WESTERN USEFUL IDIOTS : Disinformation: Inside the USSR/"Russian"-born Science of Influence


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

HOW many Putin´s "USEFUL IDIOTS" you can name ? Trump, Berlusconi, steven seagal,
schröder, who else?

Sold Putin: how Gerhard schröder became the “Russian mercenary” | all.true-news.info

Useful idiot - Wikipedia
A useful idiot is "a dupe of the Communists", usually a citizen of a non-communist country sympathetic to the Soviet Union who is susceptible to propaganda and is cynically misused. The phrase was used by Soviet communists and the KGB to refer to persons in the West their country had successfully manipulated.



WESTERN USEFUL IDIOTS : Disinformation: Inside the USSR/"Russian"-born Science of Influence
Yeah, there's lots of them in former Communist countries, and this includes Germany even if it was only one part.
Yeah, there's lots of them in former Communist countries, and this includes Germany even if it was only one part.
"Schroeder, who for many years occupied a substantial position in “Gazprom” to become a member of the Directorate and “Rosneft"...Schroeder accuses Merkel in the dissemination of false information about his business reputation"
Sold Putin: how Gerhard schröder became the “Russian mercenary”

The desire of the ex-Chancellor of Germany Gerhard Schroeder, who for many years occupied a substantial position in “Gazprom” to become a member of the Directorate and “Rosneft” – the Russian company, which came under European and American sanctions because of the military annexation of the Crimea by the Kremlin angered many Germans.
Some policies require you to deprive shredder Chancery pensions, some (including fellow party members) openly denounce him, and the leaders of the Social democratic party of Germany hastened to step back from his “personal Affairs”, to somehow reduce the harm it did to their ratings right before the elections.
The figure of Gerhard Schroeder for many Germans is full of contradictions. Someone finds it in cancerto the positive side, although his second term and cut short prematurely (he remained the leader of the German government seven, not eight years from 1998 to 2005), and some consider him the second worst after the war Chancellor of Germany (after the notorious Kurt Georg Kiesinger, third Chancellor of Germany, who “sat” on this post even a single term). It was during the tenure of Chancellor schröder in Germany has spread a joke: “What would happen if the social Democrats will govern in the Sahara desert? First, no one will notice, and then begin a shortage of sand.” It is the largest in Germany, the “friend of Putin” – that Schroeder called the Kremlin prisoner “pure Democrat”, that he “organized” for the Kremlin, numerous contacts with politicians and big businessmen throughout Europe.
The story of the friendship of Putin and schröder, ancient. A German politician once tried to help his “Russian friend” in matters of foreign policy
During his tenure as Chancellor he has got many nicknames of a negative character here and “comrade of the bosses” (Genosse der Bosse) for their flirting with the big capital at the expense of their own voters, workers and middle class; and “Brioni-Chancellor”, that likes to wear super-expensive clothes exclusively from this company, and “Russian German” (Russlanddeutsche) – because during his chancellorship literally firmly “hooked” Germany on the Russian gas “needle”, then quietly moved into pre-prepared for him a chair of the head of Gazprom’s project “Northern stream”. Angela Merkel and her Christian Democrats had to spend a lot of effort to realize the diversification of oil and gas procurement plan, which really just started about a year ago.
During his chancellorship, Schroeder received a lot of hurtful nicknames, one of them – “Russian German”
“With me it was not easy”
Now in this list, it seems, has added another nickname, direct and offensive: “Russian mercenary”. So, at least, named him Secretary General of the Christian social Union Andreas SOER for the intention Schroeder become a member of the Board of Directors of the company “Rosneft”.
Attempt shredder in “Rosneft” has a bad taste, here mixed private economic interest with politics, he said in an interview with the newspaper Bild am Sonntag.
“With me you wasn’t always easy!” proclaimed shredder recently, in late July, the scene of a Congress of his party, the SPD. By the way, he is actively involved in the election campaign, encouraging voters to vote for the social Democrats. And, although he was referring to the time of his chancellorship, but also as a private person, it continues its reputation multiplied by the participation in election activities to harm his party during the last election the then leader of the social Democrats Per Steinbrueck was even forced to officially ask the “second Gerda” not to take part in it, so as not to scare off voters.
The Secretary General of the CSU Germany Andreas SOER is one of the most vocal critics of the shredder. It was he who called the ex-Chancellor “the Russian mercenary”
But shredder does not listen – and the SPD, according to experts, lost because of this many votes. The same thing could happen now because of the new “business activity” 73-year-old former Chancellor, who has demanded be “Columnar noblewoman” in “Gazprom” and “Queen of the sea” in “Rosneft”. It is therefore not surprising that the leaders of the social Democrats vying to disown him, and the party’s Chairman and candidate for Chancellor position Martin Schulz had to say that, first of all- this is a personal matter Schroeder, irrelevant to the party, secondly he supposedly has already asked the “Russian German” in a phone conversation “don’t do this”. And Schroeder allegedly just didn’t listen. Sam Schultz promised that if elected after the completion of the tenure will not hold any position in the private sector.
“Let return retirement”
If recoil friends have to say about opponents? Negative reviews pouring in one after the other. “Russian mercenary” from Andreas Soera not leaving for a week in a row the pages of the press. Liberals hint at the need to investigate the “private” activity of the shredder, and a representative of the green party on budget issues Tobias Lindner demanded that additional private income of the ex-Chancellor was considered in its Chancery pensions.
The fact that the former head of the German government of Gerhard Schroeder gets about 100 thousand Euro a year, moreover, has a free office in Berlin, and the state still pays the salaries of two secretaries, security guards and driver. The car, incidentally, is also provided Schroeder “Nagornyak”. At the same time as the head of the Supervisory Board of Gazprom’s Nord stream it receives, according to the magazine Manager Magazin, 250 thousand Euro per year, and the Director’s post in “Rosneft” should bring him more 300 thousand Euro per year – for what, in the words of Schroeder four times a year to fly to Moscow, and will participate in meetings of the Directorate. German “green” does not want to understand why this is such a rich mercy of Putin’s people, which is also a disgrace to Germany before the world needs to Hatice something from the state. That is why they believe that the private income of the ex-Chancellor should be included in his pension, the contents of his office and e-mail.

