we won’t be playing nice anymore

No this is the left making fun of the idle threats from people so impotent they think an election was stolen from them and all they did was post on the Internet.

Everyone is laughing at you.

Now comes the part where you make another idle threat.
Do it AGAIN...... :dev3:
Except not a single black person in America gives a fuck what you think. 😄 What I'm thankful for is to be living in the age of the impotent white wing.
You care or you would not being feeling the sting as my words sink into your brain

Black people in America today owe the white slave traders a debt of gratitude
Again, this is where you delusion sets in. We do want America to be the best it can be.

You don't.

How exactly does undermining our sovereignty by having an unsecured border make America the best it can be?
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According to the facts, you descend from invaders.


View attachment 872175

Except not a single black person in America gives a fuck what you think. 😄 What I'm thankful for is to be living in the age of the impotent white wing.
The rise and fall of nations are much more than lumping on white people. The weakening of the United States is causing fractures in relationships in the Western Hemisphere. Let's face it. A culling of the population in this hemisphere is needed. An inconvenient truth. And most people do not want to be culled. Europe prospered after WW 2 and hurt itself from going to socialist. Where do you draw the line on balance of socialism and capitalism? East Asia is now becoming more and more a major engine of the world. It has a way to go and will be the power of the world at some point.
You care or you would not being feeling the sting as my words sink into your brain
That sting is imaginary. As is your ability to form intellectual arguments. We've already established how your people and culture have been cuckolded. Why would any Black or Brown person have to have any historical roots here when Black and Brown people the world over can come here and have American babies and still replace you? 😄 If you thought about it for a second you would of realized your argument didn't make one lick of sense. :itsok: But that's the problem with you fail whites. You can't think.
Black people in America today owe the white slave traders a debt of gratitude
Gratitude is an emotion and you're free to feel that way, like the bitch that you are, begging for black people to appreciate you, but the time for talking has passed. The time for reconciliation and apology has passed. We're just going to take what you owe.
The rise and fall of nations are much more than lumping on white people. The weakening of the United States is causing fractures in relationships in the Western Hemisphere. Let's face it. A culling of the population in this hemisphere is needed. An inconvenient truth. And most people do not want to be culled. Europe prospered after WW 2 and hurt itself from going to socialist. Where do you draw the line on balance of socialism and capitalism? East Asia is now becoming more and more a major engine of the world. It has a way to go and will be the power of the world at some point.
Sure. Avoid taking responsibility. That'll get you out of this mess you've created for yourselves. 😄
That sting is imaginary. As is your ability to form intellectual arguments. We've already established how your people and culture have been cuckolded. Why would any Black or Brown person have to have any historical roots here when Black and Brown people the world over can come here and have American babies and still replace you? 😄 If you thought about it for a second you would of realized your argument didn't make one lick of sense. :itsok: But that's the problem with you fail whites. You can't think.

Gratitude is an emotion and you're free to feel that way, like the bitch that you are, begging for black people to appreciate you, but the time for talking has passed. The time for reconciliation and apology has passed. We're just going to take what you owe.
begging for black people to appreciate you,

I was not around two centuries ago

and if I were I would not be responsible for blacks in America today

If I had been alive then blacks would be herding goats in africa today instead of mucking up the country here
The rise and fall of nations are much more than lumping on white people. The weakening of the United States is causing fractures in relationships in the Western Hemisphere. Let's face it. A culling of the population in this hemisphere is needed. An inconvenient truth. And most people do not want to be culled. Europe prospered after WW 2 and hurt itself from going to socialist. Where do you draw the line on balance of socialism and capitalism? East Asia is now becoming more and more a major engine of the world. It has a way to go and will be the power of the world at some point.
"A culling of the population is needed in the western hemisphere....."
How do you suppose that's going to happen? 🤯
begging for black people to appreciate you,

I was not around two centuries ago
No but you're around today begging black people to appreciate your shit culture like a fucking Simp. 😄
and if I were I would not be responsible for blacks in America today
You're responsible for your failures today, boy. What you are held to account for has nothing to do with morality but who controls the powers of government.
If I had been alive then blacks would be herding goats in africa today instead of mucking up the country here
How about you fail whites stop fan ficitioning about what you'd do last century if you were running things and maybe try to get together and figure out what to do in the here in now before your culture is retired and the only thing you're in charge of is what flavor pudding you get in your pacified golf cart communities.
At ease. Trump and republicans know what to expect.
An onslaught of lies and bigger lies.
Won't matter, if Trump gets a decent cabinet and a chief of staff like McCarthy, whoknow how to get things done he'll be fine.

There won't be any Jeff Sessions this time. He knows who to appoint this time.

will he appoint Barr again? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Nor should we. Should Trump win in 2024, he won't be getting any cooperation from liberal Democrats. He will have no choice but to issue Executive Orders in order to give the American voters what they want.

---We must be prepared to do battle in every arena. In the media. In the courtroom. At the ballot box. And in the streets.---

“And in the streets “

Bring on the Brown Shirts..
They don't want America to the the best it can be.
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Nor should we. Should Trump win in 2024, he won't be getting any cooperation from liberal Democrats. He will have no choice but to issue Executive Orders in order to give the American voters what they want.

---We must be prepared to do battle in every arena. In the media. In the courtroom. At the ballot box. And in the streets.---

Biden has set the precedent - dictatorship rule through executive orders and ignoring courts - including the Supreme Court.
Sure. Avoid taking responsibility. That'll get you out of this mess you've created for yourselves. 😄
I created nothing. I saw the slow destruction of our manufacturing domination over the planet and most in [privileged employment from after WW 2 to when other nations surpassed us in many levels of the same get paid off with pensions, benefits, and even huge buyouts with them from the 1970's on for a decade or so. Japan ate out lunch. Jamica had those opportunities. The Japanese ain't white. South Korea was much less developed than Jamaica. Southeast Asia has varying levels of advancement over the decades and only their governments hinder explosive growth in some. I abhor people stealing and taking advantage of others in anything socialist. Severe punishment is warranted if that is the way we go. And we have massive corruption in the socialism we have now.
You cannot be this stupid. What foreign army is invading America right now?
Hamas, and any other foreign army, if you don't protect your border anyone can come in. Ever hear of Cartels? You don't think they have an army? hahhhaha the lack of brain cells is noted.

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