What do you think is ONE most important change to fix our government?

I am not talking about wishy washy stuff like "we need to get honest people elected" or "politicians should stop fighting" or "media is stupid to publicize idiots" etc. I am talking about HOW, I mean I need a clear answer.

I am confident without a doubt that this video, in which I put my soul in, is the only alternative to the plague of American politics, but let me see you put out a better alternative if you can - I dare you.

pvsi speech april 2012 - YouTube

A constitutional ammendment requiring the federal government to balance its budget would fix the biggest part of the federal government that is broken.

"Balanced Budget Ammendment"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh7RQ7l4pW8]House Republicans for a Balanced Budget Amendment - YouTube[/ame]
I think you still do not understand my question: "a rooster becoming smart would make it less stupid" - my question is HOW. how would you get the rooster to act normal? rooster being our government

The 'how' is handled in the balanced budget requirement.
We need to ensure that WE THE PEOPLE control our government and NOT just the uber-rich and powerful business interests.

Our Grand Old Party has for too long aligned with the interests of the monied at the expense of everyone else. If we don't elect people who serve our interests, but those of businesses and their government cronies what good is having a representative republic?

Want a rallying cry?
When was the last time you felt your congressman or senator was looking out for YOU and not just greasing his own palms with lobbyist money and favors?

Make politicians directly responsible to WE THE PEOPLE....not their campaign contributors.
ANYTHING that gets between the voters and their representatives should be expunged as a danger to the sovereignty of WE THE PEOPLE.

And SHAME on all our cowardly republicans who have avoided the public spotlight as of late, not attending town halls and having "exclusive" events. No quicker way to show the people you don't give a rats behind about them than to not be there.

Republicans WIN by being like Ike. We LOSE when we're like Bush and Romney.
feel like my video is invisible or something
We need to ensure that WE THE PEOPLE control our government and NOT just the uber-rich and powerful business interests.

Our Grand Old Party has for too long aligned with the interests of the monied at the expense of everyone else. If we don't elect people who serve our interests, but those of businesses and their government cronies what good is having a representative republic?

Want a rallying cry?
When was the last time you felt your congressman or senator was looking out for YOU and not just greasing his own palms with lobbyist money and favors?

Make politicians directly responsible to WE THE PEOPLE....not their campaign contributors.
ANYTHING that gets between the voters and their representatives should be expunged as a danger to the sovereignty of WE THE PEOPLE.

And SHAME on all our cowardly republicans who have avoided the public spotlight as of late, not attending town halls and having "exclusive" events. No quicker way to show the people you don't give a rats behind about them than to not be there.

Republicans WIN by being like Ike. We LOSE when we're like Bush and Romney.
feel like my video is invisible or something

Thanks for posting this however, I don't have time to sit through a 12 minute video. Care to recap it in a shorter time frame?? I'm sure what's there is profound, I just think it can be said in a couple of paragraphs. You know, give me the cliff notes version. :D
We need to ensure that WE THE PEOPLE control our government and NOT just the uber-rich and powerful business interests.

Our Grand Old Party has for too long aligned with the interests of the monied at the expense of everyone else. If we don't elect people who serve our interests, but those of businesses and their government cronies what good is having a representative republic?

Want a rallying cry?
When was the last time you felt your congressman or senator was looking out for YOU and not just greasing his own palms with lobbyist money and favors?

Make politicians directly responsible to WE THE PEOPLE....not their campaign contributors.
ANYTHING that gets between the voters and their representatives should be expunged as a danger to the sovereignty of WE THE PEOPLE.

And SHAME on all our cowardly republicans who have avoided the public spotlight as of late, not attending town halls and having "exclusive" events. No quicker way to show the people you don't give a rats behind about them than to not be there.

Republicans WIN by being like Ike. We LOSE when we're like Bush and Romney.
feel like my video is invisible or something

Why should we watch your dumbassed self-serving promotional video?
We need to ensure that WE THE PEOPLE control our government and NOT just the uber-rich and powerful business interests.

Our Grand Old Party has for too long aligned with the interests of the monied at the expense of everyone else. If we don't elect people who serve our interests, but those of businesses and their government cronies what good is having a representative republic?

Want a rallying cry?
When was the last time you felt your congressman or senator was looking out for YOU and not just greasing his own palms with lobbyist money and favors?

Make politicians directly responsible to WE THE PEOPLE....not their campaign contributors.
ANYTHING that gets between the voters and their representatives should be expunged as a danger to the sovereignty of WE THE PEOPLE.

