Wendys reacts to wage hikes: Self serve kiosks; Price spikes; Firing employees; DANG IT!!

Sure you are. Itā€™s your only goal. You know this. You have to shade the truth to get there but nobody would go through such efforts to ā€œget thereā€ unless their goal was to smear someone.

In fact, you lied in the OP.

You said this:
First, the technology will be made available to all franchisees according to YOUR source. That means that they may or may not get them. Bear faced lie.

ā€˜Theyā€™re firing a bunch of employeesā€ is not supported by the source in any way shape or form.

Further, the raise in wages has not taken place yet.

Itā€™s a classic case of right wing blowhards looking for something to post and of course, lying through their teeth.

The only reason to post this nonsense is to celebrate people losing their jobs and to satisfy some bizarre need you have to try to be correct for once.

You are not illiterate; even you know the Obama administrations CBO projects that a wage hike would cost 400,000 to 750,000 minimum wage earners their jobs. That is significant when you realize that less than 2 million people are paid minimum wage.

As far as I am concerned, you are HEARTLESS! Your ideology is over riding your compassion.

Let me explain something------------->winning a Presidential election doesn't make all your ideas, or any of your ideas correct, it just makes them popular. A President who has EVER been elected to these United States, has not yet been inaugurated that at least in one quarter, he enjoyed 3% growth...............until this one named BARACK, HUSSEIN, OBAMA! He still has 9 months-) Lets see if he gets one quarter, or goes down in history as the worst President as far as economics, EVER!

So keep floating those lefty ideas. Popular? I am sure for the ignorant, they are. But destructive? Absolutely. But what do you care, you are an elitist.

There are about 3.5 million people making minimum wage.

Less than a million will lose their job while the 2-3 million who are still employed are making more? I guess that is capitalism. Nobody said its pretty.

What has never been explained was that if the McDonalds down the street is raising itā€™s wage to $15.00 and the Burger King down the street is raising itā€™s wage to $15.00, they are both facing the same increase in cost. Prices will rise to cover it and maintain the profit margin for the business owner. Happens all the time.

Celebrating the 400-750 thousand people losing their jobs is a sickness though.

No that IS NOT capitalism.

Capitalism wouldn't pay people $15 an hour for a job whose labor is only worth $7.25.

But using the power of government to force that....then causes the market to adjust.

And in this case....the adjustment is firing a bunch of under 30 lefties.

So everyone who gets fired is a liberal?

Mostly. Liberals are way worse workers so when someone gets fired it's usually the worst worker....so....the liberals. Not because they're liberals. But because they usually suck at work.
Having owned five FF national franchises I will attest to the fact that 99% of the fucking worst employees I ever had were LIBS!
Late/stoned/drunk/thieves/filthy illiterates.
Before I sold my franchises I had replaced the fucking LIB vermin with 'fifty-something' clean sober on time 'nose down tail up 100% REPs.
The new owners were amazed at how efficient and spotless clean the outlets were.
I am no economist, I see the issue as out of control cost of living. Raising the minimum wage is like Obama care, neither addresses causes nor offers solutions.

Yes, in fact what will happen, a high minimum wage will hurt people who have been in the workforce for years and who earn $20-$30 dollars an hour. Inflation caused by these ridiculously high minimum wages will hit them unless they receive equally large wage raises, and if that's the case, we'll be just right back where we were before.
The left are simply economically stupid.
"Liberals are emotional hemophiliacs". Dennis Miller.
You are not illiterate; even you know the Obama administrations CBO projects that a wage hike would cost 400,000 to 750,000 minimum wage earners their jobs. That is significant when you realize that less than 2 million people are paid minimum wage.

As far as I am concerned, you are HEARTLESS! Your ideology is over riding your compassion.

Let me explain something------------->winning a Presidential election doesn't make all your ideas, or any of your ideas correct, it just makes them popular. A President who has EVER been elected to these United States, has not yet been inaugurated that at least in one quarter, he enjoyed 3% growth...............until this one named BARACK, HUSSEIN, OBAMA! He still has 9 months-) Lets see if he gets one quarter, or goes down in history as the worst President as far as economics, EVER!

So keep floating those lefty ideas. Popular? I am sure for the ignorant, they are. But destructive? Absolutely. But what do you care, you are an elitist.

