What Do White Supremacists Think of Asians?

Ya have to admire the slant eyed Asians ..they're not afraid to be proud of thier Ethno states..

Why do american blacks have a reputation of not getting along with all groups and immigrants
All asians included

Humm it's like a reoccurring theme

Flat face......! Dats wacist !
Can't knock the hustle ....but c'mon she Asian....math ....money

Here he is all grown up

That reputation doesn't exist.

You poor sheltered lily white suburbanite
Even Africans and Caribbean blacks go wtf is wrong with american blacks
You guys got a problem with everyone

From the yids in crown heights, cambodian rat eaters in philly ,to Mexicans in LA
Sea to mother fargin shining sea

I am black. You are a racist white piece of shit. Your opinion of blacks is based on not knowing anybody black and finding the worst examples of blacks so that you can to make racists claims.

No such reputation exists. I have lived black for over 58 years and I am safe in the fact that what I have said is the authoritative opinion on this matter.
Ya have to admire the slant eyed Asians ..they're not afraid to be proud of thier Ethno states..

Why do american blacks have a reputation of not getting along with all groups and immigrants
All asians included

Humm it's like a reoccurring theme

Flat face......! Dats wacist !
Can't knock the hustle ....but c'mon she Asian....math ....money

Here he is all grown up

That reputation doesn't exist.

You poor sheltered lily white suburbanite
Even Africans and Caribbean blacks go wtf is wrong with american blacks
You guys got a problem with everyone

From the yids in crown heights, cambodian rat eaters in philly ,to Mexicans in LA
Sea to mother fargin shining sea

I am black. You are a racist white piece of shit. Your opinion of blacks is based on not knowing anybody black and finding the worst examples of blacks so that you can to make racists claims.

No such reputation exists. I have lived black for over 58 years and I am safe in the fact that what I have said is the authoritative opinion on this matter.

Blah blah blah lily white girl

Blacks.... problems with everyone ! ...try leaving your white plastic sheltered environment every once and awhile.

Ya have to admire the slant eyed Asians ..they're not afraid to be proud of thier Ethno states..

Why do american blacks have a reputation of not getting along with all groups and immigrants
All asians included

Humm it's like a reoccurring theme

Flat face......! Dats wacist !
Can't knock the hustle ....but c'mon she Asian....math ....money

Here he is all grown up

That reputation doesn't exist.

You poor sheltered lily white suburbanite
Even Africans and Caribbean blacks go wtf is wrong with american blacks
You guys got a problem with everyone

From the yids in crown heights, cambodian rat eaters in philly ,to Mexicans in LA
Sea to mother fargin shining sea

I am black. You are a racist white piece of shit. Your opinion of blacks is based on not knowing anybody black and finding the worst examples of blacks so that you can to make racists claims.

No such reputation exists. I have lived black for over 58 years and I am safe in the fact that what I have said is the authoritative opinion on this matter.

Blah blah blah lily white girl

Blacks.... problems with everyone ! ...try leaving your white plastic sheltered environment every once and awhile.

View attachment 281834

That's your environment. I've never been there. You just don't know how stupid what you just posted really is.
Here he is all grown up
That's IM2 begging for reparations, right?

No, that's a working class white in blackface begging Trump for jobs.
I don't buy that. Blackface is one thing, but how did they flatten the nose and bulge the lips?!

It was you beggin fo adolla, wasn't it?

No one cares what you don't buy white boy. Whites have been begging since the constitution was signed.
So far none of the real beggars have had wide noses or thick lips.

Liddy made AIG sound like an orphan begging in a soup line, hungry and sick from being left out in someone else’s financial weather. He conveniently forgot to mention that AIG had spent more than a decade systematically scheming to evade U.S. and international regulators, or that one of the causes of its “pneumonia” was making colossal, world-sinking $500 billion bets with money it didn’t have, in a toxic and completely unregulated derivatives market.

Nor did anyone mention that when AIG finally got up from its seat at the Wall Street casino, broke and busted in the afterdawn light, it owed money all over town – and that a huge chunk of your taxpayer dollars in this particular bailout scam will be going to pay off the other high rollers at its table. Or that this was a casino unique among all casinos, one where middle-class taxpayers cover the bets of billionaires.
Ya have to admire the slant eyed Asians ..they're not afraid to be proud of thier Ethno states..

