What about the people flipping burgers and bagging groceries.

Housing is available in the form of off campus apartments at decent rates, on campus dorms, and studio apartments.

Discount health care is available through different agencies.

yes and its wonderful and we need to maintain these things and strengthen them... more than we need to bail out motor companys...

So...now that we've agreed that all of those things you think should be available ARE, in fact, available, what exactly are you grouching about again? :D

that the present health care system is not all it should be for lower income working people
and that affordable housing and education are increasingly at risk
yes and its wonderful and we need to maintain these things and strengthen them... more than we need to bail out motor companys...
No, it's not wonderful. The "programs" being referenced are typically state or county programs and they typically don't pay for anything other than doctor's visits with a copay along with bloodwork and x-rays. And a lot of the time, people with meager wages don't even qualify for them. And most counties in the country still don't even offer them.

These don't pay for cancer treatment, colonoscopies, echocardiograms, surgeries, hospital stays, etc, etc. That's what people want to get insured for. That's what the middle class wants to get insured for. If a person with middle income needs to get a simple doctor's appointment, most of them could pay for it. What they're concerned about is the prescription coverage, and coverage for hospitalization, outpatient procedures, and surgeries.

About the only helpful and productive change that's happened in the last decade are the programs from the pharmaceutical companies that pay for many prescription drugs for poor people. That *is* helpful.
All the politicians have demonized the "shit jobs", and none of them care. Also, anyone who has never worked a "shit job" or been in the military has never truly worked.
yes and its wonderful and we need to maintain these things and strengthen them... more than we need to bail out motor companys...
No, it's not wonderful. The "programs" being referenced are typically state or county programs and they typically don't pay for anything other than doctor's visits with a copay along with bloodwork and x-rays. And a lot of the time, people with meager wages don't even qualify for them. And most counties in the country still don't even offer them.

These don't pay for cancer treatment, colonoscopies, echocardiograms, surgeries, hospital stays, etc, etc. That's what people want to get insured for. That's what the middle class wants to get insured for. If a person with middle income needs to get a simple doctor's appointment, most of them could pay for it. What they're concerned about is the prescription coverage, and coverage for hospitalization, outpatient procedures, and surgeries.

About the only helpful and productive change that's happened in the last decade are the programs from the pharmaceutical companies that pay for many prescription drugs for poor people. That *is* helpful.

well it is all relative..they are good for what they do but clearly lack...but my wonderful reference was in regards to some of the student housing and loans and grants that have been historically available
there should be some program for affordable health care for low-wage earners..anyone working a full time job in this country should be able to afford health care...education and decent housing ..if they cant...they are being ripped off...stolen from ..by excessively wealthy and greedy corporate interest

They CAN afford education - there are grants galore out there. Use one of them, get an education, and use that education to get a better job. Use that better job to get better housing, and a job with health insurance.

Here's the bottom line. Everyone can't be a doctor, lawyer, or engineer. We will always have a certain percentage of society who remain in the lower tier of income earners, for many different reasons. If everyone was a rocket scientist, then who would take those shit jobs? Someone has to do them, and there are some who are okay doing them and accepting the low wages. But if they do work full-time and bust their ass trying to make it, they should at least be guaranteed affordable health care.

I completely understand not wanting to support others if they just sit at home and collect welfare to begin with. But there is the crux of it all. Those who sit at home and collect welfare, they are the ones who receive all the government handouts and they get their healthcare. The ones who don't get it are the ones who are actually trying, and for whatever reason, find themselves in low paying jobs without coverage, but they do work, and they work hard. And you think they don't deserve health coverage, but the lazy people sitting on their butts do?

