What finally got me to vote for Trump was this one thing...

I don't support Partial birth abortion up to 9 months either. The thing is the republican party seems to oppose abortion period....Hell, it appears that they also oppose birth control and want to force religious bs down our throats.
Appears ? a few of these might make your argument stronger >>>:link:
Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.

I don't support Partial birth abortion up to 9 months either. The thing is the republican party seems to oppose abortion period....Hell, it appears that they also oppose birth control and want to force religious bs down our throats.
Care to produce how Republican oppose birth control? How are Republican forcing religion down your throat?

I find your avatar very offensive, do you care? Do you care that you are forcing your believes down the throat of the rest of us?
If you are clueless to the republican stance on abortion this is not the thread you should be in. When the child is born republicans do not want to help with the cost of the child if the mother is poor and can not afford food or clothes.

Dear Tax Man: I don't want people "I can't afford to feed and support" to be killed or euthanized either.
Just because I want them to have support to live healthy lives
doesn't mean I should agree to be personally financially responsible for paying for
ALL these other people to live, while their families neglect responsibilities.

If you and I don't want poachers destroying populations of endangered elephants, rhinos, tigers and other rare animals, does that mean we should be expected to pay the cost for saving and supporting all these species? So if we can't afford that, does that mean we should agree to let them die, and we shouldn't advocate to stop the poaching by other people?

As for BETTER ways to provide support for mothers, babies and families,
instead of just relying on govt or church charities, there ARE other alternatives such as
* the Nurturing Network approach, where support is provided around mothers
so they can have and raise their children without compromising their education or careers, in order to become INDEPENDENT
* Microlending programs effective in uplifting people from poverty without handouts.

Ben Carson and Obama BOTH have advocated the solutions
that Microlending would offer to replace welfare, especially
where such programs incorporate business education, training and mentorship.

Look up the Nobel winning Grameen Foundation and Bank,
founded by Muhammad Yunus. Nobody I know is opposed to that approach,
including both conservative Republicans and liberal Democrats,
as well as constitutional Libertarians and progressive Greens who support
sustainable worker owned co-ops and cooperative economics.

Look up PACE Universal that invests in building schools and
centers in poor communities to combat poverty and trafficking.

There are other ways to invest in longterm solutions
instead of blaming Conservatives for not supporting welfare handouts through govt
as the only option. Or as some "test" to judge whether people care about the poor.

There are better ways to show concern for humanity that are more sustainable,
cost-effective, and unifying in bringing agreement among people instead of dividing parties further.

There is nothing wrong with "teaching people how to fish for themselves"
instead of blaming others they expect to fish for them and feed them.
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Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.

I don't support Partial birth abortion up to 9 months either. The thing is the republican party seems to oppose abortion period....Hell, it appears that they also oppose birth control and want to force religious bs down our throats.
Care to produce how Republican oppose birth control? How are Republican forcing religion down your throat?

I find your avatar very offensive, do you care? Do you care that you are forcing your believes down the throat of the rest of us?
If you are clueless to the republican stance on abortion this is not the thread you should be in. When the child is born republicans do not want to help with the cost of the child if the mother is poor and can not afford food or clothes.
. Not the governments job to raise or take care of children, and it also isn't an excuse for abortion to be used as a means of birth control. Plenty of children (over the years gone by), were raised in dirt poor environments, yet they were loved by their parents, became outstanding citizens, and in many cases returned to help the ones who helped them in life. This bullcrap that is espoused by people that the government needs to raise children or give the mother's an out by making services available to kill their unborn babies is simply unexceptable. People have fond memories of their days when they may have been poor, but they were united in family, and rich in spirit.
She also said, when asked what her criteria for a Supreme Court justice would be, that she would select those who would uphold Roe v. Wade.

Like, abortion was the only issue she cared about in choosing members of the Supreme Court.

Roe needs to be forgotton. It's the law of the land and settled. Sad but true. That said, I'm not so sure Trump is as pro life as many believe.
Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.
Love it when men, who will never ever run the risk of pregnancy, try to tell women what to do with their bodies.
Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.

