We need more females in congress


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
We need more females in congress. Certainly, I didn't lie about the one post I posted a few days ago in the general discussion...Everything isn't perfect, but outside of those disagreements I generally am starting to feel that women are more stable and less likely to be fascist. It is a good thing to want to help your neighbor and all the concepts below are important to civilization to remain strong for years to come.

Not only less likely to be fascist, but:
-Less blood thirsty. If life matters then we need more women in congress to vote down war!
-Less likely to let things burn! Less likely to be anti-government when it comes to our quality of life. Men have a stick up their ass at this moment and seem to want to destroy. Destroy everything even if it turns this nation into a third world shit hole. Women frankly are more logical in general and will vote no on defunding infrastructure, science and education for our children. Men need to wake the fuck up and look aorund at the civilization that they built before going back to the stone age!
-Less greed driven. Lets just say they're more compassionate towards the sick, poor and disabled. We're not civilized if we let these people die on the street.
-Its fair. They're humans too and deserve the seats as much as males do.

I say elect another 30 liberal women for the house and at least 3-4 more for the senate next year.
We need LESS women in politics. In fact we need to remove women from politics completely. They simply were not designed for that type of work.
We need more females in congress. Certainly, I didn't lie about the one post I posted a few days ago in the general discussion...Everything isn't perfect, but outside of those disagreements I generally am starting to feel that women are more stable and less likely to be fascist. It is a good thing to want to help your neighbor and all the concepts below are important to civilization to remain strong for years to come.

Not only less likely to be fascist, but:
-Less blood thirsty. If life matters then we need more women in congress to vote down war!
-Less likely to let things burn! Less likely to be anti-government when it comes to our quality of life. Men have a stick up their ass at this moment and seem to want to destroy. Destroy everything even if it turns this nation into a third world shit hole. Women frankly are more logical in general and will vote no on defunding infrastructure, science and education for our children. Men need to wake the fuck up and look aorund at the civilization that they built before going back to the stone age!
-Less greed driven. Lets just say they're more compassionate towards the sick, poor and disabled. We're not civilized if we let these people die on the street.
-Its fair. They're humans too and deserve the seats as much as males do.

I say elect another 30 liberal women for the house and at least 3-4 more for the senate next year.

Not ones like Diane Black from TN. Wicked to the core in my opinion.
No, we don't because psychopaths come in both genders. It was a woman named Hillary Clinton who was the biggest war-hawk in all of Congress.
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We need more females in congress. Certainly, I didn't lie about the one post I posted a few days ago in the general discussion...Everything isn't perfect, but outside of those disagreements I generally am starting to feel that women are more stable and less likely to be fascist. It is a good thing to want to help your neighbor and all the concepts below are important to civilization to remain strong for years to come.

Not only less likely to be fascist, but:
-Less blood thirsty. If life matters then we need more women in congress to vote down war!
-Less likely to let things burn! Less likely to be anti-government when it comes to our quality of life. Men have a stick up their ass at this moment and seem to want to destroy. Destroy everything even if it turns this nation into a third world shit hole. Women frankly are more logical in general and will vote no on defunding infrastructure, science and education for our children. Men need to wake the fuck up and look aorund at the civilization that they built before going back to the stone age!
-Less greed driven. Lets just say they're more compassionate towards the sick, poor and disabled. We're not civilized if we let these people die on the street.
-Its fair. They're humans too and deserve the seats as much as males do.

I say elect another 30 liberal women for the house and at least 3-4 more for the senate next year.

Not ones like Diane Black from TN. Wicked to the core in my opinion.

We need sane women that want to maintain civilization and are compassionate. That goes for our male candidates too of course as we need to stop electing the rich mans butt kissers.
Yeah we need more like Pelosi, Waters, Feinstein and Pocahontas.

Typical Liberal reasoning the color of someone's skin, gender, religion etc. is more important than experience or character. People like Dr. Martin Luther King would be very disappointed in the regressive thinking some have in this country.

I need more women in my bed too..... Doesn't mean it's going to happen.


