We've been hearing a lot about "Intersectionality" -- how is that defined by the modern left?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014



Intersectionality is a concept often used in critical theories to describe the ways in which oppressive institutions (racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, xenophobia, classism, etc.) are interconnected and cannot be examined separately from one another. The concept first came from legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989 and is largely used in critical theories, especially Feminist theory, when discussing systematic oppression. When possible, credit Kimberlé Crenshaw for coining the term "intersectionality" and bringing the concept to wider attention.

In order to achieve anti-oppression aims, here are some things for geek groups to consider:

  • Aiming for think about the perspective of others in that situation , then apologise and figure out how not to do it again. If you continue to think the person misunderstood you or was wrong about your actions, don't get into an argument with them about it.
  • "Nothing about us without us": don't dictate to women, blind people, gay people or anyone else what they 'should' want from your geek community, software or roleplaying game, ask them and listen to the answers. Or better yet, trust them to lead the development of the product or the direction of the community and join initiatives they have already started...
  • One person or group may have multiple forms of oppression directed against them at the same time. This can complicate matters considerably.
  • Two people or groups with different forms of oppression directed against them may both have legitimate needs which come in conflict with each other. Picking a way to reconcile these needs is hard and tends to fall disproportionately hard on people who are already struggling.

Discussions of intersectionality in geek culture
See also

We will be hearing more about this as time goes on.
I'm overweight, which I guess makes me an official "victim", but I think being white, male, and straight kind of cancels that out so I'm an "oppressor."

My roleplaying group is mostly straight white males, but we have a black man, and we used to have a gay man, but it never occurred to any of us that we were "oppressing" them when we played D&D together.

I guess when you look for trouble, you will find it.

But why are people looking so hard for trouble?

And doesn't all of this kind of ruin the point of D&D, which is to relax with friends and have fun?
More or Less a made up term like common senseophobia or any of their fake phobias.




Intersectionality is a concept often used in critical theories to describe the ways in which oppressive institutions (racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, xenophobia, classism, etc.) are interconnected and cannot be examined separately from one another. The concept first came from legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989 and is largely used in critical theories, especially Feminist theory, when discussing systematic oppression. When possible, credit Kimberlé Crenshaw for coining the term "intersectionality" and bringing the concept to wider attention.

In order to achieve anti-oppression aims, here are some things for geek groups to consider:

  • Aiming for think about the perspective of others in that situation , then apologise and figure out how not to do it again. If you continue to think the person misunderstood you or was wrong about your actions, don't get into an argument with them about it.
  • "Nothing about us without us": don't dictate to women, blind people, gay people or anyone else what they 'should' want from your geek community, software or roleplaying game, ask them and listen to the answers. Or better yet, trust them to lead the development of the product or the direction of the community and join initiatives they have already started...
  • One person or group may have multiple forms of oppression directed against them at the same time. This can complicate matters considerably.
  • Two people or groups with different forms of oppression directed against them may both have legitimate needs which come in conflict with each other. Picking a way to reconcile these needs is hard and tends to fall disproportionately hard on people who are already struggling.

Discussions of intersectionality in geek culture
See also

We will be hearing more about this as time goes on.
What I find intriguing is how the leftists can take a fun activity, like playing a roleplaying game, and totally ruin it by injecting politics into it.

I am the host of my roleplaying group. If anyone ever started this shit in my house, I would escort them to the door.
What I find intriguing is how the leftists can take a fun activity, like playing a roleplaying game, and totally ruin it by injecting politics into it.

I am the host of my roleplaying group. If anyone ever started this shit in my house, I would escort them to the door.

I’d have to toss them out the door.
KimberLE with the accent wants you to know she made the whole thing up in 1989, and she wants the credit.

Way to go, DimberLE, you go girl.
What I want to know is how people think like this and not blow a fuse. I mean, in the normal world people just have fun with their friends, and if some of them are black or gay, no one gives a shit.
What I want to know is how people think like this and not blow a fuse. I mean, in the normal world people just have fun with their friends, and if some of them are black or gay, no one gives a shit.

Dude you have started ten threads tonight lol. What are you drinking.
What I want to know is how people think like this and not blow a fuse. I mean, in the normal world people just have fun with their friends, and if some of them are black or gay, no one gives a shit.

Dude you have started ten threads tonight lol. What are you drinking.
I start threads because I like the threads I start more than the threads other people start.

I am drinking water.
What I want to know is how people think like this and not blow a fuse. I mean, in the normal world people just have fun with their friends, and if some of them are black or gay, no one gives a shit.

Dude you have started ten threads tonight lol. What are you drinking.
I start threads because I like the threads I start more than the threads other people start.

I am drinking water.

Oh seriously? Ha. I thought you were on a bender...I thought it was pretty funny. Darn, it was entertaining me. I did think you were very coherent for a bender. :)

Me, I looooove red wine. And coffee. I'm just into my antioxidants. but I don't overindulge--middle age and overindulgence is no fun.
I am not part of this strange world the left has created, so I don't know what it means to have to apologize constantly for being a straight white male.

But it must be hell, kind of like what Winston Smith was going through in the world of George Orwell's 1984.
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Idiots making up more bullshit so other idiots can agree with the original idiots. And all in the hopes of being a victim.

In about 150 years we went from people building railroads and western towns to engaging in the Victim Olympics. "I win, because I am more Oppressed than you are."

I'm more and more convinced it's actually going to take a mighty collapse or war or something to reset this entire thing. Only we're wholly and utterly unprepared.
Ironically, people thought we would put all this behind us if we elected Obama for President. Quite the opposite, Obama made things worse.

Idiots making up more bullshit so other idiots can agree with the original idiots. And all in the hopes of being a victim.

In about 150 years we went from people building railroads and western towns to engaging in the Victim Olympics. "I win, because I am more Oppressed than you are."

I'm more and more convinced it's actually going to take a mighty collapse or war or something to reset this entire thing. Only we're wholly and utterly unprepared.
Reminds me of a comment I heard somewhere. "I'm a trans-vegan, I eat meat but I identify as a vegan."
What I want to know is why people would WANT to live this way, constantly involved in nit-picky battles with their friends over who is more oppressed, and who is more the oppressor.
What I want to know is why people would WANT to live this way, constantly involved in nit-picky battles with their friends over who is more oppressed, and who is more the oppressor.

Because it sells like hot cakes , humainity is all about a leg up on the next guy, exactly what keeps the USMB lights on


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