Were the Bush Tax Cuts Good for Growth?

Were the Bush Tax Cuts Good for Growth?

Depends on how you feel about taxes. I personally feel we pay more than enough in all kinds of taxes - especially Federal income tax. Regardless of your station in life, everybody's tax rate should be the same thing. You don't measure growth by what the government takes away from you. You measure growth by what you do with your own resources. Not necessarily in a business sense. Tax cuts give you a better financial standard of living. If your taxes are cut by $1,000 a year then you have $1,000 a year to do something good for your lifestyle. No matter how you look at that, it's growth. It is an investment into your own well-being. Call it selfish or anything else you would like to call it. I earn my money so I am only interested in my welfare. If you want a better station in life, try earning it for a change instead of success being given to you from the government from taxes they collected from somebody else. There is something to be said for personal responsibility.
The data does not lie. The tax cuts were a costly, shallowy thought-out solution for the economic problems that existed immediately following 9/11. I really wish people would stop being afraid of taxes. Revenue from taxes go to funding higher education, building roads and protecting our borders (amongst other benefits). Because of this extension, the average working taxpayer will get to keep a whopping $50 (rough estimate) in their paycheck. Is this really worth the price tag associated with this extension for the betterment of the health of our national economy?

Those tax cuts "created or saved" a cajillion jobs. Obama would have been taken over a much worse economy without them.
The data does not lie. The tax cuts were a costly, shallowy thought-out solution for the economic problems that existed immediately following 9/11. I really wish people would stop being afraid of taxes. Revenue from taxes go to funding higher education, building roads and protecting our borders (amongst other benefits). Because of this extension, the average working taxpayer will get to keep a whopping $50 (rough estimate) in their paycheck. Is this really worth the price tag associated with this extension for the betterment of the health of our national economy?

Those tax cuts "created or saved" a cajillion jobs. Obama would have been taken over a much worse economy without them.

The Bush 2001 tax cuts didn't work, so in 2003 there was a second round of tax cuts, increasing the deficit yet again. In 2004, fully 3 years after the mild 9 month recession of 2001, the Greenspan fed dropped short term interest rates to a 40 year low of 1%, and that irresponsible behavior during an expansion (tepid though it was, it was expanding), allowed the 2% teaser rates on subprime loans and played a major role in ushering in an over-heated housing market that then collapsed in 2006-2008.
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Hmm. Kennedy's tax cuts created growth. So did Reagan's. So did Clinton's Republican budgets.

I'd say Bush's record is pretty good for wartime.

Kennedy's tax cut were applied at the end of the recession with the economy already on the upward swing.

Reagan had no tax cuts as he raised taxes almost to the extent of his cuts.

Clinton raised taxes and a boom ensued nevertheless.

The Bush tax cuts were an unmitigated disaster.

40% of the stimulus was tax cuts and no one noticed.

Hell of a record wouldn't you say?
The data does not lie. The tax cuts were a costly, shallowy thought-out solution for the economic problems that existed immediately following 9/11. I really wish people would stop being afraid of taxes. Revenue from taxes go to funding higher education, building roads and protecting our borders (amongst other benefits). Because of this extension, the average working taxpayer will get to keep a whopping $50 (rough estimate) in their paycheck. Is this really worth the price tag associated with this extension for the betterment of the health of our national economy?

Those tax cuts "created or saved" a cajillion jobs. Obama would have been taken over a much worse economy without them.

The Bush growth record was the worst in 40 years.
The data does not lie. The tax cuts were a costly, shallowy thought-out solution for the economic problems that existed immediately following 9/11. I really wish people would stop being afraid of taxes. Revenue from taxes go to funding higher education, building roads and protecting our borders (amongst other benefits). Because of this extension, the average working taxpayer will get to keep a whopping $50 (rough estimate) in their paycheck. Is this really worth the price tag associated with this extension for the betterment of the health of our national economy?

Those tax cuts "created or saved" a cajillion jobs. Obama would have been taken over a much worse economy without them.

The Bush growth record was the worst in 40 years.

No, the two years that followed were the worst in 80 years.
Hmm. Kennedy's tax cuts created growth. So did Reagan's. So did Clinton's Republican budgets.

I'd say Bush's record is pretty good for wartime.

Kennedy's tax cut were applied at the end of the recession with the economy already on the upward swing.

Reagan had no tax cuts as he raised taxes almost to the extent of his cuts.

Clinton raised taxes and a boom ensued nevertheless.

The Bush tax cuts were an unmitigated disaster.

40% of the stimulus was tax cuts and no one noticed.

Hell of a record wouldn't you say?

The Fed is printing trillions and pumping it into the financial system and nobody is noticing.

Clinton had a Republican Congress who held the purse strings.

