Western media lies about Syria exposed.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
She is telling the truth.Here in the states,all we are told is how Iran is superbad and a threat to the world and has nuclear weapons blah blah blah blah blah. they never tell you that ISREAL is the threat.that THEY are the ones with nuclear weapens.How the hell is Iran a threat when we have THOUSANDS of military bases SURROUNDING the country?:rolleyes::abgg2q.jpg: the western media never tells you that little detail either of course. You venture outside the states in other countries,they are much more objective about Israel.:clap2:

Do you really need to ask?


Iran isnt a threat.
Their groups of mercenaries are.
If they had the power to be a threat, then they would be.
We behead other citizens or lock them foreigners up for life merely for entering into the country? (no we don't) You are some kinda screwed up but hey if that floats ur boat get on the plane and ask them for asylum in Iran.
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We behead other citizens or lock them up for life merely for entering into the country? (no we don't) You are some kinda screwed up but hey if that floats ur boat get on the plane and ask them for asylum in Iran.

uh our government MURDERS people who tell the truth when witnesses to a crime report facts that dont go along with the version of the events,we got criminals in washington who run the country.let me guess? you honestly think this is a free country and think oswald shot JFK,that the CIA is not an evil organization and was not behind it t and killed all the witnesses that day who gave versions different that the governments and that our government is looking out for us and thereis no different law for politicnas than there is for us right? comedy gold,:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha:
We behead other citizens or lock them up for life merely for entering into the country? (no we don't) You are some kinda screwed up but hey if that floats ur boat get on the plane and ask them for asylum in Iran.

uh our government MURDERS people who tell the truth when witnesses to a crime report facts that dont go along with the version of the events,we got criminals in washington who run the country.let me guess? you honestly think this is a free country and think oswald shot JFK,that the CIA is not an evil organization and was not behind it t and killed all the witnesses that day who gave versions different that the governments and that our government is looking out for us and thereis no different law for politicnas than there is for us right? comedy gold,:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha:
I have no doubt that there is corruption here but I also know I am free to wear whatever I like and worship however I desire. Every once in a while I even see a politician or two change their tune if they can see the truth. Sorry I'm not giving up on the good overcoming whatever evil there may be here just yet.
She is telling the truth.Here in the states,all we are told is how Iran is superbad and a threat to the world and has nuclear weapons blah blah blah blah blah. they never tell you that ISREAL is the threat.that THEY are the ones with nuclear weapens.How the hell is Iran a threat when we have THOUSANDS of military bases SURROUNDING the country?:rolleyes::abgg2q.jpg: the western media never tells you that little detail either of course. You venture outside the states in other countries,they are much more objective about Israel.:clap2:

I was born in the WEST. long long ago. ALL OF MY school schooling from kindergarten thru
graduate school has been------"public" ----government funded schools. My early exposure to
NEWS PAPERS-----was fairly local-------and that which I picked up on my way to the "FUNNIES"
I have no INSIDE information ------as to outside information---my life and work IN THE USA
brought me into contact with LOTS OF Ex pats from just about everywhere in the world.
That and the fact that stuff told to me in confidence is legally privileged brings me to the
clear conclusion that your citation and post ----LA RAM, is utter bull shit. I am not young----
I knew about Israel's nuclear program when I was 14------my history teacher in public
high school discussed it. I also knew about USA military bases long before I served in
the Navy. I am fully aware of attitudes about Israel too------and even read the Nazi literature
that ------in my childhood lay about the landscape in little seedy idiot publications----some of it
dating back to the late 19th century-----but lots current to my 20th century post world war II
childhood. Your shit is nothing new
Oh and Israel KNOWING there were US sailers onboard the USS Liberty bombed them that day.oh and nice dodgeball game of yours how they could hardly be a thread to the world when we have THOUSANDS of military bases around their country.:abgg2q.jpg: But lets not worry about the atrocities Israel commits to the palestines everyday and how they bombed the USS Liberty and how even though we dont have airbases around their country,lets worry about a country where we have thousand f military bases around them.:abgg2q.jpg::rolleyes::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
We behead other citizens or lock them up for life merely for entering into the country? (no we don't) You are some kinda screwed up but hey if that floats ur boat get on the plane and ask them for asylum in Iran.

uh our government MURDERS people who tell the truth when witnesses to a crime report facts that dont go along with the version of the events,we got criminals in washington who run the country.let me guess? you honestly think this is a free country and think oswald shot JFK,that the CIA is not an evil organization and was not behind it t and killed all the witnesses that day who gave versions different that the governments and that our government is looking out for us and thereis no different law for politicnas than there is for us right? comedy gold,:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha:
I have no doubt that there is corruption here but I also know I am free to wear whatever I like and worship however I desire. Every once in a while I even see a politician or two change their tune if they can see the truth. Sorry I'm not giving up on the good overcoming whatever evil there may be here just yet.

whats comedy in your post is you seriously dont think Isreal does that in THEIR country all the time?:laughing0301:

AGAIN, pretty asinine to believe the LAMESTREAM media that Iran is a threat to us when we have THOUSANDS of military bases around their country and NOT think Israel is the threat to us especially with all the documented facts of them illegally taking over palestine and bombing the USS LIBERTY on purpose.:cuckoo:
Iran is a threat to peace in the middle east so much so that they have Saudi Arabia working with Israel...Saudi Arabia is aligning themselves with Israel in the fight against Iranian aggression...Israeli Jets on Saudi airfields...that's how threatening Iran has become....
Its a bad day for the media....LMAO man the long faces are a crack up...they can't even work up a smile about American captives coming home...how sad is that?
We behead other citizens or lock them up for life merely for entering into the country? (no we don't) You are some kinda screwed up but hey if that floats ur boat get on the plane and ask them for asylum in Iran.

uh our government MURDERS people who tell the truth when witnesses to a crime report facts that dont go along with the version of the events,we got criminals in washington who run the country.let me guess? you honestly think this is a free country and think oswald shot JFK,that the CIA is not an evil organization and was not behind it t and killed all the witnesses that day who gave versions different that the governments and that our government is looking out for us and thereis no different law for politicnas than there is for us right? comedy gold,:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha:
Is that why you’re alive?
We behead other citizens or lock them up for life merely for entering into the country? (no we don't) You are some kinda screwed up but hey if that floats ur boat get on the plane and ask them for asylum in Iran.

uh our government MURDERS people who tell the truth when witnesses to a crime report facts that dont go along with the version of the events,we got criminals in washington who run the country.let me guess? you honestly think this is a free country and think oswald shot JFK,that the CIA is not an evil organization and was not behind it t and killed all the witnesses that day who gave versions different that the governments and that our government is looking out for us and thereis no different law for politicnas than there is for us right? comedy gold,:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha:
I have no doubt that there is corruption here but I also know I am free to wear whatever I like and worship however I desire. Every once in a while I even see a politician or two change their tune if they can see the truth. Sorry I'm not giving up on the good overcoming whatever evil there may be here just yet.

whats comedy in your post is you seriously dont think Isreal does that in THEIR country all the time?:laughing0301:

AGAIN, pretty asinine to believe the LAMESTREAM media that Iran is a threat to us when we have THOUSANDS of military bases around their country and NOT think Israel is the threat to us especially with all the documented facts of them illegally taking over palestine and bombing the USS LIBERTY on purpose.:cuckoo:
Their mercenaries are a threat. They are not. But if they could, they would be.
Maybe you will pay attention to my post, this time. ;)

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