There are about 3.5 million people making minimum wage.

Less than a million will lose their job while the 2-3 million who are still employed are making more? I guess that is capitalism. Nobody said its pretty.

What has never been explained was that if the McDonalds down the street is raising itā€™s wage to $15.00 and the Burger King down the street is raising itā€™s wage to $15.00, they are both facing the same increase in cost. Prices will rise to cover it and maintain the profit margin for the business owner. Happens all the time.

Celebrating the 400-750 thousand people losing their jobs is a sickness though.
What happens to the guys already making $15.00 an hour now? All a sudden they are making minimum wage. The price of everything going up. It's gonna hurt more people then it helps. Just like liberalism does daily.
More than 60% of American workers make $20/hour or less. All of them are going to demand a raise when MW is $15/hour. But, you know, that's not going to be a problem because businesses are attached to an endless supply of cash...

Dumb post.

Iā€™m not in that crowd but if I was, I wouldnā€™t be demanding a raise at all. Our transporters make less than that (men and women who bring patients into our facilities and take them out after their health is restored) and they will be raised to $15. Weā€™re not going to simply throw our hands up and tell people to walk out of the facility. We will figure out how to incorporate higher wages into our business plan.

And The idiocy of the argument that this is some sort of federal lightning bolt that hits only during election season is incredibly daft. Weā€™re under wage pressure everyday. Our competitors put a $5K signing bonus on the table for some nurses at one time if I recall. Guess what we had to doā€¦.examine our retention pay; offer seniority sweetness, and yes, tell some of the folks that we canā€™t afford them at that rate. Hate to see good talent walk out the door but its a fact of life.

Paying burger flippers $15 per hour is not sustainable. But if that does come to fruition and they are making $15 an hour, the world wonā€™t end, there wonā€™t be mass unemployment and the market will correct itself with higher prices and yes, some job trimming. Those that wish to stay involved in the low end fast food industry will figure out a way to make a profit.

You had me until you minimized, or so it seemed, the effects of a $15 min. wage.
Whatever the ā€œgoing rateā€ is, businesses have long since found a way to be profitable. Whether or not itā€™s the FMW or just what the market will bear; itā€™s still money being paid to employees.

Some people donā€™t like the federal mandate. Some do not mind the federal mandate. Andrew Jacksonā€™s face doesnā€™t smile when itā€™s being passed through the pay window to a skilled craftsman making $42 an hour and frown when Jane Doe ā€œgot overā€ thanks to Uncle Sam and is making whatever the current FMW is (7.50 an hour). To the business owner, both are being paid with her/his money.

If the FMW raises to $15 an hour and you have 80% unskilled labor, yes, youā€™re going to have to trim some staff. You may have to get out of that low-end space all together. But those who stay will find a way to make a profit. What youā€™ll likely see happen is workers becoming contractors and paid on that basis. I do contract work from time to timeā€¦it pays nowhere near minimum wage in some cases.
Having owned five FF national franchises I will attest to the fact that 99% of the fucking worst employees I ever had were LIBS!
Late/stoned/drunk/thieves/filthy illiterates.
Before I sold my franchises I had replaced the fucking LIB vermin with 'fifty-something' clean sober on time 'nose down tail up 100% REPs.
The new owners were amazed at how efficient and spotless clean the outlets were.

There is no way someone as illiterate as you are owned a business. :laugh:

Dont waste your time trying to convince me either.
I am no economist, I see the issue as out of control cost of living. Raising the minimum wage is like Obama care, neither addresses causes nor offers solutions.

Yes, in fact what will happen, a high minimum wage will hurt people who have been in the workforce for years and who earn $20-$30 dollars an hour. Inflation caused by these ridiculously high minimum wages will hit them unless they receive equally large wage raises, and if that's the case, we'll be just right back where we were before.
The left are simply economically stupid.
"Liberals are emotional hemophiliacs". Dennis Miller.
Thats a good thing. Shows that they are human and dont have much neanderthal DNA in their genetic makeup.
Wendyā€™s Serves Up Big Kiosk Expansion As Wage Hikes Hit Fast Food

The wage hikes/min wage "Fight for 15" crowd has made Wendy's react. They're my 2nd favorite behind Chic Fil A.