Obama is an economic illiterate.
Were the Bush Tax Cuts Good for Growth?

Depends on how you feel about taxes. I personally feel we pay more than enough in all kinds of tAfestyle. No matter how you look at that, it's growth. It is an investment into your own well-being. Call it selfish or anything else you would like to call it. I earn my money so I am only interested in my welfare. If you want a better station in life, try earning it for a change instead of success being given to you from the government from taxes they collected from somebody else. There is something to be said for personal responsibility.

A lot depends on what kind of country you want. Obviously you don't want much of a country as taxes pay for all those things that allow business to make money and contribute to a educated, stable workforce.

Of course, if you are rich enough you don't give a shit as you can afford all those things as you live in your gated community, free from any collective responsibility.
The data does not lie. The tax cuts were a costly, shallowy thought-out solution for the economic problems that existed immediately following 9/11. I really wish people would stop being afraid of taxes. Revenue from taxes go to funding higher education, building roads and protecting our borders (amongst other benefits). Because of this extension, the average working taxpayer will get to keep a whopping $50 (rough estimate) in their paycheck. Is this really worth the price tag associated with this extension for the betterment of the health of our national economy?

Those tax cuts "created or saved" a cajillion jobs. Obama would have been taken over a much worse economy without them.

The Bush growth record was the worst in 40 years.

And how many jobs was offshored during the Bush presidency?
I guess you could say he created many jobs, in other country's.
Were the Bush Tax Cuts Good for Growth?

Depends on how you feel about taxes. I personally feel we pay more than enough in all kinds of tAfestyle. No matter how you look at that, it's growth. It is an investment into your own well-being. Call it selfish or anything else you would like to call it. I earn my money so I am only interested in my welfare. If you want a better station in life, try earning it for a change instead of success being given to you from the government from taxes they collected from somebody else. There is something to be said for personal responsibility.

A lot depends on what kind of country you want. Obviously you don't want much of a country as taxes pay for all those things that allow business to make money and contribute to a educated, stable workforce.

Of course, if you are rich enough you don't give a shit as you can afford all those things as you live in your gated community, free from any collective responsibility.

Taxes don't "pay for all those things that allow businesse to make money."
The Fed is printing trillions and pumping it into the financial system and nobody is noticing.

Clinton had a Republican Congress who held the purse strings.

Obama is an economic illiterate.

And you are a political illiterate. You can't manage to posit a sentence that isn't bald faced partisan lies.
The Fed is printing trillions and pumping it into the financial system and nobody is noticing.

Clinton had a Republican Congress who held the purse strings.

Obama is an economic illiterate.

And you are a political illiterate. You can't manage to posit a sentence that isn't bald faced partisan lies.

Nothing more Keyensian than printing trillions and pumping it into the economy.

Who controlled Clinton's Congress?
I favor the lowest possible taxes and least amount of government intervention. Whether or not the bush tax rates affected growth rates is a non-issue and quite frankly, a distraction from what really matters.
The Fed is printing trillions and pumping it into the financial system and nobody is noticing.

Clinton had a Republican Congress who held the purse strings.

Obama is an economic illiterate.

And you are a political illiterate. You can't manage to posit a sentence that isn't bald faced partisan lies.

Nothing more Keyensian than printing trillions and pumping it into the economy.

Who controlled Clinton's Congress?

Like I said already, everything you post is partisan lies.

You are an ideologue: somebody whose very nature demands that they parse reality and the facts to serve their predetermined and totally wrong pov.
The Fed is printing trillions and pumping it into the financial system and nobody is noticing.

Clinton had a Republican Congress who held the purse strings.

Obama is an economic illiterate.

And you are a political illiterate. You can't manage to posit a sentence that isn't bald faced partisan lies.

Nothing more Keyensian than printing trillions and pumping it into the economy.

Who controlled Clinton's Congress?

I believe the republicans did same bunch that controlled congress during the first 6 years of Bush's reign?
How many spending bills did Bush veto during that time?
How many bills at all did he veto during that time?
And you are a political illiterate. You can't manage to posit a sentence that isn't bald faced partisan lies.

Nothing more Keyensian than printing trillions and pumping it into the economy.

Who controlled Clinton's Congress?

Who controlled congress during the first 6 years of Bush's reign?
How many spending bills did he veto during that time?
How many bills at all did he veto during that time?

I'd take any year from 2001-2007 over this crap.

The deficits were in decline and unemployement was low and stable.
I favor the lowest possible taxes and least amount of government intervention. Whether or not the bush tax rates affected growth rates is a non-issue and quite frankly, a distraction from what really matters.

You are clearly living in the wrong country. You should try Zimbabwe. Or Quatar. Or Afghanistan.

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