We should all support Biden and America. We have to also call out poor policies.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
It's that simple. The vitriol isn't good, the personal attacks against him aren't right. For the sake of Americas success though, bad policies have to be called out, regardless of who is enacting them.

America has $34T in debt. $7T from the last three years alone. 10M Illegal immigrants. A major issue of fentanyl and other poisons which are killing lives and ambition, Taiwan is on Chinas radar which would absolutely render the U.S and its allies paralyzed due to high end chip concentration and control of the area around Taiwan which is so vital. The Paris Accord? All gifts to Putin and Xi.

From my delving into global news sources, the world doesn't have the same faith in the U.S as it once did. Furthermore, from what I can glean, it seems that certain European countries and especially the U.K have media who are so irrationally frightened of Trump. Yes, he doesn't do himself any favor at times, but he does have his four year track record which is how he should be judged.

Some of these jurisdictions watched their empires collapse and they have haphazardly, selfishly and with poorly constructed prognostication convinced many in America (primarily Dems) to follow their lead. Their military is unprepared for an attack from Russia let alone a smaller nation and they believe a further weakened America is good as long as "they benefit" in the short term. It's global suicide to support poor policies that run America into the ground.

I've come to the conclusion that they see Trump as a "monarchy destroyer". Not their monarchies, but the U.S monarchy that is the two party system.

Whoever wins in 2024, must be supported. The facts behind their policies must also be in the light for all to see.
It's that simple. The vitriol isn't good, the personal attacks against him aren't right. For the sake of Americas success though, bad policies have to be called out, regardless of who is enacting them.

America has $34T in debt. $7T from the last three years alone. 10M Illegal immigrants. A major issue of fentanyl and other poisons which are killing lives and ambition, Taiwan is on Chinas radar which would absolutely render the U.S and its allies paralyzed due to high end chip concentration and control of the area around Taiwan which is so vital. The Paris Accord? All gifts to Putin and Xi.

From my delving into global news sources, the world doesn't have the same faith in the U.S as it once did. Furthermore, from what I can glean, it seems that certain European countries and especially the U.K have media who are so irrationally frightened of Trump. Yes, he doesn't do himself any favor at times, but he does have his four year track record which is how he should be judged.

Some of these jurisdictions watched their empires collapse and they have haphazardly, selfishly and with poorly constructed prognostication convinced many in America (primarily Dems) to follow their lead. Their military is unprepared for an attack from Russia let alone a smaller nation and they believe a further weakened America is good as long as "they benefit" in the short term. It's global suicide to support poor policies that run America into the ground.

I've come to the conclusion that they see Trump as a "monarchy destroyer". Not their monarchies, but the U.S monarchy that is the two party system.

Whoever wins in 2024, must be supported. The facts behind their policies must also be in the light for all to see.
Trump upset the uniparty, a party that go us $34T in debt and with 10M in illegals and about 200 people dying everyday from drug overdoses. What is there to support exactly?
It's that simple. The vitriol isn't good, the personal attacks against him aren't right. For the sake of Americas success though, bad policies have to be called out, regardless of who is enacting them.

America has $34T in debt. $7T from the last three years alone. 10M Illegal immigrants. A major issue of fentanyl and other poisons which are killing lives and ambition, Taiwan is on Chinas radar which would absolutely render the U.S and its allies paralyzed due to high end chip concentration and control of the area around Taiwan which is so vital. The Paris Accord? All gifts to Putin and Xi.

From my delving into global news sources, the world doesn't have the same faith in the U.S as it once did. Furthermore, from what I can glean, it seems that certain European countries and especially the U.K have media who are so irrationally frightened of Trump. Yes, he doesn't do himself any favor at times, but he does have his four year track record which is how he should be judged.

Some of these jurisdictions watched their empires collapse and they have haphazardly, selfishly and with poorly constructed prognostication convinced many in America (primarily Dems) to follow their lead. Their military is unprepared for an attack from Russia let alone a smaller nation and they believe a further weakened America is good as long as "they benefit" in the short term. It's global suicide to support poor policies that run America into the ground.

I've come to the conclusion that they see Trump as a "monarchy destroyer". Not their monarchies, but the U.S monarchy that is the two party system.

Whoever wins in 2024, must be supported. The facts behind their policies must also be in the light for all to see.
Interesting that you've just done a complete 180! I can't help thinking that the Putin interview was heard by you and understood.

