What Fascism Is and What It Isn't

CBP isn't part of the DoJ.

What about Hunter Biden? Be specific.
We have a fed rule of law with the border that isn't being followed.
What about Hunter Biden? :laughing0301:
Remember when I said, "No you're not dying to hear it, you would still ignore it, just like you're doing now."?

My, my, my there you are

Have a good day, marener.
Not at the top. They had blacks working for them? Good for them. How many of them had daughters dating black men? How much less did they pay black employees? Do those employees vote Republican? All good questions.
how do you know?....do you know this company too?.....and the guy who was the head guy was married to a black girl,feel stupid yet bobo?...
We have a fed rule of law with the border that isn't being followed.
What about Hunter Biden? :laughing0301:
Remember when I said, "No you're not dying to hear it, you would still ignore it, just like you're doing now."?

My, my, my there you are

Have a good day, marener.
Asking you to tell me more about Hunter Biden is literally the opposite of ignoring it.
how do you know?....do you know this company too?.....and the guy who was the head guy was married to a black girl,feel stupid yet bobo?...
Statistically, all you liberal conservatives are talking shit liars. We all know bias exists. You don't? You don't believe this bias hurts black people? From white hiring managers, many of them CONSERVATIVES? Fucking liars.

The numbers say most of you are liars. I believe 300 of the fortune 500 companies have diversity programs. They're stupid and you're right Harry?

We all know how white conservatives feel about black people. It's why 90% of them vote Democratic you stupid bitch!

How do I know? Because most conservative companies fight diversity programs and continue to be 99% white at the top, dummy.

But you're white so you can afford to not see it. I bet all your black relatives agree with you too right Harry?
Statistically, all you liberal conservatives are talking shit liars. We all know bias exists. You don't? You don't believe this bias hurts black people? From white hiring managers, many of them CONSERVATIVES? Fucking liars.

The numbers say most of you are liars. I believe 300 of the fortune 500 companies have diversity programs. They're stupid and you're right Harry?

We all know how white conservatives feel about black people. It's why 90% of them vote Democratic you stupid bitch!

How do I know? Because most conservative companies fight diversity programs and continue to be 99% white at the top, dummy.

But you're white so you can afford to not see it. I bet all your black relatives agree with you too right Harry?
What you claim "we all know" invariably turns out to be horseshit.
Statistically, all you liberal conservatives are talking shit liars. We all know bias exists. You don't? You don't believe this bias hurts black people? From white hiring managers, many of them CONSERVATIVES? Fucking liars.

The numbers say most of you are liars. I believe 300 of the fortune 500 companies have diversity programs. They're stupid and you're right Harry?

We all know how white conservatives feel about black people. It's why 90% of them vote Democratic you stupid bitch!

How do I know? Because most conservative companies fight diversity programs and continue to be 99% white at the top, dummy.

But you're white so you can afford to not see it. I bet all your black relatives agree with you too right Harry?
bobo shut the fuck up.....you dont like it when you get called a racist do you?....then dont act like one....fucking pussy....
bobo shut the fuck up.....you dont like it when you get called a racist do you?....then dont act like one....fucking pussy....
I love it actually. Especially when it's someone here who's more conservative than I am. I'm always talking about this stuff with my conservative friends. They're always saying, "you know what sealybobo? You're not very liberal". Or they say, "are you sure you're a liberal?"

Why? Because I sound a lot like them. But here suddenly conservatives are above reproach.
I love it actually. Especially when it's someone here who's more conservative than I am. I'm always talking about this stuff with my conservative friends. They're always saying, "you know what sealybobo? You're not very liberal". Or they say, "are you sure you're a liberal?"

Why? Because I sound a lot like them. But here suddenly conservatives are above reproach.
then talk to someone who is a conservative......
I love it actually. Especially when it's someone here who's more conservative than I am. I'm always talking about this stuff with my conservative friends. They're always saying, "you know what sealybobo? You're not very liberal". Or they say, "are you sure you're a liberal?"

