What Came First, Liberalism or Insanity?

Soggy in NOLA

Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2009
Seriously... the two seem to go hand-in-hand... did liberalism beget insanity or did insanity beget liberalism?
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What came first conservatives whining about leaving the trees or leaving the cave? Anthropological evidence points to conservatives whining in both instances and some think, and there appears to be sufficient evidence, that whining is all conservatives do and can do.

No nation was ever founded by conservatives, for in order to do so, they'd need to stop whining and do something, and since all conservatives do is whine, there never will be a nation founded by them. They will continue to live in nations formed by liberalism for it is only there in a free nation that their whining finds voice and audience.

I don't think conservatives understand themselves. They seem to miss the fact they are a disparate group that only votes together for reasons that can be summed up as 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend.' Step outside that bubble in which liberals progressives democrats immigrants and other assorted aliens exist as the foe and there is nothing to hold on to. Take Romney, had he not changed who he was he would not have been their candidate. If you cannot be yourself who are you. Consider any other element. Conservatives consider themselves pro-business but as jobs were outsourced and foreign companies gained market share jobs were lost. So then which is it, do you support a bailout that helped an American company or do you support a business model that allows companies to crash along with your job? In this case you have to support government. In the end there is no core to American conservatism, the best they can do now is what they do best, point fingers at our current president. In the end they selected a candidate who wanted to govern without governing; America had enough of that last time.

""Ideas," a distinguished conservative named Richard Weaver once wrote, "have consequences." Americans have learned something about the consequences of conservative ideas during the Bush years that they never had to confront in the more amiable Reagan period. As a way of governing, conservatism is another name for disaster. And the disasters will continue, year after year, as long as conservatives, whose political tactics are frequently as brilliant as their policy-making is inept, find ways to perpetuate their power." Why Conservatives Can t Govern by Alan Wolfe

'A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress'
A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress Conceptual Guerilla s Strategy And Tactics

"Every Wednesday morning, a group of conspirators meets to plot out how to most effectively attack the federal government. This is not a group of rag-tag terrorists – they wear $2,000 suits and occupy powerful positions in society. But their ideas are politically radical and they do pose a real threat to the normal workings of government in the U.S. They are a group of leading conservatives who believe that government is a malevolent force in society and they have a fierce determination to drastically cut it back. They are convinced that the central problem in our country is too much government – too many social programs, too many regulations, and too much taxation – and they are committed to doing something about it." http://www.governmentisgood.com/articles.php

Other notes:

Obamacare - The best thing Americans have done for each other since Social Security and medicare - two other liberal accomplishments.

Abortion - When conservatives show care for the living they can then care about potential life without now seeming like hypocritical, heartless fools.

Immigration - everyone in America is an immigrant less a few generations. Odd huh? Any ideas aside form finger pointing?

Minimum wage - look at our roads and you see Japanese, Korean and German autos most built by union workers with healthcare and in the case of Germany free college. Surely we can do as well. Oh and check the label too.

Gun control - guns represent, outside of certain areas, a sign of an uncivilized barbaric place, our stats show we are that place today.

Faith - The Sermon on the Mount is forgotten, that liberal preacher is honored only in words not deeds.

Drugs - the rich go to the doctor, the poor to the corner pusher, not any difference there.

Terrorists - American terrorists have killed more these last several years and they are mostly so called Christians. Huh?

"Before 1950 the political designation of “conservative” was disavowed, if not altogether disliked, by most Americans, including Republicans. Yet very soon after, and for the first time in American history, ideological “conservatism” became a more than acceptable political designation. By the 1980s, more Americans called themselves “conservatives” than “liberals.” Much of this was ambiguous, since many Americans were not truly conservative at all, except for their opposition to liberals." John Lukacs 'American Nationalism'

