Well most of you got what you wanted, half arse ins.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
By contrast, short-term policies:

· are often medically underwritten – applicants with health conditions can be turned down or charged higher premiums, without limit, based on health status, gender, age, and other factors;

· exclude coverage for pre-existing conditions – policyholders who get sick may be investigated by the insurer to determine whether the newly-diagnosed condition could be considered pre-existing and so excluded from coverage;4

· do not have to cover essential health benefits – typical short-term policies do not cover maternity care, prescription drugs, mental health care, preventive care, and other essential benefits, and may limit coverage in other ways (Table 2);

· can impose lifetime and annual limits – for example, many policies cap covered benefits at $2 million or less.

  • are not subject to cost sharing limits – some short term policies, for example, may require cost sharing in excess of $20,000 per person per policy period, compared to the ACA-required annual cap on cost sharing of $7,350 in 2018 (Table 1); and
  • are not subject to other ACA market requirements – such as rate review or minimum medical loss ratios; for example, while ACA-compliant non-group policies are required to pay out at least 80% of premium revenue for claims and related expenses, the average loss ratio for individual market short-term medical policies in 2016 was 67%; while for the top two insurers, who together sold 80% of all short-term policies in this market, the average loss ratio was 50%

Understanding Short-Term Limited Duration Health Insurance

I hope you are covered under work, because this is really crap. Heres hoping all you Trump voters get ill. I really hope so. You got rid of the ACA and this is what you got for gig employment.
I love it, you had best not change jobs, because if you do , you will be without ins. Remember who you voted for.
I'm on Medicare, and my husband will soon be.

You have just screwed yourselves. I think most of you don't want to carry ins, can always go to the ER if I get sick , or you think your job is safe and always going to be there, NO its not. Remember we are right to work states now, and with the decrease in unions, well I hope you get what you wanted, its too bad most people that didn't vote for the jerk don't deserve this.
is the MANDATE Gone Penny ??

Unfortunately, the Republicans didn't have the balls to repeal ACA outright. The mandate is still there. It's just dialed down to zero. For the moment. A couple of elections later, who knows?
is the MANDATE Gone Penny ??

Unfortunately, the Republicans didn't have the balls to repeal ACA outright. The mandate is still there. It's just dialed down to zero. For the moment. A couple of elections later, who knows?

I do wonder about the zero, today I completed my ACA certification and one part described what the penalty was this year for not having insurance and then said the number's have not been released by IRS for 2019. I sat there and read over it a few times and said WTF?
well , thanks for confirmation , with the MANDATE gone its all cool Debbie .
By contrast, short-term policies:

· are often medically underwritten – applicants with health conditions can be turned down or charged higher premiums, without limit, based on health status, gender, age, and other factors;

· exclude coverage for pre-existing conditions – policyholders who get sick may be investigated by the insurer to determine whether the newly-diagnosed condition could be considered pre-existing and so excluded from coverage;4

· do not have to cover essential health benefits – typical short-term policies do not cover maternity care, prescription drugs, mental health care, preventive care, and other essential benefits, and may limit coverage in other ways (Table 2);

· can impose lifetime and annual limits – for example, many policies cap covered benefits at $2 million or less.

  • are not subject to cost sharing limits – some short term policies, for example, may require cost sharing in excess of $20,000 per person per policy period, compared to the ACA-required annual cap on cost sharing of $7,350 in 2018 (Table 1); and
  • are not subject to other ACA market requirements – such as rate review or minimum medical loss ratios; for example, while ACA-compliant non-group policies are required to pay out at least 80% of premium revenue for claims and related expenses, the average loss ratio for individual market short-term medical policies in 2016 was 67%; while for the top two insurers, who together sold 80% of all short-term policies in this market, the average loss ratio was 50%

Understanding Short-Term Limited Duration Health Insurance

I hope you are covered under work, because this is really crap. Heres hoping all you Trump voters get ill. I really hope so. You got rid of the ACA and this is what you got for gig employment.

It's a done deal up to three years for a STM policy. Now this is a cash cow for insurance companies.
By contrast, short-term policies:

· are often medically underwritten – applicants with health conditions can be turned down or charged higher premiums, without limit, based on health status, gender, age, and other factors;

· exclude coverage for pre-existing conditions – policyholders who get sick may be investigated by the insurer to determine whether the newly-diagnosed condition could be considered pre-existing and so excluded from coverage;4

· do not have to cover essential health benefits – typical short-term policies do not cover maternity care, prescription drugs, mental health care, preventive care, and other essential benefits, and may limit coverage in other ways (Table 2);

· can impose lifetime and annual limits – for example, many policies cap covered benefits at $2 million or less.