Why do american blacks have a reputation of not getting along with all groups and immigrants
All asians included

Humm it's like a reoccurring theme

Flat face......! Dats wacist !
Can't knock the hustle ....but c'mon she Asian....math ....money

Here he is all grown up

That reputation doesn't exist.

You poor sheltered lily white suburbanite
Even Africans and Caribbean blacks go wtf is wrong with american blacks
You guys got a problem with everyone

From the yids in crown heights, cambodian rat eaters in philly ,to Mexicans in LA
Sea to mother fargin shining sea

I am black. You are a racist white piece of shit. Your opinion of blacks is based on not knowing anybody black and finding the worst examples of blacks so that you can to make racists claims.

No such reputation exists. I have lived black for over 58 years and I am safe in the fact that what I have said is the authoritative opinion on this matter.

YOU are a racist pile of shit. The ONLY thing that matters to you is your hate, driven by the color of skin people have.

You're a reprobate, the lowest expression of humanity. You are the face of racism. You do nothing but pimp division and hate.
So far none of the real beggars have had wide noses or thick lips.

Liddy made AIG sound like an orphan begging in a soup line, hungry and sick from being left out in someone else’s financial weather. He conveniently forgot to mention that AIG had spent more than a decade systematically scheming to evade U.S. and international regulators, or that one of the causes of its “pneumonia” was making colossal, world-sinking $500 billion bets with money it didn’t have, in a toxic and completely unregulated derivatives market.

Nor did anyone mention that when AIG finally got up from its seat at the Wall Street casino, broke and busted in the afterdawn light, it owed money all over town – and that a huge chunk of your taxpayer dollars in this particular bailout scam will be going to pay off the other high rollers at its table. Or that this was a casino unique among all casinos, one where middle-class taxpayers cover the bets of billionaires.
Yeah, but Trump is begging, he should be wearing blackface according to IM2, who obviously doesn't have to.

Black privilidge I guess.
Another thing is black men are the only ones who really go head to head on white supremacy.

Asians are just cowardly white ass kissers. Even at school because Asians were pathetic at standing up for themselves they'd always wanna walk up home with us "tough, take no sh*t" black dudes when the white boys started bullying them.

That's why there is no Asian Martin Luther Kings. There is no Asian black panthers. There is no Asian Malcolm X. There is no Asian Nelson Mandela.

Why not ? The same dog that bite us, bit them back in the day. Na...Na they were to pussified. White men run through there women. Many of there women will fk any white dude.

Look at that Peter Liang case. The Asian cop who killed a black man (Akai Gurley)

I don't forget that they supported this guy heavy.



They’re argument was “Well how come our guy (Peter Liang) got convicted when Darren Wilson didn’t and the white guy who killed Eric Garner. If they get away with killing blacks. We should too

They’re mad because they got their Asian n*gga wake up call. They feel they didn’t get to the right practice white supremacy.

That is : The privilege of killing black people and walking free.

And that’s so disrespectful because a lot of Asians got over in the USA because of all the ass whoopings that black ppl got in the 60’s which kicked the door open for them to come (In large numbers) via the 1965 immigration act.

The black community have also rode for the Asian community. The rise of the Chinese films in the 70’s, black supported them. All those Asian firms in black areas.

Plus some of the biggest opposition to my trying to attain more knowledge in the Information Technology were Asian Men.

Many Asian men that I have come across, are not only resistant, but downright damn HOSTILE at the thought of a black man getting into technology. Their whole self-esteem VESTED in being the smartest of all other races.

However they can’t take what they dish out at all. They will be WICKED towards a black person. However the minute a white person discriminates against them, they are ready to slit their own wrists.

Look at Asians.

They’re always in their fking groups.
They’re never more than arms length away from each other.
They never interact with anyone who is not Asian.

It’s almost like they’re robots.

In China they’d stomp all over a black person if they even dared try and open a small fish stall, if that stall out did the locals. Yet they’re all over Africa buying up everything.

So Africans better recognize fast, before it’s too late, to stop the immigration of Asians to their Continent. Or they are going to end up being OPPRESSED in their own land all over again.