But....all 6000 stores are getting self serve kiosks. Prices are spiking (already been going up). And.....they're firing a bunch of employees.

Hey libs.....if you can get 2 workers for $8 each an hour....then make it $15 each....the business will just have 1 worker for $15....not 2 for $30.

THIS isn't how it was supposed to work was it libs????

View attachment 74600

How DARE they pay a living wage!

Minimum wages have never been, nor ever been intended to be "living wages".

The idea here, when you enter the workforce in a menial job, you learn the basics, and you move on to higher skilled jobs that earn higher wages.
Let's get real here, the worker needs to put in the time making themselves more marketable in the workforce. It's up to you to provide the initiative, these things were never intended to be handed to you.
You have the power ! Use it !

The problem is, we've lost a lot of those well paying jobs middle range jobs that used to support families. Most of the new jobs are - minimum or low wage.
Ya. It's called 'globalization'. Millions of kids were 'streamed through LIBERAL INDOCTRINATION CENTERS with some sort of vague promise that if they were good little Socialists Obama would take enough money from the evil rich people (like many of their parents ironically) and somehow they would be looked after from cradle to grave.
That turned out to be a load of LIB bullshit.
Now these semi illiterates are demanding the capitalist system that ironically means a fucking Starbucks on every corner must artificially inflate the MW so they can buy crap they don't deserve and don't need.
There is no way someone as illiterate as you are owned a business. :laugh:

Dont waste your time trying to convince me either.

Seems they all own businesses and yet they have plenty of time during the day to fuck around on a message board.

Something tells me they're full of shit.
There are about 3.5 million people making minimum wage.

Less than a million will lose their job while the 2-3 million who are still employed are making more? I guess that is capitalism. Nobody said its pretty.

What has never been explained was that if the McDonalds down the street is raising itā€™s wage to $15.00 and the Burger King down the street is raising itā€™s wage to $15.00, they are both facing the same increase in cost. Prices will rise to cover it and maintain the profit margin for the business owner. Happens all the time.

Celebrating the 400-750 thousand people losing their jobs is a sickness though.
What happens to the guys already making $15.00 an hour now? All a sudden they are making minimum wage. The price of everything going up. It's gonna hurt more people then it helps. Just like liberalism does daily.
More than 60% of American workers make $20/hour or less. All of them are going to demand a raise when MW is $15/hour. But, you know, that's not going to be a problem because businesses are attached to an endless supply of cash...

Dumb post.

Iā€™m not in that crowd but if I was, I wouldnā€™t be demanding a raise at all. Our transporters make less than that (men and women who bring patients into our facilities and take them out after their health is restored) and they will be raised to $15. Weā€™re not going to simply throw our hands up and tell people to walk out of the facility. We will figure out how to incorporate higher wages into our business plan.

And The idiocy of the argument that this is some sort of federal lightning bolt that hits only during election season is incredibly daft. Weā€™re under wage pressure everyday. Our competitors put a $5K signing bonus on the table for some nurses at one time if I recall. Guess what we had to doā€¦.examine our retention pay; offer seniority sweetness, and yes, tell some of the folks that we canā€™t afford them at that rate. Hate to see good talent walk out the door but its a fact of life.

Paying burger flippers $15 per hour is not sustainable. But if that does come to fruition and they are making $15 an hour, the world wonā€™t end, there wonā€™t be mass unemployment and the market will correct itself with higher prices and yes, some job trimming. Those that wish to stay involved in the low end fast food industry will figure out a way to make a profit.

You had me until you minimized, or so it seemed, the effects of a $15 min. wage.
Whatever the ā€œgoing rateā€ is, businesses have long since found a way to be profitable. Whether or not itā€™s the FMW or just what the market will bear; itā€™s still money being paid to employees.

Some people donā€™t like the federal mandate. Some do not mind the federal mandate. Andrew Jacksonā€™s face doesnā€™t smile when itā€™s being passed through the pay window to a skilled craftsman making $42 an hour and frown when Jane Doe ā€œgot overā€ thanks to Uncle Sam and is making whatever the current FMW is (7.50 an hour). To the business owner, both are being paid with her/his money.

If the FMW raises to $15 an hour and you have 80% unskilled labor, yes, youā€™re going to have to trim some staff. You may have to get out of that low-end space all together. But those who stay will find a way to make a profit. What youā€™ll likely see happen is workers becoming contractors and paid on that basis. I do contract work from time to timeā€¦it pays nowhere near minimum wage in some cases.

