What ever happened to KWANZAA?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
For years of going to the post office and they always offered me Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa stamps...but not this year, they said they had a few 2011 FOREVER Kwanzaa stamps but nothing for 2014.... Has the "holiday" dropped out of favor? Used to hear it mentioned all the time is ads for the season, not a word this year...Any answers?
I started telling the truth about it a couple of years back.

True story.

It appears no one else ever wants to talk about Karenga but me.But sigh I have no problem to do it again.
Millions of people celebrate Kwanzaa. I know we do. The observance of the nguza saba starts on the 26th.

Heri za Kwanzaa.

Of course you do, all blacks on welfare do. It's called hate whitey day, because us uneducated half-animal blacks can't take responsibility for our own failure.

And it's more like 10s of thousands not million. Most blacks don't even know what Kwanza is!
I used to hit every board. Over this. Karenga. Man oh man I hate this mother fucker beyond belief.
What the fuck is wrong with you guys tonight? I mean it. You are really pissing me off.

Karenga is the asshole who started kwanza a fucking make believe bullshit occaision.
Millions of people celebrate Kwanzaa. I know we do. The observance of the nguza saba starts on the 26th.

Heri za Kwanzaa.
Here are the characteristics of a Kwanzaa supporter:
(1) Racist Black Asshole,
(2) Welfare baby with a 10th grad education,
(3) Never had more than a minimum wage job,
(4) A loser who blames whitey and not their lack of education and drive for why they are on the bottom of the economic scale.

I think that fits you perfectly
Millions of people celebrate Kwanzaa. I know we do. The observance of the nguza saba starts on the 26th.

Heri za Kwanzaa.
Here are the characteristics of a Kwanzaa supporter:
(1) Racist Black Asshole,
(2) Welfare baby with a 10th grad education,
(3) Never had more than a minimum wage job,
(4) A loser who blames whitey and not their lack of education and drive for why they are on the bottom of the economic scale.

I think that fits you perfectly

I thought Asslips was supposed to drive a new Mercedes, have a white girl he's fucking (Think black, fuck white...black women won't have him?) and makes a 6 figure number?...Asslips?
Millions of people celebrate Kwanzaa. I know we do. The observance of the nguza saba starts on the 26th.

Heri za Kwanzaa.
Here are the characteristics of a Kwanzaa supporter:
(1) Racist Black Asshole,
(2) Welfare baby with a 10th grad education,
(3) Never had more than a minimum wage job,
(4) A loser who blames whitey and not their lack of education and drive for why they are on the bottom of the economic scale.

I think that fits you perfectly

I thought Asslips was supposed to drive a new Mercedes, have a white girl he's fucking (Think black, fuck white...black women won't have him?) and makes a 6 figure number?...Asslips?

No way. He can claim what he wants, but you can tell he's a loser by all he stands for!

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