We need to stop birthright citizenship IMMEDIATELY!


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
This is an emergency, day by day America is being conquered. No wonder a literal invasion has gathered on our doorstep.

How is this crazy law still in the book? No serious nation could allow anything of the sort. Even the republicans haven't paid any attention to the issue fully endorsing the crazy. What a disappointment. Only the man with balls, that is Trump has finally put some attention to the issue after 4D chessing the supreme court for his support. Just tells how completely useless our politicians are.

We need more real men with balls, more people like the God Emperor. Can't go wrong with that message going into the election. Just imagine if we had more people with common sense making the shots. Take back our country!
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Agreed that the US needs to manage immigration more like the rest of the world. No more bogus "asylum" seekers. No more catch & release. No more chain migration. It will be "merit based" immigration going forward.
This is an emergency, day by day America is being conquered. No wonder a literal invasion has gathered on our doorstep.

How is this crazy law still in the book? No serious nation could allow anything of the sort. Even the republicans haven't paid any attention to the issue fully endorsing the crazy. What a disappointment. Only the man with balls, that is Trump has finally put some attention to the issue after 4D chessing the supreme court for his support. Just tells how completely useless our politicians are.

We need more real men with balls, more people like the God Emperor. Can't go wrong with that message going into the election. Just imagine if we had more people with common sense making the shots. Take back our country!
it's not a law, it's in our Constitution and not so easily changed... 2/3's of the house, 2/3s of the senate and 3/4's of the state legislatures with 2/3rds voting yes on the change is needed to amend the 14th amendment... I believe?

It can be done though, just a tough road.
I'm going to show you a photo of a creature which absolutely terrifies pseudocons. It causes them to curl up in a ball, shit their pants, and whimper.

It is a creature more terrifying than a Muslim suicide bomber, more horrifying than a transsexual, more disgusting than a negro on food stamps. It is a creature so unbelievably frightening, the pseudocon propagandists had to invent a new term for it.

Brace yourself.





This is an emergency, day by day America is being conquered. No wonder a literal invasion has gathered on our doorstep.

How is this crazy law still in the book? No serious nation could allow anything of the sort. Even the republicans haven't paid any attention to the issue fully endorsing the crazy. What a disappointment. Only the man with balls, that is Trump has finally put some attention to the issue after 4D chessing the supreme court for his support. Just tells how completely useless our politicians are.

We need more real men with balls, more people like the God Emperor. Can't go wrong with that message going into the election. Just imagine if we had more people with common sense making the shots. Take back our country!

And you need to stop talking - you are making a fool of yourself. Seriously.

You Trumpbots are SOOOO predictable. Virtually no one was talking about this - except every now and then - until Trump brought it up.

Now you people are FREAKING out about it.

You Trumpbots are acting like brainless minions....who do and think ANYTHING that Trump asks you to do and think.

And this is proof positive of that.

You people are acting like sheep.
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This "invasion" reminds me of those creepy fake evangelical preachers who say God will call them home unless you send them a lot of money.

It's not real. It won't happen. But after all the rubes send in all their Social Security money to the fraudster, he will say, "Your prayers and money stopped me from dying!"

Just like every other caravan, this one will never arrive here. The tards have already forgotten how their propagandists got them all stirred up just this past April about another caravan. A caravan which never arrived.

And when this one doesn't arrive, the Chief Fraudster will claim, "Your hatred and my armed soldiers stopped us all from dying! Am I a hero, or what?"
This is an emergency, day by day America is being conquered. No wonder a literal invasion has gathered on our doorstep.

How is this crazy law still in the book? No serious nation could allow anything of the sort. Even the republicans haven't paid any attention to the issue fully endorsing the crazy. What a disappointment. Only the man with balls, that is Trump has finally put some attention to the issue after 4D chessing the supreme court for his support. Just tells how completely useless our politicians are.

We need more real men with balls, more people like the God Emperor. Can't go wrong with that message going into the election. Just imagine if we had more people with common sense making the shots. Take back our country!

And you need to stop talking - you are making a fool of yourself.

You Trumpbots are SOOOO predictable. Virtually no one was talking about this - except every now and then - until Trump brought it up.

Now you people are FREAKING out about it.

You Trumpbots are acting like brainless minions....who do and think ANYTHING that Trump asks you to think.

And this is proof positive of that.

You people are SO pathetic.
He's totally unhinged. In other words, your classic trump bootlicker.
This is an emergency, day by day America is being conquered. No wonder a literal invasion has gathered on our doorstep.

How is this crazy law still in the book? No serious nation could allow anything of the sort. Even the republicans haven't paid any attention to the issue fully endorsing the crazy. What a disappointment. Only the man with balls, that is Trump has finally put some attention to the issue after 4D chessing the supreme court for his support. Just tells how completely useless our politicians are.

We need more real men with balls, more people like the God Emperor. Can't go wrong with that message going into the election. Just imagine if we had more people with common sense making the shots. Take back our country!