Pheh...we live in a Plutocratic Corporatocracy candy.
If Corporate Store #1's total wages is, say $48,000 a month...and after $15 an hour makes it $103,000...what do you think will happen? If labor cost is 60% of the cost of ownership, then it MUST remain at 60%. So you will have to raise the revenue, and reduce staff.
So...in other words - it is one giant exercise in futility. No one wins, and if anyone does - it will be the corporate owner/share holders...that is for damn sure.
A lack of wages is not the problem. A lack of better opportunity of employment is. And no increase in minimum wage is going to change that.
There is no way someone as illiterate as you are owned a business. :laugh:

Dont waste your time trying to convince me either.

Seems they all own businesses and yet they have plenty of time during the day to fuck around on a message board.

Something tells me they're full of shit.
Its not even that. I have 3 businesses going and I fuck around on the message board all day sometimes. No way that clown is running a brick and mortar with his lack of intelligence. At best he is head fryer cleaner at KFC.
Technology leaping ahead at breakneck speeds. Low end transient employees demanding very respectable wages. What could go wrong?
15 an hour ain't squat you fucken dumshit
It's good money around here. Your puss filled brain won't change it.

Yeah, way back in the early 1980's, 15 an hour was considered pretty good. But that's going on nearly 40 years ago dumass.
$15 to sweep the floor in a FF outlet and take out the garbage? You're dreaming!
The only employees who will be left working in FF outlets in a couple of years will be 50+ years. Proven excellent employees. Clean Sober. Honest. Hard working. They are the ones who will be 'feeding the robotics'.
The scum ball LIB socialists need not apply.
If corporate America had its way they'd bring back slavery or pay the workers so little that they couldn't live anywhere besides a box. Of course, they'll pay their ceo 20 million per year and laugh all the way to the bank. Fuck you right winger bastards.

You are an idiot if you believe wage stagnation has one damn thing to do with political parties.
Technology leaping ahead at breakneck speeds. Low end transient employees demanding very respectable wages. What could go wrong?
15 an hour ain't squat you fucken dumshit
It's good money around here. Your puss filled brain won't change it.
Yeah, way back in the early 1980's, 15 an hour was considered pretty good. But that's going on nearly 40 years ago dumass.
That's $2,400 a month. It isn't high income but it's pretty good money, especially for brain dead work. Your putrid puss filled skull changes nothing in reality.

Well, maybe someday you can rise to that same "brain dead" level so you can find out for yourself just how hard it is to live on 15 an hour
You'd know pal.
What happens to the guys already making $15.00 an hour now? All a sudden they are making minimum wage. The price of everything going up. It's gonna hurt more people then it helps. Just like liberalism does daily.
More than 60% of American workers make $20/hour or less. All of them are going to demand a raise when MW is $15/hour. But, you know, that's not going to be a problem because businesses are attached to an endless supply of cash...

Dumb post.

Iā€™m not in that crowd but if I was, I wouldnā€™t be demanding a raise at all. Our transporters make less than that (men and women who bring patients into our facilities and take them out after their health is restored) and they will be raised to $15. Weā€™re not going to simply throw our hands up and tell people to walk out of the facility. We will figure out how to incorporate higher wages into our business plan.

And The idiocy of the argument that this is some sort of federal lightning bolt that hits only during election season is incredibly daft. Weā€™re under wage pressure everyday. Our competitors put a $5K signing bonus on the table for some nurses at one time if I recall. Guess what we had to doā€¦.examine our retention pay; offer seniority sweetness, and yes, tell some of the folks that we canā€™t afford them at that rate. Hate to see good talent walk out the door but its a fact of life.

Paying burger flippers $15 per hour is not sustainable. But if that does come to fruition and they are making $15 an hour, the world wonā€™t end, there wonā€™t be mass unemployment and the market will correct itself with higher prices and yes, some job trimming. Those that wish to stay involved in the low end fast food industry will figure out a way to make a profit.

You had me until you minimized, or so it seemed, the effects of a $15 min. wage.
Whatever the ā€œgoing rateā€ is, businesses have long since found a way to be profitable. Whether or not itā€™s the FMW or just what the market will bear; itā€™s still money being paid to employees.

