WH about-face: Trump now opposes 702 renewal? Pelosi tells Ryan to pull bill


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
WH about-face: Trump now opposes 702 renewal? Update: "With that being said..."; Update: "Disarray"; Update: Pelosi tells Ryan to pull bill - Hot Air

“House votes on controversial FISA ACT today.” This is the act that may have been used, with the help of the discredited and phony Dossier, to so badly surveil and abuse the Trump Campaign by the previous administration and others?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
January 11, 2018

Without some changes to 702, Rand Paul has threatened to filibuster the 702 renewal in the Senate:

“My worry is that they also collect information on millions of Americans, and I don’t want that database to be searched without a warrant,” the Kentucky Republican said. He added, “I will filibuster and do whatever to stop that.”

Paul said he would vote to reauthorize Section 702, however, if there are protections in place for Americans’ private information, and added that he supports the USA Rights Act, another amendment to the program proposed by Rep. Justin Amash, R-Michigan.

Comey, however, defended the tool he, his FBI, and Obama abused in order to illegally conduct surveillance on the GOP Presidential candidate and his associates.

'Thoughtful leaders on both sides of the aisle know FISA section 702 is a vital and carefully overseen tool to protect this country. This isn’t about politics. Congress must reauthorize it.'
— James Comey (@Comey)
January 11, 2018

This is a LIE....702 has been proven NOT to have been adequately overseen - the Trump case is the most clear evidence of that, as Paul and other bipartisan who are calling for changes to it point out.

'JUST IN: House Minority Leader Pelosi has asked Speaker Ryan to cancel today's FISA vote in light of President Trump's tweet, a senior Democratic aide tells @NBCNews.
— NBC News (@NBCNews)
January 11, 2018'

For now, without changes to 702 - more oversight to ensure what has happened - administration / political abuse - can not happen again, they do not have the votes.

The Senate passed it and Trump signed it. This is an obvious breech of the Constitution. Our government is ignoring the law of the land. If this is not a clear ignoring of the Fourth Amendment and a criminal act, I don't know what is.
The Senate passed it and Trump signed it. This is an obvious breech of the Constitution. Our government is ignoring the law of the land. If this is not a clear ignoring of the Fourth Amendment and a criminal act, I don't know what is.
could you elaborate on things? not being anal, i want to better understand. what got passed and signed when that you are referring to? 702? the overall renewal? kinda lost between is this new or rehashing something?

i need my mt dew.
The Senate passed it and Trump signed it. This is an obvious breech of the Constitution. Our government is ignoring the law of the land. If this is not a clear ignoring of the Fourth Amendment and a criminal act, I don't know what is.
could you elaborate on things? not being anal, i want to better understand. what got passed and signed when that you are referring to? 702? the overall renewal? kinda lost between is this new or rehashing something?

i need my mt dew.
It is more bad news. Our government has gone rogue.

Surveillance and Privacy Debate Reaches Pivotal Moment in Congress

Senate passes FISA Section 702 reauthorization - CNNPolitics

A Conspiracy of Silence - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
The Senate passed it and Trump signed it. This is an obvious breech of the Constitution. Our government is ignoring the law of the land. If this is not a clear ignoring of the Fourth Amendment and a criminal act, I don't know what is.
could you elaborate on things? not being anal, i want to better understand. what got passed and signed when that you are referring to? 702? the overall renewal? kinda lost between is this new or rehashing something?

i need my mt dew.

Lets try this one instead...

Trump signs surveillance extension into law
The Senate passed it and Trump signed it. This is an obvious breech of the Constitution. Our government is ignoring the law of the land. If this is not a clear ignoring of the Fourth Amendment and a criminal act, I don't know what is.
could you elaborate on things? not being anal, i want to better understand. what got passed and signed when that you are referring to? 702? the overall renewal? kinda lost between is this new or rehashing something?

i need my mt dew.

Lets try this one instead...

Trump signs surveillance extension into law
The Senate passed it and Trump signed it. This is an obvious breech of the Constitution. Our government is ignoring the law of the land. If this is not a clear ignoring of the Fourth Amendment and a criminal act, I don't know what is.
could you elaborate on things? not being anal, i want to better understand. what got passed and signed when that you are referring to? 702? the overall renewal? kinda lost between is this new or rehashing something?

i need my mt dew.
It is more bad news. Our government has gone rogue.

Surveillance and Privacy Debate Reaches Pivotal Moment in Congress

Senate passes FISA Section 702 reauthorization - CNNPolitics

A Conspiracy of Silence - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

then my next question would be - is the problem 702 or the way obama ignored all the safeguards and played the system?
The Senate passed it and Trump signed it. This is an obvious breech of the Constitution. Our government is ignoring the law of the land. If this is not a clear ignoring of the Fourth Amendment and a criminal act, I don't know what is.
could you elaborate on things? not being anal, i want to better understand. what got passed and signed when that you are referring to? 702? the overall renewal? kinda lost between is this new or rehashing something?

i need my mt dew.

