Welcome to the Police State of America.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Police arrested over 80 peaceful protesters and detained a reporter in Sacramento, California after scores turned out to demonstrate against a decision not to charge cops who fatally shot 22-year-old Stephon Clark last March.

Clark, an unarmed black man, was holding a cell phone which officers claimed to believe was a gun when they shot him in the backyard of his grandparents’ home on 18 March, 2018.

Almost a year after his death, Sacramento County District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert announced the police officers involved would not be charged as they had not committed a crime.

Eyewitnesses and local reporters at the scene say the protest was peaceful when the group was corralled by officers clad in riot gear, and scores were arrested.

80+ arrested at protest over police shooting of unarmed Stephon Clark in Sacramento (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

Unfortunately arresting people in the land of the free has become big business.

meh....I have no issues with idiots being arrested if they block traffic. Their right to protest does not trump my right to get where I am going.
meh....I have no issues with idiots being arrested if they block traffic. Their right to protest does not trump my right to get where I am going.

Yeah, people give props to French protestors for standing up to the government, but not much attention is given to the everyday French people that get fucked by that chaos. Protesting is good and should be protected, but order must be maintained.
meh....I have no issues with idiots being arrested if they block traffic. Their right to protest does not trump my right to get where I am going.
Times Square - Broadway in NYC - 2004.
Zero arrests made.
meh....I have no issues with idiots being arrested if they block traffic. Their right to protest does not trump my right to get where I am going.
Times Square - Broadway in NYC - 2004.
Zero arrests made.


At least 100,000 in NYC protest Bush, Iraq war

By evening, police had made more than 200 arrests, including 15 people who hurled street barriers into police lines along the march route, according to the police officials. At least two officers received minor injuries: One was struck above the left eye with a projectile and another burned his hand while arresting a protester who ignited a papier-mache dragon outside Madison Square Garden.
meh....I have no issues with idiots being arrested if they block traffic. Their right to protest does not trump my right to get where I am going.
Times Square - Broadway in NYC - 2004.
Zero arrests made.
Now ask yourself this question. Did they have a permit that allowed the city to work around it?

that was my next question. A permit and prior notice so people could plan accordingly.

At least 100,000 in NYC protest Bush, Iraq war

By evening, police had made more than 200 arrests, including 15 people who hurled street barriers into police lines along the march route, according to the police officials. At least two officers received minor injuries: One was struck above the left eye with a projectile and another burned his hand while arresting a protester who ignited a papier-mache dragon outside Madison Square Garden.
Yeah I read the same article but not the part 8 paragraphs down
about the arrests. Excuse me for the error sir.
Correction: 22 yr old black man shot when he didn't show police he was unarmed.
that was my next question. A permit and prior notice so people could plan accordingly.
Another question would be, if they did not have a permit which I'm guessing is the case, were they warned that if they don't stop blocking the street that they'll be arrested, or were they just rounded up and busted with no warning at all ?

At least 100,000 in NYC protest Bush, Iraq war

By evening, police had made more than 200 arrests, including 15 people who hurled street barriers into police lines along the march route, according to the police officials. At least two officers received minor injuries: One was struck above the left eye with a projectile and another burned his hand while arresting a protester who ignited a papier-mache dragon outside Madison Square Garden.
Yeah I read the same article but not the part 8 paragraphs down
about the arrests. Excuse me for the error sir.

sorry, but I have patience for people that think their right to protest is more important than my right to make a living. When I was a Marine Crops recruiter I had Code Pink bitches blocking my office, barely allowing me to get in and driving away my potential applicants. The only month I missed my mission, and the Corps does not like to hear excuses so the next month was hell for me.
that was my next question. A permit and prior notice so people could plan accordingly.
Another question would be, if they did not have a permit which I'm guessing is the case, were they warned that if they don't stop blocking the street that they'll be arrested, or were they just rounded up and busted with no warning at all ?

the video in the OP stated they were warned every time they stopped moving
Dumb ass cop. After they shoot him 7 or 8 times he actually yells "Show me your hands !" What an asshole. And a stupid kid breaking out car windows...the black Earnest T Bass ? Not anymore.
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sorry, but I have patience for people that think their right to protest is more important than my right to make a living. When I was a Marine Crops recruiter I had Code Pink bitches blocking my office, barely allowing me to get in and driving away my potential applicants. The only month I missed my mission, and the Corps does not like to hear excuses so the next month was hell for me.
I grew up 20 miles from where the National Guard guys shot the kids at Kent State University ( I was 9 at the time but it always stuck with me), plus seeing my neighbors' son come back in a flag-draped coffin from Vietnam a year later. They would have had to draft me, but one of my brothers joined just in time for Desert Storm...retired in Hawaii now.
For-profit Prisons: Background | OpenSecrets
Since President Richard Nixon declared the national "War on Drugs" in the 1970s, the American prison population has skyrocketed; the same is true of the numbers of people locked up in private prisons, especially since the 1990s. Over their history, private prisons have been controversial for several reasons, including in some cases their treatment of incarcerated individuals. Supporters, however, say private prison companies have shouldered some of the burden from overpopulated federal prisons.

In the 2016 election cycle, private prisons gave a record $1.6 million to candidates, parties and outside spending groups. That was nearly triple what they'd given in 2014 and more than double their contributions in the 2012 presidential cycle. Most of the increase came in the form of donations to outside groups, and Geo Group was responsible for most of that: It gave $300,000 to super PACs backing various Republican presidential candidates, including one backing now-President Donald Trump.

Of the 2016 contributions that went to candidates or parties, 85 percent went to Republicans. That's higher than in most previous cycles, but consistent with the conservative leanings of this industry. Since 1990, private prisons have given 73 percent of their total party-and-candidate contributions to Republicans.

Including its super PAC gifts, GEO Group was the top contributor from the industry by far in the 2016 election cycle, giving more than $1.2 million.

Private prisons' outlays for lobbying were the highest in nine years -- $2.75 million -- as the industry tried to fight back against then-President Obama's efforts to make less use of their facilities. Here, CoreCivic (formerly Corrections Corp. of America) led the spending with about $1.1 million devoted to lobbying.
meh....I have no issues with idiots being arrested if they block traffic. Their right to protest does not trump my right to get where I am going.
Blocking traffic is how they get people's attention. You can live with it.
I heard Al Queda, Al Nusra, ISIS, The Muslim Brotherhood, HAMAS and THE PLO, are looking for a Few Good Cop Haters, to stir things up a bit. Maybe you might have a better audience sharing your thoughts with them. That or you could speak to Illegal Immigrants who also hate Law Enforcement.
I heard Al Queda, Al Nusra, ISIS, The Muslim Brotherhood, HAMAS and THE PLO, are looking for a Few Good Cop Haters, to stir things up a bit. Maybe you might have a better audience sharing your thoughts with them. That or you could speak to Illegal Immigrants who also hate Law Enforcement.
Nobody here hates cops, Huckleberry.
We hate seeing our country turned into a police state by thugs like the Bush's and fucking Clintons .


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