And IM2 says whites hate Asians and bam you write some of the most hateful shit that could make white Supremacists proud of you...
I don't hate anyone. I'm just black ppl first.

I hate the term "people of color" or "minorities" because it's the World Vs Black people
Another thing is black men are the only ones who really go head to head on white supremacy.

Asians are just cowardly white ass kissers. Even at school because Asians were pathetic at standing up for themselves they'd always wanna walk up home with us "tough, take no sh*t" black dudes when the white boys started bullying them.

That's why there is no Asian Martin Luther Kings. There is no Asian black panthers. There is no Asian Malcolm X. There is no Asian Nelson Mandela.

Why not ? The same dog that bite us, bit them back in the day. Na...Na they were to pussified. White men run through there women. Many of there women will fk any white dude.

Look at that Peter Liang case. The Asian cop who killed a black man (Akai Gurley)

I don't forget that they supported this guy heavy.



They’re argument was “Well how come our guy (Peter Liang) got convicted when Darren Wilson didn’t and the white guy who killed Eric Garner. If they get away with killing blacks. We should too

They’re mad because they got their Asian n*gga wake up call. They feel they didn’t get to the right practice white supremacy.

That is : The privilege of killing black people and walking free.

And that’s so disrespectful because a lot of Asians got over in the USA because of all the ass whoopings that black ppl got in the 60’s which kicked the door open for them to come (In large numbers) via the 1965 immigration act.

The black community have also rode for the Asian community. The rise of the Chinese films in the 70’s, black supported them. All those Asian firms in black areas.

Plus some of the biggest opposition to my trying to attain more knowledge in the Information Technology were Asian Men.

Many Asian men that I have come across, are not only resistant, but downright damn HOSTILE at the thought of a black man getting into technology. Their whole self-esteem VESTED in being the smartest of all other races.

However they can’t take what they dish out at all. They will be WICKED towards a black person. However the minute a white person discriminates against them, they are ready to slit their own wrists.

Look at Asians.

They’re always in their fking groups.
They’re never more than arms length away from each other.
They never interact with anyone who is not Asian.

It’s almost like they’re robots.

In China they’d stomp all over a black person if they even dared try and open a small fish stall, if that stall out did the locals. Yet they’re all over Africa buying up everything.

So Africans better recognize fast, before it’s too late, to stop the immigration of Asians to their Continent. Or they are going to end up being OPPRESSED in their own land all over again.



And IM2 says whites hate Asians and bam you write some of the most hateful shit that could make white Supremacists proud of you...
I don't hate anyone. I'm just black ppl first.

I hate the term "people of color" or "minorities" because it's the World Vs Black people

Well at least you ain't talking that Japanese shit this is America!

Life to short to be consumed by hate anyway
Another thing is black men are the only ones who really go head to head on white supremacy.

Asians are just cowardly white ass kissers. Even at school because Asians were pathetic at standing up for themselves they'd always wanna walk up home with us "tough, take no sh*t" black dudes when the white boys started bullying them.

That's why there is no Asian Martin Luther Kings. There is no Asian black panthers. There is no Asian Malcolm X. There is no Asian Nelson Mandela.

Why not ? The same dog that bite us, bit them back in the day. Na...Na they were to pussified. White men run through there women. Many of there women will fk any white dude.

Look at that Peter Liang case. The Asian cop who killed a black man (Akai Gurley)

I don't forget that they supported this guy heavy.



They’re argument was “Well how come our guy (Peter Liang) got convicted when Darren Wilson didn’t and the white guy who killed Eric Garner. If they get away with killing blacks. We should too

They’re mad because they got their Asian n*gga wake up call. They feel they didn’t get to the right practice white supremacy.

That is : The privilege of killing black people and walking free.

And that’s so disrespectful because a lot of Asians got over in the USA because of all the ass whoopings that black ppl got in the 60’s which kicked the door open for them to come (In large numbers) via the 1965 immigration act.

The black community have also rode for the Asian community. The rise of the Chinese films in the 70’s, black supported them. All those Asian firms in black areas.

Plus some of the biggest opposition to my trying to attain more knowledge in the Information Technology were Asian Men.

Many Asian men that I have come across, are not only resistant, but downright damn HOSTILE at the thought of a black man getting into technology. Their whole self-esteem VESTED in being the smartest of all other races.