Yeah, it scares us when an a first born infant has been anointed a United States Citizen. Right away that infant is planning his or her first rape or murder. Just ask Donald Trump. He's prepared to use lethal force if that child dares to throw a rattle at him.
This is an emergency, day by day America is being conquered. No wonder a literal invasion has gathered on our doorstep.

How is this crazy law still in the book? No serious nation could allow anything of the sort. Even the republicans haven't paid any attention to the issue fully endorsing the crazy. What a disappointment. Only the man with balls, that is Trump has finally put some attention to the issue after 4D chessing the supreme court for his support. Just tells how completely useless our politicians are.

We need more real men with balls, more people like the God Emperor. Can't go wrong with that message going into the election. Just imagine if we had more people with common sense making the shots. Take back our country!

And you need to stop talking - you are making a fool of yourself. Seriously.

You Trumpbots are SOOOO predictable. Virtually no one was talking about this - except every now and then - until Trump brought it up.

Now you people are FREAKING out about it.

You Trumpbots are acting like brainless minions....who do and think ANYTHING that Trump asks you to do and think.

And this is proof positive of that.

You people are acting like sheep.

No one has been talking about this?

Might want to search for hits on anchor babies.
This is an emergency, day by day America is being conquered. No wonder a literal invasion has gathered on our doorstep.

How is this crazy law still in the book? No serious nation could allow anything of the sort. Even the republicans haven't paid any attention to the issue fully endorsing the crazy. What a disappointment. Only the man with balls, that is Trump has finally put some attention to the issue after 4D chessing the supreme court for his support. Just tells how completely useless our politicians are.

We need more real men with balls, more people like the God Emperor. Can't go wrong with that message going into the election. Just imagine if we had more people with common sense making the shots. Take back our country!

Yeah, it scares us when an a first born infant has been anointed a United States Citizen. Right away that infant is planning his or her first rape or murder. Just ask Donald Trump. He's prepared to use lethal force if that child dares to throw a rattle at him.

Just by being born on American soil does not make one American. The Chinese are flying their people in just to have babies in America, because for some reason, we have a retarded policy. These babies are supposedly every bit as American as actual American citizens.

You definitely are not an American. You WANT the invasion to cross over the border. Why any Americans should listen to such anti-American nonsense is beyond me.
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Agreed that the US needs to manage immigration more like the rest of the world. No more bogus "asylum" seekers. No more catch & release. No more chain migration. It will be "merit based" immigration going forward.
Yes send melania and her parents back to russia.
This is an emergency, day by day America is being conquered. No wonder a literal invasion has gathered on our doorstep.

How is this crazy law still in the book? No serious nation could allow anything of the sort. Even the republicans haven't paid any attention to the issue fully endorsing the crazy. What a disappointment. Only the man with balls, that is Trump has finally put some attention to the issue after 4D chessing the supreme court for his support. Just tells how completely useless our politicians are.

We need more real men with balls, more people like the God Emperor. Can't go wrong with that message going into the election. Just imagine if we had more people with common sense making the shots. Take back our country!

And you need to stop talking - you are making a fool of yourself.

You Trumpbots are SOOOO predictable. Virtually no one was talking about this - except every now and then - until Trump brought it up.

Now you people are FREAKING out about it.

You Trumpbots are acting like brainless minions....who do and think ANYTHING that Trump asks you to think.

And this is proof positive of that.

You people are SO pathetic.
He's totally unhinged. In other words, your classic trump bootlicker.

This is why I am not as worried about America as many (especially the media) have been since Trump came to power. Because almost all of the recent increase in xenophobic drivel has come from/been instigated by Trump and his minions (blindly following his instructions).
He has NEVER been over 50% in the respected polls...and he clearly (barring a war), probably never will be.
His power will obviously be diminished after the midterms. And he will almost certainly (again, barring a war he starts to save his political butt) be gone by late January 2021.
And when he is gone - his Trumpbots (who are mostly old and uneducated anyway) will no longer be listened to/humoured. And the intense xenophobic rhetoric will surely diminish back to 'normal'.

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I'm going to show you a photo of a creature which absolutely terrifies pseudocons. It causes them to curl up in a ball, shit their pants, and whimper.

It is a creature more terrifying than a Muslim suicide bomber, more horrifying than a transsexual, more disgusting than a negro on food stamps. It is a creature so unbelievably frightening, the pseudocon propagandists had to invent a new term for it.

Brace yourself.






This is how America becomes anti-American... too many anti-Americans... too many retards.

If you asked these guys, they would happily give citizenship to any person born on the planet.
If I'm not mistaken, it does not necessarily take a Constitutional Amendment, but rather Congressional legislation. They could pass a law that says "under the jurisdiction of" in the 14th Amendment does not refer to illegal aliens who have entered the country by illegal means. They could require at least one parent of a child born inside our borders to be a US citizen, which is the way that most developed countries in the world and all of the ones in Europe do it today. They could include exemptions to allow birthright citizenship for children of non-citizens if certain parental-residency requirements are met, or if one of the parents is here legally under our immigration laws. And of course somebody would challenge it in a federal court somewhere and it would go to the SCOTUS eventually, where they would rule on the constitutionality of said law. If they let it stand, then that would be the law of the land, until some other Congress or SCOTUS decides to change it.

