Anti-Defamation League Says ‘OK’ Hand Signal Is A Racist Symbol


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Okey Dokey


The left are insane, exhibit 78,492

Anti-Defamation League says 'OK' hand signal is a racist symbol
And they are correct. Racists use it as a racist symbol. They are not saying all instances of it are racist symbols.
Like I said, you’re insane.
Yes, we are all used to your hissy fits by now.

So Obama was flashing the sign for racist communication...

Sounds about right if you are ok with that train of thought that everything is racist in life...


Clear evidence that Obama was a White Supremacist.

I've never seen Trump flash an 'OK' sign so that is clear proof he's not a Supremacist.

Why Did Trump Make the ‘OK’ Sign While Talking about AOC?

What OK sign? You can see an OK sign in that picture from 90° off angle? Boy, you are one amazing SOB! All I see there is a few fingers in the air as they should be with possibly a 4th one bent a bit. Now Trump cannot even bend his fingers? Dude, you are such a SHITHEAD. Spare us all your BULL.
And they are correct. Racists use it as a racist symbol. They are not saying all instances of it are racist symbols.

You pricks are so fucking stupid. That symbol is used worldwide for peaceful, and informational signals.

You idiots come in and claim that because some small group uses it for something bad that now it is off limits.

You all need to have your heads examined.

Clear evidence that Obama was a White Supremacist.

I've never seen Trump flash an 'OK' sign so that is clear proof he's not a Supremacist.

Why Did Trump Make the ‘OK’ Sign While Talking about AOC?

What OK sign? You can see an OK sign in that picture from 90° off angle? Boy, you are one amazing SOB! All I see there is a few fingers in the air as they should be with possibly a 4th one bent a bit. Now Trump cannot even bend his fingers? Dude, you are such a SHITHEAD. Spare us all your BULL.

You dumbass, retarded fuck. It's there in plain view, unless you are blind as well as stupid.

You were the one who said you never saw Trump make the ok sign.

As far as Trump bending his fat little fingers, I don't personally care if he does or not. There are more than enough other questions about him.

Trump Flashes White Supremacist Hand Gesture While Saying ‘AOC’ During Turning Point USA Speech
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"The 'okay' gesture hoax was merely the latest in a series of similar 4chan hoaxes using various innocuous symbols; in each case, the hoaxers hoped that the media and liberals would overreact by condemning a common image as white supremacist," according to the organization.

"In the case of the 'okay' gesture, the hoax was so successful the symbol became a popular trolling tactic on the part of right-leaning individuals, who would often post photos to social media of themselves posing while making the 'okay' gesture."

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Newly added symbols, slogans and memes in ADL’s “Hate on Display” resource include:

  • The “OK” hand symbol – Begun as a hoax by members of the website 4chan, the OK symbol became a popular trolling tactic. By 2019, the symbol was being used in some circles as a sincere expression of white supremacy. Australian white supremacist Brenton Tarrant flashed the symbol during his March 2019 courtroom appearance soon after his arrest for allegedly murdering 50 people in mosques in Christchurch.
  • Burning Neo-Nazi symbols – Neo-Nazis have adopted the Ku Klux Klan practice of symbolic burnings, substituting swastikas and other neo-Nazi symbols such as othala and life runes, for crosses.
  • Dylann Roof’s “Bowlcut” – The “Bowlcut” is an image of a bowl-shaped haircut resembling the one worn by white supremacist mass killer Dylann Roof. Those who use the bowlcut image or other “bowl” references admire Roof and call for others to emulate his 2015 mass shooting attack at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina.
  • Happy Merchant – An anti-Semitic meme depicting a drawing of a Jewish man with heavily stereotyped facial features who is greedily rubbing his hands together. The meme is by far the most popular anti-Semitic meme among white supremacists.
  • “Anudda Shoah” – An anti-Semitic phrase that first became popular among white supremacists in 2014 to mock Jews, whom they claim bring up the Holocaust (“Shoah” is the Hebrew term for Holocaust) when confronted with anything they don’t like.
  • Diversity = White Genocide – A white supremacist slogan intended to suggest multiculturalism will mean the demise of the white race.
  • Logos of various hate groups, including the neo-Confederate white supremacist League of the South; the neo-Nazi National Socialist Legion; the white supremacist Rise Above Movement (RAM); the white supremacist group Patriot Front; and the American Identity Movement, the white supremacist group that is successor to Identity Evropa.
Diversity = White Genocide is an opinion about motives, not a racial slur. For the love of hyena humping. Is there ANY reason to take these communists seriously.

Many of these bullshit racism claims generally originate with the Farkfurt School.


Clear evidence that Obama was a White Supremacist.

I've never seen Trump flash an 'OK' sign so that is clear proof he's not a Supremacist.

Why Did Trump Make the ‘OK’ Sign While Talking about AOC?

What OK sign? You can see an OK sign in that picture from 90° off angle? Boy, you are one amazing SOB! All I see there is a few fingers in the air as they should be with possibly a 4th one bent a bit. Now Trump cannot even bend his fingers? Dude, you are such a SHITHEAD. Spare us all your BULL.

You dumbass, retarded fuck. It's there in plain view, unless you are blind as well as stupid.

You were the one who said you never saw Trump make the ok sign.

As far as Trump bending his fat little fingers, I don't personally care if he does or not. There are more than enough other questions about him.

Trump Flashes White Supremacist Hand Gesture While Saying ‘AOC’ During Turning Point USA Speech
Plain view? Is that why all you got is a 3 second video clip where Trump says (I think) AOC? Who can tell anything from that? OK, Wow! Trump made the OK sign. I get it. Trump is OK. His audience is OK. Get a life, shithead. What next, Trump is making secret messages with his toes from under the podium?
And they are correct. Racists use it as a racist symbol. They are not saying all instances of it are racist symbols.

You pricks are so fucking stupid. That symbol is used worldwide for peaceful, and informational signals.

You idiots come in and claim that because some small group uses it for something bad that now it is off limits.

You all need to have your heads examined.
They're not even using it for something bad...They're career trolls making shit up out of whole cloth, to see how many gullible rubes they can reel in.

I was lurking 4Chan/pol when the thread was started to do the same thing on Fakebook with their "trash dove" sticker....It went viral before the end of the day, and before a week had passed the bedwetters were shrieking about how they'd uncovered the new "secret gang sign" of the alt-right


Then the next iteration came in teaming the dove up with Pepe and the troll was complete...


One poster even wondered aloud in a post whether it was possible to shitpost the world into WWIII.

And the dumb fucks keep falling for it.

Clear evidence that Obama was a White Supremacist.

I've never seen Trump flash an 'OK' sign so that is clear proof he's not a Supremacist.

Why Did Trump Make the ‘OK’ Sign While Talking about AOC?

What OK sign? You can see an OK sign in that picture from 90° off angle? Boy, you are one amazing SOB! All I see there is a few fingers in the air as they should be with possibly a 4th one bent a bit. Now Trump cannot even bend his fingers? Dude, you are such a SHITHEAD. Spare us all your BULL.

You dumbass, retarded fuck. It's there in plain view, unless you are blind as well as stupid.

You were the one who said you never saw Trump make the ok sign.

As far as Trump bending his fat little fingers, I don't personally care if he does or not. There are more than enough other questions about him.

Trump Flashes White Supremacist Hand Gesture While Saying ‘AOC’ During Turning Point USA Speech
You Leftards need professional psychiatric help.

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