We Spend Too Much On Defense/Military

That was way too much information. Probably a lot of good shit in there too that I would LOVE to reply to, but when it is that big, it's impossible for me to reply to all.

I just re-read and saw where you mocked making a peanut farmer a president.

You have the BALLS?????

You guys made a fucking cocaine head drunk oil man the president, and he ran the devil as his running mate!!!

And you wonder why politicians are corrupt. HA!!!

And then you put Tom Delay in as the leader of the GOP? Dude, you can actually see his horns and tail!!!!
At least the Republicans have prosecuted some of their crooks sealy. I doubt the Dems will. Cleaning house is not on the agenda from what I have seen.

I did not choose Delay. Am glad he is gone though. Assholes like that give everyone a bad name. Could you imagine having Carter as president on 9/11. Heck he did not even handle terrorism well in his day and it was nothing compared to what it is now.

Personally if it were up to me I do not play favorites when it comes to corruption but your political parties do.

We'll see how all the Dems handle what's coming down the pike. It is a shame they refuse and deny any house cleaning from what my own family and I have seen and have had personal experience feeling the wrath of their corrupt ways.
On the subject of spending:

In general, having the worlds strongest military can be very beneficial. However, given the enourmous costs the US invests (currently it invests as much as the entire remaining world does, while it could not beat the entire remaining world) , there may be ways of making the whole thing a bit more efficient.

I do not agree that downsizing the US military because "we will enter a new peacefull age" is a good idea, making it more efficient yes, but downsizing it would be seen as a sign of weakness.
Sadly, in this world It is usually safer to be feared than loved.



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