Why? Because I sound a lot like them. But here suddenly conservatives are above reproach.
Everyone is more conservative than you, moron.
Statistically, all you liberal conservatives are talking shit liars. We all know bias exists. You don't? You don't believe this bias hurts black people? From white hiring managers, many of them CONSERVATIVES? Fucking liars.

The numbers say most of you are liars. I believe 300 of the fortune 500 companies have diversity programs. They're stupid and you're right Harry?

We all know how white conservatives feel about black people. It's why 90% of them vote Democratic you stupid bitch!

How do I know? Because most conservative companies fight diversity programs and continue to be 99% white at the top, dummy.

But you're white so you can afford to not see it. I bet all your black relatives agree with you too right Harry?

Such anger and hostility. Bobo, you need some anger management and diversity training.
Everyone is more conservative than you, moron.
Not true. I believe most people would agree with me. If you added up the CEO, all the VP's in the company and all the people directly under the VP's, you will find people who are way over paid. Because they decide how much they are worth.

And they decide what YOU are worth. And most of you aren't worth that much. Everyone should be worth enough that if you work, you shouldn't need charity.

Cut their pay in half they still make a boat load of money. Then spread the money they lost out among all the employees. That would right size the economy.

I guess I am pretty liberal.
Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[2][3]

As it relates to business, here's how it intersects....

  1. Major Italian groups politically on the right, especially rich landowners and big business, feared an uprising by groups on the left, such as sharecroppers and labour unions.[67] They welcomed Fascism and supported its violent suppression of opponents on the left.[68] The accommodation of the political right into the Italian Fascist movement in the early 1920s created internal factions within the movement.
  2. The ANI held ties and influence among conservatives, Catholics, and the business community.[108] Italian national syndicalists held a common set of principles: the rejection of bourgeois values, democracy, liberalism, Marxism, internationalism, and pacifism, and the promotion of heroism, vitalism, and violence.[109] The ANI claimed that liberal democracy was no longer compatible with the modern world, and advocated a strong state and imperialism. They believed that humans are naturally predatory, and that nations are in a constant struggle in which only the strongest would survive.[110]
  3. In 1920, militant strike activity by industrial workers reached its peak in Italy and 1919 and 1920 were known as the "Red Year" (Biennio Rosso).[136] Mussolini and the Fascists took advantage of the situation by allying with industrial businesses and attacking workers and peasants in the name of preserving order and internal peace in Italy.[137]
  4. Historian Stanley G. Payne says: "[Fascism in Italy was a] primarily political dictatorship. ... The Fascist Party itself had become almost completely bureaucratized and subservient to, not dominant over, the state itself. Big business, industry, and finance retained extensive autonomy, particularly in the early years. The armed forces also enjoyed considerable autonomy. ... The Fascist militia was placed under military control. ... The judicial system was left largely intact and relatively autonomous as well. The police continued to be directed by state officials and were not taken over by party leaders ... nor was a major new police elite created.
  5. Due to the worldwide depression, Mussolini's government was able to take over most of Italy's largest failing banks, who held controlling interest in many Italian businesses.
  6. Source: Fascism - Wikipedia

It isn't what some have been pretending it to be of late.

Let's go deeper. There's a political party in America who's members are characterized by the belief in at least 2 or more of the following...
  • Ultranationalist
  • Militarism
  • Forcible suppression of opposition
  • Belief in a natural social hierarchy
  • Subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race
  • Strong regimentation of society and the economy

Anyone care to guess which American political party that is?!??
Fascism is not far right but I love it when a DNC cultist tries to redefine a word so it doesn't fit what they are.
Not true. I believe most people would agree with me. If you added up the CEO, all the VP's in the company and all the people directly under the VP's, you will find people who are way over paid. Because they decide how much they are worth.

And they decide what YOU are worth. And most of you aren't worth that much. Everyone should be worth enough that if you work, you shouldn't need charity.

Cut their pay in half they still make a boat load of money. Then spread the money they lost out among all the employees. That would right size the economy.

I guess I am pretty liberal.
The market decides what you are worth. I know it pisses you off that consumers have passed judgement on the value of your skills and found them wanting.

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