What does yours look like?

My Utopia is where every woman look like Ana do Armas, Alicia Vikander and Lily James for me and I am the only man...

A true Utopia will never happen because humans no matter two or eight billion can never agree what it is!
IDGAf about "society"

My perfect world is 100 acres with no neighbors in sight. A nice Craftsman style home about 2000 sq f with a barn that will house my music studio and workshop and store my tools and toys. a nice garden and greenhouse for my wife.

Full off the grid capability

Sounds good to me.

I'd like to have the same.
If you are collectivist, you are leftist. I am becoming more right wing, as in no government. Not fascist, that's leftwing because it is collective in nature, no I becoming more anarchist as I get older.

Government is power. Power to either help people, or abuse them. The historical record shows that overall governments have been far more abusive than helpful.

In that case everybody is a leftist because all humans are collectivist. Very, very few aren't. The Unibomber wasn't but he still needed others to survive - he travelled by bus to deliver his bombs on roads made by other people. He bought food. Didn't appear to buy clothing though. Everybody needs at least a couple of other people to get by - whether that person is supplying you food via the grocery store or your electricity via the utility worker.

Government is needed for there to be a inkling of civilisation. Sure, some govts might as well not exist - Somolia comes to mind - however most of the other govts are working to one degree or another. Flawed, and could be better, but there is one big thing interfering with the perfect govt - human nature and how we all think that our own personal version of how a govt should be run is the perfect solution.
The U.S. is founded on debate and differences of opinion. That's why we have elections. How in the world would we ever get to the point where there is only one side? It sounds kind of creepy to me and reeks of (left wing?) fantasies.
If you are collectivist, you are leftist. I am becoming more right wing, as in no government. Not fascist, that's leftwing because it is collective in nature, no I becoming more anarchist as I get older.

Government is power. Power to either help people, or abuse them. The historical record shows that overall governments have been far more abusive than helpful.

In that case everybody is a leftist because all humans are collectivist. Very, very few aren't. The Unibomber wasn't but he still needed others to survive - he travelled by bus to deliver his bombs on roads made by other people. He bought food. Didn't appear to buy clothing though. Everybody needs at least a couple of other people to get by - whether that person is supplying you food via the grocery store or your electricity via the utility worker.

Government is needed for there to be a inkling of civilisation. Sure, some govts might as well not exist - Somolia comes to mind - however most of the other govts are working to one degree or another. Flawed, and could be better, but there is one big thing interfering with the perfect govt - human nature and how we all think that our own personal version of how a govt should be run is the perfect solution.

The question is to what degree. The unabomber was a statist loon who lived alone lest he be discovered. His choice was based on operational security.

This country was founded on the principles of maintaining as much freedom for the individual as possible. The Founders set our government up so that laws infringing on individual libertys were difficult to pass.

They did that for a reason.

The question is to what degree. The unabomber was a statist loon who lived alone lest he be discovered. His choice was based on operational security.

This country was founded on the principles of maintaining as much freedom for the individual as possible. The Founders set our government up so that laws infringing on individual libertys were difficult to pass.

They did that for a reason.

And I think that is one of the biggest flaws in the US. A couple of people have touched on it in this OP - Utopia is impossible to bring about. It is. And I think the FFs of the US were ideological - and their heart was in the right place - but they set up a system that was bound to fail. What they attempted to put in place was the ideal scenario. That is impossible to achieve due to the scale and sheer numbers of people who live in the US.
In that case everybody is a leftist because all humans are collectivist. Very, very few aren't. The Unibomber wasn't but he still needed others to survive - he travelled by bus to deliver his bombs on roads made by other people.

You have collectivism confused with self-organizing labor.. Government is not the entity that builds roads.. Construction firms do.. Government doesn't MAKE much of anything. In fact, when they decide to dictate designs for anything -- we get curly cue lightbulbs and toilets that don't flush.. Collectivism is the cult of voluntary cooperation.. I call it a cult because membership in a co-op or a commune is a political-social thing..