And SHAME on all our cowardly republicans who have avoided the public spotlight as of late, not attending town halls and having "exclusive" events. No quicker way to show the people you don't give a rats behind about them than to not be there.

Republicans WIN by being like Ike. We LOSE when we're like Bush and Romney.

More lopsidedness from our new leftie blowhard. One that suffers from selective memory.

I'm a registered republican, fool.

If you don't like what I have to say, why don't you refute it instead of calling names?

And way to argue AGAINST holding public officials accountable. That's the sort of thinking that led us to getting our asses kicked in 2008, didn't it? If we can't govern any better than the dems, why should anyone put a republican in office?
We need to ensure that WE THE PEOPLE control our government and NOT just the uber-rich and powerful business interests.

Our Grand Old Party has for too long aligned with the interests of the monied at the expense of everyone else. If we don't elect people who serve our interests, but those of businesses and their government cronies what good is having a representative republic?

Want a rallying cry?
When was the last time you felt your congressman or senator was looking out for YOU and not just greasing his own palms with lobbyist money and favors?

Make politicians directly responsible to WE THE PEOPLE....not their campaign contributors.
ANYTHING that gets between the voters and their representatives should be expunged as a danger to the sovereignty of WE THE PEOPLE.

And SHAME on all our cowardly republicans who have avoided the public spotlight as of late, not attending town halls and having "exclusive" events. No quicker way to show the people you don't give a rats behind about them than to not be there.

Republicans WIN by being like Ike. We LOSE when we're like Bush and Romney.

More lopsidedness from our new leftie blowhard. One that suffers from selective memory.

I'm a registered republican, fool.

If you don't like what I have to say, why don't you refute it instead of calling names?

And way to argue AGAINST holding public officials accountable. That's the sort of thinking that led us to getting our asses kicked in 2008, didn't it? If we can't govern any better than the dems, why should anyone put a republican in office?

I'm a registered republican, fool.

Every wonder why you have to keep repeating that?

Yea, like anyone is going to believe you really are a registered Republican. :lol: :lol: :lol:

The left truly doesn't understand even when they hide behind a keyboard pretending to be a Republican.
1. Amendment to Balance the Budget
2. Term Limits for Congress and Senate
3. Register AIPAC as a Foreign agent as FARA requires those who receive funds or act on behalf of a foreign government.
A balanced budget requirement that doesn't give defense some sort of exemption/loopholes.

Impossible and impractical.

Then it's politically impossible to do otherwise.

The vast majority of people support a balanced budget amendment, and of course such an amendment would necessarily have a proviso for borrowing money when engaged in war.

Perhaps your concern is over the definition of war being abused in said scenario, and if so, I would agree there must be some sort of designation / definition such as 'total war' or similar.
We need to ensure that WE THE PEOPLE control our government and NOT just the uber-rich and powerful business interests.

Our Grand Old Party has for too long aligned with the interests of the monied at the expense of everyone else. If we don't elect people who serve our interests, but those of businesses and their government cronies what good is having a representative republic?

Want a rallying cry?
When was the last time you felt your congressman or senator was looking out for YOU and not just greasing his own palms with lobbyist money and favors?

Make politicians directly responsible to WE THE PEOPLE....not their campaign contributors.
ANYTHING that gets between the voters and their representatives should be expunged as a danger to the sovereignty of WE THE PEOPLE.

And SHAME on all our cowardly republicans who have avoided the public spotlight as of late, not attending town halls and having "exclusive" events. No quicker way to show the people you don't give a rats behind about them than to not be there.

Republicans WIN by being like Ike. We LOSE when we're like Bush and Romney.

More lopsidedness from our new leftie blowhard. One that suffers from selective memory.

I'm a registered republican, fool.

If you don't like what I have to say, why don't you refute it instead of calling names?

And way to argue AGAINST holding public officials accountable. That's the sort of thinking that led us to getting our asses kicked in 2008, didn't it? If we can't govern any better than the dems, why should anyone put a republican in office?

I need to ask you a question....

If you are a registered republican, then why do you present the GOP with the spoin and hyperbole that democratic politicians and left wing talking heads use?

For example...this line....