  • are not subject to cost sharing limits – some short term policies, for example, may require cost sharing in excess of $20,000 per person per policy period, compared to the ACA-required annual cap on cost sharing of $7,350 in 2018 (Table 1); and
  • are not subject to other ACA market requirements – such as rate review or minimum medical loss ratios; for example, while ACA-compliant non-group policies are required to pay out at least 80% of premium revenue for claims and related expenses, the average loss ratio for individual market short-term medical policies in 2016 was 67%; while for the top two insurers, who together sold 80% of all short-term policies in this market, the average loss ratio was 50%

Understanding Short-Term Limited Duration Health Insurance

I hope you are covered under work, because this is really crap. Heres hoping all you Trump voters get ill. I really hope so. You got rid of the ACA and this is what you got for gig employment.
It says a lot about you that you want people to get sick because they voted for someone you don't like. There's that tolerant liberalism we keep hearing about.
By contrast, short-term policies:

· are often medically underwritten – applicants with health conditions can be turned down or charged higher premiums, without limit, based on health status, gender, age, and other factors;

· exclude coverage for pre-existing conditions – policyholders who get sick may be investigated by the insurer to determine whether the newly-diagnosed condition could be considered pre-existing and so excluded from coverage;4

· do not have to cover essential health benefits – typical short-term policies do not cover maternity care, prescription drugs, mental health care, preventive care, and other essential benefits, and may limit coverage in other ways (Table 2);

· can impose lifetime and annual limits – for example, many policies cap covered benefits at $2 million or less.

  • are not subject to cost sharing limits – some short term policies, for example, may require cost sharing in excess of $20,000 per person per policy period, compared to the ACA-required annual cap on cost sharing of $7,350 in 2018 (Table 1); and
  • are not subject to other ACA market requirements – such as rate review or minimum medical loss ratios; for example, while ACA-compliant non-group policies are required to pay out at least 80% of premium revenue for claims and related expenses, the average loss ratio for individual market short-term medical policies in 2016 was 67%; while for the top two insurers, who together sold 80% of all short-term policies in this market, the average loss ratio was 50%

Understanding Short-Term Limited Duration Health Insurance

I hope you are covered under work, because this is really crap. Heres hoping all you Trump voters get ill. I really hope so. You got rid of the ACA and this is what you got for gig employment.
It says a lot about you that you want people to get sick because they voted for someone you don't like. There's that tolerant liberalism we keep hearing about.

You get what you deserve, and the people who didn't vote for the guy got it too. I hope all Trump voters get ill and end up with not a pot to piss in . I mean it.

These are the people who could careless about the working poor going without ins. These are the same people who are anti SNAP, CHIP, Medicaid, and HUD. I hope they end up like those who need those programs. Some of them are even known as Christian freaks.
By contrast, short-term policies:

· are often medically underwritten – applicants with health conditions can be turned down or charged higher premiums, without limit, based on health status, gender, age, and other factors;

· exclude coverage for pre-existing conditions – policyholders who get sick may be investigated by the insurer to determine whether the newly-diagnosed condition could be considered pre-existing and so excluded from coverage;4

· do not have to cover essential health benefits – typical short-term policies do not cover maternity care, prescription drugs, mental health care, preventive care, and other essential benefits, and may limit coverage in other ways (Table 2);

· can impose lifetime and annual limits – for example, many policies cap covered benefits at $2 million or less.

  • are not subject to cost sharing limits – some short term policies, for example, may require cost sharing in excess of $20,000 per person per policy period, compared to the ACA-required annual cap on cost sharing of $7,350 in 2018 (Table 1); and
  • are not subject to other ACA market requirements – such as rate review or minimum medical loss ratios; for example, while ACA-compliant non-group policies are required to pay out at least 80% of premium revenue for claims and related expenses, the average loss ratio for individual market short-term medical policies in 2016 was 67%; while for the top two insurers, who together sold 80% of all short-term policies in this market, the average loss ratio was 50%

Understanding Short-Term Limited Duration Health Insurance

I hope you are covered under work, because this is really crap. Heres hoping all you Trump voters get ill. I really hope so. You got rid of the ACA and this is what you got for gig employment.
It says a lot about you that you want people to get sick because they voted for someone you don't like. There's that tolerant liberalism we keep hearing about.

You get what you deserve, and the people who didn't vote for the guy got it too. I hope all Trump voters get ill and end up with not a pot to piss in . I mean it.