And what about those who work but get sick and lose their jobs and their health coverage? I'm not sure what has happened in this once great country that so many of us believe that we have zero responsibility to the welfare of all Americans. There is good reason that we are falling behind much of the rest of the world as a true leader.
They CAN afford education - there are grants galore out there. Use one of them, get an education, and use that education to get a better job. Use that better job to get better housing, and a job with health insurance.
I'm sorry but good jobs are not available to everyone. Someone has to work those sh*t jobs. Someone has to cut your hair. Someone has to clean your poop off of the public toilet. Someone has to dispose of the trash. Someone has to wrap the roast beef sandwich you buy on your lunch break at Arby's. Someone has to clean the motel room after you leave. Someone has to stock the shelves at the grocery store and Kmart when you go to the store. And a million more examples. Those jobs are essential. They need to stay filled. And these people often go without any health coverage at all because they don't have any money. And that's not ethical. Not only do these people often work at all hours of the day and night, they get paid sh*t for it, and then don't have health care, either. What kind of society is that? And these low paying jobs aren't limited to those flipping burgers and stocking shelves. They include people licensed and certified to work in particular professions such as cosmetologists, lab assistants, technicians, secretaries, administrative and clerical workers, and on and on and on.

I dunno what you're yapping about.. MY stylist gets $50 a haircut, and almost $200 for a cut and color.. Why? Because she wasn't satisfied where she was at, and learned the additional skills to make more than just the commission off your standard $5 haircut.
And if you had clue what you were talking about, you would know that most "low-wage earners" don't qualify for it.
Medicaid was enacted SPECIFICALLY FOR the lowest of wage earners.

If anyone has NFI what they're talking about here, it's you.
I'm afraid not. Contrary to your uninformed beliefs, low wage earners and the unemployed are not automatically entitled to receive medicaid, and most of these people do not qualify for it. That is the truth. In most states, unless one is disabled or falls under another exception, they do not qualify for medicaid. I already talked about the state hybrid (partial medicaid) programs. And in my state, Michigan, for example, last time I checked this program was only available for persons with income less than $500 per month, and without substantial assets like a car, etc. And this watered down form of medicaid only pays for doctor's visits and a small list of prescriptions and diagnostic testing. It doesn't pay for surgeries, hospitalization, etc, etc. And it rarely pays for any treatment or inpatient or outpatient procedures beyond testing. In summary, not only does it suck, people making more than $500 or so per month can't even get it. The people qualifying for full government medical care need to fall under a limited exception. Usually, this means the person has to be on disability. And getting on disability is difficult. As I said earlier, there are severely mentally ill persons who are denied disability and medicaid.

In Michigan, for those making more than $500 per month, which is just about everyone with even the sh*ttiest job, all that's available to them is a county program. And right now, most counties still don't have one. And even the ones that do, all these county programs pay for are doctor's visits with a copay, bloodwork, and x-rays pretty much. They don't pay for most other testing necessary for a diagnosis like heart monitors or colonoscopies, etc. And they don't pay for the treatment or hospitalization. So, in other words, they suck, and in most areas they aren't available anyway.

Oh please stop it with the facts; I can't take it anymore.
I dunno what you're yapping about.. MY stylist gets $50 a haircut, and almost $200 for a cut and color.. Why? Because she wasn't satisfied where she was at, and learned the additional skills to make more than just the commission off your standard $5 haircut.
Your postings are ridiculous.
I'm sorry but good jobs are not available to everyone. Someone has to work those sh*t jobs. Someone has to cut your hair. Someone has to clean your poop off of the public toilet. Someone has to dispose of the trash. Someone has to wrap the roast beef sandwich you buy on your lunch break at Arby's. Someone has to clean the motel room after you leave. Someone has to stock the shelves at the grocery store and Kmart when you go to the store. And a million more examples. Those jobs are essential. They need to stay filled. And these people often go without any health coverage at all because they don't have any money. And that's not ethical. Not only do these people often work at all hours of the day and night, they get paid sh*t for it, and then don't have health care, either. What kind of society is that? And these low paying jobs aren't limited to those flipping burgers and stocking shelves. They include people licensed and certified to work in particular professions such as cosmetologists, lab assistants, technicians, secretaries, administrative and clerical workers, and on and on and on.

I dunno what you're yapping about.. MY stylist gets $50 a haircut, and almost $200 for a cut and color.. Why? Because she wasn't satisfied where she was at, and learned the additional skills to make more than just the commission off your standard $5 haircut.

this is satire...right ?
I dunno what you're yapping about.. MY stylist gets $50 a haircut, and almost $200 for a cut and color.. Why? Because she wasn't satisfied where she was at, and learned the additional skills to make more than just the commission off your standard $5 haircut.

this is satire...right ?

