What Good Is An Education If You Can't Find A Job?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Obama shows us again how tone-deaf he is.

Everyone is clamoring for a political climate conducive to job growth but instead Obama focuses on education.

He's not about to change his policies so instead he's gonna talk about all the warm and fuzzy issues in an attempt to change the focus.

What good does an expensive education do you if you can't find a job? " + artTitle.replace("-","") + " - " + "The Daily Gamecock" + " - " + "News" + "

To be honest...this is just another attempt by Obama to take over an important part of our lives instead of endeavoring to solve a problem. He really isn't about solving problems because that's not what he's all about. He's all about taking power and using it to shape this country in the image he thinks helps his people or himself. Teachers that tow the union line are favored over teachers that educate our kids. Dead bodies populate our schools because they're members of a union.

He says he's gonna get rid of the teachers that don't meet his standards.....and pay their union dues.
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Few Jobs for College Graduates; 80 Percent Move Back Home | The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD



Not a bad article... I just dont agree with the whole "oh woe is me/the plight of the white man" angle. Also, Obama and the democrats arent solely to blame. There were/are millions of Americans(both democrats and republicans) living beyond their means and the people who gave them their credit, mortgage, etc who should get a lot of blame.

But as part of the class of 09 I know it sucks.

Not a bad article... I just dont agree with the whole "oh woe is me/the plight of the white man" angle. Also, Obama and the democrats arent solely to blame. There were/are millions of Americans(both democrats and republicans) living beyond their means and the people who gave them their credit, mortgage, etc who should get a lot of blame.

But as part of the class of 09 I know it sucks.

Wait, you think it's the creditors' fault that Americans lived beyond their means? Give me a break. If you don't know how to handle your finances, it's your fault, and no one else's. It doesn't take an accountant to know that outflows cannot exceed inflows. And if you need an accountant to explain that to you, please give me a call. I have no qualms about charging people $200 an hour to explain what should be common sense.
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I think an education is good for education sake. Of course, I disagree that getting a degree means you are educated. In fact, I think alot of people who have degrees, even advanced ones, are as uneducated as rocks.

What people need to learn is how to research, to think, to ask questions and find answers, to experiment, etc. Most dont bother questioning anything.

I think we need to be learning even if its areas that doesnt effect our employment. And it be wise of people started with learning how to create jobs. Particularly those people in power.
I think an education is good for education sake. Of course, I disagree that getting a degree means you are educated. In fact, I think alot of people who have degrees, even advanced ones, are as uneducated as rocks.

What people need to learn is how to research, to think, to ask questions and find answers, to experiment, etc. Most dont bother questioning anything.

I think we need to be learning even if its areas that doesnt effect our employment. And it be wise of people started with learning how to create jobs. Particularly those people in power.

Kind of hard to learn that if you never had a job in the first place.

I think that's nice if you don't have bills to pay. How many gifted folks have left behind works of art and literature that are pure genius but ended up taking their lives or dying in abject poverty?

Obama is living in a dream world. He is not a good role-model. Get whatever education you need to make sure your future is secure first.....then work toward that future...and when you retire you can expand your mind and think of the possibilities once you have the time to do so. Obama is a thinker...not a doer. He's not exactly realistic in his approach on everything.
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Obama shows us again how tone-deaf he is.

Everyone is clamoring for a political climate conducive to job growth but instead Obama focuses on education.

He's not about to change his policies so instead he's gonna talk about all the warm and fuzzy issues in an attempt to change the focus.

What good does an expensive education do you if you can't find a job? " + artTitle.replace("-","") + " - " + "The Daily Gamecock" + " - " + "News" + "

To be honest...this is just another attempt by Obama to take over an important part of our lives instead of endeavoring to solve a problem. He really isn't about solving problems because that's not what he's all about. He's all about taking power and using it to shape this country in the image he thinks helps his people or himself. Teachers that tow the union line are favored over teachers that educate our kids. Dead bodies populate our schools because they're members of a union.

He says he's gonna get rid of the teachers that don't meet his standards.....and pay their union dues.

What a stupid question.

Idiocracy: Not just a movie anymore. Let's make SURE the next generation, future leaders of our country are really really dumb. Sound like a plan, er, dummy?
What a stupid question.

Idiocracy: Not just a movie anymore. Let's make SURE the next generation, future leaders of our country are really really dumb. Sound like a plan, er, dummy?

That is the point of the current educational system.

But you missed the point of the post.
My daughter graduated in Dec '08, my youngest son in June '09. For 6 months my daughter worked as a nanny, gave voice and piano lessons privately, dog sat. About a year ago she got a job at online university, (has a brick and mortar university too). She started at $38k, now is close to $50k, because of her productivity and follow through. She just got a letter from a military person thanking her for making it so easy for him to finish his MBA. She's now up for a supervisory position, due to her 'follow throughs.' She spots trouble, saves the students money, and gets them on the right track, even if it means leaving the online venue.

My youngest spent the last year working at some full and part time positions without benefits, was enrolled for a MS program in January; he landed a position at the same school as his sister and wants to wait until he builds up some 'real world' experience in job, caring for himself, etc.

