CDZ What are the tenets of fascism?


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
I believe that the tenets of fascism are government control of a nation's industry, education, healthcare and virtually every other segment of society, as well as the lack of a free-market, capitalist economy.

That's it.

Some will claim that nationalism is a tenet of fascism. I believe that is mistaken. After all, if nationalism is a tenet of fascism, then I suppose it could be argued that Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Mahatma Gandhi, all fervent nationalists, were fascists.

Some will claim that racism is a tenet of fascism. Again, I believe that is mistaken. While the Nazis were definitely racist, to my knowledge, Benito Mussolini was not. While it wouldn't surprise me IF Mussolini held prejudicial views on other races, that alone doesn't render one a fascist, otherwise we would have to assume that someone like LBJ was also a fascist. As well, Mussolini refused to turn over Italy's Jews to the Nazis.

What I described in my opening paragraph is what defines fascism, that and that alone.

Note: This is the "clean debate forum". Please respond appropriately. Thank you.
Some will claim that nationalism is a tenet of fascism. I believe that is mistaken. After all, if nationalism is a tenet of fascism, then I suppose it could be argued that Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Mahatma Gandhi, all fervent nationalists, were fascists.

Fascism was the evolution of Nationalism, to have Nationalists regulate society for National interests, instead of what we have where Capitalists regulate society for Capitalist interest, which means selling Porn, selling Drugs, selling Abortions, selling Gangster Rap music, hiring 10's of millions of illegal immigrants, and outsourcing 10's of millions of jobs out of the country.
Some will claim that racism is a tenet of fascism. Again, I believe that is mistaken. While the Nazis were definitely racist, to my knowledge, Benito Mussolini was not. While it wouldn't surprise me IF Mussolini held prejudicial views on other races, that alone doesn't render one a fascist, otherwise we would have to assume that someone like LBJ was also a fascist. As well, Mussolini refused to turn over Italy's Jews to the Nazis.

What I described in my opening paragraph is what defines fascism, that and that alone.

Note: This is the "clean debate forum". Please respond appropriately. Thank you.
Racism fits best with Authoritarian & Collectivist ideology.

Simply because authoritarian equals government force against other races, and collectivists think in collective groups like racism.

Also I do not doubt that racists are more assertive and dominant.It's masculine behavior & assertive & dominant people seem to be keen on using force for their goals.

In Europe everything I stated tends to be true
However the USA is a bit different even so a lot of deep racists in USA are Fascist like.
That's a lot of mumbo-jumbo, but not much of an argument.
From the founder of fascism. What's your point?
Can you refute any of what I wrote above with a cogent argument and with evidence besides a rambling dissertation such as provided in your link?
Well if you can neither comprehend nor accept what the founder described fascism to be there's nothing to be done.
I believe that the tenets of fascism are government control of a nation's industry, education, healthcare and virtually every other segment of society, as well as the lack of a free-market, capitalist economy.

That's it.

Some will claim that nationalism is a tenet of fascism. I believe that is mistaken. After all, if nationalism is a tenet of fascism, then I suppose it could be argued that Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Mahatma Gandhi, all fervent nationalists, were fascists.

Some will claim that racism is a tenet of fascism. Again, I believe that is mistaken. While the Nazis were definitely racist, to my knowledge, Benito Mussolini was not. While it wouldn't surprise me IF Mussolini held prejudicial views on other races, that alone doesn't render one a fascist, otherwise we would have to assume that someone like LBJ was also a fascist. As well, Mussolini refused to turn over Italy's Jews to the Nazis.

What I described in my opening paragraph is what defines fascism, that and that alone.

Note: This is the "clean debate forum". Please respond appropriately. Thank you.

Here is what Wiki says about fascism.

    • Fascism (
      /ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical authoritarian ultranationalism,[1][2][3][4] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy,[5] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[6] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I before it spread to other European countries.[6] Opposed to liberalism, Marxism and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.

      FYI, I never agreed with the commonly accepted political spectrum with communism on the Left and Fascism on the right. To me, they are both collectivist centralized governments that are more alike than not. In fact, it was very easy to convert communist sympathizers into Nazi sympathizers and vice versa. Both had full control over private industry and society at large even though the Nazi Party did not own industry in name. I think that the real political spectrum would be all collectivist/fascist governments on the Left and decentralized governments on the right.