“It’s all Merkel!”
Himself Gerhard Schroeder has a fierce resistance to such attacks with energy that is not always showed on the post of Chancellor of Germany. First, he believes that his private business activities can not hurt the ratings of his party – he said this in an interview with Swiss newspaper Blick. “I will nominate a candidate (the Director of “Rosneft” – “24”), despite all the criticism, which I think is erroneous,” he said.
Second, it considers critical criticism “biased”.
This is a political campaign in favor of Mrs. Merkel, someone wants to help her due to defamation of my person, – he said.
Maybe that’s true – but most likely not. First, Angela Merkel, who with her Christian Democrats now, according to pre-election polls nine leading German sociological institutions, gaining more than 40% of the vote, hardly needs to lift its ratings at the expense of a “Russian mercenary”, although his predecessor as Chancellor, the second – the story of his directorship of Rosneft, it seems, has caused damage to the social-Democrats: on the eve of elections their ranking lost for the week two per cent and now constitutes only 23%. Indeed, the “friend of Putin”, old “bi-BA-the state Chancellor Shrode” (also one of the nicknames 73-year-old chatterbox), his party Oh, how easy …
Schroeder accuses Merkel in the dissemination of false information about his business reputation
But the worst part of this story is different. Namely, the fact that in the eyes of all Europe high-flying politician, former Prime Minister of the powerful European powers have become absolutely corrupt lackey of the Kremlin dictator, who sells for relatively little (at least officially small) money of their constituents, their party and their country . All of this for him is just a product that he is “pushing” to a Russian buyer. The fact that a law that simply is not designed for such audacity is not able to punish him for that –only encourages other “friends of Putin”: German, French, Dutch and God knows what else – to a similar “private business.” Unfortunately.

Sold Putin: how Gerhard schröder became the “Russian mercenary” | all.true-news.info
HOW many Putin´s "USEFUL IDIOTS" you can name ? Trump, Berlusconi, steven seagal,
schröder, who else?....

