What are Reasonable Changes to the law to Reduce Massacers?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
When libtards and gun grabbing whores want to get everyone to come to the table and discuss what might be done, I know most of them want to start with how much more restrictive can we possibly make it for people to legally buy guns, as if that was a solution of any sort.

So my initial reaction is to come to the table with three suggestions 'eat shit', 'fuck you' and kiss my Royal American ASS'.

But restraining myself from such derision, no matter how much it is deserved, I am wondering what can be done that might impose more difficulty to would-be monsters that doesnt unreasonably impede legal gun owners.

The first thing that coms to mind is

1. Allow concealed carry by volunteer faculty at schools if they pass screening and training. If Good Samaritan laws need to be passed as well to protect them from parasitical lawyer ass wipes then pass those too.

2. If there is a certified mentally ill patient on mind altering meds that resides in that same home, then require gun owners there to keep their guns locked up or on their posession.

3. Make it illegal for people who are certifiably dangerous and on mind altering meds to legally own guns. The meds would not be things that simply calm you down like PTS patients have, unless the shrink determines in that specific case that the patient is a threat.

4. The media should voluntarily STOP GLORIFYING THE POOR LITTLE ASSAILANT. Jeebus, the media holds the carot of instant notoriey out to anyone deranged enough to kill multiple people so that their hurtful past, favorite cause or silencing the voices, whatever can get huge publicity. Whatever happened to the media having some fucking standards?

Any other change suggestions would be appreciated unless it is more gun grabbing shit.
When libtards and gun grabbing whores want to get everyone to come to the table and discuss what might be done, I know most of them want to start with how much more restrictive can we possibly make it for people to legally buy guns, as if that was a solution of any sort.

So my initial reaction is to come to the table with three suggestions 'eat shit', 'fuck you' and kiss my Royal American ASS'.

But restraining myself from such derision, no matter how much it is deserved, I am wondering what can be done that might impose more difficulty to would-be monsters that doesnt unreasonably impede legal gun owners.

The first thing that coms to mind is

1. Allow concealed carry by volunteer faculty at schools if they pass screening and training. If Good Samaritan laws need to be passed as well to protect them from parasitical lawyer ass wipes then pass those too.

2. If there is a certified mentally ill patient on mind altering meds that resides in that same home, then require gun owners there to keep their guns locked up or on their posession.

3. Make it illegal for people who are certifiably dangerous and on mind altering meds to legally own guns. The meds would not be things that simply calm you down like PTS patients have, unless the shrink determines in that specific case that the patient is a threat.

4. The media should voluntarily STOP GLORIFYING THE POOR LITTLE ASSAILANT. Jeebus, the media holds the carot of instant notoriey out to anyone deranged enough to kill multiple people so that their hurtful past, favorite cause or silencing the voices, whatever can get huge publicity. Whatever happened to the media having some fucking standards?

Any other change suggestions would be appreciated unless it is more gun grabbing shit.

Sounds like a whole lot of silliness when just pulling the guns would be easier...

"Lock up the guns if you have a crazy person in the house?" How about not having guns in the house with a crazy person?
When libtards and gun grabbing whores want to get everyone to come to the table and discuss what might be done, I know most of them want to start with how much more restrictive can we possibly make it for people to legally buy guns, as if that was a solution of any sort.

As this is directed at me, let me first state I have already exposed your ignorance on another thread.

So my initial reaction is to come to the table with three suggestions 'eat shit', 'fuck you' and kiss my Royal American ASS'.

But restraining myself from such derision, no matter how much it is deserved, I am wondering what can be done that might impose more difficulty to would-be monsters that doesnt unreasonably impede legal gun owners.

The first thing that coms to mind is

1. Allow concealed carry by volunteer faculty at schools if they pass screening and training. If Good Samaritan laws need to be passed as well to protect them from parasitical lawyer ass wipes then pass those too.

As noted previously, there are a number of impediments to this lame 'solution'
1. Not all school districts, not all school principles want an armed person on their campus;
2. The cost, even for a volunteer, to vet, train, arm, supervise/manage is enormous;
3. A volunteer working six hours (or so) a day, five days a week might be hard to find;
4. A use of force policy in a LE Agency is usually written by a manager, Lt. or Capt.' with years of experience in LE; who in a school district has the necessary experience to write such a policy? LE and Private Security have very different roles.
5. LE officers/deputies/agents must qualify regularly, who would be the range master? Current range masters do more then supervise target practice. Integral with their job is going over use of force policies and non lethal alternatives (pepper spray, tasers, baton, etc.)
6. Good Samaritan laws protect those rendering aid, not someone who shoots another (perp or innocent bystander).