"Americans may have elected a Republican president and Congress, but they are unlikely to go back to a world in which one illness can devastate their last years or one storm can destroy their lives. Because government is the one institution that allows us some control over our future, conservatism, which distrusts government so much, is best viewed as a natural counter to liberalism, which, if left unchecked, tends towards wasteful bureaucracy. Indeed, as the Bush administration fully proves, conservatism remains a force of opposition even when it purports to be a governance party. And so the best that can be hoped for is that American voters will do for conservatives what they are unable to do themselves: to vote them out of office." "Why Conservatives Can't Govern" by Alan Wolfe

Whenever conservative republicans mention freedom think of those ten hand. http://www.regressiveantidote.net/Articles/If_Conservatism_Is_The_Ideology_of_Freedom.html
What came first conservatives whining about leaving the trees or leaving the cave? Anthropological evidence points to conservatives whining in both instances and some think, and there appears to be sufficient evidence, that whining is all conservatives do and can do.

No nation was ever founded by conservatives, for in order to do so, they'd need to stop whining and do something, and since all conservatives do is whine, there never will be a nation founded by them. They will continue to live in nations formed by liberalism for it is only there in a free nation that their whining finds voice and audience.

I don't think conservatives understand themselves. They seem to miss the fact they are a disparate group that only votes together for reasons that can be summed up as 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend.' Step outside that bubble in which liberals progressives democrats immigrants and other assorted aliens exist as the foe and there is nothing to hold on to. Take Romney, had he not changed who he was he would not have been their candidate. If you cannot be yourself who are you. Consider any other element. Conservatives consider themselves pro-business but as jobs were outsourced and foreign companies gained market share jobs were lost. So then which is it, do you support a bailout that helped an American company or do you support a business model that allows companies to crash along with your job? In this case you have to support government. In the end there is no core to American conservatism, the best they can do now is what they do best, point fingers at our current president. In the end they selected a candidate who wanted to govern without governing; America had enough of that last time.

""Ideas," a distinguished conservative named Richard Weaver once wrote, "have consequences." Americans have learned something about the consequences of conservative ideas during the Bush years that they never had to confront in the more amiable Reagan period. As a way of governing, conservatism is another name for disaster. And the disasters will continue, year after year, as long as conservatives, whose political tactics are frequently as brilliant as their policy-making is inept, find ways to perpetuate their power." Why Conservatives Can t Govern by Alan Wolfe

'A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress'
A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress Conceptual Guerilla s Strategy And Tactics

"Every Wednesday morning, a group of conspirators meets to plot out how to most effectively attack the federal government. This is not a group of rag-tag terrorists – they wear $2,000 suits and occupy powerful positions in society. But their ideas are politically radical and they do pose a real threat to the normal workings of government in the U.S. They are a group of leading conservatives who believe that government is a malevolent force in society and they have a fierce determination to drastically cut it back. They are convinced that the central problem in our country is too much government – too many social programs, too many regulations, and too much taxation – and they are committed to doing something about it." http://www.governmentisgood.com/articles.php

Other notes:

Obamacare - The best thing Americans have done for each other since Social Security and medicare - two other liberal accomplishments.

Abortion - When conservatives show care for the living they can then care about potential life without now seeming like hypocritical, heartless fools.

Immigration - everyone in America is an immigrant less a few generations. Odd huh? Any ideas aside form finger pointing?

Minimum wage - look at our roads and you see Japanese, Korean and German autos most built by union workers with healthcare and in the case of Germany free college. Surely we can do as well. Oh and check the label too.

Gun control - guns represent, outside of certain areas, a sign of an uncivilized barbaric place, our stats show we are that place today.

Faith - The Sermon on the Mount is forgotten, that liberal preacher is honored only in words not deeds.

Drugs - the rich go to the doctor, the poor to the corner pusher, not any difference there.

Terrorists - American terrorists have killed more these last several years and they are mostly so called Christians. Huh?

