What do normal people - think of Israel?

What I think about Israel is how they murder their own people to create a hatred against muslims. In the last event they have murdered their 4 citizens in a place very securely protected by Israeli police and soldiers. But they want people to believe these 4 persons are killed by 2 Palestinians. This is quite illogical that while all the Europe starts to be against Israel and they start to recognize Palestine and suddenly 2 Palestinians decides to attack a Synagog ? Who believe in this sh..t ?

ANYONE with half a brain that understands the ISLAMONAZI psyche. Prior to the separation fence this was a common action by the Palestinians and many heavily armed and protected Synagogues were attacked by the Palestinian terrorists. We can expect to see many more such attempts and many dead Palestinian terrorists as they are dealt with under International law.
1st post
Even the Scots realise what normal people think about Israel;

Peter Jones: Israel losing battle of world opinion

Peter Jones Israel losing battle of world opinion - The Scotsman

Instead the evidence is that Israel is losing the battle for world opinion. A variety of non-governmental human rights organisations, including the UN Human Rights Council, have either accused the Israeli government of war crimes or are calling for an investigation into whether they have been committed. A good many western governments, normally supportive of Israel’s rights to self-defence, believe that its assaults on Gaza are utterly disproportionate to the attacks on it.

The Scots being the most RACIST and ANTISEMITIC of all nations are hardly in a position to make that observation.

I wonder what world opinion is now after the unwarranted and illegal attack on innocent Israelis worshipping in a Synagogue. From what I am hearing the majority of people want the Israelis to take punitive action against the terrorists
Absolute rubbish you goy twerp.
British public more pro-Palestinian than French or Americans
PS Scrounger, still living off tax payers Whats wrong with making sandwiches ?
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Four Rabbis: three US and one Brit. But of course it's all Israel's fault. Now if Israeli settlers had murdered four Imams..........................

Is it OK because they were Israeli Rabbis??

Even the Scots realise what normal people think about Israel;

Peter Jones: Israel losing battle of world opinion

Peter Jones Israel losing battle of world opinion - The Scotsman

Instead the evidence is that Israel is losing the battle for world opinion. A variety of non-governmental human rights organisations, including the UN Human Rights Council, have either accused the Israeli government of war crimes or are calling for an investigation into whether they have been committed. A good many western governments, normally supportive of Israel’s rights to self-defence, believe that its assaults on Gaza are utterly disproportionate to the attacks on it.

The Scots being the most RACIST and ANTISEMITIC of all nations are hardly in a position to make that observation.

I wonder what world opinion is now after the unwarranted and illegal attack on innocent Israelis worshipping in a Synagogue. From what I am hearing the majority of people want the Israelis to take punitive action against the terrorists
Absolute rubbish you goy twerp.
British public more pro-Palestinian than French or Americans
PS Scrounger, still living off tax payers Whats wrong with making sandwiches ?

There's something NEW in that? Brits never did get over the failure of their attempts to crush a Jewish state. Why is that??

5th post
Even the Scots realise what normal people think about Israel;

Peter Jones: Israel losing battle of world opinion

Peter Jones Israel losing battle of world opinion - The Scotsman

Instead the evidence is that Israel is losing the battle for world opinion. A variety of non-governmental human rights organisations, including the UN Human Rights Council, have either accused the Israeli government of war crimes or are calling for an investigation into whether they have been committed. A good many western governments, normally supportive of Israel’s rights to self-defence, believe that its assaults on Gaza are utterly disproportionate to the attacks on it.

The Scots being the most RACIST and ANTISEMITIC of all nations are hardly in a position to make that observation.

I wonder what world opinion is now after the unwarranted and illegal attack on innocent Israelis worshipping in a Synagogue. From what I am hearing the majority of people want the Israelis to take punitive action against the terrorists

Got a link to back up your BS Phoney?
Who died and made you decide Arab-apologists are "normal people?"

I mean, fuck you all!

Oh, sorry, that was impolite.

Fuck you all, please.
See? If it's perceived to be Muslim oriented it shouldn't have a voice in the view of apparent Israel apologists.

Normal people think Israel is living a self centred fantasy where other people's views don't count.