2. If there is a certified mentally ill patient on mind altering meds that resides in that same home, then require gun owners there to keep their guns locked up or on their posession.

I'd add that all gun owner be required to carry an umbrella insurance policy (I carry one for $169/per year with a $1 million dollar limit).

3. Make it illegal for people who are certifiably dangerous and on mind altering meds to legally own guns. The meds would not be things that simply calm you down like PTS patients have, unless the shrink determines in that specific case that the patient is a threat.

A whole body of law in each state would need to be written, as it stands those who appear to be a danger to themselves or others can only be detained for 72 hours; the vast majority are treated during that time and recover sufficiently to no longer remain such a danger.

4. The media should voluntarily STOP GLORIFYING THE POOR LITTLE ASSAILANT. Jeebus, the media holds the carot of instant notoriey out to anyone deranged enough to kill multiple people so that their hurtful past, favorite cause or silencing the voices, whatever can get huge publicity. Whatever happened to the media having some fucking standards?

CNN & Cable: Journalism died when Turner made the News into entertainment.

Any other change suggestions would be appreciated unless it is more gun grabbing shit.

All of us never want to see another mass murder of innocent Americans. IMO no civilian needs to own a high velocity gun able to fire 30 or more rounds as quickly as one can pull the trigger. IMO someone seeking security is better off with a shotgun for home defense. In a stressed situation even well trained military and police miss often, a shotgun racked gets one's attention, fired wakes the dead and it is point and shot - hard to miss.
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You can't prevent these kinds of massacres. You might be able to channel the method, but not prevent them.
When libtards and gun grabbing whores want to get everyone to come to the table and discuss what might be done, I know most of them want to start with how much more restrictive can we possibly make it for people to legally buy guns, as if that was a solution of any sort.

So my initial reaction is to come to the table with three suggestions 'eat shit', 'fuck you' and kiss my Royal American ASS'.

But restraining myself from such derision, no matter how much it is deserved, I am wondering what can be done that might impose more difficulty to would-be monsters that doesnt unreasonably impede legal gun owners.

The first thing that coms to mind is

1. Allow concealed carry by volunteer faculty at schools if they pass screening and training. If Good Samaritan laws need to be passed as well to protect them from parasitical lawyer ass wipes then pass those too.

2. If there is a certified mentally ill patient on mind altering meds that resides in that same home, then require gun owners there to keep their guns locked up or on their posession.

3. Make it illegal for people who are certifiably dangerous and on mind altering meds to legally own guns. The meds would not be things that simply calm you down like PTS patients have, unless the shrink determines in that specific case that the patient is a threat.

4. The media should voluntarily STOP GLORIFYING THE POOR LITTLE ASSAILANT. Jeebus, the media holds the carot of instant notoriey out to anyone deranged enough to kill multiple people so that their hurtful past, favorite cause or silencing the voices, whatever can get huge publicity. Whatever happened to the media having some fucking standards?

Any other change suggestions would be appreciated unless it is more gun grabbing shit.
I'm a liberal and I don't give a shit about guns! I could care less about the 2nd Amendment. I've never owned a gun and I don't think I ever will. With that being said, I've never tried to take anyone's gun away. Except for the guy who tried to jack me in the park with a little .22, but got within arms distance and realized he didn't have that .22 anymore.

You want to stop all these shootings, it's not gun control that will do it. You need to convince the baby boomers to be better parents. Violence is taught, not inherited.
We, as a society, are in love with violence.

Violence begets more violence.

Buy all the guns you want. Like a car accident, eventually a gun-related incident will happen to you.

And it's highly unlikely all the gun-toting humans walking around are all crack shots. So owning one won't prevent it. You'll miss, they won't.

Someone will be killed. Again.

It could be you. It could be me. It could be a bystander not even involved.

And so it goes .............................................
We, as a society, are in love with violence.

Violence begets more violence.

Buy all the guns you want. Like a car accident, eventually a gun-related incident will happen to you.

And it's highly unlikely all the gun-toting humans walking around are all crack shots. So owning one won't prevent it. You'll miss, they won't.

Someone will be killed. Again.

It could be you. It could be me. It could be a bystander not even involved.

And so it goes .............................................
Violence is learned, not inherited.
We, as a society, are in love with violence.

Violence begets more violence.

Buy all the guns you want. Like a car accident, eventually a gun-related incident will happen to you.