However they can’t take what they dish out at all. They will be WICKED towards a black person. However the minute a white person discriminates against them, they are ready to slit their own wrists.

Look at Asians.

They’re always in their fking groups.
They’re never more than arms length away from each other.
They never interact with anyone who is not Asian.

It’s almost like they’re robots.

In China they’d stomp all over a black person if they even dared try and open a small fish stall, if that stall out did the locals. Yet they’re all over Africa buying up everything.

So Africans better recognize fast, before it’s too late, to stop the immigration of Asians to their Continent. Or they are going to end up being OPPRESSED in their own land all over again.



And IM2 says whites hate Asians and bam you write some of the most hateful shit that could make white Supremacists proud of you...
I don't hate anyone. I'm just black ppl first.

I hate the term "people of color" or "minorities" because it's the World Vs Black people

So, you are a black supremacist then?

It only wrong if whitey do it.
" Ignoring Good Advice "

* Blame Game Excuse Without Self Reflection *
Oh, these uppity coloureds just make me feel so demonized and icky in my pale skin. I do declare!
Perhaps behind your uppity niggardly ways you may have actual intelligence , as there are those above and below the distributed mean , though your demeanor and premises do not support it .

All you really promote is an arrogance and feign intellectual competence of those you represent which is not supported by data .

It is supposed that a median iq of 90 for the public is required for stable democracy and it is not too difficult to make that correlation to governments around the world ; the west should stipulate iq requirements on those petitioning for citizenship .

Whatever " obligation " the us was supposed to have had to open its borders to " non white , christian , europeans " has been met and the west in general does not have an obligation for its societies to represent the global distribution .

* Riding Coat Tails And Biting The Hand That Feeds *

Intellectual disability - Wikipedia
Intellectual disability (ID), also known as general learning disability[3] and mental retardation (MR),[4][5] is a generalized neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by significantly impaired intellectual and adaptive functioning. It is defined by an IQ under 70, in addition to deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors that affect everyday, general living.

Namibia 74 2,494,530
Mali 74 19,658,031
Ghana 73 30,417,856
Tanzania 72 58,005,463
Sudan 71 42,813,238
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines 71 110,589
Jamaica 71 2,948,279
Central African Republic 71 4,745,185
Togo 70 8,082,366
Botswana 70 2,303,697
Rwanda 70 12,626,950
Antigua And Barbuda 70 97,118
Benin 70 11,801,151
Niger 69 23,310,715
Malawi 69 18,628,747
Ethiopia 69 112,078,730
Burundi 69 11,530,580
Burkina Faso 68 20,321,378
Swaziland 68 1,148,130
Somalia 68 15,442,905
Djibouti 68 973,560
Angola 68 31,825,295
Chad 68 15,946,876
Saint Kitts And Nevis 67 52,823
Guinea Bissau 67 1,920,922
Liberia 67 4,937,374
Lesotho 67 2,125,268
Haiti 67 11,263,077
Guinea 67 12,771,246
Dominica 67 71,808
Mozambique 64 30,366,036
Gabon 64 2,172,579
Cameroon 64 25,876,380
Saint Lucia 62 182,790
Equatorial Guinea 59 1,355,986

IQ by Country
91 Kenya 71 474 $ 32 $ 28.8 °C
92 Tanzania 71 370 $ 14 $ 29.9 °C
93 Ivory Coast 71 802 $ 39 $ 32.0 °C
94 South Africa 70 3,991 $ 224 $ 24.8 °C
95 Sudan 70 551 $ 14 $ 36.5 °C
96 Nigeria 70 840 $ 33.0 °C
97 Ghana 69 522 $ 34 $ 31.5 °C
98 Cameroon 65 900 $ 27 $ 30.9 °C
99 Mozambique 65 289 $ 11 $ 29.3 °C
100 Angola 64 1,073 $ 44 $ 26.7 °C
101 Democratic Republic of the Congo 63 217 $ 3 $ 30.0 °C
102 Eritrea 63 355 $ 13 $ 29.2 °C
103 Guinea-Bissau 62 316 $ 13 $ 32.9 °C
104 Ethiopia 61 190 $ 8 $ 27.2 °C
105 Senegal 60 878 $ 39 $ 35.7 °C
106 Gambia 60 534 $ 11 $ 32.8 °C
107 East Timor 60 1,553 $ 49 $ 30.9 °C
108 Gabon 60 4,857 $ 191 $ 29.8 °C
109 Sao Tome and Principe 58 904 $ 53 $ 28.6 °C
110 Equatorial Guinea 56 3,369 $ 158 $ 30.2 °C
Another thing is black men are the only ones who really go head to head on white supremacy.