1. Russia is not a communist nation.

2. Trump is obviously his own man and has in no way harmed US interests for Russia.

3. The Cold War is over. Give Peace a Chance.
Putin's useful idiots - The Washington Post

7 days ago - In fact, the Mueller investigation is ongoing and has offered no such conclusions. But what Mueller did expose last week should sicken us all: Vladimir Putin has played Americans across the political spectrum for suckers. In particular, the Russian dictator has turned Trump supporters into the useful idiots of ...

Useful Idiots - StopFake

We're all Putin's 'useful idiots'. Watching Russian TV recently is a disturbing business. As Stephen Ennis at BBC Monitoring has painstakingly recorded, Russian media has developed a habit of delivering death threats to opposition members, using anti-Semitic insinuations against its opponents, screaming about the threat ...
HOW many Putin´s "USEFUL IDIOTS" you can name ? Trump, Berlusconi, steven seagal,
schröder, who else?....

1. Russia is not a communist nation.

2. Trump is obviously his own man and has in no way harmed US interests for Russia.

3. The Cold War is over. Give Peace a Chance.
Putin's useful idiots - The Washington Post

7 days ago - In fact, the Mueller investigation is ongoing and has offered no such conclusions. But what Mueller did expose last week should sicken us all: Vladimir Putin has played Americans across the political spectrum for suckers. In particular, the Russian dictator has turned Trump supporters into the useful idiots of ...

Useful Idiots - StopFake

We're all Putin's 'useful idiots'. Watching Russian TV recently is a disturbing business. As Stephen Ennis at BBC Monitoring has painstakingly recorded, Russian media has developed a habit of delivering death threats to opposition members, using anti-Semitic insinuations against its opponents, screaming about the threat ...

The Muller investigation disproved the nonsensical "collusion" accusation.

The more we see of the Russian Trolls, the less effective they look.

This is a nothing burger.
one more Putler´s useful idiot at work and posting here MEMES against the worst putin´s foes
Merkel is pig shit incarnate.
View attachment 179392
View attachment 179393
Separated at birth.

Good night Olgino...
Angela Merkel's Instagram bombarded with abuse from Russian troll ...
Jun 7, 2015 - It's unclear whether the attacks have anything to do with Russiantroll farms”, some of which allegedly work on behalf of the Kremlin as part of “information war” practices, reports the Moscow Times. It may just be that there is a particular concentration of people who want to comment on pictures of Merkel ...
Russian fake news campaign targets Merkel in German election ...

Jan 24, 2017 - German Chancellor Angela Merkel a prime Kremlin target, EU task force said.
Merkel is pig shit incarnate.
View attachment 179392
View attachment 179393
Separated at birth.

Good night Olgino...
Angela Merkel's Instagram bombarded with abuse from Russian troll ...
Jun 7, 2015 - It's unclear whether the attacks have anything to do with Russiantroll farms”, some of which allegedly work on behalf of the Kremlin as part of “information war” practices, reports the Moscow Times. It may just be that there is a particular concentration of people who want to comment on pictures of Merkel ...
Russian fake news campaign targets Merkel in German election ...

Jan 24, 2017 - German Chancellor Angela Merkel a prime Kremlin target, EU task force said.
I think of all the international leader I despise her the most for what she is doing to her people. I can't stand that fat pig.
Merkel is pig shit incarnate.
View attachment 179392
View attachment 179393
Separated at birth.

Good night Olgino...
Angela Merkel's Instagram bombarded with abuse from Russian troll ...
Jun 7, 2015 - It's unclear whether the attacks have anything to do with Russiantroll farms”, some of which allegedly work on behalf of the Kremlin as part of “information war” practices, reports the Moscow Times. It may just be that there is a particular concentration of people who want to comment on pictures of Merkel ...
Russian fake news campaign targets Merkel in German election ...

Jan 24, 2017 - German Chancellor Angela Merkel a prime Kremlin target, EU task force said.
I think of all the international leader I despise her the most for what she is doing to her people. I can't stand that fat pig.
in OlgIno PAID - trolls "think" this way, THIS IS THE REALITY

Germany replaces US as country with best international image | News ...