Some people donā€™t like the federal mandate. Some do not mind the federal mandate. Andrew Jacksonā€™s face doesnā€™t smile when itā€™s being passed through the pay window to a skilled craftsman making $42 an hour and frown when Jane Doe ā€œgot overā€ thanks to Uncle Sam and is making whatever the current FMW is (7.50 an hour). To the business owner, both are being paid with her/his money.

If the FMW raises to $15 an hour and you have 80% unskilled labor, yes, youā€™re going to have to trim some staff. You may have to get out of that low-end space all together. But those who stay will find a way to make a profit. What youā€™ll likely see happen is workers becoming contractors and paid on that basis. I do contract work from time to timeā€¦it pays nowhere near minimum wage in some cases.

Pheh...we live in a Plutocratic Corporatocracy candy.
If Corporate Store #1's total wages is, say $48,000 a month...and after $15 an hour makes it $103,000...what do you think will happen? If labor cost is 60% of the cost of ownership, then it MUST remain at 60%. So you will have to raise the revenue, and reduce staff.
So...in other words - it is one giant exercise in futility. No one wins, and if anyone does - it will be the corporate owner/share holders...that is for damn sure.
A lack of wages is not the problem. A lack of better opportunity of employment is. And no increase in minimum wage is going to change that.
There is no must anything even though I get your point. Business will adjust like you say by raising prices and cutting staff if their profit margin is not acceptable. If it gets too bad they will just close up shop. i would guess 99.8% of for profit businesses are just that. Most want to maximize profit vs paying higher wages. The sad thing is that employee wages and other forms of compensation are tax deductible in most cases so its really a paper loss.
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In this scenario of automation, at least these chains are no longer subsidized by public funding (welfare to underpaid employees).
According to the 'left' and 'right' dualism, this should please everyone.
Instead, it pleases no one.
We have to find another model for human value and use of wealth.
Huh? People should be subsidized when they start out in the marketplace? When did that become a given? Your premise is flawed since it assumes everyone has the right to fund their lifestyle. Back in the day I had room mates to share expenses until I moved up and could afford a place of my own. It's what people did.
The post infers nothing of the kind. Your response is another example, so rampant here, of people reading into rather than reading.
"another model of human value and use of wealth" implies exactly that, NEW models.
What is flawed is that societies continue to enforce economic systems that essentially regard humans as inferior robots.
That's what humans are pal.
Welcome to the real world. Obviously you have not had much experience in the business world.
With your attitude I recommend you avoid it.
You'll be eaten alive and become another pile of shit.
If you want to do better BE better!
There are no other options out there unless you can 'cook' like Walt and Jesse.
More than 60% of American workers make $20/hour or less. All of them are going to demand a raise when MW is $15/hour. But, you know, that's not going to be a problem because businesses are attached to an endless supply of cash...

Dumb post.

Iā€™m not in that crowd but if I was, I wouldnā€™t be demanding a raise at all. Our transporters make less than that (men and women who bring patients into our facilities and take them out after their health is restored) and they will be raised to $15. Weā€™re not going to simply throw our hands up and tell people to walk out of the facility. We will figure out how to incorporate higher wages into our business plan.

And The idiocy of the argument that this is some sort of federal lightning bolt that hits only during election season is incredibly daft. Weā€™re under wage pressure everyday. Our competitors put a $5K signing bonus on the table for some nurses at one time if I recall. Guess what we had to doā€¦.examine our retention pay; offer seniority sweetness, and yes, tell some of the folks that we canā€™t afford them at that rate. Hate to see good talent walk out the door but its a fact of life.

Paying burger flippers $15 per hour is not sustainable. But if that does come to fruition and they are making $15 an hour, the world wonā€™t end, there wonā€™t be mass unemployment and the market will correct itself with higher prices and yes, some job trimming. Those that wish to stay involved in the low end fast food industry will figure out a way to make a profit.

You had me until you minimized, or so it seemed, the effects of a $15 min. wage.
Whatever the ā€œgoing rateā€ is, businesses have long since found a way to be profitable. Whether or not itā€™s the FMW or just what the market will bear; itā€™s still money being paid to employees.