It's kinda interesting that the Democrats favored stricter border control in the past, but are now against it for probably no other reason than Trump and the GOP is for it. Harry Reid of all people introduced a bill in the Senate that would legislate to some extent birthright citizenship, but of course the GOP was against it then for no other reason than the Dems wanted it. And so it goes, the fight for power and control in Washington between the parties leaves our best interests as a nation virtually ignored.

As for Trump, yeah sure he can issue some kind of executive action that addresses the question, but sure as shit a federal judge somewhere will slap an injunction against it and it'll go before the SCOTUS anyway. But that way is basically temporary until the next president decides to issue his/her own EA and do it differently. Too bad our Congress doesn't have the balls to do it right, on a more permanent basis.
I'm going to show you a photo of a creature which absolutely terrifies pseudocons. It causes them to curl up in a ball, shit their pants, and whimper.

It is a creature more terrifying than a Muslim suicide bomber, more horrifying than a transsexual, more disgusting than a negro on food stamps. It is a creature so unbelievably frightening, the pseudocon propagandists had to invent a new term for it.

Brace yourself.





This from someone who thinks Trump is Hitler and scares the bejesus out of him. LOL.
I'm going to show you a photo of a creature which absolutely terrifies pseudocons. It causes them to curl up in a ball, shit their pants, and whimper.

It is a creature more terrifying than a Muslim suicide bomber, more horrifying than a transsexual, more disgusting than a negro on food stamps. It is a creature so unbelievably frightening, the pseudocon propagandists had to invent a new term for it.

Brace yourself.





This from someone who thinks Trump is Hitler and scares the bejesus out of him. LOL.

It's probably his own photo, such a cry-baby over Trump and common sense.
This is an emergency, day by day America is being conquered. No wonder a literal invasion has gathered on our doorstep.

How is this crazy law still in the book? No serious nation could allow anything of the sort. Even the republicans haven't paid any attention to the issue fully endorsing the crazy. What a disappointment. Only the man with balls, that is Trump has finally put some attention to the issue after 4D chessing the supreme court for his support. Just tells how completely useless our politicians are.

We need more real men with balls, more people like the God Emperor. Can't go wrong with that message going into the election. Just imagine if we had more people with common sense making the shots. Take back our country!
it's not a law, it's in our Constitution and not so easily changed... 2/3's of the house, 2/3s of the senate and 3/4's of the state legislatures with 2/3rds voting yes on the change is needed to amend the 14th amendment... I believe?

It can be done though, just a tough road.
our constitution does not allow giving birth here also granting citizenship. i read the debates from the times and this was specifically called out as NOT what it was intended to do. we need the SC to rule on it and we go from there.
This is an emergency, day by day America is being conquered. No wonder a literal invasion has gathered on our doorstep.

How is this crazy law still in the book? No serious nation could allow anything of the sort. Even the republicans haven't paid any attention to the issue fully endorsing the crazy. What a disappointment. Only the man with balls, that is Trump has finally put some attention to the issue after 4D chessing the supreme court for his support. Just tells how completely useless our politicians are.

We need more real men with balls, more people like the God Emperor. Can't go wrong with that message going into the election. Just imagine if we had more people with common sense making the shots. Take back our country!

Yeah, it scares us when an a first born infant has been anointed a United States Citizen. Right away that infant is planning his or her first rape or murder. Just ask Donald Trump. He's prepared to use lethal force if that child dares to throw a rattle at him.

Just by being born on American soil does not make one American. The Chinese are flying their people in just to have babies in America, because for some reason, we have a retarded policy. These babies are supposedly every bit as American as actual American citizens.

You definitely are not an American. You WANT the invasion to cross over the border. Why any Americans should listen to such anti-American nonsense is beyond me.

I've read a number of your posts, many things are beyond you.

What makes an American? A flag pin? Someone who stands for the National Anthem and yet denies the First Amendment Right of speech, expression and the right to petition the government for a redress of their grievances?
This is an emergency, day by day America is being conquered. No wonder a literal invasion has gathered on our doorstep.

How is this crazy law still in the book? No serious nation could allow anything of the sort. Even the republicans haven't paid any attention to the issue fully endorsing the crazy. What a disappointment. Only the man with balls, that is Trump has finally put some attention to the issue after 4D chessing the supreme court for his support. Just tells how completely useless our politicians are.

We need more real men with balls, more people like the God Emperor. Can't go wrong with that message going into the election. Just imagine if we had more people with common sense making the shots. Take back our country!
it's not a law, it's in our Constitution and not so easily changed... 2/3's of the house, 2/3s of the senate and 3/4's of the state legislatures with 2/3rds voting yes on the change is needed to amend the 14th amendment... I believe?

It can be done though, just a tough road.
our constitution does not allow giving birth here also granting citizenship. i read the debates from the times and this was specifically called out as NOT what it was intended to do. we need the SC to rule on it and we go from there.

In fact the citizenship of bunch of people were revoked after the fact.

Imagine if we could get rid of all these Anti-Americans.

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