Nov 17, 2017 - The Nation Brands Index top ranked countries. 1: Germany. Germany moved top of the rankings after coming in second last year. It ranked in the top five in .... with the most non-military global influence. The annual Soft Power 30 index links polling and data to measure a country's global impact. (18.07.2017) ...
Germany supplants US as the country with the best global rep - CNN

Nov 17, 2017 - (CNN)America's brand has taken a major hit in the age of Trump. At least that's according to a survey that ranks the world's best nation brands. ... President Donald Trump, says Simon Anholt, a political consultant who developed the brand survey more than a decade ago.
Germany reclaims top “nation brand” ranking, with USA dropping to ...

Nov 16, 2017 - Nuremberg, November 16, 2017 – In the wake of a substantial drop in global perception of the USA, Germany retakes the top ranking in the latest ... The UK's largest gains are for Governance (nearly two points) and People, suggesting that most countries have come to terms with the UK's vote last year to ...

under frau Merkel leadership, so what can you say more about this lady who does such great job?
Merkel is pig shit incarnate.
View attachment 179392
View attachment 179393
Separated at birth.

Good night Olgino...
Angela Merkel's Instagram bombarded with abuse from Russian troll ...
Jun 7, 2015 - It's unclear whether the attacks have anything to do with Russiantroll farms”, some of which allegedly work on behalf of the Kremlin as part of “information war” practices, reports the Moscow Times. It may just be that there is a particular concentration of people who want to comment on pictures of Merkel ...
Russian fake news campaign targets Merkel in German election ...

Jan 24, 2017 - German Chancellor Angela Merkel a prime Kremlin target, EU task force said.
I think of all the international leader I despise her the most for what she is doing to her people. I can't stand that fat pig.
in OlgIno PAID - trolls "think" this way, THIS IS THE REALITY

Germany replaces US as country with best international image | News ...

Nov 17, 2017 - The Nation Brands Index top ranked countries. 1: Germany. Germany moved top of the rankings after coming in second last year. It ranked in the top five in .... with the most non-military global influence. The annual Soft Power 30 index links polling and data to measure a country's global impact. (18.07.2017) ...
Germany supplants US as the country with the best global rep - CNN

Nov 17, 2017 - (CNN)America's brand has taken a major hit in the age of Trump. At least that's according to a survey that ranks the world's best nation brands. ... President Donald Trump, says Simon Anholt, a political consultant who developed the brand survey more than a decade ago.
Germany reclaims top “nation brand” ranking, with USA dropping to ...

Nov 16, 2017 - Nuremberg, November 16, 2017 – In the wake of a substantial drop in global perception of the USA, Germany retakes the top ranking in the latest ... The UK's largest gains are for Governance (nearly two points) and People, suggesting that most countries have come to terms with the UK's vote last year to ...

under frau Merkel leadership, so what can you say more about this lady who does such great job?


Great job...

Are you familiar with this group's handy work...let's refresh shall we comrade?




You recognize this?
Merkel is pig shit incarnate.
View attachment 179392
View attachment 179393
Separated at birth.

Good night Olgino...
Angela Merkel's Instagram bombarded with abuse from Russian troll ...
Jun 7, 2015 - It's unclear whether the attacks have anything to do with Russiantroll farms”, some of which allegedly work on behalf of the Kremlin as part of “information war” practices, reports the Moscow Times. It may just be that there is a particular concentration of people who want to comment on pictures of Merkel ...
Russian fake news campaign targets Merkel in German election ...

Jan 24, 2017 - German Chancellor Angela Merkel a prime Kremlin target, EU task force said.
I think of all the international leader I despise her the most for what she is doing to her people. I can't stand that fat pig.
in OlgIno PAID - trolls "think" this way, THIS IS THE REALITY

Germany replaces US as country with best international image | News ...