Lets try this one instead...

Trump signs surveillance extension into law

Oh hell yeah it is! And it has always been fully supported by both parties since it was created to keep us safe from the boggie man.
The Senate passed it and Trump signed it. This is an obvious breech of the Constitution. Our government is ignoring the law of the land. If this is not a clear ignoring of the Fourth Amendment and a criminal act, I don't know what is.
could you elaborate on things? not being anal, i want to better understand. what got passed and signed when that you are referring to? 702? the overall renewal? kinda lost between is this new or rehashing something?

i need my mt dew.
It is more bad news. Our government has gone rogue.

Surveillance and Privacy Debate Reaches Pivotal Moment in Congress

Senate passes FISA Section 702 reauthorization - CNNPolitics

A Conspiracy of Silence - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

then my next question would be - is the problem 702 or the way obama ignored all the safeguards and played the system?

The problem is the 702 itself. The program collects and searches the online communications of Americans without a warrant. The data is also stored for future reference just in case you ever do anything they deem as bad.
The Senate passed it and Trump signed it. This is an obvious breech of the Constitution. Our government is ignoring the law of the land. If this is not a clear ignoring of the Fourth Amendment and a criminal act, I don't know what is.
could you elaborate on things? not being anal, i want to better understand. what got passed and signed when that you are referring to? 702? the overall renewal? kinda lost between is this new or rehashing something?

i need my mt dew.

Lets try this one instead...

Trump signs surveillance extension into law

Oh hell yeah it is! And it has always been fully supported by both parties since it was created to keep us safe from the boggie man.
Yes...both parties LOVE surveilling Americans. Thus, they have passed a law that is unconstitutional. Now...will the the judiciary outlaw it? Not likely, since the law has existed for some time.

This is yet another proof that our government is lawless and in my opionion traitorous.
The Senate passed it and Trump signed it. This is an obvious breech of the Constitution. Our government is ignoring the law of the land. If this is not a clear ignoring of the Fourth Amendment and a criminal act, I don't know what is.
could you elaborate on things? not being anal, i want to better understand. what got passed and signed when that you are referring to? 702? the overall renewal? kinda lost between is this new or rehashing something?

i need my mt dew.

Lets try this one instead...

Trump signs surveillance extension into law

Oh hell yeah it is! And it has always been fully supported by both parties since it was created to keep us safe from the boggie man.
Yes...both parties LOVE surveilling Americans. Thus, they have passed a law that is unconstitutional. Now...will the the judiciary outlaw it? Not likely, since the law has existed for some time.

This is yet another proof that our government is lawless and in my opionion traitorous.
got it. 702 a "legacy law" trump let ride at least for now. i need to read up on 702 before i really dive in one way or another but if back to surveillance w/o proper steps or warrants, this is the shit trump is supposed to be ending.
The Senate passed it and Trump signed it. This is an obvious breech of the Constitution. Our government is ignoring the law of the land. If this is not a clear ignoring of the Fourth Amendment and a criminal act, I don't know what is.
could you elaborate on things? not being anal, i want to better understand. what got passed and signed when that you are referring to? 702? the overall renewal? kinda lost between is this new or rehashing something?

i need my mt dew.

Lets try this one instead...

Trump signs surveillance extension into law

Oh hell yeah it is! And it has always been fully supported by both parties since it was created to keep us safe from the boggie man.
Yes...both parties LOVE surveilling Americans. Thus, they have passed a law that is unconstitutional. Now...will the the judiciary outlaw it? Not likely, since the law has existed for some time.

This is yet another proof that our government is lawless and in my opionion traitorous.

Brings to mind the old saying...Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
could you elaborate on things? not being anal, i want to better understand. what got passed and signed when that you are referring to? 702? the overall renewal? kinda lost between is this new or rehashing something?

i need my mt dew.

Lets try this one instead...

Trump signs surveillance extension into law

Oh hell yeah it is! And it has always been fully supported by both parties since it was created to keep us safe from the boggie man.
Yes...both parties LOVE surveilling Americans. Thus, they have passed a law that is unconstitutional. Now...will the the judiciary outlaw it? Not likely, since the law has existed for some time.

This is yet another proof that our government is lawless and in my opionion traitorous.
got it. 702 a "legacy law" trump let ride at least for now. i need to read up on 702 before i really dive in one way or another but if back to surveillance w/o proper steps or warrants, this is the shit trump is supposed to be ending.

LOL. Yeah, he let it ride for another 6 years! That is how long the extension is good for.
could you elaborate on things? not being anal, i want to better understand. what got passed and signed when that you are referring to? 702? the overall renewal? kinda lost between is this new or rehashing something?

i need my mt dew.

Lets try this one instead...

Trump signs surveillance extension into law

Oh hell yeah it is! And it has always been fully supported by both parties since it was created to keep us safe from the boggie man.
Yes...both parties LOVE surveilling Americans. Thus, they have passed a law that is unconstitutional. Now...will the the judiciary outlaw it? Not likely, since the law has existed for some time.

