Welcome to the Police State of America.

They want to talk about police state huh... lol.
Who is 'they' , Simple Jack ?
no, just a person that has had their livelihood threatened by stupid fucking protesters that think their rights trump mine.
Do you know how many lives have been threatened and ruined because of bad laws ? You know how many 18 to 26 year old kids in America are getting sent upstate for years on drug charges, and what really goes on in many US prisons that people never hear about.....until it happens to their own kids ?
no, just a person that has had their livelihood threatened by stupid fucking protesters that think their rights trump mine.
Do you know how many lives have been threatened and ruined because of bad laws ? You know how many 18 to 26 year old kids in America are getting sent upstate for years on drug charges, and what really goes on in many US prisons that people never hear about.....until it happens to their own kids ?

i am for legalizing drugs, especially MJ. Nobody should be in jail for MJ.

none of that gives someone's right to protest a higher priority than my right to make a living.
i am for legalizing drugs, especially MJ. Nobody should be in jail for MJ.

none of that gives someone's right to protest a higher priority than my right to make a living.
So hire Blackwater ( Academi) to escort you to work for all I care. I think it's so twisted that pot is legal within Washington DC and still a schedule 1 drug under the federal laws they write there.
The cops said in one of the vids that they were there without a permit, so they got arrested for protesting illegally.
Yet they keep voting for the very ones writing those laws and then complain that the cops are following them. Duh...….

Anti War Arrest: New York City 2004, Republican National Convention. ... 2004 over 1800 Protesters,and bystanders were arrested fingerprinted and some held for up to 3 days in cages with very .

meh....I have no issues with idiots being arrested if they block traffic. Their right to protest does not trump my right to get where I am going.
Times Square - Broadway in NYC - 2004.
Zero arrests made.
The cops said in one of the vids that they were there without a permit, so they got arrested for protesting illegally.
Yet they keep voting for the very ones writing those laws and then complain that the cops are following them. Duh...….

Anti War Arrest: New York City 2004, Republican National Convention. ... 2004 over 1800 Protesters,and bystanders were arrested fingerprinted and some held for up to 3 days in cages with very .

meh....I have no issues with idiots being arrested if they block traffic. Their right to protest does not trump my right to get where I am going.
Times Square - Broadway in NYC - 2004.
Zero arrests made.
I already answered to that, but thank you for also noticing my error.
The cops said in one of the vids that they were there without a permit, so they got arrested for protesting illegally.
Yet they keep voting for the very ones writing those laws and then complain that the cops are following them. Duh...….

At least 100,000 in NYC protest Bush, Iraq war

By evening, police had made more than 200 arrests, including 15 people who hurled street barriers into police lines along the march route, according to the police officials. At least two officers received minor injuries: One was struck above the left eye with a projectile and another burned his hand while arresting a protester who ignited a papier-mache dragon outside Madison Square Garden.
Yeah I read the same article but not the part 8 paragraphs down
about the arrests. Excuse me for the error sir.

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