And it's highly unlikely all the gun-toting humans walking around are all crack shots. So owning one won't prevent it. You'll miss, they won't.

Someone will be killed. Again.

It could be you. It could be me. It could be a bystander not even involved.

And so it goes .............................................
Violence is learned, not inherited.

What's the difference? The violence still exists.

Do you actually think you can do anything to turn that around? Do you read the attitudes that are posted on forums like this one?

"God, you're so stupid!"
"No, YOU are a moron!"

Now an 11 year old has been caught carrying a firearm into a school. How much longer will it be until everyone is carrying?

And what happens then?
Actually, we need to talk publicly about people that demand to own military-style guns. They are kooks for the most part. GUN OWNERSHIP MUST BECOME RECOGNIZED AS BEHAVIOR THAT IS OFTEN DEVIANT AND ANTI-SOCIAL.

Don't you find it odd that there are NO PSA's about the hazards of gun ownership, although PSA's abound for nearly every other issue?

It's not the guns that are the problem--it's gun owners. This is a diseased society.
What's the difference? The violence still exists.

Do you actually think you can do anything to turn that around? Do you read the attitudes that are posted on forums like this one?

"God, you're so stupid!"
"No, YOU are a moron!"

Now an 11 year old has been caught carrying a firearm into a school. How much longer will it be until everyone is carrying?

And what happens then?
The problem with that 11 year old, was his parents, not guns. How did he get the idea that it was okay to do that? Doesn't sound like he knows the basic difference between right and wrong.

When I was growing up, I knew if I had been caught with a gun at school, my father was gonna kick my ass when I got home.

We have a society that romances violence. We've been at war for over 10 years and no one thinks anything of it. We've got all these electronic devices that make it easier for us to communicate, but everytime we use them, we lose a little bit more of our humanity. Because we're not interacting with other humans, we're interacting with gadgets and games like X-box 360, which incidently, is all about making guns, violence and war, cool. So are the shows we watch on TV. Little by little, people are losing their understanding of what humanity is. That's what made MLK so special. And Ghandi too. They knew, humanity was about humans.

Just because others are violent, doesn't mean I have to join in. People who embrace violence, are usually the product of shitty parents.
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We have a society that romances violence. We've been at war for over 10 years and no one thinks anything of it. We've got all these electronic devices that make it easier for us to communicate, but everytime we use them, we lose a little bit more of our humanity. Because we're not interacting with other humans, we're interacting with gadgets and games like X-box 360, which incidently, is all about making guns, violence and war, cool. So are the shows we watch on TV. Little by little, people are losing their understanding of what humanity is. That's what made MLK so special. And Ghandi too. They knew, humanity was about humans.


But it seems to be what people want to do.

How do you stop them from wanting to? Because humans have glorified organized violence for 4,000 years. Then we imprison those who employ it privately.

A huge contradiction.

Crimeny, a guy in SoCal, on Saturday, shot off 50 rounds in a mall parking lot.

Why is it so EASY to do this? I could do it a week from tomorrow, if I felt like it.

And kneejerk reation or not, if we don't do something NOW, it's only a matter of months before the next wing nut goes berserk.

Our society is far too permissive. Legalize dope, legalize hookers, let everyone have a gun.

What's NEXT after that?

Even a good parent can't fight what a kid hears and sees, and can't control what they hear and see, every day, when said child is bombarded by it.

I've heard of parents turning off the coverage so their kids don't see it.

Their kids NEED to see it.
The problem is keeping guns out the hands of criminals and those who have certain mental illnesses. This link details the Federal Requirements to purchase a firearm. Some States and Cities have additional regulations before a firearm can be purchased.
There needs to be a listing of every person who is prohibited from purchasing a firearm. This would take a listing from each State of all such persons.

There is still the problem of Parents owning firearms that their children could gain access to.
Actually, we need to talk publicly about people that demand to own military-style guns. They are kooks for the most part. GUN OWNERSHIP MUST BECOME RECOGNIZED AS BEHAVIOR THAT IS OFTEN DEVIANT AND ANTI-SOCIAL.

Don't you find it odd that there are NO PSA's about the hazards of gun ownership, although PSA's abound for nearly every other issue?

It's not the guns that are the problem--it's gun owners. This is a diseased society.

Gun owners are deviant and anti-social? That is a special type of stupid right there.
When libtards and gun grabbing whores want to get everyone to come to the table and discuss what might be done, I know most of them want to start with how much more restrictive can we possibly make it for people to legally buy guns, as if that was a solution of any sort.