"Before 1950 the political designation of “conservative” was disavowed, if not altogether disliked, by most Americans, including Republicans. Yet very soon after, and for the first time in American history, ideological “conservatism” became a more than acceptable political designation. By the 1980s, more Americans called themselves “conservatives” than “liberals.” Much of this was ambiguous, since many Americans were not truly conservative at all, except for their opposition to liberals." John Lukacs 'American Nationalism'

"Americans may have elected a Republican president and Congress, but they are unlikely to go back to a world in which one illness can devastate their last years or one storm can destroy their lives. Because government is the one institution that allows us some control over our future, conservatism, which distrusts government so much, is best viewed as a natural counter to liberalism, which, if left unchecked, tends towards wasteful bureaucracy. Indeed, as the Bush administration fully proves, conservatism remains a force of opposition even when it purports to be a governance party. And so the best that can be hoped for is that American voters will do for conservatives what they are unable to do themselves: to vote them out of office." "Why Conservatives Can't Govern" by Alan Wolfe

Whenever conservative republicans mention freedom think of those ten hand. http://www.regressiveantidote.net/Articles/If_Conservatism_Is_The_Ideology_of_Freedom.html

Thanks for a 1,000 word missive which doesn't even address the question...
Are liberals Democrats demonstrably mentally ill

We have heard liberalism (aka Democrat-ism) described as a mental illness. A little research seems to prove this observation. You need not be a goateed psychiatrist with a German accent to conclude liberals/Democrats are anti-social misfits. See for yourself; see how well liberalism/Democrat-ism fits into the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) criteria for identifying the mentally maladjusted.

While we usually think of “Psychopaths” as the occasional notorious serial killers, they are more common than we imagine. Nevertheless, the unfortunate over use of the term “psychopath” in popular culture has led people to believe they only exist in movies. This isn’t true. Statistics tell us up to 3% of men and 1% of women are psychopaths. The majority of psychopaths find ways to restrain themselves, not for concern about us but for fear of being discovered and punished for doing the vicious things they want to do.

Some, not all but some, psychopaths go into politics, many as elected Democrats. Review this list of traits and keep Teddy Kennedy in mind.

The DSM IV lists these traits for psychopaths. N.B. it is not necessary to possess all of these traits to be a psychopath; a preponderance of them will do. Psychopaths are:

Selfish, callous, and remorseless in their use of others; they show:

Glibness/superficial charm (smooth-talking, engaging, and slick)

Grandiose sense of self-worth (greatly inflated idea of one’s abilities and self-esteem, arrogance and a sense of superiority)

Pathological lying

Conning/manipulative (uses deceit to cheat others for personal gain)

Lack of remorse or guilt (no feelings or concern for losses, pain, and suffering of others)

Emotional poverty (limited range or depth of feelings)

Callous/lack of empathy (a lack of feelings toward others; cold, contemptuous, and inconsiderate)

They fail to accept responsibility for own actions and live a chronically unstable, antisocial, and socially deviant lifestyle.

Moreover, psychopaths show these traits as well:

Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom (an excessive need for new, exciting stimulation and risk-taking)

Parasitic lifestyle (exploitative financial dependence on others)

Poor behavioral control (frequent verbal abuse and inappropriate expressions of anger)

Promiscuity (numerous brief, superficial sexual affairs)

Lack of realistic, long-term goals


Irresponsibility (repeated failure to fulfill or honor commitments and obligations)

Juvenile delinquency (criminal behavioral problems between the ages of 13-18)

Early behavior problems (before age 13)

Revocation of conditional release (violating parole or other conditional release)

Many short-term marital relationships (lack of commitment to a long-term relationship)

Criminal versatility (diversity of criminal offenses, whether or not the individual has been arrested or convicted)

Kennedy had at least fifteen of these traits. Pick another Democrat and see how well he/she matches up to these traits. They’re out there.
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I would have to assume karl marx (piss be upon him) was totally insane to believe human beings could become ants, collectively working until they die for the sake of the global colony.

You have to be stark raving mad to think some idiotic shit like that is in any way a good endeavor for the species, let alone even possible.

So I'll have to say insanity birthed liberalism, and I do think it should have been aborted.
Liberals/democrats are also FAT. Much more so than conservatives, which illustrates their lack of self control and discipline.
i am going with insanity, that explains Nancy Pelosi.

What makes you say that?


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