Wealthy Americans and Taxes

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Wealthy Americans and Taxes

The wealthy pay their fair share: bullshit

Tip of the iceberg: USB

Whistle blower save US Billions of dollars and gets jail time.

Tax cheats? Amnesty.


gotta love the bullshit about soaking the wealthy when they send their money offshore.

Brad Birkenfeld - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On October 22, 2009, whistleblower advocacy groups sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, urging him to conduct an independent review of Birkenfeld's case because of the chilling effect it is having on potential financial whistleblowers.[9]​


Banking: A Crack In The Swiss Vault - 60 Minutes - CBS News

If you don't like it, quit your whining-n-crying, demand that the income tax be abolished and that spending be brought under control.

Better idea:

A combined force of nations invades Switzerland and every other 'Tax Haven', seizes all the assets of their own citizens and uses it to pay off their government deficits.

They then send the balance out in 'rebate' checks to working people of their respective nations.
Wealthy Americans have been cheating on their taxes for ages even as they lie about what they pay.

Funny, the average American is stuck with payroll taxes that they cannot really cheat on.



Yeah, all we ever hear about is how unfair it is to tax the wealthy who cheat. :lol:

If you don't like it, quit your whining-n-crying, demand that the income tax be abolished and that spending be brought under control.

Hell, until the war of choice is paid for in Iraq, and until we are out of Afghanistan, we revert to the WW2 tax structure. And anytime we deploy more than 200 soldiers in a combat situation, those taxes automatically kick in.

Present deficit, future deficit, and future wars of choice all solved in one stroke.
I.R.S.: 14,700 U.S. Taxpayers Disclosed Offshore Accounts


You do know that US law requires people to disclose offshore accounts, and pay taxes on them, right? Or do you think they disclosed these accounts to the IRS so that the IRS would know they couldn't touch the money?

If you don't like it, quit your whining-n-crying, demand that the income tax be abolished and that spending be brought under control.

Hell, until the war of choice is paid for in Iraq, and until we are out of Afghanistan, we revert to the WW2 tax structure. And anytime we deploy more than 200 soldiers in a combat situation, those taxes automatically kick in.

Present deficit, future deficit, and future wars of choice all solved in one stroke.
That doesn't repeal the 16th Amendment and drastically reduce spending....But it does try to move the goalposts.

If you don't like it, quit your whining-n-crying, demand that the income tax be abolished and that spending be brought under control.

Better idea:

A combined force of nations invades Switzerland and every other 'Tax Haven', seizes all the assets of their own citizens and uses it to pay off their government deficits.

They then send the balance out in 'rebate' checks to working people of their respective nations.
No, that's not a better idea, by any stretch of the imagination, Uncle Josef.
Imagine if 14,700 middle class and working class, Americans as a group, admitted to NOT paying their FAIR share of taxes? Would the IRS set up a sweet heart deal for them to pay back taxes?

Sure there have been tax amnesties before, but this one is in a league of it's own.

Secret meetings, going out of country...whooooeeeeeiiiieeee!!!!

The new Conservative argument: "The Wealthy are over taxed: when and only if they pay their taxes."



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Wealthy Americans and Taxes

The wealthy pay their fair share: bullshit

Tip of the iceberg: USB

Whistle blower save US Billions of dollars and gets jail time.

Tax cheats? Amnesty.


gotta love the bullshit about soaking the wealthy when they send their money offshore.

Brad Birkenfeld - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On October 22, 2009, whistleblower advocacy groups sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, urging him to conduct an independent review of Birkenfeld's case because of the chilling effect it is having on potential financial whistleblowers.[9]​


Banking: A Crack In The Swiss Vault - 60 Minutes - CBS News

How much did you pay in federal income tax last year? I bet I paid more on just the penalty I got for my offhsore account than you did in the past 20 years.
Wealthy Americans and Taxes

The wealthy pay their fair share: bullshit

Tip of the iceberg: USB

Whistle blower save US Billions of dollars and gets jail time.

Tax cheats? Amnesty.


gotta love the bullshit about soaking the wealthy when they send their money offshore.

