilson?

He is a writer for the Daily Beast whose I kicked on Twitter a couple of weeks ago and his leftard troll army came after me and I kicked their asses as well. He isn't diddly squat. Perhaps I will go back over there and give him another butt-kicking.
Sure you did, sweetie.....you all da rawr! So fierce!
Like I say he's right.

You're pathetic...and your freaking posts are too long

The plywood....see to it, BoPete. :lmao:
Poor little trumpanzee....even trumpanzees can be bi-catfish, it seems.

Nobody listens to you, BoPete.

Some nobody tweets and you and the OP wet yourselves. Get a real life, not this fantasy BS you live on here
He kinda has a point, though. I made a thread the other day asking why anyone liked The Donald. The most common response I got essentially amounted to, "I hate those people over there, and they hate him. Therefore, I love him."
And I should give a crap about this wimps opinion, WHY?

These are the type of Republican you used to respect before you sold your soul to Trump.

I haven't sold a damn thing, if you get past the talking points and look at reality, Trump is far less authoritarian than your dear leader. Of course reality seems to be very elusive for you folks.

Well, I see this went wild after I went to bed last night. I guess from a majority of the responses Rick Wilson is correct. Nothing else to say. Well there is.

It's hard to look yourself in the mirror.

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