Some people donā€™t like the federal mandate. Some do not mind the federal mandate. Andrew Jacksonā€™s face doesnā€™t smile when itā€™s being passed through the pay window to a skilled craftsman making $42 an hour and frown when Jane Doe ā€œgot overā€ thanks to Uncle Sam and is making whatever the current FMW is (7.50 an hour). To the business owner, both are being paid with her/his money.

If the FMW raises to $15 an hour and you have 80% unskilled labor, yes, youā€™re going to have to trim some staff. You may have to get out of that low-end space all together. But those who stay will find a way to make a profit. What youā€™ll likely see happen is workers becoming contractors and paid on that basis. I do contract work from time to timeā€¦it pays nowhere near minimum wage in some cases.

Pheh...we live in a Plutocratic Corporatocracy candy.
If Corporate Store #1's total wages is, say $48,000 a month...and after $15 an hour makes it $103,000...what do you think will happen? If labor cost is 60% of the cost of ownership, then it MUST remain at 60%. So you will have to raise the revenue, and reduce staff.
So...in other words - it is one giant exercise in futility. No one wins, and if anyone does - it will be the corporate owner/share holders...that is for damn sure.
A lack of wages is not the problem. A lack of better opportunity of employment is. And no increase in minimum wage is going to change that.
There is no must anything even though I get your point. Business will adjust like you say by raising prices and cutting staff if their profit margin is not acceptable. If it gets too bad they will just close up shop. i would guess 99.8% of for profit businesses are just that. Most want to maximize profit vs paying higher wages.

And I canā€™t blame them.

The thing that gets lost in these discussions (often) is this. If you own the store #1 in the scenario above and your wages you pay out go from $48,000 to $103,000ā€¦your raise revenue and reduce staff weā€™re told.

What is not said is this. Presumably the business owner is in business because he or she has made a decision to become her own boss. That spirit doesnā€™t go away and in many cases, if youā€™re pushing 50 for example, youā€™ve likely put all your chips into the middle of the table on this venture. You have no choice but to make it work. That may mean lowering your profit expectations if youā€™re a self proprietor or in a limited partnership. If youā€™re in the position to where you have good niche, the extra income your neighbors (and staff) make will likely mean some increased sales for you after the market stabilizes and you see some more growth as a result. The point is a lot of business owners will not just throw their hands up and quit because 1), they like being the boss and 2), they cannot do it and see the ownership as a marathon and not a sprint.

Also not addressed is what happens when millions of workers begin making double what they were making or 50% more or whatever. That money will find its way back into the economy.
Dumb post.

Iā€™m not in that crowd but if I was, I wouldnā€™t be demanding a raise at all. Our transporters make less than that (men and women who bring patients into our facilities and take them out after their health is restored) and they will be raised to $15. Weā€™re not going to simply throw our hands up and tell people to walk out of the facility. We will figure out how to incorporate higher wages into our business plan.

And The idiocy of the argument that this is some sort of federal lightning bolt that hits only during election season is incredibly daft. Weā€™re under wage pressure everyday. Our competitors put a $5K signing bonus on the table for some nurses at one time if I recall. Guess what we had to doā€¦.examine our retention pay; offer seniority sweetness, and yes, tell some of the folks that we canā€™t afford them at that rate. Hate to see good talent walk out the door but its a fact of life.

Paying burger flippers $15 per hour is not sustainable. But if that does come to fruition and they are making $15 an hour, the world wonā€™t end, there wonā€™t be mass unemployment and the market will correct itself with higher prices and yes, some job trimming. Those that wish to stay involved in the low end fast food industry will figure out a way to make a profit.

You had me until you minimized, or so it seemed, the effects of a $15 min. wage.
Whatever the ā€œgoing rateā€ is, businesses have long since found a way to be profitable. Whether or not itā€™s the FMW or just what the market will bear; itā€™s still money being paid to employees.

Some people donā€™t like the federal mandate. Some do not mind the federal mandate. Andrew Jacksonā€™s face doesnā€™t smile when itā€™s being passed through the pay window to a skilled craftsman making $42 an hour and frown when Jane Doe ā€œgot overā€ thanks to Uncle Sam and is making whatever the current FMW is (7.50 an hour). To the business owner, both are being paid with her/his money.