This is yet another proof that our government is lawless and in my opionion traitorous.
got it. 702 a "legacy law" trump let ride at least for now. i need to read up on 702 before i really dive in one way or another but if back to surveillance w/o proper steps or warrants, this is the shit trump is supposed to be ending.
I do not think Trump has any intention of ending this shit. Clearly he does not.

They expanded the law and extended it for six more years.

Could be Trump knows he can't stop the deep state agencies and live.
could you elaborate on things? not being anal, i want to better understand. what got passed and signed when that you are referring to? 702? the overall renewal? kinda lost between is this new or rehashing something?

i need my mt dew.

Lets try this one instead...

Trump signs surveillance extension into law

Oh hell yeah it is! And it has always been fully supported by both parties since it was created to keep us safe from the boggie man.
Yes...both parties LOVE surveilling Americans. Thus, they have passed a law that is unconstitutional. Now...will the the judiciary outlaw it? Not likely, since the law has existed for some time.

This is yet another proof that our government is lawless and in my opionion traitorous.

Brings to mind the old saying...Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
Americans used to know that, but no longer.

We are rapidly spiraling down into tyranny, but few Americans know it.

Oh hell yeah it is! And it has always been fully supported by both parties since it was created to keep us safe from the boggie man.
Yes...both parties LOVE surveilling Americans. Thus, they have passed a law that is unconstitutional. Now...will the the judiciary outlaw it? Not likely, since the law has existed for some time.

This is yet another proof that our government is lawless and in my opionion traitorous.
got it. 702 a "legacy law" trump let ride at least for now. i need to read up on 702 before i really dive in one way or another but if back to surveillance w/o proper steps or warrants, this is the shit trump is supposed to be ending.
I do not think Trump has any intention of ending this shit. Clearly he does not.

They expanded the law and extended it for six more years.

Could be Trump knows he can't stop the deep state agencies and live.
i think if the deep state tried to or killed him, civil war would be next. too much has already gotten out and people are simply ready to get their country back.

Oh hell yeah it is! And it has always been fully supported by both parties since it was created to keep us safe from the boggie man.
Yes...both parties LOVE surveilling Americans. Thus, they have passed a law that is unconstitutional. Now...will the the judiciary outlaw it? Not likely, since the law has existed for some time.

This is yet another proof that our government is lawless and in my opionion traitorous.
got it. 702 a "legacy law" trump let ride at least for now. i need to read up on 702 before i really dive in one way or another but if back to surveillance w/o proper steps or warrants, this is the shit trump is supposed to be ending.
I do not think Trump has any intention of ending this shit. Clearly he does not.

They expanded the law and extended it for six more years.

Could be Trump knows he can't stop the deep state agencies and live.
i think if the deep state tried to or killed him, civil war would be next. too much has already gotten out and people are simply ready to get their country back.
You might be right, but I doubt the Deep State gives a shit. They know a crisis would likely benefit them. They don't care if millions of Americans are killed in a revolution. A crisis is a good thing and not to be wasted.

Oh hell yeah it is! And it has always been fully supported by both parties since it was created to keep us safe from the boggie man.
Yes...both parties LOVE surveilling Americans. Thus, they have passed a law that is unconstitutional. Now...will the the judiciary outlaw it? Not likely, since the law has existed for some time.

This is yet another proof that our government is lawless and in my opionion traitorous.
got it. 702 a "legacy law" trump let ride at least for now. i need to read up on 702 before i really dive in one way or another but if back to surveillance w/o proper steps or warrants, this is the shit trump is supposed to be ending.
I do not think Trump has any intention of ending this shit. Clearly he does not.

They expanded the law and extended it for six more years.

Could be Trump knows he can't stop the deep state agencies and live.
i think if the deep state tried to or killed him, civil war would be next. too much has already gotten out and people are simply ready to get their country back.

If so, using those phones to communicate is a bad idea. :rolleyes:
Oh hell yeah it is! And it has always been fully supported by both parties since it was created to keep us safe from the boggie man.
Yes...both parties LOVE surveilling Americans. Thus, they have passed a law that is unconstitutional. Now...will the the judiciary outlaw it? Not likely, since the law has existed for some time.

This is yet another proof that our government is lawless and in my opionion traitorous.
got it. 702 a "legacy law" trump let ride at least for now. i need to read up on 702 before i really dive in one way or another but if back to surveillance w/o proper steps or warrants, this is the shit trump is supposed to be ending.
I do not think Trump has any intention of ending this shit. Clearly he does not.

They expanded the law and extended it for six more years.

Could be Trump knows he can't stop the deep state agencies and live.
i think if the deep state tried to or killed him, civil war would be next. too much has already gotten out and people are simply ready to get their country back.

If so, using those phones to communicate is a bad idea. :rolleyes:
depends on how you use them. :)

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