At least you've started to understand the dangers of Trump to America.
It's that simple. The vitriol isn't good, the personal attacks against him aren't right. For the sake of Americas success though, bad policies have to be called out, regardless of who is enacting them.

America has $34T in debt. $7T from the last three years alone. 10M Illegal immigrants. A major issue of fentanyl and other poisons which are killing lives and ambition, Taiwan is on Chinas radar which would absolutely render the U.S and its allies paralyzed due to high end chip concentration and control of the area around Taiwan which is so vital. The Paris Accord? All gifts to Putin and Xi.

From my delving into global news sources, the world doesn't have the same faith in the U.S as it once did. Furthermore, from what I can glean, it seems that certain European countries and especially the U.K have media who are so irrationally frightened of Trump. Yes, he doesn't do himself any favor at times, but he does have his four year track record which is how he should be judged.

Some of these jurisdictions watched their empires collapse and they have haphazardly, selfishly and with poorly constructed prognostication convinced many in America (primarily Dems) to follow their lead. Their military is unprepared for an attack from Russia let alone a smaller nation and they believe a further weakened America is good as long as "they benefit" in the short term. It's global suicide to support poor policies that run America into the ground.

I've come to the conclusion that they see Trump as a "monarchy destroyer". Not their monarchies, but the U.S monarchy that is the two party system.

Whoever wins in 2024, must be supported. The facts behind their policies must also be in the light for all to see.
No. You’re a Canuck so you get no say.

As for Americans, you’re also flatly wrong.

We should NOT all support Potato. None of us should.

He needs to go. He is horrendous. I don’t blame just his dementia. But that sure doesn’t help.
The Democrats have damaged America and Biden is a big part of that. Supporting the Democratic Party is tantamount to supporting China, Iran, Mexico, the Drug Cartels and the endless flow of millions of illegal immigrants. That is national suicide. It MUST be Trump in 2024 to turn it around.
Trump upset the uniparty, a party that go us $34T in debt and with 10M in illegals and about 200 people dying everyday from drug overdoses. What is there to support exactly?

The cognitive dissonance among you people is incredible. Trump is the most indebted president in American history. He's also now receiving the support of almost every federally elected Republican. You know what that makes him? The swamp, the not the outsider.
No. You’re a Canuck so you get no say.

As for Americans, you’re also flatly wrong.

We should NOT all support Potato. None of us should.

He needs to go. He is horrendous. I don’t blame just his dementia. But that sure doesn’t help.
I'm bloody well right. I've got a bloody right to say!
The Democrats have damaged America and Biden is a big part of that. Supporting the Democratic Party is tantamount to supporting China, Iran, Mexico, the Drug Cartels and the endless flow of millions of illegal immigrants. That is national suicide. It MUST be Trump in 2024 to turn it around.
What if trump isnt elected? What then?
The cognitive dissonance among you people is incredible. Trump is the most indebted president in American history. He's also now receiving the support of almost every federally elected Republican. You know what that makes him? The swamp, the not the outsider.
Trump is competent to stand trial, Biden is not

Which is better you think?
The cognitive dissonance among you people is incredible. Trump is the most indebted president in American history. He's also now receiving the support of almost every federally elected Republican. You know what that makes him? The swamp, the not the outsider.

Why do guys like you insist that there is no other view of reality than the myopic one you happen to harbor? Also, there is zero evidence of Trump being indebted — at all.

And getting support from others in the GOP clearly doesn’t make anyone a member of the swamp.

You don’t seem to care that everyone in the Dim Parody (with maybe just a minor few exceptions) marches in lockstep.

You should contemplate not being a hypocrite some day.
Americans have been living in a make-believe world with Trump. The awakening that will be forced on them will be painful and destructive to their country.
The cognitive dissonance among you people is incredible. Trump is the most indebted president in American history. He's also now receiving the support of almost every federally elected Republican. You know what that makes him? The swamp, the not the outsider.
COVID was responsible for most of this. Blame Fauci.

Furthermore, Trump had the government closed for weeks and wanted to hold out to get government spending in line. He buckled then. I bet the D.C swamp fear he won't a second time around.

D.C have voted for the Dems...always. That's telling, no? Central control and boondoggles like Canada or the U.K instead of united states which is decentralized.
The cognitive dissonance among you people is incredible. Trump is the most indebted president in American history. He's also now receiving the support of almost every federally elected Republican. You know what that makes him? The swamp, the not the outsider.
1. Cognitive dissonance? Is that like supporting a president whose open border policy let in 10,000,000 migrants, 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians and who knows how many terrorists and cartel gang members?

