We need Crossfire back on TV, a real debate, not just endless talking points and propaganda. (Poll)

Would you like to see a nightly debate between Rs & Ds with real time fact checking?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 3 30.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
I miss Crossfire. It was on CNN every night. Why was it cancelled? Probably CNN preferred propaganda and talking points to an honest debate.

I wouldn't expect CNN to run it again, I hope FNC would put "Crossfire-II" in Tucker's 7 PM slot.

Crossfire is an American nightly current events debate television program that aired on CNN from June 25, 1982 to September 12, 2005 and again from September 9, 2013 to August 6, 2014. The format was designed to present and challenge the opinions of a politically liberal pundit and a conservative pundit.
In 2013, after eight years off the air, a revival of Crossfire launched on September 9. The panelists for the new edition of Crossfire were former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and political commentator S. E. Cupp representing the right with political consultant Stephanie Cutter and advocate Van Jones representing the left. The program was last broadcast in July 2014 and officially cancelled later that year.

1. I'd like to see fact checking to keep the facts straight.
2. The moderators can be debated, for starters here are my recommendations:

Republicans: Chaffetz, Rick Santorum, Chris Christie, Nikki Haley (must have in-depth knowledge of current facts, FNC gals typically don't)

Democrats: Geraldo, Juan Williams, ____________
ah...i don't watch cable news at night. So don't really care. Personally, I think we need more night time baseball games this time of year.
Media debates are just as useless as politicians debates and the debates that we have here at USMB. There is way too much banter and arrogance, and not enough rules and time to fact-check and exercise the reasoning. The debaters never concede that they have lost the debate, they always claim that they won. It is just a silly exercise for stupid viewers.
Media debates are just as useless as politicians debates and the debates that we have here at USMB. There is way too much banter and arrogance, and not enough rules and time to fact-check and exercise the reasoning. The debaters never concede that they have lost the debate, they always claim that they won. It is just a silly exercise for stupid viewers.
1. If the debate is taped there would be time for fact-checking, including "alternate facts".
2. The viewers, partisan as they are will probably agree with their party's advocate.
3. My recommendation is to see a real lively debate instead of unchallenged partisan talking points.
I wish that MOST cable "news" networks would run SEVERAL of these. The challenge would be to feature hosts who are not rigid absolutists, but rather reasonable people who are looking for reasonable solutions where we all have skin in the game, instead of perceived partisan advantage.

Admittedly, I may be wrong, though. Maybe politics isn't about actually improving anything. That sure is how it appears right now.
I miss Crossfire. It was on CNN every night. Why was it cancelled? Probably CNN preferred propaganda and talking points to an honest debate.

I wouldn't expect CNN to run it again, I hope FNC would put "Crossfire-II" in Tucker's 7 PM slot.

Crossfire is an American nightly current events debate television program that aired on CNN from June 25, 1982 to September 12, 2005 and again from September 9, 2013 to August 6, 2014. The format was designed to present and challenge the opinions of a politically liberal pundit and a conservative pundit.
In 2013, after eight years off the air, a revival of Crossfire launched on September 9. The panelists for the new edition of Crossfire were former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and political commentator S. E. Cupp representing the right with political consultant Stephanie Cutter and advocate Van Jones representing the left. The program was last broadcast in July 2014 and officially cancelled later that year.

1. I'd like to see fact checking to keep the facts straight.
2. The moderators can be debated, for starters here are my recommendations:

Republicans: Chaffetz, Rick Santorum, Chris Christie, Nikki Haley (must have in-depth knowledge of current facts, FNC gals typically don't)

Democrats: Geraldo, Juan Williams, ____________

Personally? I think it might be a good thing, but yeah, fact checking all the partisan points that people (on both sides) try to make would be a bit of a task.

BTW...................what "Geraldo" are you speaking of who you think should talk for the Democrats? If it's Geraldo Rivera, you need to change that, as he's a Republican.
I wish that MOST cable "news" networks would run SEVERAL of these. The challenge would be to feature hosts who are not rigid absolutists, but rather reasonable people who are looking for reasonable solutions where we all have skin in the game, instead of perceived partisan advantage.
Admittedly, I may be wrong, though. Maybe politics isn't about actually improving anything. That sure is how it appears right now.
1. As AOC said "Its all about the Benjamins".
2. Look at the big money donors, they all have very rigid demands (strings) for their donations.
3. Billionaires won't want solutions to SS & Medicare that include raising taxes. (...we don't pay taxes, only little people pay taxes)
4. Soros has his agenda items as do the Koch Brothers