"Our Grand Old Party has for too long aligned with the interests of the monied at the expense of everyone else"

Anyone who is a republican is well aware that it is not the interests of the monied the GOP is wrapped up in......it is the interest of the people in general as equals that they are wrapped up in. The job creators make up the rich...basic logic...but each job creator is an American and should not be treated differently becuase of their success...and, of course, the more you tax the job creators, the less jobs they will create.

Nope...you are full of crap...you are not a registered republican. That is a given.
Thanks for posting this however, I don't have time to sit through a 12 minute video. Care to recap it in a shorter time frame?? I'm sure what's there is profound, I just think it can be said in a couple of paragraphs. You know, give me the cliff notes version. :D
That would be the first couple of sentences of the video: "I have a very important message for America and they will not allow me to speak on television or radio, but if you can give me a few minutes of your time without judging this message based on it's presumed lack of popularity and pass it on, then the whole political circus on television which has degraded our society is finished and our nation is liberated.."
"this november we will elected all new senators, congressmen and a president without them being pre selected by the establishment elite"
Thanks for posting this however, I don't have time to sit through a 12 minute video. Care to recap it in a shorter time frame?? I'm sure what's there is profound, I just think it can be said in a couple of paragraphs. You know, give me the cliff notes version. :D
That would be the first couple of sentences of the video: "I have a very important message for America and they will not allow me to speak on television or radio, but if you can give me a few minutes of your time without judging this message based on it's presumed lack of popularity and pass it on, then the whole political circus on television which has degraded our society is finished and our nation is liberated.."
"this november we will elected all new senators, congressmen and a president without them being pre selected by the establishment elite"

You want to stifle free speech from what I gather, all the while complaining that you cannot be heard.

Why should we watch your dumbassed self-serving promotional video?
because it is not self serving, my name is not even mentioned, it is all about serving the country.

edit, here is a clip from the first minute of the video:

"Before I formed the pvsi.net, I tried very hard for many years to get those different independent movements, who all talk about government corruption, which is so evident, to get them to join together, so that they can actually achieve something in winning elections. but I failed. and the reason for my failure, is non other, then because each of these movements is like an aspiring actor, trying to make a career for themselves, or simply collect donations. and it is not in their interest to unite with others, because then they would lose their privilege to handle the money and be in charge. so instead they come up with all the little differences to distinguish themselves from the rest.

This is where pvsi.net completely differs from all of them."

I don't think this, and in combination with EVERYTHING ELSE in the speech has the slightest stink of self servitude or promotion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited:

1. Strict term limits - None of these people are special or irreplaceable.

2. Publicly-funded elections - Get money out of the electoral process. Money isn't speech. Money is money.

3. Balanced Budget Amendment - Make these people responsible for their decisions for a freakin' change.

We need to ensure that WE THE PEOPLE control our government and NOT just the uber-rich and powerful business interests.

Our Grand Old Party has for too long aligned with the interests of the monied at the expense of everyone else. If we don't elect people who serve our interests, but those of businesses and their government cronies what good is having a representative republic?

Want a rallying cry?
When was the last time you felt your congressman or senator was looking out for YOU and not just greasing his own palms with lobbyist money and favors?

Make politicians directly responsible to WE THE PEOPLE....not their campaign contributors.
ANYTHING that gets between the voters and their representatives should be expunged as a danger to the sovereignty of WE THE PEOPLE.

And SHAME on all our cowardly republicans who have avoided the public spotlight as of late, not attending town halls and having "exclusive" events. No quicker way to show the people you don't give a rats behind about them than to not be there.

Republicans WIN by being like Ike. We LOSE when we're like Bush and Romney.

More lopsidedness from our new leftie blowhard. One that suffers from selective memory.

I'm a registered republican, fool.

If you don't like what I have to say, why don't you refute it instead of calling names?

And way to argue AGAINST holding public officials accountable. That's the sort of thinking that led us to getting our asses kicked in 2008, didn't it? If we can't govern any better than the dems, why should anyone put a republican in office?

Yeah yeah I have heard it countless times before you arrived.

I am not a registered repub, probably because of dem lite repubs like yourself, the ones that helped accumulate 15 trillion in debt.

You are a fraud.

But HUMOR US and tell us which policies you support. I need a good laugh, before tearing you a new one.
The best way to reform government is to make people see exactly how much government costs them.

I propose we get rid of all payroll tax deductions and make people actually write checks to the government for their taxes.

Then we change the date of tax day from April 15th to the day before election day in November so everyone will have just sent in a big fat check made out to the fucking government right before they cast their ballots

I guarantee you that will change the way government works.

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