What Did Liberals Say When Obama Meddled in Israel's 2015 Election to Try to Defeat Netanyahu?


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
What did liberals have to say about meddling in elections when it came to light that Obama sent $350,000 to an anti-Netanyahu group in Israel to try to unseat him and that five former Obama campaign officials went to Israel to work with the group? Although Obama claimed that his State Department did not know that the group, named One Voice, would use the money to campaign against Netanyahu, the group had been openly anti-Netanyahu since 2013. Furthermore, five former Obama campaign officials went to Israel to work with One Voice, including Jeremy Bird, Obama's 2012 national campaign field director. Bird surely would not have done this if Obama had disapproved.

Obama’s 2012 national field director, Jeremy Bird, was headed to Tel Aviv to manage a grass-roots campaign to oust Prime Minsiter Netanyahu. I noted at the time that Bird would not be working to defeat Netanyahu if he thought Obama opposed it (can you imagine Karl Rove going to London while George W. Bush was in office to help conservatives oust Prime Minister Tony Blair?) and that the group behind Bird’s anti-Netanyahu effort – OneVoice – had received State Department funding and listed the State Department as a “partner” on its Web site. (Bipartisan report finds Obama campaign advisor used federal money to build anti-Netanyahu campaign organization - AEI)​

One can only imagine what liberals would be saying if five former senior Putin campaign officials had come to the U.S. to work for an anti-Hillary group in the 2016 election.

Bipartisan report finds Obama campaign advisor used federal money to build anti-Netanyahu campaign organization - AEI

- Reports: Obama Campaign Operatives Working to Defeat Netanyahu

Obama State Dept: $350K For Campaign Infrastructure Used Against Netanyahu In Israel Election

Flashback: That Time The Obama Administration Spent Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars To Defeat Benjamin Netanyahu

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu
Nothing since it was in America's interests

"In America's interests" to unseat a prime minister of Israel?! Wow. Just Wow. Let me guess: You're a disciple of "Reverend" Wright and "Minister" Farrakhan?

And why would a U.S. president actively try to unseat an Israeli prime minister? Because Netanyahu opposed the Iran nuke deal? Because he warned Obama not to withdraw from Iraq without leaving a residual force? Because he pointed out the folly of refusing to address Iran's support for Hezbollah and Hamas in the Iran nuke deal while giving Iran $150 billion in sanctions relief?
Nothing since it was in America's interests

"In America's interests" to unseat a prime minister of Israel?! Wow. Just Wow. Let me guess: You're a disciple of "Reverend" Wright and "Minister" Farrakhan?

And why? Because Netanyahu opposed the Iran nuke deal? Because he warned Obama not to withdraw from Iraq without leaving a residual force? Because he pointed out the folly of refusing to address Iran's support for Hezbollah and Hamas in the Iran nuke deal?
So...you want complains about something in America's interest in order to defend something in Russia's interest................................okaaaaaaaay
Nothing since it was in America's interests

"In America's interests" to unseat a prime minister of Israel?! Wow. Just Wow. Let me guess: You're a disciple of "Reverend" Wright and "Minister" Farrakhan?

And why? Because Netanyahu opposed the Iran nuke deal? Because he warned Obama not to withdraw from Iraq without leaving a residual force? Because he pointed out the folly of refusing to address Iran's support for Hezbollah and Hamas in the Iran nuke deal?
So...you want complains about something in America's interest in order to defend something in Russia's interest................................okaaaaaaaay

How was it in America's interest for Netanyahu not to be Prime Minster?

Everything the little Afrimitive Action hire did was great and legal spying on the press, bans on immigration, using Facebook. Hell the boy even killed a US citizen without trial and he is wonderful.

Either a country interfering in other country's elections are wrong or it's not.
What did liberals have to say about meddling in elections when it came to light that Obama sent $350,000 to an anti-Netanyahu group in Israel to try to unseat him and that five former Obama campaign officials went to Israel to work with the group? Although Obama claimed that his State Department did not know that the group, named One Voice, would use the money to campaign against Netanyahu, the group had been openly anti-Netanyahu since 2013. Furthermore, five former Obama campaign officials went to Israel to work with One Voice, including Jeremy Bird, Obama's 2012 national campaign field director. Bird surely would not have done this if Obama had disapproved.

Obama’s 2012 national field director, Jeremy Bird, was headed to Tel Aviv to manage a grass-roots campaign to oust Prime Minsiter Netanyahu. I noted at the time that Bird would not be working to defeat Netanyahu if he thought Obama opposed it (can you imagine Karl Rove going to London while George W. Bush was in office to help conservatives oust Prime Minister Tony Blair?) and that the group behind Bird’s anti-Netanyahu effort – OneVoice – had received State Department funding and listed the State Department as a “partner” on its Web site. (Bipartisan report finds Obama campaign advisor used federal money to build anti-Netanyahu campaign organization - AEI)​

One can only imagine what liberals would be saying if five former senior Putin campaign officials had come to the U.S. to work for an anti-Hillary group in the 2016 election.

Bipartisan report finds Obama campaign advisor used federal money to build anti-Netanyahu campaign organization - AEI

- Reports: Obama Campaign Operatives Working to Defeat Netanyahu

Obama State Dept: $350K For Campaign Infrastructure Used Against Netanyahu In Israel Election

Flashback: That Time The Obama Administration Spent Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars To Defeat Benjamin Netanyahu

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

Libs believe that the end justifies the means, at least when they get their way in the end. They don't care about laws or our constitution. They have their agenda and will do anything to achieve their goal.
What did liberals have to say about meddling in elections when it came to light that Obama sent $350,000 to an anti-Netanyahu group in Israel to try to unseat him and that five former Obama campaign officials went to Israel to work with the group? Although Obama claimed that his State Department did not know that the group, named One Voice, would use the money to campaign against Netanyahu, the group had been openly anti-Netanyahu since 2013. Furthermore, five former Obama campaign officials went to Israel to work with One Voice, including Jeremy Bird, Obama's 2012 national campaign field director. Bird surely would not have done this if Obama had disapproved.

Obama’s 2012 national field director, Jeremy Bird, was headed to Tel Aviv to manage a grass-roots campaign to oust Prime Minsiter Netanyahu. I noted at the time that Bird would not be working to defeat Netanyahu if he thought Obama opposed it (can you imagine Karl Rove going to London while George W. Bush was in office to help conservatives oust Prime Minister Tony Blair?) and that the group behind Bird’s anti-Netanyahu effort – OneVoice – had received State Department funding and listed the State Department as a “partner” on its Web site. (Bipartisan report finds Obama campaign advisor used federal money to build anti-Netanyahu campaign organization - AEI)​

One can only imagine what liberals would be saying if five former senior Putin campaign officials had come to the U.S. to work for an anti-Hillary group in the 2016 election.

Bipartisan report finds Obama campaign advisor used federal money to build anti-Netanyahu campaign organization - AEI

- Reports: Obama Campaign Operatives Working to Defeat Netanyahu

Obama State Dept: $350K For Campaign Infrastructure Used Against Netanyahu In Israel Election

Flashback: That Time The Obama Administration Spent Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars To Defeat Benjamin Netanyahu

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

Trumpsters still trying to use Obama to divert attention from Trump- and of course Russia.

Remember when Conservatives actually cared about defending America from Russia?

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