If the FMW raises to $15 an hour and you have 80% unskilled labor, yes, youā€™re going to have to trim some staff. You may have to get out of that low-end space all together. But those who stay will find a way to make a profit. What youā€™ll likely see happen is workers becoming contractors and paid on that basis. I do contract work from time to timeā€¦it pays nowhere near minimum wage in some cases.

Pheh...we live in a Plutocratic Corporatocracy candy.
If Corporate Store #1's total wages is, say $48,000 a month...and after $15 an hour makes it $103,000...what do you think will happen? If labor cost is 60% of the cost of ownership, then it MUST remain at 60%. So you will have to raise the revenue, and reduce staff.
So...in other words - it is one giant exercise in futility. No one wins, and if anyone does - it will be the corporate owner/share holders...that is for damn sure.
A lack of wages is not the problem. A lack of better opportunity of employment is. And no increase in minimum wage is going to change that.
There is no must anything even though I get your point. Business will adjust like you say by raising prices and cutting staff if their profit margin is not acceptable. If it gets too bad they will just close up shop. i would guess 99.8% of for profit businesses are just that. Most want to maximize profit vs paying higher wages.

And I canā€™t blame them.

The thing that gets lost in these discussions (often) is this. If you own the store #1 in the scenario above and your wages you pay out go from $48,000 to $103,000ā€¦your raise revenue and reduce staff weā€™re told.

What is not said is this. Presumably the business owner is in business because he or she has made a decision to become her own boss. That spirit doesnā€™t go away and in many cases, if youā€™re pushing 50 for example, youā€™ve likely put all your chips into the middle of the table on this venture. You have no choice but to make it work. That may mean lowering your profit expectations if youā€™re a self proprietor or in a limited partnership. If youā€™re in the position to where you have good niche, the extra income your neighbors (and staff) make will likely mean some increased sales for you after the market stabilizes and you see some more growth as a result. The point is a lot of business owners will not just throw their hands up and quit because 1), they like being the boss and 2), they cannot do it and see the ownership as a marathon and not a sprint.

Also not addressed is what happens when millions of workers begin making double what they were making or 50% more or whatever. That money will find its way back into the economy.
Great points. i dont employ anyone permanently so I dont have to worry about it. I dont think I would give up my freedom either If I had to make less.
business owners would be paying $1.00 an hour (or less)ā€¦.

You've never run a business. You can't get help unless you pay them enough to show up and keep showing up. The worse the economy the more demanding and picky employers can be. Liberalism has the opposite effect of the desired results because it isn't based in reality, it's ideologically driven good intentions trying to work.
The thing that gets lost in these discussions (often) is this. If you own the store #1 in the scenario above and your wages you pay out go from $48,000 to $103,000ā€¦your raise revenue and reduce staff weā€™re told.

What is not said is this. Presumably the business owner is in business because he or she has made a decision to become her own boss. That spirit doesnā€™t go away and in many cases, if youā€™re pushing 50 for example, youā€™ve likely put all your chips into the middle of the table on this venture. You have no choice but to make it work. That may mean lowering your profit expectations if youā€™re a self proprietor or in a limited partnership. If youā€™re in the position to where you have good niche, the extra income your neighbors (and staff) make will likely mean some increased sales for you after the market stabilizes and you see some more growth as a result. The point is a lot of business owners will not just throw their hands up and quit because 1), they like being the boss and 2), they cannot do it and see the ownership as a marathon and not a sprint.

Also not addressed is what happens when millions of workers begin making double what they were making or 50% more or whatever. That money will find its way back into the economy.
That doesn't get lost in the discussions, it gets dismissed for what it is, Pollyanna thinking. Businesses are not coops or collectives, they compete. If your costs go up your pricing goes up or the business cannot sustain itself. We can't print more money or continue going into debt to pay employees.

It's a marathon alright, but if you are running into trouble you don't double down on the problem. And many business do fail, not making enough money is the number one reason.
Well.....I went to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast at the drive through this morning. A simple bacon and egg croissant....coffee with cream and sugar.

Get a mile down the road....it's bacon and egg on a bagel. And the coffee has NO CREAM....and a massive amount of sugar. Disgusting.

I was the only person in line....and only order....because it was 6am right when they opened.

These Fight for 15ers can't get a simple fucking sandwich and coffee right....and expect $15 hour???

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