Nov 17, 2017 - The Nation Brands Index top ranked countries. 1: Germany. Germany moved top of the rankings after coming in second last year. It ranked in the top five in .... with the most non-military global influence. The annual Soft Power 30 index links polling and data to measure a country's global impact. (18.07.2017) ...
Germany supplants US as the country with the best global rep - CNN

Nov 17, 2017 - (CNN)America's brand has taken a major hit in the age of Trump. At least that's according to a survey that ranks the world's best nation brands. ... President Donald Trump, says Simon Anholt, a political consultant who developed the brand survey more than a decade ago.
Germany reclaims top “nation brand” ranking, with USA dropping to ...

Nov 16, 2017 - Nuremberg, November 16, 2017 – In the wake of a substantial drop in global perception of the USA, Germany retakes the top ranking in the latest ... The UK's largest gains are for Governance (nearly two points) and People, suggesting that most countries have come to terms with the UK's vote last year to ...

under frau Merkel leadership, so what can you say more about this lady who does such great job?

View attachment 179500
Great job...

Are you familiar with this group's handy work...let's refresh shall we comrade?

View attachment 179501
View attachment 179502
View attachment 179503
You recognize this?
beslan , what frau Merkel has to do with this ? cos we all know , Putin and his criminal crew killed children of Beslan

Merkel is pig shit incarnate.
View attachment 179392
View attachment 179393
Separated at birth.

Good night Olgino...
Angela Merkel's Instagram bombarded with abuse from Russian troll ...
Jun 7, 2015 - It's unclear whether the attacks have anything to do with Russiantroll farms”, some of which allegedly work on behalf of the Kremlin as part of “information war” practices, reports the Moscow Times. It may just be that there is a particular concentration of people who want to comment on pictures of Merkel ...
Russian fake news campaign targets Merkel in German election ...

Jan 24, 2017 - German Chancellor Angela Merkel a prime Kremlin target, EU task force said.
I think of all the international leader I despise her the most for what she is doing to her people. I can't stand that fat pig.
in OlgIno PAID - trolls "think" this way, THIS IS THE REALITY

Germany replaces US as country with best international image | News ...

Nov 17, 2017 - The Nation Brands Index top ranked countries. 1: Germany. Germany moved top of the rankings after coming in second last year. It ranked in the top five in .... with the most non-military global influence. The annual Soft Power 30 index links polling and data to measure a country's global impact. (18.07.2017) ...
Germany supplants US as the country with the best global rep - CNN

Nov 17, 2017 - (CNN)America's brand has taken a major hit in the age of Trump. At least that's according to a survey that ranks the world's best nation brands. ... President Donald Trump, says Simon Anholt, a political consultant who developed the brand survey more than a decade ago.
Germany reclaims top “nation brand” ranking, with USA dropping to ...

Nov 16, 2017 - Nuremberg, November 16, 2017 – In the wake of a substantial drop in global perception of the USA, Germany retakes the top ranking in the latest ... The UK's largest gains are for Governance (nearly two points) and People, suggesting that most countries have come to terms with the UK's vote last year to ...

under frau Merkel leadership, so what can you say more about this lady who does such great job?

View attachment 179500
Great job...

Are you familiar with this group's handy work...let's refresh shall we comrade?

View attachment 179501
View attachment 179502
View attachment 179503
You recognize this?
beslan , what frau Merkel has to do with this ? cos we all know , Putin and his criminal crew killed children of Beslan

If I have to paint the dots that definitively for you Sergei, you're either too dim or too far gone to comm with.
Do Svidaniya Comrade.
HOW many Putin´s "USEFUL IDIOTS" you can name ? Trump, Berlusconi, steven seagal,
schröder, who else?

Sold Putin: how Gerhard schröder became the “Russian mercenary” | all.true-news.info

Useful idiot - Wikipedia
A useful idiot is "a dupe of the Communists", usually a citizen of a non-communist country sympathetic to the Soviet Union who is susceptible to propaganda and is cynically misused. The phrase was used by Soviet communists and the KGB to refer to persons in the West their country had successfully manipulated.


View attachment 179375

WESTERN USEFUL IDIOTS : Disinformation: Inside the USSR/"Russian"-born Science of Influence


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