What do you think of Trump admin. banning E-cigs?

I have plenty of friends that have stopped smoking by going to vaping, and most of them have decreased their nicotine intake as they can finally control that via the dose applied to the vaping liquid.
Uh-huh, so do I and that's after they've spent umpteen amounts of money on e-cigs and now suffer from problems like shortness of breath and heart-related chest pains, same type of things suffered by cigarette smokers.

Not so much "help" as extending the expensive nicotine addiction with fewer dangerous chemicals, if it facilitates them quitting then it has done SOME good but as I said there are safer ways to accomplish it if the person just can't manage to do cold turkey.

The other question is if said companies are providing a product people want to use, and more importantly, is less dangerous than the product being replaced, what is the problem with a company making money for itself or it's shareholders off it?

Do you have a reading disability or something? who the fuck said their was any PROBLEM with a company "making money for itself or its shareholders"?

Here's a lesson for you, stating REALITY isn't synonymous with criticizing it.

Um, how do you know those issues aren't inherent from their previous smoking?
I'm not a medical professional so I don't, however anecdotally; person smokes for many years turns to to e-cigs, vapes for a couple of years and suddenly develops chronic shortness of breath and angina (and this is in more than one case), leads me to conclude that the vaping wasn't exactly a best choice as an NRT as it's probably at least a contributing factor to the problems.

You are bitching about corporations making money. It seems you have a problem with that even if you won't admit it.
BULLSHIT, I did not BITCH about corporations making money, I pointed out that they were making money from these products which is what is known out here in the real world as telling the TRUTH, you should try it sometime.

I'm a pro-business, capitalist pig, why would I bitch about corporations legitimately making money?

Then why did you phrase your pointing it out in typical progressive "CORPORATIONS BAD" semantics?
ROFLMAO ! "typical progressive semantics"

Obviously you are experiencing acute, progressive contact poisoning and it is interfering with your ability to be rational.

Recommended cure: get out more and avoid exposure to leftwing dingbats for at least two months.

And your initial point ignores the fact that you don't know what the persons condition would be if they had continued smoking.
Yeah, I don't know what the person's condition would be if they had switched from smoking to snorting fairy dust either because unfortunately I'm not a clairvoyant.

What I do know is that symptoms developed after they were vaping instead of smoking for a significant period of time, symptoms which common sense suggests had a lower probability of occurring if they had say chosen for example, patches as an NRT instead of vaping.

E-cigs aren't a healthy option to tobacco, they're just a less destructive one, which ,over the long haul, may mean they're more dangerous because of the social acceptance factor and because we have people running around spreading the idea that they're "healthier" (which is exactly what a lot of kids think about them).

Again are you straight edge? Do you abstain from Caffeine and alcohol?

And they are healthier than smoking for the equivalent dose of nicotine provided.
Liberals elect people that run on a platform to curtail individual rights then they bitch when their individual rights gets curtailed.
Uh-huh, so do I and that's after they've spent umpteen amounts of money on e-cigs and now suffer from problems like shortness of breath and heart-related chest pains, same type of things suffered by cigarette smokers.

Not so much "help" as extending the expensive nicotine addiction with fewer dangerous chemicals, if it facilitates them quitting then it has done SOME good but as I said there are safer ways to accomplish it if the person just can't manage to do cold turkey.

Do you have a reading disability or something? who the fuck said their was any PROBLEM with a company "making money for itself or its shareholders"?

Here's a lesson for you, stating REALITY isn't synonymous with criticizing it.

Um, how do you know those issues aren't inherent from their previous smoking?
I'm not a medical professional so I don't, however anecdotally; person smokes for many years turns to to e-cigs, vapes for a couple of years and suddenly develops chronic shortness of breath and angina (and this is in more than one case), leads me to conclude that the vaping wasn't exactly a best choice as an NRT as it's probably at least a contributing factor to the problems.

You are bitching about corporations making money. It seems you have a problem with that even if you won't admit it.
BULLSHIT, I did not BITCH about corporations making money, I pointed out that they were making money from these products which is what is known out here in the real world as telling the TRUTH, you should try it sometime.

I'm a pro-business, capitalist pig, why would I bitch about corporations legitimately making money?

Then why did you phrase your pointing it out in typical progressive "CORPORATIONS BAD" semantics?
ROFLMAO ! "typical progressive semantics"

Obviously you are experiencing acute, progressive contact poisoning and it is interfering with your ability to be rational.

Recommended cure: get out more and avoid exposure to leftwing dingbats for at least two months.

And your initial point ignores the fact that you don't know what the persons condition would be if they had continued smoking.
Yeah, I don't know what the person's condition would be if they had switched from smoking to snorting fairy dust either because unfortunately I'm not a clairvoyant.