If there was a Crossfire on today and they were debating the raising of the Debt Limit you would see democrats defending a "clean raise with no cuts to spending" and the Republicans claiming that the Debt is now at "crisis" level being raised $13T in the last few years. Simply "unsustainable". When Republicans were in the WH Dick Cheney said "deficits don't matter". Now the democrats are shoving Cheney's statement up the Republicans ass.
"Former Vice President Dick Cheney famously said, “Deficits don't matter.” A staunch Republican, he was arguing against raising taxes on the rich; but today, Republicans seem to have forgotten this maxim. They are bent on stripping social programs, privatizing public assets and gutting unions, all in the name of “deficit reduction.”
Personally? I think it might be a good thing, but yeah, fact checking all the partisan points that people (on both sides) try to make would be a bit of a task.
BTW...................what "Geraldo" are you speaking of who you think should talk for the Democrats? If it's Geraldo Rivera, you need to change that, as he's a Republican.
Yes, Geraldo Rivera, he's always pushing democrat policies on "The Five". I can't find what party he is registered as.

There are many democrats who could moderate a lively new Crossfire. I don't think any are on FNC currently. Suggest a few. Don Lemon? The "Ragin Cajun" James Carville?
Yes, Geraldo Rivera, he's always pushing democrat policies on "The Five". I can't find what party he is registered as.

There are many democrats who could moderate a lively new Crossfire. I don't think any are on FNC currently. Suggest a few. Don Lemon? The "Ragin Cajun" James Carville?

You can't find out what party Geraldo is registered as? Simply go to Google and ask "what political party is Geraldo Rivera" and you will find many links that say he's Republican.

Here's a link that states not only is he a Republican, but that he was also considering running as a Republican to take over Sen. Rob Portman's (a Republican) seat when Portman said he wouldn't seek reelection. Granted, because he was very much against Trump, in the minds of many, that automatically makes him a Democrat, but you guys need to actually research stuff before spewing crap.

CLEVELAND, Ohio – Famed conservative radio and television commentator Geraldo Rivera is exploring a run for U.S. Senate in Ohio as a Republican, telling cleveland.com/The Plain Dealer that he thought he could run a campaign outside the normal bounds of politics.

Rivera, 77, has been a staple on television and radio since the 1970s as both a correspondent and conservative political pundit. Rivera, who lives in Shaker Heights, tweeted Wednesday afternoon he was mulling running for Republican Sen. Rob Portman’s seat after Portman announced he would not seek re-election.

And, the link I posted is just barely 2 years old....................
I miss Crossfire. It was on CNN every night. Why was it cancelled? Probably CNN preferred propaganda and talking points to an honest debate.

I wouldn't expect CNN to run it again, I hope FNC would put "Crossfire-II" in Tucker's 7 PM slot.

Crossfire is an American nightly current events debate television program that aired on CNN from June 25, 1982 to September 12, 2005 and again from September 9, 2013 to August 6, 2014. The format was designed to present and challenge the opinions of a politically liberal pundit and a conservative pundit.
In 2013, after eight years off the air, a revival of Crossfire launched on September 9. The panelists for the new edition of Crossfire were former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and political commentator S. E. Cupp representing the right with political consultant Stephanie Cutter and advocate Van Jones representing the left. The program was last broadcast in July 2014 and officially cancelled later that year.

1. I'd like to see fact checking to keep the facts straight.
2. The moderators can be debated, for starters here are my recommendations:

Republicans: Chaffetz, Rick Santorum, Chris Christie, Nikki Haley (must have in-depth knowledge of current facts, FNC gals typically don't)

Democrats: Geraldo, Juan Williams, ____________
It won't work. The GOP has introduced "alternative facts" as a crutch back in 2017. Now all you have to do is drum up an alternative fact and you got standing to make all sorts of kookie claims. As for having it on television? Sure...can't be any worse than what is on already.
You can't find out what party Geraldo is registered as? Simply go to Google and ask "what political party is Geraldo Rivera" and you will find many links that say he's Republican.

Here's a link that states not only is he a Republican, but that he was also considering running as a Republican to take over Sen. Rob Portman's (a Republican) seat when Portman said he wouldn't seek reelection. Granted, because he was very much against Trump, in the minds of many, that automatically makes him a Democrat, but you guys need to actually research stuff before spewing crap.

