What did we find in the MMRV vaccines found intact human male DNA


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
What did we find in the MMRV (Priorix Tetra) vaccine?
We want to take stock of the situation together with you. Eight months have passed since July 2018 and in these length of time we have achieved extremely satisfying results. We have presented a research program and regarding the vaccines analysis we are able to make a point of reference, with the objectives achieved, those being finalised and those only planned for now.
Did you see the results of the MMR-V analysis done by our Italian research friends?

They found intact human male DNA-- not even in fragments. The whole genome was found in the MMR-V. This was confirmed to be the DNA of the aborted male child called "MRC-5" that is listed as a vaccine ingredient.

What is the consequence of injecting intact male DNA into the circulatory system of female babies?

Nothing is a conspiracy zombie brains, all you gotta do is ASK FOR THE INSERT AT THE PHARMACY! Then read it and everything you see here.

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