What Does Christmas Mean to You?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
To me Christmas is probably the most wonderful time of the year because it's the time that I reflect more of what I have instead of what I want. Which even though I'm still really excited about getting my Christmas presents this year, what I truly want is what I already have. The Lord watching out for me and watching over me, my friends and family surrounding me and supporting me, and a wonderful fiancee that loves me unconditionally. The greatest Christmas present in the world is something that is truly priceless which is love. I hope that everybody here has a wonderful and joyous Christmas season. :) Merry Christmas!!! :D

The REAL American Christmas

Tā€™was the weekend before Christmas
All the people standing in line
For crap on sale that was marked up 300%
To give the impression you're saving a few cents

The employee with the keys came to the door
Turned the lock and dove to the floor
People shoving and pushing, what holiday whores
Three people pushed through the glass
Oh not again, what a pain in the ass

The mall was abuzz
Your own voice could not be heard
Not over others, not one little word
Except for two women fighting over a doll

Vicious women shopping
Violent, hateful men too
Dragging screaming little monsters
Donā€™t you wish you could sue

Grabbing and punching
Pulling and gashing
Old ladies trampled onto the floor
Good grief, what a freeking bore

Cussing and slapping
Nasty looks for all
Oh what a holiday of hate
Oh look, another fall

Psychoā€™s driving like demons on wheels
Cutting off everyone around
While slamming on their brakes
Flipping you off and doing what it takes

To get home to families
Who couldnā€™t care less
About the thousands of dollars in gifts
Oh what a hot dramatic mess

Passed a starving man on the street
Speeding home from the mall
Almost hit and killed him
Oh well, better for us all

Forgetting about granny
Who gave everyone love

Couldnā€™t care less she broke her hip when alone
They exclaimed ā€œDonā€™t have time, weā€™ll put her in a homeā€

Exiling her to the living morgue
The one they call a ā€œhomeā€
Where they use and abuse
With no fight from anyone, anyone at all

Fuck you brother
To hell with you sister
Burn you lousy bastard
Iā€™ll kill you mister

Tis the night before Christmas
All the evil in the universe
Will never ever surpass
The hate and loathing from humans

Holidays that have become
Worse than the Crusades
More violent than war
Humans and holidays
Make Hitler look like a bore

So Merry Christmas to all
And to all a good night
Because the iPhone you forgot to get
Will get you death threats I bet

If hate and loathing
Are the ā€œholiday cheerā€
I welcome doomsday
It would be better than here
It doesn't mean the same now as it did when I was a family man. And definitely not what it meant when I was a kid. Luckily my grown sons are smart enough to never get married or have kids. So they're going to miss out on that whole daddy & Christmas morning thing that was one of the highlights of being a dad.
But they're also not going to have to have the struggles of visitation rights on holidays.

The world has gone into the crapper for a lot of dads. The holidays just compounds that for a lot of them.
To me Christmas is probably the most wonderful time of the year because it's the time that I reflect more of what I have instead of what I want. Which even though I'm still really excited about getting my Christmas presents this year, what I truly want is what I already have. The Lord watching out for me and watching over me, my friends and family surrounding me and supporting me, and a wonderful fiancee that loves me unconditionally. The greatest Christmas present in the world is something that is truly priceless which is love. I hope that everybody here has a wonderful and joyous Christmas season. :) Merry Christmas!!! :D

Something that was great as a kid, and not so much fun as an adult. Still haven't put the tree up. Coronavirus got in the way this weekend.
To me Christmas is probably the most wonderful time of the year because it's the time that I reflect more of what I have instead of what I want. Which even though I'm still really excited about getting my Christmas presents this year, what I truly want is what I already have. The Lord watching out for me and watching over me, my friends and family surrounding me and supporting me, and a wonderful fiancee that loves me unconditionally. The greatest Christmas present in the world is something that is truly priceless which is love. I hope that everybody here has a wonderful and joyous Christmas season. :) Merry Christmas!!! :D

God with us--Emmanuel

It is something I carry in my heart everyday. That's what being a Christian is....celebrating His birth, life and death everyday.

Then...there is the hubbub of the actual holiday. I love best the music, the coziness of lights and trees and fires in the fireplace with family around.
Ching a ling, are you listening,
It's one lane, snow is glistening
A bountiful sight, we're happy tonight.
Working in a winter wonderland.

Come to play, are the snowbirds,
Got green hay, is the new word
We'll string 'em along, with the local jargon
Working in a winter wonderland.

