We're at this point with the Covidiots

The US response of no tests, no masks, and late and poorly designed shutdowns will be one of the worst responses in the world :(
Just to make an observation.

This whole pandemic thing started when a handful of infected Chinese people left the area where they became infected and then traveled to the U.S. and other countries.

Now, it here and tens of thousands have the virus in one stage or another.

There is an ARMY of medical workers (who have spouses and kids at home) who are continually ecposing themselves, while treating and trying to contain it.

I am as anxious as anyone can be, to get the economy rolling again. However, I have already lost one family member to Covid and another loved on has it.

So, forgive me if I think we should hit pause before we start opening tge floodgates to get the economy moving again. To use an allegory, The water that is expecting to turn those turbines is poisoned.
I don't know where you live, but the guidelines for reopening require that the Virus be way, way down in the community first and the initial steps out the front door are very cautious ones. If there is a resurgence of the virus, they go back into shutdown. It's going to be babysteps. If your governor follows the guidelines, it should be okay.

Sorry for your loss, btw.
Do you think its smart to attempt to restart while there is no vaccine and adequate testing? Is it going to be more dangerous, economically, and psychologically damaging to have to close back down or simply stay the course until there is a definite resolution?
Five yrs from now with no vaccine can we open up then
No. Not until there is some sort of resolution.

Fear is unhealthy. Stop believing the alarmist narratives. The time to open the economy is now.
Stupidity is deadly. If you want to die or kill someone else go ahead and mingle with the other fools that are protesting so we can see how deep your resolve is.
Stupidity is NOT dead. You just proved it.
Of course stupidity is not dead. I said stupidity is deadly. I never said it was dead.
Just to make an observation.

This whole pandemic thing started when a handful of infected Chinese people left the area where they became infected and then traveled to the U.S. and other countries.

Now, it here and tens of thousands have the virus in one stage or another.

There is an ARMY of medical workers (who have spouses and kids at home) who are continually ecposing themselves, while treating and trying to contain it.

I am as anxious as anyone can be, to get the economy rolling again. However, I have already lost one family member to Covid and another loved on has it.

So, forgive me if I think we should hit pause before we start opening tge floodgates to get the economy moving again. To use an allegory, The water that is expecting to turn those turbines is poisoned.
The answer is simple.

If you don't want to catch it, then stay home.


I'm not worried about me.

I think I've already had it.
Just to make an observation.

This whole pandemic thing started when a handful of infected Chinese people left the area where they became infected and then traveled to the U.S. and other countries.

Well, no, you racist fuck. Most of the disease was spread by AMERICANS who travelled to China and infected areas.

There is an ARMY of medical workers (who have spouses and kids at home) who are continually ecposing themselves, while treating and trying to contain it.

So, forgive me if I think we should hit pause before we start opening tge floodgates to get the economy moving again. To use an allegory, The water that is expecting to turn those turbines is poisoned.

But you see, you need to talk to your fellow "pro-life" republicans who think it's more important to re-elect Trump than it is to keep people from getting Covid-19. Some of them haven't been able to grovel in front of their imaginary sky man for weeks and they are starting to freak out really bad.
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” ... Ben Franklin

Then he went home and raped his slave.

Oh, wait, no, Ben was just one of the guys who let the other "Founding Fathers" continue to own slaves, because he cared about Freedom so much.

The reality- EVERYTHING is a balance between freedom and safety. You don't have the right to drive at 100MPH down the highway after drinking 80 Proof skullcracker because, you know, safety of yourself and others is more important than freedom.

The measures we are taking right now are extreme because the threat is extreme! We are talking about a disease with a 3% mortality rate.
Just to make an observation.

This whole pandemic thing started when a handful of infected Chinese people left the area where they became infected and then traveled to the U.S. and other countries.

Well, no, you racist fuck. Most of the disease was spread by AMERICANS who travelled to China and infected areas.

There is an ARMY of medical workers (who have spouses and kids at home) who are continually ecposing themselves, while treating and trying to contain it.

So, forgive me if I think we should hit pause before we start opening tge floodgates to get the economy moving again. To use an allegory, The water that is expecting to turn those turbines is poisoned.

But you see, you need to talk to your fellow "pro-life" republicans who think it's more important to re-elect Trump than it is to keep people from getting Covid-19. Some of them haven't been able to grovel in front of their imaginary sky man for weeks and they are starting to freak out really bad.
Please don't tell my Japanese wife that I am racist against asians, Joetard. It will ruin my whole master plan of deception.

It's too bad that idiocy like yours is not more painful fir you. It really is.
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” ... Ben Franklin

Then he went home and raped his slave.

Oh, wait, no, Ben was just one of the guys who let the other "Founding Fathers" continue to own slaves, because he cared about Freedom so much.

The reality- EVERYTHING is a balance between freedom and safety. You don't have the right to drive at 100MPH down the highway after drinking 80 Proof skullcracker because, you know, safety of yourself and others is more important than freedom.

The measures we are taking right now are extreme because the threat is extreme! We are talking about a disease with a 3% mortality rate.
All of these America haters living off it. Sucking on the tit. That was the times. But you know it. And those documents do not come often do they? What documents in Asia were there? And in Africa? How bout Central and South America? Even Europe? That was paid attention to even if abused. Those men put their names on those documents. Making them wanted for execution if caught. Here are the only things I know of about rights. There may be more.....The Magna Carta....The English Rule of Law.....The Declaration of Independence/U.S. Constitution. All over the world there were other nations. Why didn't they have these things? The common man was a peasant to be ruled by elitists throughout history. But you want that don't you? You blurred unalienable rights with social justice gains. Looks good. But it has to be subsidized with massive taxes and changes to sense to have any look of success it enjoys. You know it. Or are a fool.
All of these America haters living off it. Sucking on the tit. That was the times. But you know it. And those documents do not come often do they? What documents in Asia were there? And in Africa? How bout Central and South America? Even Europe? That was paid attention to even if abused. Those men put their names on those documents. Making them wanted for execution if caught.

Um, yeah, if they were caught. I guess. Or more than likely, if there was a political solution, most of them would have gotten off with a slap on the wrist like the Confederate leaders did.

Sorry, the thing is, I don't look at the Revolutionary War as one of our shining moments. For slaves and the Native Americans, it was a humanitarian disaster.
The push to "Reopen America" is because these myopic idiots don’t realize stay-at-home orders are why we have hope.


You’re welcome to stay home like a scared little bitch. The rest of us got work to do.
Please don't tell my Japanese wife that I am racist against asians, Joetard. It will ruin my whole master plan of deception.

It's too bad that idiocy like yours is not more painful fir you. It really is.

I don't discuss family. You are the one who slandered Chinese people.

The evidence is clear that the Kung Flu originated in China.

If you don't like that fact? Tough shit.

Your ignorance is not near as contagious as the Kung Flu is.
Fear is unhealthy. Stop believing the alarmist narratives. The time to open the economy is now.
Stupidity is deadly. If you want to die or kill someone else go ahead and mingle with the other fools that are protesting so we can see how deep your resolve is.
Stupidity is NOT dead. You just proved it.
Of course stupidity is not dead. I said stupidity is deadly. I never said it was dead.
Is that why the black community has been impacted drastically more than everyone else? You guys are last place AGAIN? Sheesh, its just embarrassing at this point.

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