Brad Birkenfeld - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On October 22, 2009, whistleblower advocacy groups sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, urging him to conduct an independent review of Birkenfeld's case because of the chilling effect it is having on potential financial whistleblowers.[9]​


Banking: A Crack In The Swiss Vault - 60 Minutes - CBS News

How much did you pay in federal income tax last year? I bet I paid more on just the penalty I got for my offhsore account than you did in the past 20 years.

Why do you send all your riches overseas?
Wealthy Americans and Taxes

The wealthy pay their fair share: bullshit

Tip of the iceberg: USB

Whistle blower save US Billions of dollars and gets jail time.

Tax cheats? Amnesty.


gotta love the bullshit about soaking the wealthy when they send their money offshore.

Brad Birkenfeld - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On October 22, 2009, whistleblower advocacy groups sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, urging him to conduct an independent review of Birkenfeld's case because of the chilling effect it is having on potential financial whistleblowers.[9]​


Banking: A Crack In The Swiss Vault - 60 Minutes - CBS News

How much did you pay in federal income tax last year? I bet I paid more on just the penalty I got for my offhsore account than you did in the past 20 years.

I'd rather see you in a prison than paying a fine.
Wealthy Americans have been cheating on their taxes for ages even as they lie about what they pay.

Funny, the average American is stuck with payroll taxes that they cannot really cheat on.



Yeah, all we ever hear about is how unfair it is to tax the wealthy who cheat. :lol:

Have you ever been wealthy? Then shut the fuck up! You have no clue what you are talking about.

Instead of being envious of the wealthy, why don't you thank them for paying huge taxes, buying lots of stuff, and creating jobs.
Wealthy Americans and Taxes

The wealthy pay their fair share: bullshit

Tip of the iceberg: USB

Whistle blower save US Billions of dollars and gets jail time.

Tax cheats? Amnesty.


gotta love the bullshit about soaking the wealthy when they send their money offshore.

Brad Birkenfeld - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On October 22, 2009, whistleblower advocacy groups sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, urging him to conduct an independent review of Birkenfeld's case because of the chilling effect it is having on potential financial whistleblowers.[9]​


Banking: A Crack In The Swiss Vault - 60 Minutes - CBS News

How much did you pay in federal income tax last year? I bet I paid more on just the penalty I got for my offhsore account than you did in the past 20 years.

Why do you send all your riches overseas?

I don't. When I was working in the North Sea I opened an offshore account in part to keep the feds from taxing the hell out of me. I held that account for close to 20 years, last year I paid a $35,000 penalty. I currently still have that account plus four other accounts here in the US. one personal and three for business purposes.
Wealthy Americans and Taxes

The wealthy pay their fair share: bullshit

Tip of the iceberg: USB

Whistle blower save US Billions of dollars and gets jail time.

Tax cheats? Amnesty.


gotta love the bullshit about soaking the wealthy when they send their money offshore.

Brad Birkenfeld - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On October 22, 2009, whistleblower advocacy groups sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, urging him to conduct an independent review of Birkenfeld's case because of the chilling effect it is having on potential financial whistleblowers.[9]​


Banking: A Crack In The Swiss Vault - 60 Minutes - CBS News

How much did you pay in federal income tax last year? I bet I paid more on just the penalty I got for my offhsore account than you did in the past 20 years.

I'd rather see you in a prison than paying a fine.

Been there, done that.
Imagine if 14,700 middle class and working class, Americans as a group, admitted to NOT paying their FAIR share of taxes? Would the IRS set up a sweet heart deal for them to pay back taxes?

Sure there have been tax amnesties before, but this one is in a league of it's own.

Secret meetings, going out of country...whooooeeeeeiiiieeee!!!!

The new Conservative argument: "The Wealthy are over taxed: when and only if they pay their taxes."




Imagine if hundreds of thousands envious whiny little turds like you got together, managed to come up with an entire spine amongst your collective selves, and staged the greatest tax revolt America and the world had ever seen.

Meh....Y'all just couldn't give up sniveling about the wealthy, once and for all.
I.R.S.: 14,700 U.S. Taxpayers Disclosed Offshore Accounts


Here's a nice list of tax cheaters;

Charlie rangel (D)

Tom Daschle (D)

Secretary of the Treasury Geithner (D) Head of the IRS and All American Tax Cheat

Congressman Pete Stark (D), All American Tax Cheat

U.S. Representative Robert Wexler (D), Maryland*

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