Asians are just cowardly white ass kissers. Even at school because Asians were pathetic at standing up for themselves they'd always wanna walk up home with us "tough, take no sh*t" black dudes when the white boys started bullying them.

That's why there is no Asian Martin Luther Kings. There is no Asian black panthers. There is no Asian Malcolm X. There is no Asian Nelson Mandela.

Why not ? The same dog that bite us, bit them back in the day. Na...Na they were to pussified. White men run through there women. Many of there women will fk any white dude.

Look at that Peter Liang case. The Asian cop who killed a black man (Akai Gurley)

I don't forget that they supported this guy heavy.



They’re argument was “Well how come our guy (Peter Liang) got convicted when Darren Wilson didn’t and the white guy who killed Eric Garner. If they get away with killing blacks. We should too

They’re mad because they got their Asian n*gga wake up call. They feel they didn’t get to the right practice white supremacy.

That is : The privilege of killing black people and walking free.

And that’s so disrespectful because a lot of Asians got over in the USA because of all the ass whoopings that black ppl got in the 60’s which kicked the door open for them to come (In large numbers) via the 1965 immigration act.

The black community have also rode for the Asian community. The rise of the Chinese films in the 70’s, black supported them. All those Asian firms in black areas.

Plus some of the biggest opposition to my trying to attain more knowledge in the Information Technology were Asian Men.

Many Asian men that I have come across, are not only resistant, but downright damn HOSTILE at the thought of a black man getting into technology. Their whole self-esteem VESTED in being the smartest of all other races.

However they can’t take what they dish out at all. They will be WICKED towards a black person. However the minute a white person discriminates against them, they are ready to slit their own wrists.

Look at Asians.

They’re always in their fking groups.
They’re never more than arms length away from each other.
They never interact with anyone who is not Asian.

It’s almost like they’re robots.

In China they’d stomp all over a black person if they even dared try and open a small fish stall, if that stall out did the locals. Yet they’re all over Africa buying up everything.

So Africans better recognize fast, before it’s too late, to stop the immigration of Asians to their Continent. Or they are going to end up being OPPRESSED in their own land all over again.



And IM2 says whites hate Asians and bam you write some of the most hateful shit that could make white Supremacists proud of you...
I don't hate anyone. I'm just black ppl first.

I hate the term "people of color" or "minorities" because it's the World Vs Black people

Well at least you ain't talking that Japanese shit this is America!

Life to short to be consumed by hate anyway
I don't want blk ppl to hate white ppl. I want blk ppl to stop loving them.

Black ppl have not done a thing to white ppl.

Black ppl have not done a thing to Asian ppl.

Now if do you want me to point out the hateful things whites have done to blks ?

Yeah, we'll be for a very long time won't we ?

There is no hateful history of black ppl doing to whites what whites have done to blks.

Black ppl could never do to whites what whites do n have done to blks.

God just didnt make us that way. He just didnt give us that heart.

Even on here you dont see me trying to prove how stupid white ppl are n how violent white ppl are. Black ppl don't have the white equivalents of niggamania.com n chimpmania.com n chimpout.com

We are not hateful ones.
" Ignoring Good Advice "

* Blame Game Excuse Without Self Reflection *
Oh, these uppity coloureds just make me feel so demonized and icky in my pale skin. I do declare!
Perhaps behind your uppity niggardly ways you may have actual intelligence , as there are those above and below the distributed mean , though your demeanor and premises do not support it .

All you really promote is an arrogance and feign intellectual competence of those you represent which is not supported by data .

It is supposed that a median iq of 90 for the public is required for stable democracy and it is not too difficult to make that correlation to governments around the world ; the west should stipulate iq requirements on those petitioning for citizenship .