      I would say that racism is purely a political construct though of fascists. About the only time racism is discussed is either when you sit down with a doctor to discuss heredity issues or when discussing political rights, or the lack thereof, for people of different races. Now when it comes to discussing race at length, this comes mostly from the Left. The Left is fixated on race and race baits at every turn. You might even say that they are fixated on race as much as your typical Nazi back in the day, only, the Left is at war with the white race as where Hitler was at war with other races.
Naturally, when you bring this up the Left brings up the neo-Nazi protestors that they say Trump failed to condemn adequately, even though he did do so. Additionally, if you ever sit down and talk to these neo-Nazi types, you will find that they are not conservatives at all, but socialists like Hitler. Again, they have as much in common with the Left EXCEPT hating whites instead of blacks. They both hate Jews, only, the Left is fixated on attacking Zionism as their Jewish hate fix.

About the only reason neo-Nazi types support Trump is that he said he wanted to build a wall. They want to keep out darker skinned people as where the typical Trump supporter just wants to have safe immigration without letting groups like MS 13 in the country.
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Some will claim that nationalism is a tenet of fascism.
Like Mussolini, the founder?

Abraham Lincoln was a nationalist. Was he a fascist too?

Again, nationalism is a collectivist movement. In the US, it was used to centralize power to the Federal government. It was largely successful as state rights were usurped to the Federal governmetn, so now these same collectivists are trying to dump nationalism for globalism. It is just one more step towards collectivism. But the nation needed to be centralized via nationalism before being thrown into a globalist type government.

Global dominance has always been the goal of nationalists like Hitler. In fact, Hitler once said that if his movement did not effect the entire world, it would be a failure.
Some will claim that nationalism is a tenet of fascism.
Like Mussolini, the founder?

Abraham Lincoln was a nationalist. Was he a fascist too?

You may as well flush the term fascism down the commode. No one wants it because the term has been tainted by Hitler.

As a result, everyone's political opponent is now referred to as a fascist.

I don't necessarily view nationalism as a form of or a step toward collectivism, but I suppose that discussion is for another thread. The point is, lots of people are nationalists; that doesn't make them fascist.
You may as well flush the term fascism down the commode. No one wants it because the term has been tainted by Hitler.

True, but that's not really a point in dispute.
I don't necessarily view nationalism as a form of or a step toward collectivism, but I suppose that discussion is for another thread. The point is, lots of people are nationalists; that doesn't make them fascist.

Again, it depends on your view of what the term means.

A fascists demands centralized power. I'm not sure it really matters to them how this is done, do you? For example, even though Hitler embraced socialism and detested capitalism, there was a method to his madness. He embraced socialism because he feared what happened in WW1 when the people revolted against the government because of poor living conditions. With the creation of the massive nanny state, Hitler avoided this fate as the average German citizen had a higher standard of living than anyone else in the world. This kept a war weary society steeped in genocide in full support of Hitler, in large part.

Hitler also detested capitalism and free trade, however, he understood that it was madness for bureaucrats to take over industry when they were not experts in the field. It would be akin to going to a lawyers for medical help. So Hitler tolerated them as he made it clear to private industry that they were to do his bidding as if he owned them in name.

Meanwhile, Stalin had just assassinated all of his generals before the war because of his paranoia and embraced bureaucrats running industry because he was such a paranoid control freak. As a result, Stalin almost lost the war. In fact, he should have. He just got lucky is all. Now did Stalin really care about socialism/communism? Nope, he just used it as a tool because embracing such an economy almost dictates a fascist like control over the people as every financial interaction is monitored and distributed equally among the people.

Now did Hitler really care about nationalism? No, it was just another tool to accomplish his goals. That is the point I'm trying to make here.
What are the tenets of fascism?
I believe that the tenets of fascism are government control of a nation's industry, education, healthcare and virtually every other segment of society, as well as the lack of a free-market, capitalist economy.

You just described the Democratic Party.

You may as well flush the term fascism down the commode. No one wants it because the term has been tainted by Hitler.

True, but that's not really a point in dispute.

But no matter how you define the term, which you must had nave not yet, everyone will run from it.....unless they are some Hitler loving types.
I can't believe the posters on this thread refusing to recognise the claims of the founder of fascism as to what are its tenets. Not to mention the ludicrous arguments employed, as though to accept one tenet means to accept all. I'm out of here before I catch their disease.

Oh, actually, when I look at who they are, I can't believe I can't believe it.
I can't believe the posters on this thread refusing to recognise the claims of the founder of fascism as to what are its tenets. Not to mention the ludicrous arguments employed, as though to accept one tenet means to accept all. I'm out of here before I catch their disease.

Oh, actually, when I look at who they are, I can't believe I can't believe it.

It seems you are incapable of discussing the topic without flaming.

The point I was trying to make, and to which you have refused to respond, is that nationalism does not make one a fascist.

I believe that one could be a fascist, as well as a globalist. Why not?

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