I got my first real job at a fair held at my university. I left school in 1977 with a $32k job. It's not so easy today.
What a stupid question.

Idiocracy: Not just a movie anymore. Let's make SURE the next generation, future leaders of our country are really really dumb. Sound like a plan, er, dummy?

That is the point of the current educational system.

But you missed the point of the post.

Uh, no, I didn't. It was just another lame GOTCHA piece of shit. Do I care about education and improving it by any means possible? You betcha. NBC has spent the last 10 days with a full-throttle focus on education, and I salute them for bringing it to the attention of people who don't have a clue, just as long as their own kids are getting a good one but have failed to realize the repercussions if ALL kids are not afforded the same opportunity.

If I "missed the point," it must have been the title of the thread was misleading. But of course that was the intent.
My daughter graduated in Dec '08, my youngest son in June '09. For 6 months my daughter worked as a nanny, gave voice and piano lessons privately, dog sat. About a year ago she got a job at online university, (has a brick and mortar university too). She started at $38k, now is close to $50k, because of her productivity and follow through. She just got a letter from a military person thanking her for making it so easy for him to finish his MBA. She's now up for a supervisory position, due to her 'follow throughs.' She spots trouble, saves the students money, and gets them on the right track, even if it means leaving the online venue.

My youngest spent the last year working at some full and part time positions without benefits, was enrolled for a MS program in January; he landed a position at the same school as his sister and wants to wait until he builds up some 'real world' experience in job, caring for himself, etc.

I got my first real job at a fair held at my university. I left school in 1977 with a $32k job. It's not so easy today.

You have a right to be proud.
I think an education is good for education sake. Of course, I disagree that getting a degree means you are educated. In fact, I think alot of people who have degrees, even advanced ones, are as uneducated as rocks.

What people need to learn is how to research, to think, to ask questions and find answers, to experiment, etc. Most dont bother questioning anything.

I think we need to be learning even if its areas that doesnt effect our employment. And it be wise of people started with learning how to create jobs. Particularly those people in power.

Kind of hard to learn that if you never had a job in the first place.

I think that's nice if you don't have bills to pay. How many gifted folks have left behind works of art and literature that are pure genius but ended up taking their lives or dying in abject poverty?

Obama is living in a dream world. He is not a good role-model. Get whatever education you need to make sure your future is secure first.....then work toward that future...and when you retire you can expand your mind and think of the possibilities once you have the time to do so. Obama is a thinker...not a doer. He's not exactly realistic in his approach on everything.

Are you trying for humor? President Obama is not a doer? Graduate of Harvard, Magna Cum Luade. Author of a couple of very successful books, enough so that he has no financial worries even without the Presidential income.

And then there is the matter of winning the Presidency of the United States of America. Pretty damned high achievement for a Junior Senator with no family in government.

No, he is not realastic in his approach to everything. He should have realized from the first that the Republicans were not even going to give consideration to the needs of the nation, that they would try to destroy his Presidency at any cost.
Lets now take a look at the next top 10 paying careers in brief:

1. Pilots, co pilots and flight engineers


2. Marketing managers


3. Computer software and applications engineer


4. Biomedical engineer


They are trained in biology as well as engineering and work to develop solutions to health problems.

5. Environmental engineer


They work to fight damages to environment

6. Computer systems analyst


Systems analysts ensure that organizations make the best of their technological resources

7. Database administrator


Database administrators create and manage large quantities of financial, inventory and customer data.

8. Physical therapist


9. Network systems and data communication analyst


10. Chemist


Gee, I don't see Renaisance French Poetry Analyst?:(
Are you trying for humor? President Obama is not a doer? Graduate of Harvard, Magna Cum Luade. Author of a couple of very successful books, enough so that he has no financial worries even without the Presidential income.

And then there is the matter of winning the Presidency of the United States of America. Pretty damned high achievement for a Junior Senator with no family in government.

No, he is not realastic in his approach to everything. He should have realized from the first that the Republicans were not even going to give consideration to the needs of the nation, that they would try to destroy his Presidency at any cost.

one thing he isnt Rocks.....a leader.....and god knows we need one NOW......

David Duke PhD?

What the fuck? Is he trying to fress it up now or something?

I guess the titles of "Imperial Wizard" and "Convicted Felon" weren't impressive enough for him.

To make it even better, Duke managed to find the one corner of academia that promotes anti-semitism to get his "PhD" from in Ukraine.

Interregional Academy of Personnel Management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not a bad article... I just dont agree with the whole "oh woe is me/the plight of the white man" angle. Also, Obama and the democrats arent solely to blame. There were/are millions of Americans(both democrats and republicans) living beyond their means and the people who gave them their credit, mortgage, etc who should get a lot of blame.

But as part of the class of 09 I know it sucks.

Do you know anything about David Duke?

This might explain things for you:

David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I realize that people are going to try and lay this at the hands of Obama, but I think the problem is much deeper than that. My generation has been sold a bill of goods by well-meaning, but uninformed people who have given out really bad advice. You can major in a lot of things in college, however, a lot of it is not terribly employable. The things that are employable (not surprisingly) tend to be the harder and more competitive fields that require years of intense work.