So my initial reaction is to come to the table with three suggestions 'eat shit', 'fuck you' and kiss my Royal American ASS'.

But restraining myself from such derision, no matter how much it is deserved, I am wondering what can be done that might impose more difficulty to would-be monsters that doesnt unreasonably impede legal gun owners.

The first thing that coms to mind is

1. Allow concealed carry by volunteer faculty at schools if they pass screening and training. If Good Samaritan laws need to be passed as well to protect them from parasitical lawyer ass wipes then pass those too.

2. If there is a certified mentally ill patient on mind altering meds that resides in that same home, then require gun owners there to keep their guns locked up or on their posession.

3. Make it illegal for people who are certifiably dangerous and on mind altering meds to legally own guns. The meds would not be things that simply calm you down like PTS patients have, unless the shrink determines in that specific case that the patient is a threat.

4. The media should voluntarily STOP GLORIFYING THE POOR LITTLE ASSAILANT. Jeebus, the media holds the carot of instant notoriey out to anyone deranged enough to kill multiple people so that their hurtful past, favorite cause or silencing the voices, whatever can get huge publicity. Whatever happened to the media having some fucking standards?

Any other change suggestions would be appreciated unless it is more gun grabbing shit.

Sounds like a whole lot of silliness when just pulling the guns would be easier...

"Lock up the guns if you have a crazy person in the house?" How about not having guns in the house with a crazy person?

"Pulling guns would be easier?" You mean like pulling pot or cocaine or heroin?

Joe, you are either dumber than a burlap bag of rocks or just a posturing hypocrital liar.
Actually, we need to talk publicly about people that demand to own military-style guns. They are kooks for the most part. GUN OWNERSHIP MUST BECOME RECOGNIZED AS BEHAVIOR THAT IS OFTEN DEVIANT AND ANTI-SOCIAL.

Don't you find it odd that there are NO PSA's about the hazards of gun ownership, although PSA's abound for nearly every other issue?

It's not the guns that are the problem--it's gun owners. This is a diseased society.

Gun owners are deviant and anti-social? That is a special type of stupid right there.

The 'Freemason9' is a fucking hoplophobe and a discredit to all MAsons if he truly is one, which seems doubtful.
The libtards are in a desperate situations as the polls are topping out at less than 60% in favor of more gun control and this is while all the media is hyping the last shooting.

If the GOP can find the balls to just stonewall any changes the libtard gun grabbing whore effort will die of disinterest and fatigue.
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When libtards and gun grabbing whores want to get everyone to come to the table and discuss what might be done, I know most of them want to start with how much more restrictive can we possibly make it for people to legally buy guns, as if that was a solution of any sort.

As this is directed at me, let me first state I have already exposed your ignorance on another thread.

You didnt expose jack shit other than your ability to spit out unwarranted assertions en masse.

So my initial reaction is to come to the table with three suggestions 'eat shit', 'fuck you' and 'kiss my Royal American ASS'.

But restraining myself from such derision, no matter how much it is deserved, I am wondering what can be done that might impose more difficulty to would-be monsters that doesnt unreasonably impede legal gun owners.

The first thing that coms to mind is

1. Allow concealed carry by volunteer faculty at schools if they pass screening and training. If Good Samaritan laws need to be passed as well to protect them from parasitical lawyer ass wipes then pass those too.

As noted previously, there are a number of impediments to this lame 'solution'

I gave four suggestions each of which can be implemented entirely independently of the others, but all you can fixate on is banning guns and denouncing arming teachers like the raving fucktard you are.

1. Not all school districts, not all school principles want an armed person on their campus;

So what? Since when has a group of objectors been able to stop needed reform by simply disagreeing?

2. The cost, even for a volunteer, to vet, train, arm, supervise/manage is enormous;

Lol, you didnt even read what that suggestion was, so you respond in ignorance, predictably like most jack asses.

3. A volunteer working six hours (or so) a day, five days a week might be hard to find;

Why would anyone have to? It is not needed, something you would have realized had you actually read what I posted, dumbfuck.

4. A use of force policy in a LE Agency is usually written by a manager, Lt. or Capt.' with years of experience in LE; who in a school district has the necessary experience to write such a policy? LE and Private Security have very different roles.

So why cant the local cheif of police have such written for the school? Why cant the legislature that passes said laws also not require a state attorney to write said policy witht he advice of the states top LEO's?

You;re lack of imagination is patheitic, fool.

