What first made you a Republican?

My father was a Republican but I wasn't always into "politics" or news like he was. Once I did dive in... OMG!

Well, for starters, I never voted for a candidate who was pro-abortion (will never use the term Pro-choice.. NEVER :mad:), and that was so even when I wasn't following news much.

So my father was an influence but I wouldn't say at all that that was what led me to be a R. I became a R because I could never be a baby-murdering D... Then I began studying the other issues and OMG.. HOw the hell can anyone support these idiot Ds?

Seriously, I just cannot u/stand it except by such words as

logic elevator doesn't go to the top


So all you Rs out there: What first led you to be one?

Who led me out, JFK.

In my vote in 1980 I didn't vote for Reagan or Carter, I voted for John Anderson.

In 1988 I went with Dukakis though I didn't know much about him, HW was the VP of Reagan, and his Voodoo economics made me sick and HW didn't stand up to this. Thus, I didn't know much about Clinton, yet HW seemed to bring Reagan with him and I was disgusted by him.

Then in 2000 I learned the Republican Party's first and foremost desire was to have power and did not care about the people. Two tax cuts, two wars and a great recession was deplorable.

Obama was next and his youth, intelligence and efforts to protect both the nation economy and the suffering from the population was worthy of my vote for both elections.

Then came trump. A corrupt, sociopathic narcissist, who abused the power of the office and demanded loyalty or else: "your fired". These character flaws are beyond deplorable.

Yeah, these are some of the reasons, however, trump has gone past trust and has created an effort to overturn an election he lost by 7 million votes. trump has tossed democracy into the burn bag and convinced stupid, biddable fools that he is always correct and seeks to be King.
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Yet, none of you cosplay Confederates mention him...why?
Make a thread about him dipshit.
Hell, the only person from the civil war i have made threads about is lincoln and booth.
What kind of tyranny do i support? You made the claim, back it up.
When I realized I had more disposable income to spend on the things I like vs the things they (democrats) like
Still waiting for you to name these policies that are so abhorent

Social Security, Medicare, Overtime Pay Protection, FDIC, Pell grants, Children's Health Insurance? Family Leave?


Matter of fact...tell me about all of the popular conservative policies out there...

You never asked demwit.
Dems are single handedly responsible for the plight of black families in this country.
Once you made it possible for black women to "raise" kids without the need of a father you doomed them and us.
And of course your punishing tax laws.
In other words, they had their rights denied because they were Republicans, not white? Do you understand how much of a dumb ass you are

And why did you have to go back to the Civil War? I tell you what..what federal law prevented white men from voting? name it or shut the ENTIRE FUCK UP

Awwww. Poor angry little boy.

Would you like a cookie? :laughing0301:
My father was a Republican but I wasn't always into "politics" or news like he was. Once I did dive in... OMG!

Well, for starters, I never voted for a candidate who was pro-abortion (will never use the term Pro-choice.. NEVER :mad:), and that was so even when I wasn't following news much.

So my father was an influence but I wouldn't say at all that that was what led me to be a R. I became a R because I could never be a baby-murdering D... Then I began studying the other issues and OMG.. HOw the hell can anyone support these idiot Ds?

Seriously, I just cannot u/stand it except by such words as

logic elevator doesn't go to the top


So all you Rs out there: What first led you to be one?
Several things. In the late 60's and early 70's anti war protesters throwing garbage and such at returning vets from Vietnam. While I had no problem with opinions against the war, waving communist flags and cheering Ho Chi Minh and Mao mass murders both was wrong and anti war dems looked the other way. Macro govt as opposed to micro managed government in a phrase. Taxes being lower, education which should be math, science, reading, writing, basic factual civics, not political indoctrination etc. NO political correctness BS. Equal opportunity as opposed to equal outcome. Things like that.
I've always been a republican.
It was how I was raised,to me the left has always been abhorrent because they dont follow natural law and common sense.
Everything they do is geared toward getting re elected and not what is good for the people.
They cant seem to see what their actions will bring in the future,or you could say the unintended consequences of their actions.
4 sure!

Several things. In the late 60's and early 70's anti war protesters throwing garbage and such at returning vets from Vietnam. While I had no problem with opinions against the war, waving communist flags and cheering Ho Chi Minh and Mao mass murders both was wrong and anti war dems looked the other way. Macro govt as opposed to micro managed government in a phrase. Taxes being lower, education which should be math, science, reading, writing, basic factual civics, not political indoctrination etc. NO political correctness BS. Equal opportunity as opposed to equal outcome. Things like that.
so, it looks like most people here are saying, in effect, they are R because

they have a brain!


the implication being..........
It was a long process. It started in the 80s. I was a Democrat and a member of the ACLU and NOW. I went to an ACLU meeting and the speaker was speaking about same sex marriage being used to open the door to multi party marriage and eventually the end of marriage and the concept of family. I ran away.

Our local NOW chapter meetings was just a meat market for lesbians. I refused to go or even renew my membership.

The final end came July 4, 1996. There was a July 4th celebration at the Federal Building. It was just a bunch of people having a good time when we came under attack by Mexicans protesting the 4th of July. They were violent, throwing frozen soda cans attacking who ever they managed to get to. Federal police forced them back across Wilshire Blvd. The next day, the enemy supporting LA Times blamed Americans.