Probably not, but your quote boxes are switched making it seem that Dis said what licentious said, and vice versa

ETA:quote messed up for me as well.......
Fixed your quotes for ya all. ;)

Anyhow, as for the haircut example, that's stupid. People in salons don't get paid more for education unless the customers are really gullible. They do by building a customer base and reputation. I knew this one barber, he hated cutting women's hair but did mine and my best friend because he loved how mine felt in his hands. He charged us the standard fee, but could have easily charged $100 and it would have been worth it, he was great with hair. He was an odd duck.
All the politicians have demonized the "shit jobs", and none of them care. Also, anyone who has never worked a "shit job" or been in the military has never truly worked.


That's a pretty silly thing to say, KK.

And why did you include the military with the "true workers?" Do you have any idea how many people I saw in the military barely lift a finger to do anything all day, every day?
Fixed your quotes for ya all. ;)

Anyhow, as for the haircut example, that's stupid. People in salons don't get paid more for education unless the customers are really gullible. They do by building a customer base and reputation. I knew this one barber, he hated cutting women's hair but did mine and my best friend because he loved how mine felt in his hands. He charged us the standard fee, but could have easily charged $100 and it would have been worth it, he was great with hair. He was an odd duck.

yes they do not have to go for additional school to get paid more but to work in some salons you have to more training. To work in a aveda salon you have to learn their way of doing things and will end up getting paid more then the average hair stylist.
My cousin was charging about what Dis said for most customers without additional schooling but now that he owns an aveda salon, he has to put all his employees through aveda training.
What are the poor people working minimum wage supposed to do without national healthcare?


Poverty is good for you.

It will make a man out of you!

And you will never get type II diebetes because all you can eat is radish soup.

Poverty is your freind.

If you are living in real poverty, with calorie restrictions you will live to be 120 years old.

Just ask all those starving mice.

I am sick of people slagging poverty.
I'm sorry but good jobs are not available to everyone. Someone has to work those sh*t jobs. Someone has to cut your hair. Someone has to clean your poop off of the public toilet. Someone has to dispose of the trash. Someone has to wrap the roast beef sandwich you buy on your lunch break at Arby's. Someone has to clean the motel room after you leave. Someone has to stock the shelves at the grocery store and Kmart when you go to the store. And a million more examples. Those jobs are essential. They need to stay filled. And these people often go without any health coverage at all because they don't have any money. And that's not ethical. Not only do these people often work at all hours of the day and night, they get paid sh*t for it, and then don't have health care, either. What kind of society is that? And these low paying jobs aren't limited to those flipping burgers and stocking shelves. They include people licensed and certified to work in particular professions such as cosmetologists, lab assistants, technicians, secretaries, administrative and clerical workers, and on and on and on.

I dunno what you're yapping about.. MY stylist gets $50 a haircut, and almost $200 for a cut and color.. Why? Because she wasn't satisfied where she was at, and learned the additional skills to make more than just the commission off your standard $5 haircut.

You spend 200 bucks for THAT cut and THAT color and then bitch about the price for a decent computer, what a shit head......literally.:razz:
All the politicians have demonized the "shit jobs", and none of them care. Also, anyone who has never worked a "shit job" or been in the military has never truly worked.


That's a pretty silly thing to say, KK.

And why did you include the military with the "true workers?" Do you have any idea how many people I saw in the military barely lift a finger to do anything all day, every day?

Meh ... some of them though have to have worked hard for their position, I can only generalize since I wasn't allowed to join up myself. ;) So I chose the nice generalization.
Fixed your quotes for ya all. ;)

Anyhow, as for the haircut example, that's stupid. People in salons don't get paid more for education unless the customers are really gullible. They do by building a customer base and reputation. I knew this one barber, he hated cutting women's hair but did mine and my best friend because he loved how mine felt in his hands. He charged us the standard fee, but could have easily charged $100 and it would have been worth it, he was great with hair. He was an odd duck.

Was his name Dillo?

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