I don't support Partial birth abortion up to 9 months either. The thing is the republican party seems to oppose abortion period....Hell, it appears that they also oppose birth control and want to force religious bs down our throats.
Leftists enjoy slaughtering unborn babies.
Crunchy and goes will with mustard (not ketchup).
I have to tell you, I have no respect at all for one issue voters. Repubs have been voting based on this one issue for 30 years and the abortion rate is about the same as it was 2 years after RvW. I keep telling people that the GOP has no incentive to get rid of abortion, it is their number one vote getter. We have not had a true conservative President since RvW because being pro--life is all that matters in the end.
Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.
Love it when men, who will never ever run the risk of pregnancy, try to tell women what to do with their bodies.
Run the RISK of pregnancy eh ? How about women learning once again how not to take the risk they keep taking, otherwise by not allowing a man to have sex with them until certain criterias are met or protective steps are taken first ?? I mean are people so weak that they can't get some kind of moral standards to go by again ?? How about this nation start promoting and teaching such values again. First Hollywood needs to be stopped from using that screen on the wall in which hangs in 400 million people's homes in this country, from using it to try to corrupt and train this nation to continually abuse themselves in the ways that they do. The glorifying of bad things by Hollywood needs to be dealt with in this country. It appears that it is imploding with the latest Harvey Weinstein episode in which seems to have put the spotlight on the way that Hollywood uses the casting couch to ensnair it's victims whom have been led to believe that the power of Hollywood was never to be challenged. You would think that the stars/celebrities would create a union in order to stop it all or at least slow it down. Now I hope that Hollywood has some good left in it, and it can be restored to it's original glory by getting the bad down to a miniscule factor in it all, otherwise if can't get rid of it completely. The problem with so many things now, is that bad started dominating where good once dominated.
I have to tell you, I have no respect at all for one issue voters. Repubs have been voting based on this one issue for 30 years and the abortion rate is about the same as it was 2 years after RvW. I keep telling people that the GOP has no incentive to get rid of abortion, it is their number one vote getter. We have not had a true conservative President since RvW because being pro--life is all that matters in the end.
. I see what your saying, otherwise if the repubs don't truly fight to end it, then it is because they want the Dems to keep destroying themselves with it. So actually it's the Dems that need to wake up and smell the coffee, and unload the baggage that has made their party a huge loser in accordance to the American people at large. Seems a no brainier to me, but would they be like Hillary was, where as they would just be playing mouth service to the issues in which they think the people want to hear from them, but then don't back it up once get power ?? People are waking up, and they are not being fooled as easily anymore.
Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.

because if a termination is done in the ninth month, it's because of a medical reason and it's none of your business. and if you voted for a sexual predator because of that, you're immoral.
Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.

I don't support Partial birth abortion up to 9 months either. The thing is the republican party seems to oppose abortion period....Hell, it appears that they also oppose birth control and want to force religious bs down our throats.
Leftists enjoy slaughtering unborn babies.
Crunchy and goes will with mustard (not ketchup).
You are evil and you will go to hell.

When you get there, you will remember that I warned you.
Trump and Hillary were debating. Trump accused Hillary of supporting partial birth abortion even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. She did not deny it, and that was what decided me. I had to vote for Trump.
You are a gullible moron

Typical Trump voter
I see what your saying, otherwise if the repubs don't truly fight to end it, then it is because they want the Dems to keep destroying themselves with it. So actually it's the Dems that need to wake up and smell the coffee, and unload the baggage that has made their party a huge loser in accordance to the American people at large. Seems a no brainier to me, but would they be like Hillary was, where as they would just be playing mouth service to the issues in which they think the people want to hear from them, but then don't back it up once get power ?? People are waking up, and they are not being fooled as easily anymore.

No, that is not what I am saying at all. I am saying the Repubs will never do away with it because they would lose 70% of their for sure votes each year.

I am not sure how the Dems are destroying themselves with it, abortion knows no party lines.
I see what your saying, otherwise if the repubs don't truly fight to end it, then it is because they want the Dems to keep destroying themselves with it. So actually it's the Dems that need to wake up and smell the coffee, and unload the baggage that has made their party a huge loser in accordance to the American people at large. Seems a no brainier to me, but would they be like Hillary was, where as they would just be playing mouth service to the issues in which they think the people want to hear from them, but then don't back it up once get power ?? People are waking up, and they are not being fooled as easily anymore.

No, that is not what I am saying at all. I am saying the Repubs will never do away with it because they would lose 70% of their for sure votes each year.

I am not sure how the Dems are destroying themselves with it, abortion knows no party lines.
. Then you are wrong... The crazed issues that the Demon-crats are eat up with, are certainly destroying them.

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