We Need to Talk About Finger Banging

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I talked about this in another thread earlier today. However, I think it needs more light focused on it. Trump's sexual battery civil adjudication pertaining to things alleged to have occurred between him and whack-job E. Jean Carrol (has a cat named "Vagina"; referred to her African-American hubby as an "ape"; once described rape as sexy; etc...) boils down to Carroll saying that Trump finger fucked her in a department store dressing room without her consent THIRTY YEARS AGO. I will leave all the legalities, and problems therewith, out of this post. The point I want to make here is simply that Carroll's story is impossible. It is a logical improbability. A reasonable person cannot buy what she claims about the incident. The only evidence of it is her own self-serving testimony about an event that allegedly took place 30 years ago. Now, to be sure, I was not in that courtroom and I did not hear all the testimony. However, we know that the jury pool are Bolsheviks and the Judge was appointed by Old Wild Billy Clinton of Arkansas, back when he and his disgusting wench were occupying the White House as El Presidente Padre y Madre. Also, appellate courts generally do not look into the sufficiency of evidence. All they need is any evidence probative of the claim to support a verdict. Though, there are other legal problems that can be argued on appeal. But, again, we do not get to that here, because it is completely unnecessary.

You simply do not go from "Hello" to sticking your digits in a twat. Even if Trump were the crudest man on the planet, he knows better than that. He is an experienced cocksman. That kind of shit would get you in trouble, lessens the overall experience, and is just not good sportsmanship. When you finger fuck a chick, there is a significant lead up. You will be kissing and groping for a bit before you go for the cooch. You want her to be self-lubricated before you penetrate her with anything. Thus, there is a process. If you just go for it before you make her sweat, then you may as well be stuffing your un-lubed finger up her wazoo. It is not going to be pleasant for either of you. And Trump knows this. You do not fuck as much quality cooter as he has and not have any game. I have finger fucked chicks in movie theaters before. But there has to be some action first to build up to that. You don't just drop in there.

Thus, based upon the assumptions that (1) Trump has some basic knowledge of female sexuality; and (2) a certain period of time after commencing, and maintaining, sexual contact muse elapse before you make your way up into her tuna taco, it is likely that Trump and the dingbat we already engaged in some amorous activity prior to him finger banging her. At trial she claimed that it hurt. This suggests an unlubricated hair aquarium. This would mean either that Trump went right in there, which is highly doubtful, or that Carroll is frigid. Frigidity can quickly be ruled out with Carroll because if you read her prior comments and about her history, you learn that she was essentially a high-class slutty bimbo. Her whisker biscuit was pretty much open to anyone with influence (and Trump had plenty of that). Also, she was married to a black man for a spell. It is beyond the realm of reason to think that some dark skinned brother is going to marry a white bitch who won't fuck him. In short, this bitch fucked. She probably fucked like a feral bitch dog in heat. Therefore, she would have gotten wet if she were making out with some dude in a dressing room 30 years ago.

In addition, what was she even doing in that dressing room if the encounter leading up to the finger frolickingly was not consensual? I note that she made absolutely no claim of false imprisonment, or that he physically forced her into the dressing room. No. Reason dictates that she went into that dressing room of her own free will to fuck around with Trump, and appealing and influential mam about town back in the day. She could have been making out with Don, rubbing her tits in his face, stroking his cock, ...who knows? Trump says he does not know this twat. I believe him. What's some transient romp with some little-known, late blooming skinny chick in a dressing room for him? She was probably not even the first chick he banged that day. She was nothing. Frankly, she is still nothing, except for a has-been Manhattan socialite who used to use her cooch for social currency.