What I do know is that symptoms developed after they were vaping instead of smoking for a significant period of time, symptoms which common sense suggests had a lower probability of occurring if they had say chosen for example, patches as an NRT instead of vaping.

E-cigs aren't a healthy option to tobacco, they're just a less destructive one, which ,over the long haul, may mean they're more dangerous because of the social acceptance factor and because we have people running around spreading the idea that they're "healthier" (which is exactly what a lot of kids think about them).

Again are you straight edge? Do you abstain from Caffeine and alcohol?
What fucking difference does that make? If you want to try your hand at deflection, you're going to have to come up with something more sophisticated than a transparent lead up to an ad hominem if you want it to work on me.

And they are healthier than smoking for the equivalent dose of nicotine provided.
Yeah, that's like saying the people that were 5 miles from Chernobyl when it went up are "healthier" than the people that were 1 mile from it., it's a distinction without much of a difference.

Using the words healthy or healthier in connection with these products is something one might expect to read in a George Orwell novel, there's nothing healthy about them.
I don’t think it will hold up in court

They are banning flavors.......Your product can’t taste too good
While they're at it ban:

Fucking edibles. I can't believe they make deserts of it. Who else likes desert? dogs, elderly and children. Don't tell me it aint left around the house either. I've seen otherwise. I know adults who think it's a game "oh look what I got, blah blah blah). It's natural to consider candy candy,. Smoke a fucking joint or take a chill-pill, this aint Walt Disney.

All man-made recreational drugs. They're all toxic, can kill and disable.
You could eat 100 pot brownies and be fine. Vaping, apparently, is way more dangerous. So calm down, snowflake.

That's pretty funny, since the "vaping deaths" have been linked to THC.

How about YOU calm down, snowflake, and address the question of why anyone wants to ban vaping based on an "epidemic" of a handful of people out of 11 million dying - and we haven't even finished investigating those deaths yet - but don't talk about bans on the cigarettes people use vape to quit, which have been proven to kill far more users, or alcohol, which not only kills far more users but ALSO kills far larger numbers of people who don't use it as collateral damage? Or any of a number of other consumers products I can think of off the top of my head which routinely have higher death tolls?
Ecigs have not been banned. Why not just ban THC vapes. That's what's killing teens.

They're trying to ban it.

I agree, get rid of THC vapes too. I smoked a vape twice. I have low tolerance so can tell when things are very bad for you. I got sick both times off a hit or two.

And that has what relation to my life and you via the government dealing yourself a vote in my life how?
I used to be a very heavy smoker. I tried my first ecig and never had another tobacco cigarette. Over the years I cut down the nicotine percentage to zero. I've been at zero nic since 2011.

I have never been a smoker. In my case, vaping is a replacement for acute anxiety drugs like alprazolam. Off the top of my head, I'm going to say alprazolam is more dangerous and has a higher risk of health problems and death.

Whether it does or not, it's MY health and MY choice to make.
Some of these products have things like Vitamin e in them...you are not suppose to suck that into your lungs...some people can be allergic to certain additives they are putting in them these days...they put additives in for flavor and to be more like real smoking as well as to entice young people....

Yeah, it's like black-market, unlicensed sellers are untrustworthy or something. Licensed vendors don't add that shit, and they'll be happy to tell you exactly what's in their products so that you can make an informed decision regarding your purchase.

And I would like to see the evidence that flavors are specifically for "enticing young people", as opposed to just providing something that users in general want.
All man-made recreational drugs. They're all toxic

Cannabis is one of the oldest crop human have cultivated. Nothing man made about Hashish.

In fact Nature is full of plants that can be used for medicinal and recreational purposes straight out of the ground. From seeds Mother Nature gave us.

I think a ban is more Statism. All hail the Nanny State.
And I would like to see the evidence that flavors are specifically for "enticing young people", as opposed to just providing something that users in general want.
That would be impossible to do.....but you don't get less attention from kids with flavors like bubblegum...do ya?....
I heard the president on the news say it was a big concern of Melania's. Smart move on his part. As they say, "happy wife, happy life".

Pretty sure the powers of the President - which, btw, don't include banning consumer products - don't exist to cater to the personal preferences of the First Lady. And if he wants to make his wife happy, maybe he could start with something a bit easier and closer to home, like not cheating on her.
What do you think of Trump admin. banning E-cigs?

First of all, as with all news these days, I'll believe it when I see it.