Hmmm, so now normal people think Israel

maintains apartheid regimes,
commits war crimes,
wags the US,
doesn't keep its promises,
casts itself as a victim,
won't join courts because it will be found guilty,
imposes collective punishments on occupied territiories,
provokes wars of convenience,
is living a self centred fantasy where other people's views don't count.

You know, I really think we're starting to get somewhere.

Not now after the massacre in the Synagogue, now people see the Palestinians as just your normal everyday arab muslim psychopath intent on wiping out all other religions, races and creeds as dictated by their religion.

Now once again were is the apartheid regime inside Israels borders, military occupation is not an apartheid regime

Who has been charged with war crimes ?


It is as shown by the recent murders of innocent unarmed Israelis

Wrong it is because the courts are anti semitic.



Sound just like you and islam

That's how I and everyone I know views them. Horrible murderers. That's all they are, and they raise their children to be horrible murderers too, because their hate means more to them than their own children.
What I think about Israel is how they murder their own people to create a hatred against muslims...
Oh, horseshit.

It was only a matter of time before you began to operate as a Militant Muslim propaganda shill - breaking out of your Turkey news thread - a blind man could have seen that one coming a mile away.

You serve-up brave words, from a degenerate country that made enemies of most of the peoples and nations around it and which had its ass kicked and lost its empire and which committed horrific genocide against a minority population (Armenians) and which - to this day - denies its culpability, like the moral and intellectual cowards that you are.

You have no - and I do mean zero - room to talk, and I, for one, spit on your stupid, foolish, baseless claims - not to mention your poor command of English.

...In the last event they have murdered their 4 citizens in a place very securely protected by Israeli police and soldiers...
Where is your evidence?

You have none.

You are making a wild, hairy-assed, baseless, groundless accusation, as do so many scum-sucking Militant Muslim propaganda frauds and liars.

The Israelis did no such thing.

You are a liar.

...But they want people to believe these 4 persons are killed by 2 Palestinians...
Dumb-shit... the Israelis have the videos, the witnesses, and the bodies of the Palestinian scum who perpetrated this outrage.

You are not only a liar, but you are incredibly stupid, as well... a fine representative sampling of a Militant Islam propagandist... clueless, naive and unsophisticated.

...This is quite illogical that while all the Europe starts to be against Israel and they start to recognize Palestine and suddenly 2 Palestinians decides to attack a Synagog ? Who believe in this sh..t ?
What do YOU know of logic?

You're foolish enough to deny that Palestinians were responsible for attacking that synagogue, when videos exist, and when public declarations from their own family members exist on the public record, proving beyond any reasonable doubt that the Palestinians did, indeed, do this.

You are not only a liar... you are also a fool.

And your foolish, drooling drivel here is dismissed with extreme prejudice.

Now... go back to buggering your goats in the Turkey thread, eh?

You're nowhere NEAR ready for prime-time in this venue.

( have someone with a better command of English explain to you what is meant by that )
10th post
What I think about Israel is how they murder their own people to create a hatred against muslims...
Oh, horseshit.

It was only a matter of time before you began to operate as a Militant Muslim propaganda shill - breaking out of your Turkey news thread - a blind man could have seen that one coming a mile away.

You serve-up brave words, from a degenerate country that made enemies of most of the peoples and nations around it and which had its ass kicked and lost its empire and which committed horrific genocide against a minority population (Armenians) and which - to this day - denies its culpability, like the moral and intellectual cowards that you are.
I concur Kondom, its much the same as America's treatment of the native Americans, and the Vietnamese.
Another one. Normal people think Israel has secret borders as no one will say where they are.

So, normal people think Israel

maintains apartheid regimes,
commits war crimes,
wags the US,
doesn't keep its promises,
casts itself as a victim,
won't join courts because it will be found guilty,
imposes collective punishments on occupied territiories,
provokes wars of convenience,
is living a self centred fantasy where other people's views don't count,
restricts the economic growth of Palestine,
believes it can do no wrong,
suborns citzens of other nations to subvert those nations' interests,
does not separate religion and government,
is favoured too much by US Policies in the ME,
has self serving justice,
has secret borders.
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