You literally THINK that since I don't make own shoes -- that's collectivism.. Actually it's division of labor and a FOUNDATION of free market principles...
Your Utopia? And I mean realistically. There is no doubt that the vast majority of people on this forum are divided into two camps. Then there is the odd neutral like myself. If you could chuck all the liberals on one side of the country and the conservatives on the other, what would your society look like.

A conservative society would probably have no abortion, high gun ownership, the death penalty.
A democrat society would probably have no death penalty, affirmative action etc.

Both would probably be founded on the US BOR and Constitution.
I think the conservative society would have a lower crime rate, but the liberal society would be more just.
You are not neutral.
Mine is simple. Accountability for everyone.
Your Utopia? And I mean realistically. There is no doubt that the vast majority of people on this forum are divided into two camps. Then there is the odd neutral like myself. If you could chuck all the liberals on one side of the country and the conservatives on the other, what would your society look like.

A conservative society would probably have no abortion, high gun ownership, the death penalty.
A democrat society would probably have no death penalty, affirmative action etc.

Both would probably be founded on the US BOR and Constitution.
I think the conservative society would have a lower crime rate, but the liberal society would be more just.
Are you asking what my version of utopia is or are you asking what I think a completely divided country would look like?

Fair question. I'm guess I'm asking if you divided the US into two separate states - one being conservative the other liberal - and all things being equal it is divided with the same amount of land, wealth etc - and there was no civil war - it was done all nicely etc, what would your country look like compared to the other.

I think it might happen eventually. Too much water under the bridge over the past two decades. Might even be a civil war over it. But i'm curious what the reality of each state would actually look like once the dust has settled.
Ok so let's say we divided the country into the West US and the East US and all the Conservatives lived in the East and all the Liberals in the West. Let's also say that we advance the clock 60 years so that at least 2 generations mature. So initially I think the Liberal and Conservative ideals would be fervently pursued. But as the initial polarized founders of this country died out and the younger generations grew up, I think both sides after a couple of generations would begin to resemble the original country with people having a mix of views.
So do I. I think you have hit it in a nutshell. Then the country would have to divide again as the generations became more polarised yet again.

I still think there would be some truism. More people put to death in conservative US. If you chose which country you wanted to live in when the country divided (which more or less what happened to India in 1948), the conservative US would also be a lot more Christian and white.

More people put to death?
The question is to what degree. The unabomber was a statist loon who lived alone lest he be discovered. His choice was based on operational security.

This country was founded on the principles of maintaining as much freedom for the individual as possible. The Founders set our government up so that laws infringing on individual libertys were difficult to pass.

They did that for a reason.

And I think that is one of the biggest flaws in the US. A couple of people have touched on it in this OP - Utopia is impossible to bring about. It is. And I think the FFs of the US were ideological - and their heart was in the right place - but they set up a system that was bound to fail. What they attempted to put in place was the ideal scenario. That is impossible to achieve due to the scale and sheer numbers of people who live in the US.

What they KNEW was a government is run by people. People are greedy, powermad, and in some cases evil. They created a government that shackled the people in it to the best of their ability.

That way the amount of damage the people could do, through the agency of government, was limited.

The political class has corrupted that system and we are seeing the effect of that corruption now.
My Utopia is where every woman look like Ana do Armas, Alicia Vikander and Lily James for me and I am the only man...

A true Utopia will never happen because humans no matter two or eight billion can never agree what it is!

Out of your league

View attachment 320470

Not if I am the only man... Well they could become lesbians then yeah I screwed myself on that one...

I didn't even know who she was till I googled her.

Damn she is cute
It would look a lot like this:

View attachment 320158

Its a metaphor for the entire nation. The conservatives pride themselves on self sufficiency, being self-made people, etc... In truth few if anyone is truly self-sufficient and few if anyone is self-made. Did you get a good education? That is because some liberal decided that compulsory education nationwide was a good thing. Kudos to you for taking full advantage of it but you got a leg-up before you were even born!!!

Isn't it funny how your utopia requires people to suffer.

You really are a despicable piece of shit.
not necessarily....maybe it represents the conflict between a society based on rugged individual competition and a society built on mutual cooperation.

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