Typical Liberal reasoning the color of someone's skin, gender, religion etc. is more important than experience or character. People like Dr. Martin Luther King would be very disappointed in the regressive thinking some have in this country.
You're right, we shouldn't just say "more women" based on a generalization or stereotype about what women are like. You are right again that some women are highly hawkish, divisive, unwilling to compromise, etc. etc.
As a general rule, however, based on my own experience of being a woman and working in a lot of groups of predominantly women over the course of my career, I will offer that women tend to be more likely to look for solutions than focusing on "winning" or "losing." Just a general observation of the majority of women. They say it is how we've been socialized. Whatever.
...I will offer that women tend to be more likely to look for solutions than focusing on "winning" or "losing." Just a general observation of the majority of women..

Which is exactly why women have no place in Leadership positions. Thise positions require the understanding of RIGHT and WRONG along with the Iron Will to never compromise on those Values/Morals. Mist women do not have that understanding or willpower.
We need more females in congress. Certainly, I didn't lie about the one post I posted a few days ago in the general discussion...Everything isn't perfect, but outside of those disagreements I generally am starting to feel that women are more stable and less likely to be fascist. It is a good thing to want to help your neighbor and all the concepts below are important to civilization to remain strong for years to come.

Not only less likely to be fascist, but:
-Less blood thirsty. If life matters then we need more women in congress to vote down war!
-Less likely to let things burn! Less likely to be anti-government when it comes to our quality of life. Men have a stick up their ass at this moment and seem to want to destroy. Destroy everything even if it turns this nation into a third world shit hole. Women frankly are more logical in general and will vote no on defunding infrastructure, science and education for our children. Men need to wake the fuck up and look aorund at the civilization that they built before going back to the stone age!
-Less greed driven. Lets just say they're more compassionate towards the sick, poor and disabled. We're not civilized if we let these people die on the street.
-Its fair. They're humans too and deserve the seats as much as males do.

I say elect another 30 liberal women for the house and at least 3-4 more for the senate next year.
Sure, Wasserma-Schltz, Pelosi and Warren (Squaw-Ka-Hontas) have been so valuable to the country and the Democratic party. :)
I heard this nonsense back in the 60s. They said if we had more women in business, there would be less cronyism, companies would be more fiscally and socially responsible, and if we put women in politics, there would be less corruption, less war, and everything would be more fair and compassionate.

Complete garbage then and it's complete garbage now. We have put women in power everywhere and they are no different than men are.
We need more females in congress. Certainly, I didn't lie about the one post I posted a few days ago in the general discussion...Everything isn't perfect, but outside of those disagreements I generally am starting to feel that women are more stable and less likely to be fascist. It is a good thing to want to help your neighbor and all the concepts below are important to civilization to remain strong for years to come.

Not only less likely to be fascist, but:
-Less blood thirsty. If life matters then we need more women in congress to vote down war!
-Less likely to let things burn! Less likely to be anti-government when it comes to our quality of life. Men have a stick up their ass at this moment and seem to want to destroy. Destroy everything even if it turns this nation into a third world shit hole. Women frankly are more logical in general and will vote no on defunding infrastructure, science and education for our children. Men need to wake the fuck up and look aorund at the civilization that they built before going back to the stone age!
-Less greed driven. Lets just say they're more compassionate towards the sick, poor and disabled. We're not civilized if we let these people die on the street.
-Its fair. They're humans too and deserve the seats as much as males do.

I say elect another 30 liberal women for the house and at least 3-4 more for the senate next year.
Sure, Wasserma-Schltz, Pelosi and Warren (Squaw-Ka-Hontas) have been so valuable to the country and the Democratic party. :)

And you didn't even mention the Hildabeast. Probably THE most corrupt politician in history.
Some women are capable of leadership. Golda Mier, Margaret Thatcher, Indira Ghandi come to mind. We just don't have women of that capability here and now.
Some women are capable of leadership. Golda Mier, Margaret Thatcher, Indira Ghandi come to mind. We just don't have women of that capability here and now.
Some women are capable of leadership. Golda Mier, Margaret Thatcher, Indira Ghandi come to mind. We just don't have women of that capability here and now.
Nikki Haley has real potential. Too bad she's a Republican.

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