CLEVELAND, Ohio – Famed conservative radio and television commentator Geraldo Rivera is exploring a run for U.S. Senate in Ohio as a Republican, telling cleveland.com/The Plain Dealer that he thought he could run a campaign outside the normal bounds of politics.

Rivera, 77, has been a staple on television and radio since the 1970s as both a correspondent and conservative political pundit. Rivera, who lives in Shaker Heights, tweeted Wednesday afternoon he was mulling running for Republican Sen. Rob Portman’s seat after Portman announced he would not seek re-election.

And, the link I posted is just barely 2 years old....................
okay, big deal, call Geraldo a Republican. If you watch him on "The Five" he sounds like a democrat.

I asked for a few suggestions of democrats you'd like to see on a new Crossfire. I suggested Don Lemon (currently available) or The "Ragin Cajun" James Carville.

Got any real democrats to offer up?
I miss Crossfire. It was on CNN every night. Why was it cancelled? Probably CNN preferred propaganda and talking points to an honest debate.

I wouldn't expect CNN to run it again, I hope FNC would put "Crossfire-II" in Tucker's 7 PM slot.

Crossfire is an American nightly current events debate television program that aired on CNN from June 25, 1982 to September 12, 2005 and again from September 9, 2013 to August 6, 2014. The format was designed to present and challenge the opinions of a politically liberal pundit and a conservative pundit.
In 2013, after eight years off the air, a revival of Crossfire launched on September 9. The panelists for the new edition of Crossfire were former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and political commentator S. E. Cupp representing the right with political consultant Stephanie Cutter and advocate Van Jones representing the left. The program was last broadcast in July 2014 and officially cancelled later that year.

1. I'd like to see fact checking to keep the facts straight.
2. The moderators can be debated, for starters here are my recommendations:

Republicans: Chaffetz, Rick Santorum, Chris Christie, Nikki Haley (must have in-depth knowledge of current facts, FNC gals typically don't)

Democrats: Geraldo, Juan Williams, ____________
it will never happen,,

the dems have made it clear they have gone off the rails and have no intention of debate the issues further,,
its a do as we say or die,,,
It won't work. The GOP has introduced "alternative facts" as a crutch back in 2017. Now all you have to do is drum up an alternative fact and you got standing to make all sorts of kookie claims. As for having it on television? Sure...can't be any worse than what is on already.
I also said that the show would be "fact-checked" before airing. The Kellyanne Conway's claim about the crowd size at Trump's inauguration would be fact checked. No "alternative facts" that were not confirmed would be allowed. IMHO alternative facts were needed to combat the many "fake news" articles aimed at Trump.

it will never happen,,
the dems have made it clear they have gone off the rails and have no intention of debate the issues further,,
its a do as we say or die,,,
True, but I bet that Don Lemon or some currently unemployed democrat talking head would give the DNC the finger for a new well paying gig.
I miss Crossfire. It was on CNN every night. Why was it cancelled? Probably CNN preferred propaganda and talking points to an honest debate.

I wouldn't expect CNN to run it again, I hope FNC would put "Crossfire-II" in Tucker's 7 PM slot.

Crossfire is an American nightly current events debate television program that aired on CNN from June 25, 1982 to September 12, 2005 and again from September 9, 2013 to August 6, 2014. The format was designed to present and challenge the opinions of a politically liberal pundit and a conservative pundit.
In 2013, after eight years off the air, a revival of Crossfire launched on September 9. The panelists for the new edition of Crossfire were former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and political commentator S. E. Cupp representing the right with political consultant Stephanie Cutter and advocate Van Jones representing the left. The program was last broadcast in July 2014 and officially cancelled later that year.

1. I'd like to see fact checking to keep the facts straight.
2. The moderators can be debated, for starters here are my recommendations:

Republicans: Chaffetz, Rick Santorum, Chris Christie, Nikki Haley (must have in-depth knowledge of current facts, FNC gals typically don't)

Democrats: Geraldo, Juan Williams, ____________
Dude, great ideas - create your own!

Media has been democratized.

If you don't see the angles you want, organize an online podcast or get with Pacific Public Radio and start your own show

If it's hitting the missing target demand, people will follow you and start something...
Dude, great ideas - create your own!
Media has been democratized.
If you don't see the angles you want, organize an online podcast or get with Pacific Public Radio and start your own show
If it's hitting the missing target demand, people will follow you and start something...
I hereby give you ownership rights to the new Crossfire idea.
I'm old and don't have the skill sets needed to make a podcast.
Good Luck!!

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