These are the people who could careless about the working poor going without ins. These are the same people who are anti SNAP, CHIP, Medicaid, and HUD. I hope they end up like those who need those programs. Some of them are even known as Christian freaks.
You are a sad little excuse for a human.
By contrast, short-term policies:

· are often medically underwritten – applicants with health conditions can be turned down or charged higher premiums, without limit, based on health status, gender, age, and other factors;

· exclude coverage for pre-existing conditions – policyholders who get sick may be investigated by the insurer to determine whether the newly-diagnosed condition could be considered pre-existing and so excluded from coverage;4

· do not have to cover essential health benefits – typical short-term policies do not cover maternity care, prescription drugs, mental health care, preventive care, and other essential benefits, and may limit coverage in other ways (Table 2);

· can impose lifetime and annual limits – for example, many policies cap covered benefits at $2 million or less.

  • are not subject to cost sharing limits – some short term policies, for example, may require cost sharing in excess of $20,000 per person per policy period, compared to the ACA-required annual cap on cost sharing of $7,350 in 2018 (Table 1); and
  • are not subject to other ACA market requirements – such as rate review or minimum medical loss ratios; for example, while ACA-compliant non-group policies are required to pay out at least 80% of premium revenue for claims and related expenses, the average loss ratio for individual market short-term medical policies in 2016 was 67%; while for the top two insurers, who together sold 80% of all short-term policies in this market, the average loss ratio was 50%

Understanding Short-Term Limited Duration Health Insurance

I hope you are covered under work, because this is really crap. Heres hoping all you Trump voters get ill. I really hope so. You got rid of the ACA and this is what you got for gig employment.
It says a lot about you that you want people to get sick because they voted for someone you don't like. There's that tolerant liberalism we keep hearing about.

You get what you deserve, and the people who didn't vote for the guy got it too. I hope all Trump voters get ill and end up with not a pot to piss in . I mean it.

These are the people who could careless about the working poor going without ins. These are the same people who are anti SNAP, CHIP, Medicaid, and HUD. I hope they end up like those who need those programs. Some of them are even known as Christian freaks.
You are a sad little excuse for a human.

Thank you ,coming from you that is a compliment.
' going without insurance' , pretty funny , must be some unhealthy and close to dying fecks out there . [oh , save me , save me 'mrobamacare' ]
It says a lot about you that you want people to get sick because they voted for someone you don't like. There's that tolerant liberalism we keep hearing about.

It's called "compassion". They feel your pain. And they like it.
' going without insurance' , pretty funny , must be some unhealthy and close to dying fecks out there . [oh , save me , save me 'mrobamacare' ]
------------------------------------------- yeah Dave , last thing i ever worried about is 'HEALTH INSURANCE' in all my 69 years . Only thing that bothered me was the thought of having to pay a ' mandate' for health insurance or pay a Fine . Now thats some pretty 'unAmerican zhit' for sure DaveP.
' going without insurance' , pretty funny , must be some unhealthy and close to dying fecks out there . [oh , save me , save me 'mrobamacare' ]
------------------------------------------- yeah Dave , last thing i ever worried about is 'HEALTH INSURANCE' in all my 69 years . Only thing that bothered me was the thought of having to pay a ' mandate' for health insurance or pay a Fine . Now thats some pretty 'unAmerican zhit' for sure DaveP.
I've done my best to avoid insurance. It's mostly a waste of money.
' going without insurance' , pretty funny , must be some unhealthy and close to dying fecks out there . [oh , save me , save me 'mrobamacare' ]
------------------------------------------- yeah Dave , last thing i ever worried about is 'HEALTH INSURANCE' in all my 69 years . Only thing that bothered me was the thought of having to pay a ' mandate' for health insurance or pay a Fine . Now thats some pretty 'unAmerican zhit' for sure DaveP.
I've done my best to avoid insurance. It's mostly a waste of money.

So do you have auto ins, or home ins?
' going without insurance' , pretty funny , must be some unhealthy and close to dying fecks out there . [oh , save me , save me 'mrobamacare' ]
------------------------------------------- yeah Dave , last thing i ever worried about is 'HEALTH INSURANCE' in all my 69 years . Only thing that bothered me was the thought of having to pay a ' mandate' for health insurance or pay a Fine . Now thats some pretty 'unAmerican zhit' for sure DaveP.
I've done my best to avoid insurance. It's mostly a waste of money.

So do you have auto ins, or home ins?

Oh, you know what? That's totally none of your fucking business.
' going without insurance' , pretty funny , must be some unhealthy and close to dying fecks out there . [oh , save me , save me 'mrobamacare' ]
------------------------------------------- yeah Dave , last thing i ever worried about is 'HEALTH INSURANCE' in all my 69 years . Only thing that bothered me was the thought of having to pay a ' mandate' for health insurance or pay a Fine . Now thats some pretty 'unAmerican zhit' for sure DaveP.
I've done my best to avoid insurance. It's mostly a waste of money.

So do you have auto ins, or home ins?
------------------------------------------------ maybe but thats MY Decision and not 'mrobamas' Penny .

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