What do you have NO control over?


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
You know you shouldn't eat it. But if it is there..I mean THERE, you're gonna eat it anyway. And you have NO. Self. Control. which makes you question your own power but dammitalltohell...you WANT it?

Like...a pan of brownies. I cannot eat just one. I have to eat A LOT. And I know I will regret it but I can't stop myself.

What made this thread come into being is my sister in law. She bought those really thin slices of deli salami and she wrapped pieces of it around a chunk of cheddar cheese as a snack. I saw it. Smelled it. And now I have two in front of me. I told her to hide it in her fridge cuz I know it's there. And to STOP ME. (hangs head in shame).

So..what foods do that to you?
You know you shouldn't eat it. But if it is there..I mean THERE, you're gonna eat it anyway. And you have NO. Self. Control. which makes you question your own power but dammitalltohell...you WANT it?

Like...a pan of brownies. I cannot eat just one. I have to eat A LOT. And I know I will regret it but I can't stop myself.

What made this thread come into being is my sister in law. She bought those really thin slices of deli salami and she wrapped pieces of it around a chunk of cheddar cheese as a snack. I saw it. Smelled it. And now I have two in front of me. I told her to hide it in her fridge cuz I know it's there. And to STOP ME. (hangs head in shame).

So..what foods do that to you?

Where the hell am I going to find a store open this time of night to get me some salami and cheddar cheese?
Bad tank. Bad. :lol:

I had some strawnberries in the fridge and ate the whole damn little carton of them. Personally, I like my own in the garden but I don't have any yet. Got buds, but they are just now forming. Store bought ones were ok....but I just couldn't get enough of them for some reason.

I want more salami. But..I am now eating cool ranch chips instead. I am pretending they are hard salamis. :lol:
Tagalongs and Samoas. Those things are soooo good, but I'm on a low carb diet. I only buy a few boxes from one of the grandkids. When The Girl Scouts set up their table outside of Winn Dixie, I give them $20 and tell them to keep the cookies.

I have the same problem with chips (especially garlic flavored) and Cheetos. I will only buy them a few times a year because I know I can't control myself. I have a lot of resistance in the grocery store, but once I get the stuff home resistance is futile.

I do the same with alcohol. I would rather pay more for one or two single-shot bottles than save money by getting a larger bottle. It's just easier for me to limit myself at the liquor store than it is at home.

Belgian white chocolate. No control...absolutely none.
My downfall is salty snacks. DO NOT PLACE A CONTAINER OF PIKNIK SHOESTRING POTATOES in front of me. That canister is empty in a few minutes.
What do you have NO control over?
The 3 slices of salami are still in her fridge. I am proud of myself. But..I know they are there and it is a work in progress to go not get them.
Cherry Coke is my favorite drink, spaghetti is my favorite meal, brownies are my favorite desert, and Cheetos and spicy nacho Doritos are my favorite chips, and I also love soft pretzels. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Tostitos corn chips. Doritos. I refuse to buy them because I will eat the entire bag.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Straight outta the box until my tongue bleeds. Don't buy them either!
Fresh hot tortilla chips and guacamole at Chevy's. I swear I could eat 5 or 6 baskets by myself.

Tagalongs and Samoas. Those things are soooo good, but I'm on a low carb diet. I only buy a few boxes from one of the grandkids. When The Girl Scouts set up their table outside of Winn Dixie, I give them $20 and tell them to keep the cookies.

I have the same problem with chips (especially garlic flavored) and Cheetos. I will only buy them a few times a year because I know I can't control myself. I have a lot of resistance in the grocery store, but once I get the stuff home resistance is futile.

I do the same with alcohol. I would rather pay more for one or two single-shot bottles than save money by getting a larger bottle. It's just easier for me to limit myself at the liquor store than it is at home.


The EVUL is upon us. The neighboring environs are swarming with green and brown demons tempting us with Samoas and Dosidos!

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