It is unreasonable to believe that finger fucking occurred, or that it was nonconsensual if it did happen. Hopefully Trump will appeal the judgment. He has legal grounds upon which to do this. Personally, I think he should bring up the whole improbability of finger fucking too; specifically, that it was unreasonable for the jury to conclude that that Trump was finger her trouser trout. I will be more than happy to appear at any retrial of the case as an expert witness on behalf of Trump.
I talked about this in another thread earlier today. However, I think it needs more light focused on it. Trump's sexual battery civil adjudication pertaining to things alleged to have occurred between him and whack-job E. Jean Carrol (has a cat named "Vagina"; referred to her African-American hubby as an "ape"; once described rape as sexy; etc...) boils down to Carroll saying that Trump finger fucked her in a department store dressing room without her consent THIRTY YEARS AGO. I will leave all the legalities, and problems therewith, out of this post. The point I want to make here is simply that Carroll's story is impossible. It is a logical improbability. A reasonable person cannot buy what she claims about the incident. The only evidence of it is her own self-serving testimony about an event that allegedly took place 30 years ago. Now, to be sure, I was not in that courtroom and I did not hear all the testimony. However, we know that the jury pool are Bolsheviks and the Judge was appointed by Old Wild Billy Clinton of Arkansas, back when he and his disgusting wench were occupying the White House as El Presidente Padre y Madre. Also, appellate courts generally do not look into the sufficiency of evidence. All they need is any evidence probative of the claim to support a verdict. Though, there are other legal problems that can be argued on appeal. But, again, we do not get to that here, because it is completely unnecessary.

You simply do not go from "Hello" to sticking your digits in a twat. Even if Trump were the crudest man on the planet, he knows better than that. He is an experienced cocksman. That kind of shit would get you in trouble, lessens the overall experience, and is just not good sportsmanship. When you finger fuck a chick, there is a significant lead up. You will be kissing and groping for a bit before you go for the cooch. You want her to be self-lubricated before you penetrate her with anything. Thus, there is a process. If you just go for it before you make her sweat, then you may as well be stuffing your un-lubed finger up her wazoo. It is not going to be pleasant for either of you. And Trump knows this. You do not fuck as much quality cooter as he has and not have any game. I have finger fucked chicks in movie theaters before. But there has to be some action first to build up to that. You don't just drop in there.

Thus, based upon the assumptions that (1) Trump has some basic knowledge of female sexuality; and (2) a certain period of time after commencing, and maintaining, sexual contact muse elapse before you make your way up into her tuna taco, it is likely that Trump and the dingbat we already engaged in some amorous activity prior to him finger banging her. At trial she claimed that it hurt. This suggests an unlubricated hair aquarium. This would mean either that Trump went right in there, which is highly doubtful, or that Carroll is frigid. Frigidity can quickly be ruled out with Carroll because if you read her prior comments and about her history, you learn that she was essentially a high-class slutty bimbo. Her whisker biscuit was pretty much open to anyone with influence (and Trump had plenty of that). Also, she was married to a black man for a spell. It is beyond the realm of reason to think that some dark skinned brother is going to marry a white bitch who won't fuck him. In short, this bitch fucked. She probably fucked like a feral bitch dog in heat. Therefore, she would have gotten wet if she were making out with some dude in a dressing room 30 years ago.

In addition, what was she even doing in that dressing room if the encounter leading up to the finger frolickingly was not consensual? I note that she made absolutely no claim of false imprisonment, or that he physically forced her into the dressing room. No. Reason dictates that she went into that dressing room of her own free will to fuck around with Trump, and appealing and influential mam about town back in the day. She could have been making out with Don, rubbing her tits in his face, stroking his cock, ...who knows? Trump says he does not know this twat. I believe him. What's some transient romp with some little-known, late blooming skinny chick in a dressing room for him? She was probably not even the first chick he banged that day. She was nothing. Frankly, she is still nothing, except for a has-been Manhattan socialite who used to use her cooch for social currency.