Democrats are enemies of all things American. The ideology needs to be wiped out to the last true believer.
Who led me out, JFK.

In my vote in 1980 I didn't vote for Reagan or Carter, I voted for John Anderson.

In 1988 I went with Dukakis though I didn't know much about him, HW was the VP of Reagan, and his Voodoo economics made me sick and HW didn't stand up to this. Thus, I didn't know much about Clinton, yet HW seemed to bring Reagan with him and I was disgusted by him.

Then in 2000 I learned the Republican Party's first and foremost desire was to have power and did not care about the people. Two tax cuts, two wars and a great recession was deplorable.

Obama was next and his youth, intelligence and efforts to protect both the nation economy and the suffering from the population was worthy of my vote for both elections.

Then came trump. A corrupt, sociopathic narcissist, who abused the power of the office and demanded loyalty or else: "your fired". These character flaws are beyond deplorable.

Yeah, these are some of the reasons, however, trump has gone past trust and has created an effort to overturn an election he lost by 7 million votes. trump has tossed democracy into the burn bag and convinced stupid, biddable fools that he is always correct and seeks to be King.
who the hell asked you?

The post was asking Republicans!

geez... reading comprehension issues?
It was a long process. It started in the 80s. I was a Democrat and a member of the ACLU and NOW. I went to an ACLU meeting and the speaker was speaking about same sex marriage being used to open the door to multi party marriage and eventually the end of marriage and the concept of family. I ran away.

Our local NOW chapter meetings was just a meat market for lesbians. I refused to go or even renew my membership.

The final end came July 4, 1996. There was a July 4th celebration at the Federal Building. It was just a bunch of people having a good time when we came under attack by Mexicans protesting the 4th of July. They were violent, throwing frozen soda cans attacking who ever they managed to get to. Federal police forced them back across Wilshire Blvd. The next day, the enemy supporting LA Times blamed Americans.

Democrats are enemies of all things American. The ideology needs to be wiped out to the last true believer.
I laugh.. I tend to think there are a lot of erstwhile Dims out there who.. it may have taken them longer than you.. but some day.. I mean,

to make my point more clearly: you rarely EVER see a liberal over the age of about 65 or so. People wise up in time
You never asked demwit.
Dems are single handedly responsible for the plight of black families in this country.
Once you made it possible for black women to "raise" kids without the need of a father you doomed them and us.
And of course your punishing tax laws.
70% of men in correctional facilities grew up without a father.

I have seen the damaging results of father-less homes in my own family members.. People need to be taught b4 they even think of having children that HEALTHY means having both genders as parents.. My family of origin was and is filled w/ dysfunction :meow:but at least my parents stayed married and as messed up as some of their kids are, it would have been so much worse had they separated.. (hard to prove but anyhow... that's just usually the case)

FDR policies would be considered for more progressive and "extreme" by Conservatives than anything Demcorats have put forth in the past 20 or so years...and Jimmie Carter installed fucking solar panels on the White House.....

Usually, when folks who claim they were Democrats but became Republican because Democrats were too extreme -- they will not speak on policies...just their feelings.....about how uncomfortable it is that Democrats support gay rights, voting rights or criminal justice reform -- basically anything that ain't centered around white men...
At some point the nation has to have a calming. Progs have had many wins over the years. It is time to consolidate each one to common sense and remove the corrupted and inefficient from each one. Instead, endless amounts of resources and forced laws keep being thrown at them with the taxpayer and customer on the hook.
Dad was a Republican and although he didn't talk politics much you knew he was conservative, and then Reagan confirmed it as I got older, coupled with the fact that Democrats all seemed like fake assholes and/or downright idiots.
I was going to say things haven't changed much

but no... things have gotten really, really bizarre of late... which of course you know
I vote for the Candidate and not the political party and if more Americans did this then this Nation wouldn’t be as messed up as it is.
Not true.

The bill that gives us 87K new irs agents proves beyond a shadow of a doubt

that you can NEVER trust a dimrat

Not true.

The bill that gives us 87K new irs agents proves beyond a shadow of a doubt

that you can NEVER trust a dimrat

Depends on the Democrat and what was in that Bill that help bribe Democrats like Manchin into support that Bill…?

Now again I vote for the Candidate and the political party has nothing to do with my choice at all.

I might vote for a Green member because the Democrat and Republican do not fit my idea of who I want to lead in that seat or I might swing Libertarian, so again if more Americans did this maybe and I mean maybe we wouldn’t be so messed up!
that means OTHER WHITE MEN
Yeah, criminals and unfairness know no race. Are you trying to say no black men ever sold other black men down the river? Without delving into the obvious fact that black people were sold into slavery by other black people, who killed Malcolm X? Trying to blame the problems of the world on race is ludicrous. There has been greed and injustice done by every race on earth. Don't be a racist bigot and try to blame it all on one race because that is what you've been told by racist bigots who have no interest in overcoming racism.
When I realized I had more disposable income to spend on the things I like vs the things they (democrats) like
that will do it if nothing else...

again, there is hardly ever seen a person over the age of about 60 who is a liberal

and of course liberals are working over time to KILL all those who could grow up and be liberal.. (young people, that is [in the womb])

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