2. Prove Trump is in debt. Forbes says otherwise.

3. Republicans know that conservatism loses and populism wins.

4. The swamp are the 51 national security "experts" who said that Hunter's laptop was "Russian disionformation". "The Swamp" is the FBI (Waffen SS) who did not act on the whistleblowers and suspicious bank transfers, as well as letting the Biden tax crimes expire, then coordinate with the hi-tech oligarchs to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story. Add to that "election interference" that the swamp enabled, so the national security people were in-fact a national security disaster, not even discussing that Biden let the Chinese spy balloon fly across the US over secret sites.

5. That "The Swamp" hates Trump makes Trump the outsider.
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You’re flatly wrong. And just as Americans get no say in who your dopey PM is, you Canucks get no say in who America’s President is.

Cool song reference though.
The world has a say as apparent from the global full court press to prevent Trump in 2016 and the $10M given to Clintons Foundation by Ukraine (and millions more from other nations).

Better you hear objective analysis from an ally rather than someone bribing your politicians for personal benefit.
The world has a say as apparent from the global full court press to prevent Trump in 2016 and the $10M given to Clintons Foundation by Ukraine (and millions more from other nations).

Better you hear objective analysis from an ally rather than someone bribing your politicians for personal benefit.
I don’t give a rat’s ass what foreigners have to say about elections in my land.
It's that simple. The vitriol isn't good, the personal attacks against him aren't right. For the sake of Americas success though, bad policies have to be called out, regardless of who is enacting them.

America has $34T in debt. $7T from the last three years alone. 10M Illegal immigrants. A major issue of fentanyl and other poisons which are killing lives and ambition, Taiwan is on Chinas radar which would absolutely render the U.S and its allies paralyzed due to high end chip concentration and control of the area around Taiwan which is so vital. The Paris Accord? All gifts to Putin and Xi.

From my delving into global news sources, the world doesn't have the same faith in the U.S as it once did. Furthermore, from what I can glean, it seems that certain European countries and especially the U.K have media who are so irrationally frightened of Trump. Yes, he doesn't do himself any favor at times, but he does have his four year track record which is how he should be judged.

Some of these jurisdictions watched their empires collapse and they have haphazardly, selfishly and with poorly constructed prognostication convinced many in America (primarily Dems) to follow their lead. Their military is unprepared for an attack from Russia let alone a smaller nation and they believe a further weakened America is good as long as "they benefit" in the short term. It's global suicide to support poor policies that run America into the ground.

I've come to the conclusion that they see Trump as a "monarchy destroyer". Not their monarchies, but the U.S monarchy that is the two party system.

Whoever wins in 2024, must be supported. The facts behind their policies must also be in the light for all to see.

First of all, call it the US, not America, since that is a whole hemisphere.
Second is that if policies are so wrong that they should not be allowed, then no only should people not support them, but should try to destroy the source.

There are lots of historic examples, like the war in Vietnam, the invasion of Iraq on WMD lies, etc.
You do NOT support evil.
All governments always get progressively corrupt over time, and eventually one must destroy them.
That is inevitable.
The only trick is to decide when they just made a few mistakes and can be redeemed, vs when they are hopeless and we need outright rebellion.
1. Cognitive dissonance? Is that like supporting a president whose open border policy let in 10,000,000 migrants, 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians and who knows how many terrorists and cartel gang members?

2. Prove Trump is in debt. Forbes says otherwise.

3. Republicans know that conservatism loses and populism wins.

4. The swamp are the 51 national security "experts" who said that Hunter's laptop was "Russian disionformation". "The Swamp" is the FBI (Waffen SS) who did not act on the whistleblowers and suspicious bank transfers, as well as letting the Biden tax crimes expire, then coordinate with the hi-tech oligarchs to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story. Add to that "election interference" that the swamp enabled #1 above, so the national security people were in-fact a national security disaster, not even discussing that Biden let the Chinese spy balloon fly across the US over secret sites.

5. That "The Swamp" hates Trump makes Trump the outsider.
Do you think Forbes isn't biased?
The cognitive dissonance among you people is incredible. Trump is the most indebted president in American history. He's also now receiving the support of almost every federally elected Republican. You know what that makes him? The swamp, the not the outsider.

I disagree.
He is connected and indebted no doubt, but he did not pander to the industrial military complex and start wars like Obama, Hillary, and Biden did.
His worst act was stacking the SCOTUS with fundamentalists, but Congress went along with those appointments.

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