It is unreasonable to believe that finger fucking occurred, or that it was nonconsensual if it did happen. Hopefully Trump will appeal the judgment. He has legal grounds upon which to do this. Personally, I think he should bring up the whole improbability of finger fucking too; specifically, that it was unreasonable for the jury to conclude that that Trump was finger her trouser trout. I will be more than happy to appear at any retrial of the case as an expert witness on behalf of Trump.
trump doesn't "know better than that" because he doesn't care. He obviously has trouble controlling himself.
trump doesn't "know better than that" because he doesn't care. He obviously has trouble controlling himself.
As Judge Judy often says , what you think is in someone elses mind is irrelevant . Hard evidence please , and not mindless observations about your prejudice(s) .
As Judge Judy often says , what you think is in someone elses mind is irrelevant . Hard evidence please , and not mindless observations about your prejudice(s) .
Yes, you and your ilk need to take a lesson from the Judge.
trump doesn't "know better than that" because he doesn't care. He obviously has trouble controlling himself.
Trump has no problem controlling himself. You just don't like how he controls himself. I may not always like what he has to say in all cases, but what he says and how he says it is calculated and planned.
Trump has no problem controlling himself. You just don't like how he controls himself. I may not always like what he has to say in all cases, but what he says and how he says it is calculated and planned.
Hardly. trump doesn't calculate. If any normal person controlled himself in the way that trump does, you and I would wonder how the guy wasn't committed to a mental facility. You sure as hell wouldn't want that type running the country. Trump had some very good people in his basket, and he lost 'em because he couldn't control himself.
You need to study his history--he doesn't know how to control himself. Just an observation.
Hardly. trump doesn't calculate. If any normal person controlled himself in the way that trump does, you and I would wonder how the guy wasn't committed to a mental facility. You sure as hell wouldn't want that type running the country. Trump had some very good people in his basket, and he lost 'em because he couldn't control himself.
You need to study his history--he doesn't know how to control himself. Just an observation.
Trump doesn't calculate? How did he win against Shillary in 2016? Not a single talking head said that he had a chance, and yet he beat her to a pulp.
Trump doesn't calculate? How did he win against Shillary in 2016? Not a single talking head said that he had a chance, and yet he beat her to a pulp.
Hillary beat herself by taking too much for granted, dissing a certain voting block (the deplorables),
and not reaching out to women.
Trump has no problem controlling himself. You just don't like how he controls himself. I may not always like what he has to say in all cases, but what he says and how he says it is calculated and planned.
A president's words do matter. People, who are weak, ignorant, or easily conned, take what he says as gospel.
An example is his remarks about bleach to fight disease, and there are those followers who then shot themselves up with bleach. A president has to be very careful with his verbiage and not arbitrarily shoot his mouth off about whatever enters his head.
A president's words do matter. People, who are weak, ignorant, or easily conned, take what he says as gospel.
An example is his remarks about bleach to fight disease, and there are those followers who then shot themselves up with bleach. A president has to be very careful with his verbiage and not arbitrarily shoot his mouth off about whatever enters his head.
By the same token, a President must “say it like it is” and not cater to the weak-minded individuals who can't discern the message he's sending. If someone is dumb enough to inject bleach into their veins based on their misunderstanding of what someone says or by taking something out of context then they were apt to die of some other stupid decision they ended up making.

Speaking of a President's words:

Hardly. trump doesn't calculate. If any normal person controlled himself in the way that trump does, you and I would wonder how the guy wasn't committed to a mental facility. You sure as hell wouldn't want that type running the country. Trump had some very good people in his basket, and he lost 'em because he couldn't control himself.
You need to study his history--he doesn't know how to control himself. Just an observation.
Obvious projection, TDS afflicted moron.
By the same token, a President must “say it like it is” and not cater to the weak-minded individuals who can't discern the message he's sending. If someone is dumb enough to inject bleach into their veins based on their misunderstanding of what someone says or by taking something out of context then they were apt to die of some other stupid decision they ended up making.

Speaking of a President's words:

Unfortunately, this president rarely said it "like it is", and that is my point. He said things for the moment, because he knew that it would resonate with his followers. He makes it up as he goes along, and the bleach comment was one that he should not have made. He knows that many ignorant people listen to his gibberish.
Unfortunately, this president rarely said it "like it is", and that is my point. He said things for the moment, because he knew that it would resonate with his followers. He makes it up as he goes along, and the bleach comment was one that he should not have made. He knows that many ignorant people listen to his gibberish.
Actually ... he's been the most transparent President in my lifetime, outside of Reagan. He exposed the dark underbelly of the D.C. Swamp, and for that I'm both grateful and deeply concerned. I knew it was bad. Just not HOW bad.
No, sorry, you don’t get to wait decades and then accuse a man of fingering you against your will.

Men have rights too

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