Whatever " obligation " the us was supposed to have had to open its borders to " non white , christian , europeans " has been met and the west in general does not have an obligation for its societies to represent the global distribution .

* Riding Coat Tails And Biting The Hand That Feeds *

Intellectual disability - Wikipedia
Intellectual disability (ID), also known as general learning disability[3] and mental retardation (MR),[4][5] is a generalized neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by significantly impaired intellectual and adaptive functioning. It is defined by an IQ under 70, in addition to deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors that affect everyday, general living.

Namibia 74 2,494,530
Mali 74 19,658,031
Ghana 73 30,417,856
Tanzania 72 58,005,463
Sudan 71 42,813,238
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines 71 110,589
Jamaica 71 2,948,279
Central African Republic 71 4,745,185
Togo 70 8,082,366
Botswana 70 2,303,697
Rwanda 70 12,626,950
Antigua And Barbuda 70 97,118
Benin 70 11,801,151
Niger 69 23,310,715
Malawi 69 18,628,747
Ethiopia 69 112,078,730
Burundi 69 11,530,580
Burkina Faso 68 20,321,378
Swaziland 68 1,148,130
Somalia 68 15,442,905
Djibouti 68 973,560
Angola 68 31,825,295
Chad 68 15,946,876
Saint Kitts And Nevis 67 52,823
Guinea Bissau 67 1,920,922
Liberia 67 4,937,374
Lesotho 67 2,125,268
Haiti 67 11,263,077
Guinea 67 12,771,246
Dominica 67 71,808
Mozambique 64 30,366,036
Gabon 64 2,172,579
Cameroon 64 25,876,380
Saint Lucia 62 182,790
Equatorial Guinea 59 1,355,986

IQ by Country
91 Kenya 71 474 $ 32 $ 28.8 °C
92 Tanzania 71 370 $ 14 $ 29.9 °C
93 Ivory Coast 71 802 $ 39 $ 32.0 °C
94 South Africa 70 3,991 $ 224 $ 24.8 °C
95 Sudan 70 551 $ 14 $ 36.5 °C
96 Nigeria 70 840 $ 33.0 °C
97 Ghana 69 522 $ 34 $ 31.5 °C
98 Cameroon 65 900 $ 27 $ 30.9 °C
99 Mozambique 65 289 $ 11 $ 29.3 °C
100 Angola 64 1,073 $ 44 $ 26.7 °C
101 Democratic Republic of the Congo 63 217 $ 3 $ 30.0 °C
102 Eritrea 63 355 $ 13 $ 29.2 °C
103 Guinea-Bissau 62 316 $ 13 $ 32.9 °C
104 Ethiopia 61 190 $ 8 $ 27.2 °C
105 Senegal 60 878 $ 39 $ 35.7 °C
106 Gambia 60 534 $ 11 $ 32.8 °C
107 East Timor 60 1,553 $ 49 $ 30.9 °C
108 Gabon 60 4,857 $ 191 $ 29.8 °C
109 Sao Tome and Principe 58 904 $ 53 $ 28.6 °C
110 Equatorial Guinea 56 3,369 $ 158 $ 30.2 °C
Call me intellectually inferior all day.

I dont give a crap about that.

All I want to know from all you guys who are always running around trying to prove how stupid black ppl are is this

What you do you with a race of ppl who you claim are stupid ?

Now don't wimp out n give the usual ",well erm you know i mean, some blks are smart, but on average....."

Get to the doing part.

But you never do that because then your gonna have to talk sum real shit.

Whites were saying blks were stupid long b4 iq.

Get to the doing part.
Perhaps behind your uppity niggardly ways you may have actual intelligence , as there are those above and below the distributed mean , though your demeanor and premises do not support it .

All you really promote is an arrogance and feign intellectual competence of those you represent which is not supported by data .
I'm as lily white as my avatar, just fyi. And I don't "represent" anyone but myself except Bernie occasionally and others for parody purposes. Imo, such IQ arguments circularly promote racism and meritocracy rooted in nothing of genuine merit.
What you do you with a race of ppl who you claim are stupid ?
Keep publicly reminding them that you think they're stupid to maintain that glorious myth of superiority so that perhaps,.. some sunny day,.. should enough be persuaded,.. The South may rise again!
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