What do people think about Ann Coulter refusing a hug from an immigrant woman?


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
People on FB are saying Ann is a bitch and the genral feeling is she comes across as mean spirited. I personally don't blame Ann at all, but I do think there are a lot of stupid people out there that think she's a meanie because of this. She would have been better served just hugging the lady.
She looked like she was real sweaty, I wouldn't hug her either
I dont have a problem with it. In fact I applaud her for not falling for the obvious gotcha moment and standing her ground.

I agree. It would be great if real problems could be solved with a hug...but they can't.
Ann is smart enough to know that she won't win this little show either way, if she hugged her - the left would tear her apart for the way she hugged her and call her a racist, if she doesn't then they call her a racist..so...
I dont have a problem with it. In fact I applaud her for not falling for the obvious gotcha moment and standing her ground.

I agree. It would be great if real problems could be solved with a hug...but they can't.
Ann is smart enough to know that she won't win this little show either way, if she hugged her - the left would tear her apart for the way she hugged her and call her a racist, if she doesn't then they call her a racist..so...

Yep...Ann walked away clean.
People on FB are saying Ann is a bitch and the genral feeling is she comes across as mean spirited. I personally don't blame Ann at all, but I do think there are a lot of stupid people out there that think she's a meanie because of this. She would have been better served just hugging the lady.

She should have hugged her and gave her the flu that she had. Then the left wing hacks would say she gave her the flu on purpose.
Regardless of your opinion of Ann, every citizen in this country should read her book, Adios America, because we are living it. Obama plans to flood this country with as many foreigners as he can. He's importing Muslims as quickly as he can, those sworn to perpetuate our demise. Mexicans are now Americans just for climbing the fence. Obama orchestrated thousands of children showing up at the border all at once. He's sending planes to South America to facilitate the browning of America. You would know that if you had read HIS book. He wants what his father wanted. Death to white colonists and 100% tax on real American citizens. And he is succeeding because we are so busy playing his righty/lefty division, that no one notices.
Well I'm angry! Ann could have solved the ENTIRE Illegal Alien problem by hugging that ugly, fat, Illegal Alien activist!
People on FB are saying Ann is a bitch and the genral feeling is she comes across as mean spirited. I personally don't blame Ann at all, but I do think there are a lot of stupid people out there that think she's a meanie because of this. She would have been better served just hugging the lady.

If she had hugged her the media caption would read......"Coulter Embraces Illegals!!!"
People on FB are saying Ann is a bitch and the genral feeling is she comes across as mean spirited. I personally don't blame Ann at all, but I do think there are a lot of stupid people out there that think she's a meanie because of this. She would have been better served just hugging the lady.

If she had hugged her the media caption would read......"Coulter Embraces Illegals!!!"

That and it would be the perfect time to label her a panderer or a hypocrite.
The woman was engaging in a ploy. AC (who is a master of ploys) recognized that and chose her best course. So, am I supposed to be bothered by this? I'll admit that AC is in it for herself; but no, I don't hold it against her. Frankly, it makes me question our political state that people openly admit they're breaking our laws. Should we talk about hugs in deportation cells instead? Ya know, as a sign of our humanity and all.
The woman was engaging in a ploy. AC (who is a master of ploys) recognized that and chose her best course. So, am I supposed to be bothered by this? I'll admit that AC is in it for herself; but no, I don't hold it against her. Frankly, it makes me question our political state that people openly admit they're breaking our laws. Should we talk about hugs in deportation cells instead? Ya know, as a sign of our humanity and all.

The hug was not sponataneous, it was going to be staged

I don't blame Coulter, looks like a setup
Why would anybody want to hug her, she just admitted she has a wetback
AC did her a favor. Wouldn't want to catch The Hate from the Mouth So Busy Spewing That it Has No Time to Eat.

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