5. LE officers/deputies/agents must qualify regularly, who would be the range master? Current range masters do more then supervise target practice. Integral with their job is going over use of force policies and non lethal alternatives (pepper spray, tasers, baton, etc.)

Lol, that is too stupid to bother with.

6. Good Samaritan laws protect those rendering aid, not someone who shoots another (perp or innocent bystander). [/COLOR]

Shooting a perp who is about to kill another person IS AIDING THE POTENTIAL VICTIM YOU STUPID ASS WIPE.

2. If there is a certified mentally ill patient on mind altering meds that resides in that same home, then require gun owners there to keep their guns locked up or on their posession.

I'd add that all gun owner be required to carry an umbrella insurance policy (I carry one for $169/per year with a $1 million dollar limit).

Insurance I can agree with, but it needs to be liability required only.

3. Make it illegal for people who are certifiably dangerous and on mind altering meds to legally own guns. The meds would not be things that simply calm you down like PTS patients have, unless the shrink determines in that specific case that the patient is a threat.[/COLOR]

A whole body of law in each state would need to be written, as it stands those who appear to be a danger to themselves or others can only be detained for 72 hours; the vast majority are treated during that time and recover sufficiently to no longer remain such a danger.

Lol. Yes, dumbass we are talking about passing new laws in all likelihood, shit!

4. The media should voluntarily STOP GLORIFYING THE POOR LITTLE ASSAILANT. Jeebus, the media holds the carot of instant notoriey out to anyone deranged enough to kill multiple people so that their hurtful past, favorite cause or silencing the voices, whatever can get huge publicity. Whatever happened to the media having some fucking standards?

CNN & Cable: Journalism died when Turner made the News into entertainment.

I havent been happy with it since Cronkite retired.

Any other change suggestions would be appreciated unless it is more gun grabbing shit.

All of us never want to see another mass murder of innocent Americans. IMO no civilian needs to own a high velocity gun able to fire 30 or more rounds as quickly as one can pull the trigger. IMO someone seeking security is better off with a shotgun for home defense. In a stressed situation even well trained military and police miss often, a shotgun racked gets one's attention, fired wakes the dead and it is point and shot - hard to miss.

Why 30? Why not 45? Why not 10? You pick an arbitrary number only because the typically largest magazines hold 30 rounds.

You dont understand how obvious you are?
When libtards and gun grabbing whores want to get everyone to come to the table and discuss what might be done, I know most of them want to start with how much more restrictive can we possibly make it for people to legally buy guns, as if that was a solution of any sort.

As this is directed at me, let me first state I have already exposed your ignorance on another thread.

You didnt expose jack shit other than your ability to spit out unwarranted assertions en masse.

I gave four suggestions each of which can be implemented entirely independently of the others, but all you can fixate on is banning guns and denouncing arming teachers like the raving fucktard you are.

So what? Since when has a group of objectors been able to stop needed reform by simply disagreeing?

Lol, you didnt even read what that suggestion was, so you respond in ignorance, predictably like most jack asses.

Why would anyone have to? It is not needed, something you would have realized had you actually read what I posted, dumbfuck.

So why cant the local cheif of police have such written for the school? Why cant the legislature that passes said laws also not require a state attorney to write said policy witht he advice of the states top LEO's?

You;re lack of imagination is patheitic, fool.

Lol, that is too stupid to bother with.

Shooting a perp who is about to kill another person IS AIDING THE POTENTIAL VICTIM YOU STUPID ASS WIPE.

Insurance I can agree with, but it needs to be liability required only.

Lol. Yes, dumbass we are talking about passing new laws in all likelihood, shit!

I havent been happy with it since Cronkite retired.

Any other change suggestions would be appreciated unless it is more gun grabbing shit.

All of us never want to see another mass murder of innocent Americans. IMO no civilian needs to own a high velocity gun able to fire 30 or more rounds as quickly as one can pull the trigger. IMO someone seeking security is better off with a shotgun for home defense. In a stressed situation even well trained military and police miss often, a shotgun racked gets one's attention, fired wakes the dead and it is point and shot - hard to miss.

Why 30? Why not 45? Why not 10? You pick an arbitrary number only because the typically largest magazines hold 30 rounds.

You dont understand how obvious you are?

I get that you're pissed because I embarrassed you. Suffice it to say you have no idea of the complexity of putting an armed volunteer in a public school. That you get so angry on a political message board when someone disagrees with you is telling - you're a gun hugger and have little self control. I suggest you get some counseling, stop drinking alcohol if you do (my hunch you abuse the booze) and give your guns to a sober and sane family member until you get under control.

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