Weekend Highlight - Bawling 7 Year Old


Crotchety Olde Man
Apr 30, 2014
The Olden Days
When I heard all 3 of my wife's nephews were visiting my In-laws next door this weekend, I was fairly certain the entire weekend was a lost cause.

Much to my surprise the 7 year old little shit who is the middle (age-wise) of the three, and the biggest trouble maker of the group has spent the better part of the last we hours crying and upset at the world - which makes me happier than I could have ever expected.....

He's been in trouble twice last night, at least two or three times today, been denied the opportunity to go shopping with Abuela (grandma) today, and forced to stay dressed all day.

You shouldn't procreate.

Significant difference- Any child of mine would learn the word "NO" long before the age of seven. They would also learn to both Fear and Respect adults long before that age. In

Unfortunately this little shit's parents and grandfather have shielded him from any sort of consequences for his actions or requirement to accept answers he doesn't like. Now he's being forced to accept those unpleasantries......

AND (Bonus) the meds they have him on for the (bullshit) ODD (Obsessive Defiance Disorxer) diagnosis turns him into a whiney, tear-soaked little baby when he doesn't get his way.
When I heard all 3 of my wife's nephews were visiting my In-laws next door this weekend, I was fairly certain the entire weekend was a lost cause.

Much to my surprise the 7 year old little shit who is the middle (age-wise) of the three, and the biggest trouble maker of the group has spent the better part of the last we hours crying and upset at the world - which makes me happier than I could have ever expected.....

He's been in trouble twice last night, at least two or three times today, been denied the opportunity to go shopping with Abuela (grandma) today, and forced to stay dressed all day.


You live next to your in laws?

You really must love misery
You live next to your in laws?

You really must love misery

My wife and I bought a duplex last year. Her parents live in the other side and pick up half the mortgage plus their own utilities. It works out really well. I get along very well with my mother-in-law. My father-in-law doesn't like me as much, but that's his problem. It's a great situation for us.
You shouldn't procreate.

Significant difference- Any child of mine would learn the word "NO" long before the age of seven. They would also learn to both Fear and Respect adults long before that age. In

Unfortunately this little shit's parents and grandfather have shielded him from any sort of consequences for his actions or requirement to accept answers he doesn't like. Now he's being forced to accept those unpleasantries......

AND (Bonus) the meds they have him on for the (bullshit) ODD (Obsessive Defiance Disorxer) diagnosis turns him into a whiney, tear-soaked little baby when he doesn't get his way.
------------------------------------------------------- too bad about the meds though . kid might grow up but if the kid is on meds . Well the cops and officials , authorities or men in special hats may be able to hold the meds against him in later life .
This from the ^^^ spoiled little brat^^^ who said he buys cheap television sets because he wrecks them with his temper tantrums, "when he doesn't get his way".
------------------------------------------------------- too bad about the meds though . kid might grow up but if the kid is on meds . Well the cops and officials , authorities or men in special hats may be able to hold the meds against him in later life .

More importantly the meds are keeping him from being required to deal with the reality of life.... that you don't always get your way and have to accept responsibility for your thoughts, words, and actions. That will seriously harm him in the future.
This from the ^^^ spoiled little brat^^^ who said he buys cheap television sets because he wrecks them with his temper tantrums, "when he doesn't get his way".

Not spoiled at all. I pay for every single one of those tv's myself.... and to dispose of the broken ones too.
Disposal or use of private property is no ones business but the owner of the private property Luddley !!
This from the ^^^ spoiled little brat^^^ who said he buys cheap television sets because he wrecks them with his temper tantrums, "when he doesn't get his way".

Not spoiled at all. I pay for every single one of those tv's myself.... and to dispose of the broken ones too.

You've also criticized the family ObamaCare policy that allows families to stay on one policy in order to save money on their health insurance but here you are, sucking it up from your in-laws.
You've also criticized the family ObamaCare policy that allows families to stay on one policy in order to save money on their health insurance but here you are, sucking it up from your in-laws.

Not sure what Obamacare has to do with anything. My tenants pay about 80% of what the property would normally draw for rent. They pay fheir iwn utilities, not mine. In fact i have to pay for their water usage because Massachusetts only allows one water service per building.
how bitter does one have to be to delight in the tears of a child?

Not really bitter per se. I just know if I'd acted like this little fucker between ages 2 and 7 (the years I've known him), I would have been long since been beaten to a pulp at my own father's hands for the insolence and insubordination he shows on a daily basis.
all kids are little pricks....you are still expected to be the adult.....that is how you pay for your raising

This one's beyond the pale. Stubborn. Insubordinate. Insolent. He has no Respect or Fear for adults (or any other authority). He literally think the world revolves around him.
i like the non beating attitude....i was shocked when one of the parents i sit for said i could spank the child....i dont spank other people's kids

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