CDZ What Can the Dems offer ME??


Crotchety Olde Man
Apr 30, 2014
The Olden Days
i has a less than jovial political conversation with an acquaintance of mine last night thst ended with him saying “You wouldn’t vote for a Democrat no matter what their platform was!!!”

Now I like to believe that my lack of votes for Democrats over the last 25+ years have been based on ideology rather than simple party name, so his comment got me thinking about whether or not that’s actually true.

So, I thought I would open it up to the USMB members to see if you good folks can tell me what Democratic Party platform views should make me consider voting for Democrats in the future.

Please keep in mind that I’ve always been Socially and Fiscally Conservative, so I’m going to want to hear solid arguments why being Socially and Fiscally Liberal is better for ME.

I’m gonna try to be as open-minded about this as possible but this was put in the CDZ for a reason.
A lifetime of misery and shame if you're white and male, scapegoated for everyone else's problems and probably abused by a minority nurse if you're put in a retirement home.
the current democratic party offers what the society of the 1960s offered----
INSANITY (LSD fueled toxic delirium)
on the other hand------the republican party offers--------a slow down of
the progression of the schizophrenia
Start with the fact that Democrats hate white people and then figure out what they would offer you.
Being a white male in appearance requires me to never vote for a democrat....I'm their sworn enemy...don't know why but I am....:dunno:
what else is new--------country bumpkins out in the sticks have been voting republican
for the past 150 years. TRADITION--------the party of RUGGED INDIVIDUALS----
who are now the impoverished descendants of pioneers. Davy Crocketts----possum
stew eaters
Another day and another Republican asking for more free stuff. Ask not what your country can do for you...etc.
Federal Anti-Poverty Programs Primarily Help the GOP's Base

Lets say I believe this tripe.
Aren't you leftist the ones who ignore the flyover states and routinely vote for your best interest?
No wonder they're bailing on dems,they see the writing on the wall.
If you aren't black or hispanic dems have no use for you.
Another day and another Republican asking for more free stuff. Ask not what your country can do for you...etc. Base

I’m not looking for free handouts. In fact we got my wife off the handouts when we got married five years ago. I just want to know what the Democrat candidates are proposing that would benefit ME.
what else is new--------country bumpkins out in the sticks have been voting republican
for the past 150 years. TRADITION--------the party of RUGGED INDIVIDUALS----
who are now the impoverished descendants of pioneers. Davy Crocketts----possum
stew eaters

I live in Massachusetts. I make more than $80K in a very nice Union job. Want to try again?
what else is new--------country bumpkins out in the sticks have been voting republican
for the past 150 years. TRADITION--------the party of RUGGED INDIVIDUALS----
who are now the impoverished descendants of pioneers. Davy Crocketts----possum
stew eaters

I live in Massachusetts. I make more than $80K in a very nice Union job. Want to try again?

non-sequiter My statement applied to a large group of impoverished people
who DO VOTE REPUBLIICAN------not the whole body of white middle class and
upper middle class people----------and various DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN
REVOLUTION-------sheeeesh-----skill up
l]non-sequiter My statement applied to a large group of impoverished people
who DO VOTE REPUBLIICAN------not the whole body of white middle class and
upper middle class people----------and various DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN
REVOLUTION-------sheeeesh-----skill up

Then you post was off-topic and should be deleted. The topic of the thread is what the Democrats can do for ME, not anyone else.
i has a less than jovial political conversation with an acquaintance of mine last night thst ended with him saying “You wouldn’t vote for a Democrat no matter what their platform was!!!”

Now I like to believe that my lack of votes for Democrats over the last 25+ years have been based on ideology rather than simple party name, so his comment got me thinking about whether or not that’s actually true.

So, I thought I would open it up to the USMB members to see if you good folks can tell me what Democratic Party platform views should make me consider voting for Democrats in the future.

Please keep in mind that I’ve always been Socially and Fiscally Conservative, so I’m going to want to hear solid arguments why being Socially and Fiscally Liberal is better for ME.

I’m gonna try to be as open-minded about this as possible but this was put in the CDZ for a reason.

Tulsi can offer a lot, a kind sweet/ smart president ..

i has a less than jovial political conversation with an acquaintance of mine last night thst ended with him saying “You wouldn’t vote for a Democrat no matter what their platform was!!!”

Now I like to believe that my lack of votes for Democrats over the last 25+ years have been based on ideology rather than simple party name, so his comment got me thinking about whether or not that’s actually true.

So, I thought I would open it up to the USMB members to see if you good folks can tell me what Democratic Party platform views should make me consider voting for Democrats in the future.

Please keep in mind that I’ve always been Socially and Fiscally Conservative, so I’m going to want to hear solid arguments why being Socially and Fiscally Liberal is better for ME.

I’m gonna try to be as open-minded about this as possible but this was put in the CDZ for a reason.
Nothing. Carry on with the Reds.
Founded by Jackson as the original NAZI party what the Ds can do for me is to get their butts back to Europe.
l]non-sequiter My statement applied to a large group of impoverished people
who DO VOTE REPUBLIICAN------not the whole body of white middle class and
upper middle class people----------and various DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN
REVOLUTION-------sheeeesh-----skill up

Then you post was off-topic and should be deleted. The topic of the thread is what the Democrats can do for ME, not anyone else.
Another day and another Republican asking for more free stuff. Ask not what your country can do for you...etc.
Federal Anti-Poverty Programs Primarily Help the GOP's Base

Because those States have a majority of magic Negro s?
Are the negroes magic enough to get a piece of the freebies before the trailer park crowd gets everything?
Federal Anti-Poverty Programs Primarily Help the GOP's Base

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