If he DOES, then I will say he was wrong. I love Trump, but no politican you support is ever right 100% of the time

My problem with it, is that's an act of congress, not an action by the executive branch, except by regulation. The FDA can regulate, and even ban dangerous drugs, but if they can't ban real cigarettes, how can they think of banning something less dangerous.

Not sure how they could DO it, but they can think about it because tobacco lobbyists have spent decades cozying up to them and spreading the cash around.
I used to be a very heavy smoker. I tried my first ecig and never had another tobacco cigarette. Over the years I cut down the nicotine percentage to zero. I've been at zero nic since 2011.

And yet because a few people got fucked up by some illegal vapes they want to ban the shit out of something that is actually helping people.

Just out of curiosity, how exactly are vaping devices helping people?

You do understand that vaping was created to be an alternative to tobacco smoking, and to help people quit doing that, right? And it works for a lot of those people where nothing else has. You don't consider quitting smoking to be helpful?
Um, how do you know those issues aren't inherent from their previous smoking?
I'm not a medical professional so I don't, however anecdotally; person smokes for many years turns to to e-cigs, vapes for a couple of years and suddenly develops chronic shortness of breath and angina (and this is in more than one case), leads me to conclude that the vaping wasn't exactly a best choice as an NRT as it's probably at least a contributing factor to the problems.

You are bitching about corporations making money. It seems you have a problem with that even if you won't admit it.
BULLSHIT, I did not BITCH about corporations making money, I pointed out that they were making money from these products which is what is known out here in the real world as telling the TRUTH, you should try it sometime.

I'm a pro-business, capitalist pig, why would I bitch about corporations legitimately making money?

Then why did you phrase your pointing it out in typical progressive "CORPORATIONS BAD" semantics?
ROFLMAO ! "typical progressive semantics"

Obviously you are experiencing acute, progressive contact poisoning and it is interfering with your ability to be rational.

Recommended cure: get out more and avoid exposure to leftwing dingbats for at least two months.

And your initial point ignores the fact that you don't know what the persons condition would be if they had continued smoking.
Yeah, I don't know what the person's condition would be if they had switched from smoking to snorting fairy dust either because unfortunately I'm not a clairvoyant.

What I do know is that symptoms developed after they were vaping instead of smoking for a significant period of time, symptoms which common sense suggests had a lower probability of occurring if they had say chosen for example, patches as an NRT instead of vaping.

E-cigs aren't a healthy option to tobacco, they're just a less destructive one, which ,over the long haul, may mean they're more dangerous because of the social acceptance factor and because we have people running around spreading the idea that they're "healthier" (which is exactly what a lot of kids think about them).

Again are you straight edge? Do you abstain from Caffeine and alcohol?
What fucking difference does that make? If you want to try your hand at deflection, you're going to have to come up with something more sophisticated than a transparent lead up to an ad hominem if you want it to work on me.

And they are healthier than smoking for the equivalent dose of nicotine provided.
Yeah, that's like saying the people that were 5 miles from Chernobyl when it went up are "healthier" than the people that were 1 mile from it., it's a distinction without much of a difference.

Using the words healthy or healthier in connection with these products is something one might expect to read in a George Orwell novel, there's nothing healthy about them.

Answer the question.
And if as was pointed out, people have moved from the far more dangerous real cigarettes to vaping, maybe they should change them to be available by prescription only, like marijuana is in some states.


This is an isolated case of a bad batch of illegal vape oils hurting people.

The issue with cigarettes has always been the smoke. Removing the Smoke removes the main issues.

I was not aware of it being a specific product problem, the news sounded like it was a generic flaw of all e-cigs. But they did say there was no specific information, an no study has been done.

As I previously said, this should be a regulatory issue, which requires a scientific basis and public input before any action is taken.

That would be a big reason why people are so upset about this: because the media, as well as certain government agencies, have been deliberately misrepresenting this as "a generic flaw of all e-cigs", rather than what it actually is.
What do you mean "no second hand smoke risks" ??? It's an aerosol (which your lungs aren't exactly designed to breath) laced with NICOTINE as well as other potentially harmful chemicals.

You're right that e-cigs do smell better, they also don't contain the tar or nearly as many potentially harmful chemicals as tobacco, but make no mistake, if you're a non-smoker you don't want to breath that shit for any length of time.

That being said, I don't support banning them.

As you know tobacco products emit smoke from both ends. e-cigs reduce the external emissions to far lower levels.
Unlike tobacco, second hand vape should have most of it's active ingredients absorbed by the smoker, and shouldn't be exhaled.

But I could be wrong.

You're correct. Also, the nicotine levels are far lower than those found in tobacco cigarettes. And smoke hangs around and continues to fill the air around you. Vape dissipates almost immediately.

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