"Do what you love"? Bullshit. I love going to Busch Stadium, drinking beer, and watching the Cardinals play baseball. No one is going to pay me to do that.

Do what you like and what challenges you and where you think you will be talented.

There is certainly a place for degrees that aren't readily employable and every society needs people of all stripes. However, people need to realize that one day they are going to have to pay the bills and they need honest counseling about their career path.

You may love art and love every minute of your "Art History" degree, but the professional field is small and it will be a tougher road to pay your mortgage.

My wife loves history and majored in it and got a Master's degree. Now she's a lawyer.

Not a bad article... I just dont agree with the whole "oh woe is me/the plight of the white man" angle. Also, Obama and the democrats arent solely to blame. There were/are millions of Americans(both democrats and republicans) living beyond their means and the people who gave them their credit, mortgage, etc who should get a lot of blame.

But as part of the class of 09 I know it sucks.

Wait, you think it's the creditors' fault that Americans lived beyond their means? Give me a break. If you don't know how to handle your finances, it's your fault, and no one else's. It doesn't take an accountant to know that outflows cannot exceed inflows. And if you need an accountant to explain that to you, please give me a call. I have no qualms about charging people $200 an hour to explain what should be common sense.

No I think its an individuals own stupidity for them living beyond their means. But if a creditor gives a new line of credit, loan, mortgage, etc to someone who is struggling or over extended its stupid... and if financial institutions extend this practice to millions of people the end result isnt positive (see the current state of the economy).
I realize that people are going to try and lay this at the hands of Obama, but I think the problem is much deeper than that. My generation has been sold a bill of goods by well-meaning, but uninformed people who have given out really bad advice. You can major in a lot of things in college, however, a lot of it is not terribly employable. The things that are employable (not surprisingly) tend to be the harder and more competitive fields that require years of intense work.

"Do what you love"? Bullshit. I love going to Busch Stadium, drinking beer, and watching the Cardinals play baseball. No one is going to pay me to do that.

Do what you like and what challenges you and where you think you will be talented.

There is certainly a place for degrees that aren't readily employable and every society needs people of all stripes. However, people need to realize that one day they are going to have to pay the bills and they need honest counseling about their career path.

You may love art and love every minute of your "Art History" degree, but the professional field is small and it will be a tougher road to pay your mortgage.

My wife loves history and majored in it and got a Master's degree. Now she's a lawyer.

Well maybe if you know the right people you can take a couple of years to write a book then maybe become a college professor. That's really the only option to some academic pursuits.

I would have loved it if Obama had stayed a professor....but the guy's ego gave him the audacity to think he could be something great. So of course he wanted to run for office. Trying to relate being a professor, with their supercilious natures, to that of a public servant just doesn't work and unfortunately he never connects with most Americans. It's been a major effort on the part of the MSM to keep him from looking like a total asswad.

If your reputation is fake, if it's artificial, then of course the truth will eventually become known. After all this country isn't completely full of Homer Simpson types. Which explains why he focuses on our kids. You know...the ones that don't know who Joe Biden is or Nancy Pelosi....but they can spot a Jersey Shore cast member in a microsecond. They the need apathetic, people that never take anything serious to vote Democrap.
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I realize that people are going to try and lay this at the hands of Obama, but I think the problem is much deeper than that. My generation has been sold a bill of goods by well-meaning, but uninformed people who have given out really bad advice. You can major in a lot of things in college, however, a lot of it is not terribly employable. The things that are employable (not surprisingly) tend to be the harder and more competitive fields that require years of intense work.

"Do what you love"? Bullshit. I love going to Busch Stadium, drinking beer, and watching the Cardinals play baseball. No one is going to pay me to do that.

Do what you like and what challenges you and where you think you will be talented.

There is certainly a place for degrees that aren't readily employable and every society needs people of all stripes. However, people need to realize that one day they are going to have to pay the bills and they need honest counseling about their career path.

You may love art and love every minute of your "Art History" degree, but the professional field is small and it will be a tougher road to pay your mortgage.

My wife loves history and majored in it and got a Master's degree. Now she's a lawyer.

Well maybe if you know the right people you can take a couple of years to write a book then maybe become a college professor. That's really the only option to some academic pursuits.

I would have loved it if Obama had stayed a professor....but the guy's ego gave him the audacity to think he could be something great. So of course he wanted to run for office. Trying to relate being a professor, with their supercilious natures, to that of a public servant just doesn't work and unfortunately he never connects with most Americans. It's been a major effort on the part of the MSM to keep him from looking like a total asswad.

If your reputation is fake, if it's artificial, then of course the truth will eventually become known. After all this country isn't completely full of Homer Simpson types. Which explains why he focuses on our kids. You know...the ones that don't know who Joe Biden is or Nancy Pelosi....but they can spot a Jersey Shore cast member in a microsecond. They the need apathetic, people that never take anything serious to vote Democrap.


"You must spread som reputation before giving it to mudwhistle again"

On a roll tonight.:clap2:

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