In the meadow we can build a ski lodge,
Then pretend that we're pioneers
All our friends will help us build a huge podge
To sit around and brag among our peers

Later on, we'll conspire,
As we watch the weather liars
To bill unafraid, the tourist koolaid

Working in a winter wonderland

For me, as a Spiritual non-Christian itā€™s a huge waste of time, energy and money. The non-stop music and advertisements starting in mid-October annoy the crap out of me.
The REAL American Christmas

Tā€™was the weekend before Christmas
All the people standing in line
For crap on sale that was marked up 300%
To give the impression you're saving a few cents

The employee with the keys came to the door
Turned the lock and dove to the floor
People shoving and pushing, what holiday whores
Three people pushed through the glass
Oh not again, what a pain in the ass

The mall was abuzz
Your own voice could not be heard
Not over others, not one little word
Except for two women fighting over a doll

Vicious women shopping
Violent, hateful men too
Dragging screaming little monsters
Donā€™t you wish you could sue

Grabbing and punching
Pulling and gashing
Old ladies trampled onto the floor
Good grief, what a freeking bore

Cussing and slapping
Nasty looks for all
Oh what a holiday of hate
Oh look, another fall

Psychoā€™s driving like demons on wheels
Cutting off everyone around
While slamming on their brakes
Flipping you off and doing what it takes

To get home to families
Who couldnā€™t care less
About the thousands of dollars in gifts
Oh what a hot dramatic mess

Passed a starving man on the street
Speeding home from the mall
Almost hit and killed him
Oh well, better for us all

Forgetting about granny
Who gave everyone love

Couldnā€™t care less she broke her hip when alone
They exclaimed ā€œDonā€™t have time, weā€™ll put her in a homeā€

Exiling her to the living morgue
The one they call a ā€œhomeā€
Where they use and abuse
With no fight from anyone, anyone at all

Fuck you brother
To hell with you sister
Burn you lousy bastard
Iā€™ll kill you mister

Tis the night before Christmas
All the evil in the universe
Will never ever surpass
The hate and loathing from humans

Holidays that have become
Worse than the Crusades
More violent than war
Humans and holidays
Make Hitler look like a bore

So Merry Christmas to all
And to all a good night
Because the iPhone you forgot to get
Will get you death threats I bet

If hate and loathing
Are the ā€œholiday cheerā€
I welcome doomsday
It would be better than here

Doesn't mean much these days.
Obviously when I was a kid it was great but once I grew older it doesnt mean much.
Paying for my Nieces college this semester for $5700 bucks makes me feel better than anything else I'll experience this holiday season.

A crazed desert religion pasted on to European sun worship traditions.

Who put lumps of coal in your stockings?

It doesn't mean the same now as it did when I was a family man. And definitely not what it meant when I was a kid. Luckily my grown sons are smart enough to never get married or have kids. So they're going to miss out on that whole daddy & Christmas morning thing that was one of the highlights of being a dad.
But they're also not going to have to have the struggles of visitation rights on holidays.

The world has gone into the crapper for a lot of dads. The holidays just compounds that for a lot of them.

Although it's their own personal choices, what's wrong with getting married and having families?

God with us--Emmanuel

It is something I carry in my heart everyday. That's what being a Christian is....celebrating His birth, life and death everyday.

Then...there is the hubbub of the actual holiday. I love best the music, the coziness of lights and trees and fires in the fireplace with family around.

Agreed with all the above except for the fact I mourn His death and celebrate His birth and resurrection.

For me, as a Spiritual non-Christian itā€™s a huge waste of time, energy and money. The non-stop music and advertisements starting in mid-October annoy the crap out of me.

Another Scrooge? (Although I get the early music and advertisements thing.)
I despise every second of every minute of every hour of every day of the entire month and a half of hell with a white-hot passion. The single thing I miss most about my old job is working Christmas.
Not really. I have no issue with other people celebrating. Iā€™d just prefer they do it without impacting my ability to go about my life in peace.

I also removed my disagree reaction because I see where you're coming from.
License....that's what Christmas means to me.

Because I truly enjoy senseless giving.

In this world there are givers and takers. I'm a giver. I enjoy giving. Most people are takers. Takers are all too common to be special.
But the takers (in the majority) are there to browbeat and scorn the givers into being takers as well.

During Christmas I get to let my freak flag fly and give cookies and home made truffles and gingerbread houses everywhere to all those I know and like. I have license to be myself for a change...and it's a relief from bottling it up all year long.
Thank you. I donā€™t want to ruin anyone elseā€™s holidays, but quite often the massiveness of the season does negatively impact those of us who prefer not to celebrate.

You better be careful,... Keep this up and people might actually start believing that you have a heart after all. ;)

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