We need the real story of why Trump sold out the Kurds

We need the real story of why Trump sold out the Kurds

We need the real story of why Trump sold out the Kurds - CNN

answer is here. trump sold kurds to his cuckold vova putler so its official trump is a traitor
You want to fight for the Kurds, what's stopping you? Get your rife and go. In our system CONGRESS DECLARES WAR, or we do not send our sons and daughters to die so that you can pat yourself on the back for what a "fine" global citizen you are.

Rand Paul Stands For OUR Son's and Daughters As He Blocks Senate Democrats' Rebuke Of Trump's Syria Pullout

It "may be the best thing that ever happened to the Kurds."

Rand Paul blasted Chicken Hawk Schumer, daring him to come to the floor and ask for A Declaration Of WAR!

Rand Paul dared Chicken Hawk Schumer to state that he is ready AUTHORIZE FORCE!

Rand Paul DARED Chicken Hawk Schumer to declar his intention to stick our troops in the middle of this messy, messy, five-sided civil war where we would be militarily standing against a NATO Ally.

"The Constitution says you don’t declare a war unless Congress votes on it, and who are we going to declare a war against — our ally, Turkey?"

"I think he made the right decision," Paul said, adding "This may be the best thing that ever happened to the Kurds, because they need a protector in Syria willing to stay."

"We had been preventing having them talk to Assad. Now they’ve made an alliance with Assad, and the irony of this is: It may end up being the best thing that ever happened to them."
This has nothing to do with the Kurds.

This is 100% about ZIONISM which is why all those who are furious at the pullout are Zionist Jews.

They want US troops in the Middle East to serve Israel. Period.

Syria was a ridiculous deployment - which side were we on, Assad's or ISIS'? OK, so we start killing ISIS, and NOW WE ARE PERMANENTLY OBLIGATED TO SAVE THE KURDS.....


ISRAEL is the problem. See the whining about the withdrawal for what it is, whining from Zionists who only care about ISRAEL, not the US.

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